ISO/IEC TS 33062:2025
(Main)Information technology — Process assessment — Process assessment model for quantitative processes to support higher levels of process capability in ISO/IEC 33020
Information technology — Process assessment — Process assessment model for quantitative processes to support higher levels of process capability in ISO/IEC 33020
This document defines a process assessment model for quantitative processes, conforming to the requirements of ISO/IEC 33004, for use in performing a process assessment in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 33002.
Technologies de l'information — Évaluation du processus — Modèle d'évaluation du processus pour les processus quantitatifs pour prendre en charge des niveaux plus élevés de capacité du processus dans l'ISO/IEC 33020
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ISO/IEC TS 33062
First edition
Information technology — Process
assessment — Process assessment
model for quantitative processes
to support higher levels of process
capability in ISO/IEC 33020
Technologies de l'information — Évaluation du processus —
Modèle d'évaluation du processus pour les processus quantitatifs
pour prendre en charge des niveaux plus élevés de capacité du
processus dans l'ISO/IEC 33020
Reference number
© ISO/IEC 2025
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 The process assessment model . 1
4.1 General .1
4.2 Structure of the process assessment model .2
4.2.1 General .2
4.2.2 Processes .2
4.2.3 Process dimension .3
4.2.4 Quality dimension .3
4.3 Assessment indicators .3
5 The process dimension . 4
5.1 General .4
5.2 Quantitative processes (QNT) .5
6 The quality dimension . 8
Annex A (informative) Information item description . 9
Bibliography .18
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The standards on process assessment developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 define the requirements and
resources needed for process assessment. The overall architecture and content of standards on process
assessment developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 is described in ISO/IEC 33001. Several standards on process
assessment developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 are intended to replace and extend parts of the ISO/IEC 15504
series. Abstracts and previews of on process assessment developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 can be found on
the ISO and IEC websites.
A process assessment model is related to one or more process reference models. The process reference
model for quantitative processes is used as the basis for the process assessment model in this document.
A process assessment model incorporates a process measurement framework conforming to the
requirements of ISO/IEC 33003 and is expressed as a process quality characteristic with a defined set of
process attributes.
A process assessment model includes a set of assessment indicators. Process performance indicators
address the process purpose and outcomes of each process in the process assessment model. Process
quality indicators demonstrate the achievement of the process attributes in the process measurement
framework. These indicators may also provide a reference source of practices when implementing a process
improvement program.
The assessment indicators are used as a basis for collecting objective evidence to support an assessor’s
judgement in assigning ratings of the performance and quality of an implemented process. The set of
indicators defined in this document are not intended to be an all-inclusive set and applicable in its entirety.
Subsets appropriate to the context and scope of the assessment should be selected and potentially augmented
with additional indicators.
A process assessment is conducted according to a documented assessment process. A documented
assessment process identifies the rating method to be used in rating process attributes and identifies or
defines the aggregation method to be used in determining ratings.
© ISO/IEC 2025 – All rights reserved
Technical Specification ISO/IEC TS 33062:2025(en)
Information technology — Process assessment — Process
assessment model for quantitative processes to support
higher levels of process capability in ISO/IEC 33020
1 Scope
This document defines a process assessment model for quantitative processes, conforming to the
requirements of ISO/IEC 33004, for use in performing a process assessment in accordance with the
requirements of ISO/IEC 33002.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 33001, Information technology — Process assessment — Concepts and terminology
ISO/IEC 33004:2015, Information technology — Process assessment — Requirements for process reference,
process assessment and maturity models
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 33001 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
4 The process assessment model
4.1 General
This document provides a basis for a process assessment model that is two-dimensional. In one dimension,
the process dimension, the processes are defined and classified into process groups together with the set
of assessment indicators of process performance. In the other dimension, the quality dimension, for each
process attribute in the process measurement framework a set of process quality indicators is defined for
the selected process quality characteristic.
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Figure 1 — Structure of the process assessment model
Figure 1 shows the process assessment model as a two-dimensional model, the process dimension with its
relationship to quantitative processes, and the quality dimension in relationship to a process measurement
Users of this document may freely reproduce the detailed descriptions contained in the assessment model as
part of any tool or other material to support the performance of process assessments, so that it can be used
for its intended purpose.
4.2 Structure of the process assessment model
4.2.1 General
This subclause describes the detailed structure of the process assessment model and its key components.
The process dimension comprises the set of processes defined with process purpose and process outcomes
together with a set of assessment indicators of process performance.
Processes included in a process reference model shall be in accordance with ISO/IEC 33004:2015, 5.4.
The processes in this document meet the ISO/IEC 33004 requirements for process descriptions, process
purposes and outcomes.
The quality dimension comprising a set of process attributes for a selected process quality characteristic is
incorporated as a process measurement framework together with a set of process quality indicators.
NOTE ISO/IEC 33020 provides a process measurement framework for the assessment of process capability which
can be incorporated into this document. ISO/IEC 33020 also includes a set of process quality indicators for each
process attribute in the process measurement framework.
4.2.2 Processes
Figure 2 lists the processes that are included in the process dimension of the process assessment model and
shows their classification into a process group.
The process group and its associated processes are described in Clause 5. The description of each process
group includes a characterization of the processes it contains. In this process assessment model, each
process belonging to a group is identified with a process identifier [ID] consisting of the group abbreviated
name and the sequential number of the process in that group.
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Figure 2 — Process groups
4.2.3 Process dimension
Each process is described in terms of a purpose statement. These statements contain the unique functional
objectives of t
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