Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Wireless Terminal Location Registration supplementary service and Wireless Terminal Information exchange additional network feature

ISO/IEC 15429:2003 specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the Wireless Terminal Location Registration supplementary service (SS-WTLR) and the Wireless Terminal Information exchange additional network feature (ANF-WTINFO) at the Q reference point between Private Integrated services Network eXchanges (PINXs) connected together within a Private Integrated Services Network (PISN). SS-WTLR is a supplementary service which enables a WTM user to register at, or deregister from, the current location within the PISN. The ability to register at different locations in the PISN at different times enables the WTM user to maintain the provided services (including the ability to make and receive calls) at different access points. Deregistration is used to inform the PISN that the WTM user is temporarily unable to make use of the provided services (including the receipt of calls). ANF-WTINFO is an additional network feature which enables transfer of restriction information between Home PINX and Visitor PINX. ANF-WTINFO also enables the Visitor PINX or Home PINX to initiate a check of the current location information. The Q reference point is defined in ISO/IEC 11579-1. Supplementary Service specifications and Additional Network Feature specifications are produced in three stages and according to the method specified in ITU-T Rec. I.130. This International Standard contains the stage 3 specification for the Q reference point and satisfies the requirements identified by the stage 1 and stage 2 specifications in ISO/IEC 15428. The signalling protocol for SS-WTLR and ANF-WTINFO uses certain aspects of the generic procedures for the control of supplementary services specified in ISO/IEC 11582. ISO/IEC 15429:2003 also specifies additional signalling protocol requirements for the support of interactions at the Q reference point between SS-WTLR and other supplementary services and ANFs. ISO/IEC 15429:2003 is applicable to PINXs which can interconnect to form a PISN.

Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange d'information entre systèmes — Réseau privé à intégration de services — Protocole de signalement d'interéchange — Service supplémentaire d'enregistrement de localisation de terminal sans fil et caractéristiques de réseau additionnelles pour l'échange d'information de terminal sans fil

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ISO/IEC 15429:2003 - Information technology -- Telecommunications and information exchange between systems -- Private Integrated Services Network -- Inter-exchange signalling protocol -- Wireless Terminal Location Registration supplementary service and Wireless Terminal Information exchange additional network feature
English language
45 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Second edition

Information technology —
Telecommunications and information
exchange between systems —
Private Integrated Services Network —
Inter-exchange signalling protocol —
Wireless Terminal Location Registration
supplementary service and Wireless
Terminal Information exchange additional
network feature
Technologies de l'information — Télécommunications et échange
d'information entre systèmes — Réseau privé à intégration de
services — Protocole de signalement d'interéchange — Service
supplémentaire d'enregistrement de localisation de terminal sans fil et
caractéristiques de réseau additionnelles pour l'échange d'information
de terminal sans fil

Reference number
ISO/IEC 15429:2003(E)
ISO/IEC 2003

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ISO/IEC 15429:2003(E)
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ISO/IEC 15429:2003(E)

Foreword vi
Introduction vii
1 Scope 1
2 Conformance 1
3 Normative references 1
4 Terms and definitions 2
4.1 External definitions 2
4.2 Other definitions 3
4.2.1 WTM user 3
5 Symbols and abbreviated terms 3
6 Signalling protocol for the support of SS-WTLR 3
6.1 SS-WTLR description 3
6.2 SS-WTLR operational requirements 3
6.2.1 Requirements on the Visitor PINX 3
6.2.2 Requirements on the Home PINX 3
6.2.3 Requirements on a Transit PINX 3
6.2.4 Requirements on the Directory PINX 4
6.3 SS-WTLR coding requirements 4
6.3.1 Operations 4
6.3.2 Information elements 7
6.3.3 Messages 7
6.4 SS-WTLR state definitions 7
6.4.1 States at the Visitor PINX 7
6.4.2 States at the Home PINX 7
6.4.3 States at the Directory PINX 7
6.5 SS-WTLR Signalling procedures for location registration 7
6.5.1 Actions at the Visitor PINX for location registration 7
6.5.2 Additional actions at the Visitor PINX for enquiry to the previous Visitor PINX 8
6.5.3 Additional actions at the Visitor PINX for enquiry to a Directory PINX 9
6.5.4 Actions at the Home PINX for location registration 9
6.5.5 Actions at a Transit PINX for location registration 10
6.5.6 Actions at the previous Visitor PINX for location registration 10
6.5.7 Additional actions at the previous Visitor PINX for enquiry from the Visitor PINX 10
6.5.8 Actions at the Directory PINX for enquiry from the Visitor PINX 10
6.6 SS-WTLR signalling procedures for location deregistration 11
6.6.1 Actions at the Visitor PINX for location deregistration 11
6.6.2 Actions at the Home PINX for location deregistration 11
6.6.3 Actions at a Transit PINX for location deregistration 12
6.7 SS-WTLR Impact of interworking with public ISDNs 12
6.8 SS-WTLR Impact of interworking with non-ISDNs 12
6.9 Protocol interactions between SS-WTLR and other supplementary services and ANFs 12
© ISO/IEC 2003 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO/IEC 15429:2003(E)
6.9.1 Interaction with Calling Name Identification Presentation (SS-CNIP) 12
6.9.2 Interaction with Connected Name Identification Presentation (SS-CONP) 12
6.9.3 Interaction with Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber (SS-CCBS) 12
6.9.4 Interaction with Completion of Calls on No Reply (SS-CCNR) 12
6.9.5 Interaction with Call Transfer (SS-CT) 12
6.9.6 Interaction with Call Forwarding Unconditional (SS-CFU) 12
6.9.7 Interaction with Call Forwarding Busy (SS-CFB) 12
6.9.8 Interaction with Call Forwarding No Reply (SS-CFNR) 12
6.9.9 Interaction with Call Deflection (SS-CD) 12

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