ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd 1:2025
(Amendment)Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 14: DNA data — Amendment 1: Conformance requirements
Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 14: DNA data — Amendment 1: Conformance requirements
Technologies de l'information — Formats d'échange de données biométriques — Partie 14: Données ADN — Amendement 1: Exigences de conformité
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/IEC 19794-14
Second edition
Information technology —
Biometric data interchange
formats —
Part 14:
DNA data
AMENDMENT 1: Conformance
Technologies de l'information — Formats d'échange de données
biométriques —
Partie 14: Données ADN
AMENDEMENT 1: Exigences de conformité
Reference number
ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd. 1:2025(en) © ISO/IEC 2025
ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd. 1:2025(en)
© ISO/IEC 2025
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ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd. 1:2025(en)
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© ISO/IEC 2025 – All rights reserved
ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd. 1:2025(en)
Information technology — Biometric data interchange
formats —
Part 14:
DNA data
AMENDMENT 1: Conformance requirements
Clause B.1
Add the following paragraph at the end of the clause:
The Biometric Conformance Test Software (BioCTS) is a freeware developed by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) to perform conformance tests for various parts of the ISO/IEC 19794
series. One of the supported International Standards is ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022. The software is available
for download at https:// www .nist .gov/ itl/ csd/ biometrics -resource -center/ biometric -conformance -test
-software -biocts/ biocts -isoiec.
Add the following text at the end of subclause B.2.2:
Within Table B.1, a differentiation between requirements and other provisions is indicated through the use
of the prefixes "R-x" (requirements) and "P-x" (other provisions). Requirements are mandatory provisions,
which are critical for ensuring compliance and are non-negotiable. Other provisions offer options or
permissions rather than mandates, giving users discretion in certain situations.
Table B.1
Replace the table with the following:
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ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd. 1:2025(en)
© ISO/IEC 2025 – All rights reserved
Table B.1 — Summary of Level 1 and Level 2 requirements and options
Requirement/ Subclause Requirement/Provision summary Level Status IUT sup- Supported Test
Provision ID reference port range result
R-1 6.1 XML documents encoding DNA data shall validate against the XML sche- 1 M
ma definition in Clause A.1.
P-2 6.3.1 A DNA data XML document (DnaData field) may contain a list of rep- 1 O
resentations (Representations field).
P-3 6.3.1 A DNA data XML document (DnaData field) may contain a list of pedi- 1 O
grees (Pedigrees field).
R-4 In an XML document following this document, the version field shall con- 2 M
tain major version 4 and minor revision 0.
R-5 When communication direction is “Response”, the transaction field shall 2 M
contain a TransactionProcessingStatus field.
R-6 When communication direction is “Response”, the transaction field shall 2 M
contain a TransactionProcessingMessage field.
R-7 When communication direction is “Response”, the transaction field shall 2 M
contain a RespondingToRequestId field.
P-8 A sending party of the DNA data XML document (SendingParty field) may 1 O
contain an OrganizationCode field.
P-9 A sending party of the DNA data XML document (SendingParty field) may 1 O
contain an OrganizationPOCName field.
P-10 A category of the sending or receiving party (PartyCategory field) may 1 O
contain a UnitCategory field.
P-11 A category of the sending or receiving party (PartyCategory field) may 1 O
contain a UnitLocation field.
P-12 A receiving party of the DNA data XML document (ReceivingParty field) 1 O
may contain an OrganizationCode field.
P-13 A receiving party of the DNA data XML document (ReceivingParty field) 1 O
may contain an OrganizationPOCName field.
R-14 When the communication direction is “Request”, the representation shall 2 M
contain a Request field.
R-15 When the communication direction is “Response”, the representation 2 M
shall contain a Response field.
P-16 A DNA data representation (Representation field) may contain a CaseUr- 1 O
gencyIndicator field.
P-17 A DNA data representation (Representation field) may contain a Supple- 1 O
mentaryMessage field.
ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd. 1:2025(en)
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Table B.1 (continued)
Requirement/ Subclause Requirement/Provision summary Level Status IUT sup- Supported Test
Provision ID reference port range result
R-18 If RequestCategory is “Other”, then Description shall exist, cannot be null 2 M
or zero-length string, and shall contain text since details shall be includ-
ed in the Description field.
P-19 A DNA request (Request field) may contain a UserDefined field. 1 O
P-20 A DNA request (Request field) may contain a Description field. 1 O
P-21 A user defined request (UserDefined field) may contain a TypeCode field. 1 O
R-22 If ResponseCategory is “Other”, then Description shall exist, cannot be 2 M
null or zero-length string, and shall contain text since details shall be
included in the Description field.
R-23 If ResponseCategory is “MatchCandidate”, the Response field shall con- 2 M
tain a RespondingToProfileId field.
R-24 If the response contains a pedigree, the Pedigrees/ Pedigree/ Response 2 M
field shall contain a RespondingToPedigreeId field. Although the XSD
technically permits RespondingToPedigreeId to appear under DnaData/
Representations/ Representation, this requirement is intended to ensure
that the RespondingToPedigreeId is specifically included in the pedigree
response, rather than in the Representation.
P-25 A DNA response (Response field) may contain a UserDefined field. 1 O
P-26 A DNA response (Response field) may contain a MatchQuality field. 1 O
P-27 A DNA response (Response field) may contain a Description field. 1 O
P-28 A DNA profile identification block (DnaProfileIdBlock field) may contain 1 O
a CountryCode field.
P-29 A DNA profile identification block (DnaProfileIdBlock field) may contain 1 O
a FederalStateCode field.
P-30 A DNA profile identification block (DnaProfileIdBlock field) may contain 1 O
an OrganizationCode field.
R-31 If RepresentationCategory is “Other”, then SupplementaryMessage shall 2 M
exist, cannot be null or zero-length string, and shall contain text since
details shall be included in the SupplementaryMessage field.
P-32 The donor of a DNA data representation (RepresentationDonor field) may 1 O
contain a DonorVitalStatus field.
P-33 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a DateAndTimeOfA- 1 O
nalysis field.
P-34 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a BatchId field. 1 O
P-35 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a KitId field. 1 O
ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd. 1:2025(en)
© ISO/IEC 2025 – All rights reserved
Table B.1 (continued)
Requirement/ Subclause Requirement/Provision summary Level Status IUT sup- Supported Test
Provision ID reference port range result
P-36 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain an ErrorMessage 1 O
P-37 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a DnaDataComment 1 O
P-38 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a SampleCollection- 1 O
Date field.
P-39 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a SampleCellKind 1 O
P-40 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a SampleCollection- 1 O
Method field.
P-41 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a SampleCollection- 1 O
Party field.
P-42 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a SampleCollection- 1 O
Location field.
P-43 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a SampleCollec- 1 O
tionGeoLocation field.
P-44 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a DnaExpertSystem 1 O
P-45 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a DnaAnalysisParty 1 O
P-46 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a ProfilePartialIndi- 1 O
cator field.
P-47 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain an InstrumentManu- 1 O
facturer field.
P-48 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain an InstrumentSeri- 1 O
alId field.
P-49 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain an InstrumentSoft- 1 O
wareVersion field.
P-50 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain an InstrumentModel 1 O
P-51 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a LowTemplateD- 1 O
naIndicator field.
R-52 When DNA typing technology is “STR”, the DNA data block shall contain a 2 M
LociInformation field.
ISO/IEC 19794-14:2022/Amd. 1:2025(en)
© ISO/IEC 2025 – All rights reserved
Table B.1 (continued)
Requirement/ Subclause Requirement/Provision summary Level Status IUT sup- Supported Test
Provision ID reference port range result
R-53 When DNA typing technology is “mtDNA”, the DNA data block shall con- 2 M
tain a MitoFragments field.
P-54 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a DnaFsaList field. 1 O
P-55 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain an Electrophero- 1 O
gram field.
P-56 A DNA data block (DnaDataBlock field) may contain a VendorSpecificDa- 1 O
taType field.
R-58 If DnaTypingTechnology is “Other”, then DnaDataComment shall exist, 2 M
cannot be null or zero-length string, and shall contain text since details
shall be included in the DnaDataComment field.
P-59 The party responsible for a DNA data analysis (DnaAnalysisParty field) 1 O
may contain an OrganizationCode field.
P-60 The party responsible for a DNA data analysis (DnaAnalysisParty field) 1 O
may contain an OrganizationPOCName field.
R-61 If LabCertificationValue is “Other”, then DnaDataComment shall exist, 2 M
cannot be null or zero-length string, and shall contain text since details
shall be included in the DnaDataComment field.
R-62 If ScopeOfAccreditation is “Other”, then DnaDataComment shall exist, 2 M
cannot be null or zero-length string, and shall contain text since details
shall be included in the DnaDataComment field.
R-63 If SampleCellKind is “Other”, then DnaDataComment shall exist, cannot 2 M
be null or zero-length string, and shall contain text since details shall be
included in the DnaDataComment field.
P-64 The party responsible for the sample’s collection (SampleCollectionParty 1 O
field) may contain an OrganizationCode field.
P-65 The party responsible for the sample’s collection (SampleCollectionParty 1 O
field) may contain an OrganizationPOCName field.
R-66 If InstrumentManufacturer is “Other”, then DnaDataComment shall exist, 2 M
cannot be null or zero-length string, and shall contain text since details
shall be included in the DnaDataComment field.
R-67 If InstrumentModel is “Other”, then DnaDataComment shall exist, cannot 2 M
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