ISO 14486:2012
(Main)Laminate floor coverings — Specification
Laminate floor coverings — Specification
ISO 14486:2012 specifies the characteristics of laminate floor coverings, supplied in either tile or plank form. To encourage the consumer to make an informed choice, the standard includes a classification system (see ISO 10874) based on intensity of use, which shows where these floor coverings should give satisfactory service. It also specifies requirements for marking.
Revêtements de sol stratifiés — Spécifications
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Laminate floor coverings — Specification
Revêtements de sol stratifiés — Spécifications
Reference number
ISO 2012
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ii © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved
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The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
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ISO 14486 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 219, Floor coverings.
Laminate floor coverings — Specification
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of laminate floor coverings, supplied in either tile or
plank form. To encourage the consumer to make an informed choice, the standard includes a classification
system (see ISO 10874) based on intensity of use, which shows where these floor coverings should give
satisfactory service. It also specifies requirements for marking.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.
ISO 105-A02, Textiles — Tests for colour fastness — Part A02: Grey scale for assessing change in colour
ISO 16981, Wood-based panels — Determination of surface soundness
ISO 10874:2009, Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings — Classification
ISO 4892-2:2009, Plastics — Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources — Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps
(as amended by ISO 4892-2:2006/Amd.1:2009)
ISO 4918, Resilient, textile and laminate floor coverings — Castor chair test
ISO 24334, Laminate floor coverings — Determination of locking strength for mechanically assembled panels
ISO 24335, Laminate floor coverings — Determination of impact resistance
ISO 24336, Laminate floor coverings — Determination of thickness swelling after partial immersion in water
ISO 24337, Laminate floor coverings — Determination of geometrical characteristics
ISO 24338, Laminate floor coverings — Determination of abrasion resistance
ISO 24339, Laminate and textile floor coverings — Determination of dimensional variations after exposure to
humid and dry climate conditions
ISO 24343-1, Resilient and laminate floor coverings — Determination of indentation and residual indentation —
Part 1: Residual indentation
ANSI LF-01, Laminate flooring — Specifications and test methods
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
laminate floor covering
rigid floor covering, typically in a plank or tile format, having a multiple layer product structure, e.g. backer,
substrate, décor and overlay
NOTE 1 The planks/tiles have worked edges that allow the product to be joined together to form a larger integral unit.
The product may vary in surface texture and gloss level.
NOTE 2 Laminate floor covering does not include products having a resilient, stone, textile, wood, leather or metal top
surfacing material(s).
top layer of a laminate floor covering, which provides wear resistance and protection
NOTE The overlay consists of aminoplastic, thermosetting resins (usually melamine) or other resins (usually acrylic)
that provide wear resistance.
layer of a laminate floor covering that provides the visual aesthetic properties
core layer of a laminate floor covering, which provides thickness, stability and other properties needed
NOTE The substrate generally consists of HDF/MDF (high density fibreboard / medium density fibreboard) material.
layer of a laminate floor covering that provides balance
material used between the laminate floor covering and the subfloor (e.g. foam padding)
NOTE Some laminate floor covering products have the underlayment integrated into or attached directly to the product.
2 © ISO 2012 – All rights reserved
4 Requirements - general and classification
4.1 General requirements
Floor coverings described in this International Standard shall conform to the appropriate general requirements
specified in Table 1 when tested in accordance with the methods given therein.
Table 1 — ISO specifications for laminate floor coverings - general requirements
Property or
Test method Requirement
ISO 24337 Geometrical characteristics
Dt ≤ 0,50 mm, relative to nominal value
Thickness, t
t − t ≤ 0,50 mm
max min
For the nominal values given, no measured value shall exceed:
Length, l
l ≤ 1 500 mm: Dl ≤ 0,5 mm; l > 1 500 mm: Dl ≤ 0,3 mm/m
Dw ≤ 0,10 mm, relative to nominal value
Width, w
w − w ≤ 0,20 mm
max min
Dl ≤ 0,10 mm relative to nominal value
Length and width of
Dw ≤ 0,10 mm, relative to nominal value
squared elements,
l − l ≤ 0,20 mm
max min
l = w
w − w ≤ 0,20 mm
max min
Squareness, q q ≤ 0,20 mm
Straightness, s s ≤ 0,30 mm/m
Maximum single values:
Flatness, f f ≤ 0,15 % f ≤ 0,20 %
w,concave w,convex
f ≤ 0,50 % f ≤ 1,00 %
l,concave l,convex
Openings measured from the surface between vertical contacting edges:
Openings , o o ≤ 0,15 mm
o ≤ 0,20 mm
h ≤ 0,10 mm
Height difference, h
h ≤ 0,15 mm
ISO 24343-1 Residual indentation After 150 min, residual indentation must be ≤ 0,05 mm.
ISO 4892-2:
Light resistance
No more than slight change according to ANSI LF-01, or
(100 ± 0,5) h exposure
≥ Grade 4 per grey scale according to ISO 105-A02
Method B
Total radiance level
NOTE Allow sample (24 ± 1) h recovery time without light exposure at 23 °C and
Cycle 5 or
50 % relative humidity before taking final measurement.
(396 ± 2) kJ/m
Cycle 6
Openings between
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