Aerospace — Fasteners — Tolerances of form and position for nuts

Aéronautique et espace — Éléments de fixation — Tolérances de forme et de position des écrous

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ISO 8788:1987
English language
12 pages
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First edition
Premiere Edition
llepeoe i43flawe
Aerospace - Fasteners - Tolerantes of form
and Position for nuts
Ahonautique et espace - Elements de fixation -
Tolkances de forme et de Position des kraus
ABuaicocnwirecic~e K~HCTPYKL~~~H - Kpenemw ble AeTanH -
fionyc~~ Ha Cpopmy H pacnono>Ketwe nosepxHocTei4 raeK
Reference number
Numero de refhence
HoMep CCblJlKM
ISO 8788 : 1987 (E/F/R

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
‘Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is nor-
mally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject
for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that
committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. They
are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member
bodies voting .
International Standard ISO 8788 was prepared Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and
space vehicles.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that
any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition, unless
otherwise stated.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est. une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes inter-
nationales est normalement confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre
interesse par une etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cr& a cet effet. Les organi-
sations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO partici-
pent egalement aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par Ie
Conseil de I’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees conformement aux procedures de
I’ISO qui requierent I’approbation de 75 % au moins des comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale ISO 8788 a et6 ela boree par Ie comite technique ISO/TC 20, Akronauti-
gue et espace.
L’attention des utilisateurs est attiree sur Ie fait que toutes les Normes internationales sont de
temps en temps soumises a revision et que toute reference faite a une autre Norme internationale
dans Ie present document implique qu’il s’agit, sauf indication contraire, de Ia derniere Edition.
MC0 (MeXAytiapofltiafr Opratitisaur4fl no CraHfiapTM3aur44) ar3nfiercfl scervrMpri0171 @eAepauMefi
Ha4MOHaflbHblX OpraHl43a~klfi fl0 CTaH~apTM3a~MM (KOMMTeTOB-WeHOB MCO). Pa3pa6OTKa Mem
TeT-WeH, 3aPlHTepeCOBaHHbl@l B #eflTeflbHOCTM, flflfl KOTOpOti 6bln CO3flaH TeXHM’-leCKMti KOMMTeT,
MMeeT npaB0 6blTb flpeACTaBneHHblM B 3TOM KOMMTeTe. Me>KflyHapOJJHble npaBklTeflbCTBeHHble
M HenpaBPlTenbCTBeHHble OpraHM3a~Ml4, PlMelO~kle CBR3M C MCO, TaKXe llpMHMMalOT yraCTkle B
KOMMTeTaM-qfleHaM Ha O&p6peHMe AO MX yTBepXfleHMR COBeTOM MC0 B KaqeCTBe MemflyHapofi-
HblX CTaHflapTOB. OHM 0~06pfllOTCR B COOTBeTCTBMM C npOqe)IjypOti MCO, Tpe6ytorqeti OAO6petiMR
ll0 MeHbUleii Mepe 75 % KOMMTeTOB-WeHOB, llpMHMMalO~MX yqaCTl4e B rOJlOCOBaHi’lL’l.
pa3pa6oTaH TexHM qeCKMM KOMItlTeTOM WO/?-K
MeXAyHapOAHbl GI CTaHflapT MC0 8788 6bln 20,
ABlJal&lOHHble U Kocnuwecwe annapambr.
f-ipM MCllOnb30BaHl4M MeX~yHapO~HblX CTaHflapTOB HeO6xO~MMO IlpMHMMaTb BO BHMMaHMe, L1TO
BCe MeXp(yHapOnHble CTaHJJapTbl llO/JBepratOTCfl BpeMfI OT BpeMeHM llepeCMOTpy M, n03TOMy, nlO-
6aR CCblnKa Ha KaKOi+nVI60 MeX~yHapO~HbIfi CTaHF(apT B HaCTOfIiqeM AOKyMeHTe, KpOMe CnyqaeB,
yKa3aHHblx 0~060, npeGnonaraeT er0 nocneflHee MsAaHue.
0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1987 l
0 Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1987 l
0 MexAyHapoAHafi Opratw3aqb4n no Ctat+~apwsaqb4bf, 1987 l
Printed in Switterland/ Imprimb en Suisse/MqqaHo B l.lJeetiqapMM

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
ISO 8788 : 1987 (E/F/R)
MC0 8788 : 1987 (A/@/P)
Aerospace -
Fasteners - et espace - El6ments
de fixation - KpenexH bie AeTam -
Tolerantes of form
~OilyCKll Ha C#JOplVly
Tolhances de forme et
and Position for nuts
H pacnonoxeHi4e
de Position des 6crous
flOBepXHOCTeih raeK
Objet et domaine 06%eKr H o6nacTb
1 Scope and field
d’application npwuleHeH~~
of application
La presente Norme internationale fixe les
HacTORqMLii MexAYHapO~Hblfi CTaHAapT
This International Standard defines the
tolerantes de forme et de Position appli- YCTaHaBWlBaeT AOllyCKM Ha C#lOpM)’ M paC-
tolerantes of form and Position of
cables aux ecrous metriques destines nonoxeHMe noBepxHocTefi MeTpwecKMx
metric nuts meant for aerospace con-
aux constructions aerospatiales. Ces tole- raeK, npmeHflehhblx B aBt4aKocMwecKMx
struction. These tolerantes conform to
rances sont exprimees conformement 3 KOHCTpYK~MRX. 3TM ~Oll)GKVl COOTBeT-
ISO 1101, ISO 2692 and ISO 5459.
I’ISO 1101, a I’ISO 2692 et a I’ISO 5459. CTBytOT MC0 1101, L/1co 2692 M MC0 54%.
2 References Refhences CCblJlKM
ISO 1101, Technical drawings -
ISO 1101, Dessins techniques - Toleran- MC0 1101, Texwuectwe Yepmexu - Tea-
Geometrical tolerancing - Tolerancing cement geometrique - Tolerancement de
MempwecKoe HaHeceHue c?onycKos -Ao-
of form, orientation, location and run-
forme, orien tation, Position et batte- nycrtu Ha qbopndy, opuetfmuposawe, pac-
out - Generalities, de finitions, s ym-
men t - Generalitt%, de finitions, s ymboles, nonoxewe u 6UeHue - 06Lque nonoxe-
bols, indica tions on drawings. indica tions sur les dessins. HUR, onpedenekw, JWlOBHble o603Haue-
HUH, yitasaiiw Ha clepmexax.
ISO 2692, Technical drawings -
ISO 2692, Dessins techniques - Toleran-
Geometrical tolerancing - Maximum MC0 2692, TexHwecKue vepmexu - Tea-
cement geometrique - Principe du maxi-
material principle. 1)
mum de matiere. 1) MempucrecKoe HaHeceHue donycrtos -
h+faKCUMaJ7bHble 3HaYeHlJH. ‘1
ISO 5459, Technical drawings -
ISO 5459, Dessins techniques - Toleran-
Geometrical tolerancing - Datums and
cement geometrique - References speci- MC0 5459, Texwuecwe vepmexu - l-eo-
datum-s ystems for geometrical toleran-
fiees et systemes de references specifiees MempuvecKoe HaHecewe donycctos - Pe-
cing .
pour tolerantes geometriques. nepbi u cucmeiubl penepos dnR teonßempu-
1) At present at the Stage of draft. 1) Actuellement au stade de projet.
1) B HacTowqee BpeMfi B cTaAw npoeKTa.
(Revision de I’ISO 1101-2 : 1974.)
(Revision of ISO 1101-2 : 1974.) (I-lepecMoTp MC0 1101-2 : 1974.)

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
ISO 8788 : 1987 (E/F/R)
MC0 8788 : 1987 (A/@/P)
Types d’ecrou, symbolisation Tuflbi raihw, wo6pa>KeHHe
3 Types of nut, portrayal
des tolhrances de forme ~OllyCKOB Ha C#BOfNUly
of tolerantes of form
et de Position, valeurs H pacnonoxewe, BenwH~bi
and Position, values
Voir les, tableaux 1 a 7 pour Ia symbolisa- M306paxeHVIe ~~OIIYCKOB Ha @op~y M pac-
See tables 1 to 7 for the the portrayal of
tion des tolerantes de forme et de Position
nonoxeme nosepxtiocTek raeK pasnwd-
tolerantes of form and Position for dif-
des differents types d’ecrou et les tableaux HblX TMilOB CM. B Ta6JWlL(aX 1-7. BenwMHbl
ferent types of nut. See tables 8 and 9
8 a 9 pour les valeurs. Dans Ia colonne flOll)ICKOB CM. B Ta6flMqaX 8 VI 9. B KOflOHKe
for the values of the tolerantes. In the
symbolisation, un seul type d’ecrou a 6th ,,M306paxeHue“ AaeTcfl B KaqecTBe npm
“portrayal” column, only one type of
dessine a titre d’exemple, mais Ia tolerante Mepa JlMUlb OfiVrH TMn rafiKl4, HO COOTBeT-
nut has been shown as an example, but
correspondante est applicable a I’ensemble CTBYtO~PlI;I plOllyCK AehCTBPlTefleH Aflfl BCeX
the corresponding tolerante applies to
des types d’ecrou indiques dans Ia Premiere B03MO2’KHbIX TVlllOB ralhKPl, aaHHblX B nep-
all types of nut specified in the first
colonne. BOLii KOflOHKe.
Table 1 - Flatness of bearing surface
- Plan6it6 de Ia face d’appui
Tableau 1
Ta6mqa 1 - f=hOCKOCTb OflOpHOii tlOBepXHOCTl4
Type of nut Portrayal
Type d’hcrou
Tm raHw M306pametwe
Plainl), slotted and self-locking nuts with wrenching Bearing face shall not be convex. This tolerante indication will be associated with
feature the squareness tolerante as shown

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