Industrial automation systems and integration — Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities — Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles

ISO 15926-1:2003 specifies a representation of information associated with engineering, construction and operation of process plants. This representation supports the information requirements of the process industries in all phases of a plant's life-cycle and the sharing and integration of information amongst all parties involved in the plant's life cycle.

Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Intégration de données de cycle de vie pour les industries de "process", y compris les usines de production de pétrole et de gaz — Partie 1: Vue d'ensemble et principes fondamentaux

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ISO 15926-1:2004 - Industrial automation systems and integration -- Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities
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STANDARD 15926-1
First edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Integration of life-cycle
data for process plants including oil and
gas production facilities —
Part 1:
Overview and fundamental principles
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Intégration de
données de cycle de vie pour les industries de «process», y compris les
usines de production de pétrole et de gaz —
Partie 1: Vue d'ensemble et principes fondamentaux

Reference number
ISO 2004
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Contents Page
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references. 2
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations . 3
3.1 Terms and definitions. 3
3.2 Abbreviations. 6
4 Overview of ISO 15926 . 6
5 Fundamental principles. 7
5.1 Architecture. 7
5.2 Conceptual data models. 8
5.3 Reference data. 8
5.4 Registration and maintenance of reference data. 10
6 Conformance. 11
6.1 Overview. 11
6.2 Exchange files. 12
6.3 Information system interfaces .12
6.3.1 Exchange file interface . 12
6.3.2 Application programming interface. 12
7 Relationship to other industrial data standards.13
7.1 Industrial data representation standards . 13
7.1.1 ISO 10303 “Product data representation and exchange”. 13
7.1.2 ISO 13584 “Parts library”. 14
7.2 Product and manufacturing standards . 14
Annex A (normative) Information object registration . 16
Bibliography . 17
Index . 18
Figure 1 – Activity model of the process plant life-cycle.2
Figure 2 – Architecture . 7
Figure 3 – Three schema architecture . 8
Figure 4 – Types of classes. 10
Figure 5 – Maintenance of reference data. 11
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national stan-
dards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried
out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a techni-
cal committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives,
Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Stan-
dards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication
as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 15926-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC184, Industrial automation systems and
integration, Subcommittee SC4, Industrial data.
ISO 15926 consists of the following parts, under the general title Industrial automation systems and
integration — Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facili-
 Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles
 Part 2: Data model
iv © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

0 Introduction
0.1 Background
Information concerning the engineering, construction and operation of process plants is created, used
and modified by many different organizations throughout a plant’s life. Economic, safety and envi-
ronmental considerations demand that this information is available to owners and operators of facili-
ties, contractors, and regulatory bodies in a consistent, integrated form. This requirement can be satis-
fied by specifications that prescribe the structure and meaning of data that is shared by organizations
and disciplines involved in all stages of a plant’s life-cycle.
The need to increase the cost efficiency of process plants is leading to business practices that depend
on the efficient integration and sharing of plant information in a computer processable form. These
business practices include the following.
— Many users’ needs now span more than one of the traditional information views. Safety and envi-
ronment are two examples of this.
— Concurrent engineering requires design work to progress in parallel, with the state of the design
being available electronically, in computer processable form, to other engineering, planning, pur-
chasing and logistical activities.
— Significant cost savings are expected from standardization of component specifications. The in-
formation about these specifications is required in computer processable form for easy incorpora-
tion into plant designs and requirements.
— In the past, hand-over of plant design information was often restricted to design drawings and pa-
per documents. Use of this information in managing the operation and modification of the plant
was restricted to manual processes, or the information had to be redefined in a format suitable to
the required application. Having the plant design and equipment information in computer proc-
essable form increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the operational phase of the plant.
— Accurate computer processable information about a plant’s performance throughout its lifetime is
of high value, for optimising future modifications to the plant and for designing new plants on the
basis of experience with existing plants.
By using a consistent context for data definitions, the information used in the various aspects of the
plant’s life-cycle can be brought together. This allows information to be integrated, shared and ex-
changed in a consistent, computer processable form.
0.2 Purpose of ISO 15926
The purpose of this International Standard is to facilitate integration of data to support the life-cycle
activities and processes of process plants. To do this, this International Standard specifies a data
model that defines the meaning of the life-cycle information in a single context supporting all the
views that process engineers, equipment engineers, operators, maintenance engineers and other spe-
cialists may have of the plant.
Traditionally, data associated with a process plant have been concentrated on some individual view of
the plant at a point in time. Such data are usually defined and maintained independently of other
groups of users, resulting in duplicated and conflicting data that cannot be shared either within an en-
terprise or with business partners of an enterprise.
0.3 Description of ISO 15926
ISO 15926 is an International Standard for the representation of process plant life-cycle information.
This representation is specified by a generic, conceptual data model that is suitable as the basis for
implementation in a shared database or data warehouse. The data model is designed to be used in con-
junction with reference data, i.e. standard instances that represent information common to a number of
users, process plants, or both. The support for a specific life-cycle activity depends on the use of ap-
propriate reference data in conjunction with the data model.
ISO 15926 is organized as a series of parts, each published separately. This part of ISO 15926 pro-
vides an overview. It specifies the contents and functions of the different parts of ISO 15926 and the
relationships between them, and describes:
— an overview of ISO 15926;
— the fundamental principles that are the basis of ISO 15926;
— the relationship of ISO 15926 to other industrial data standards;
— definitions of terms used throughout ISO 15926.
0.4 Typographical conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this International Standard.
A numbered reference enclosed in brackets (for example, “[2]”) is a reference to a document that is
listed in the Bibliography.
In this International Standard the same English language words may be used to refer to an object in
the real world or to a concept, and as the name of an EXPRESS data type that represents this object or
concept. The following typographical convention is used to distinguish between these. If a word or
phrase occurs in the same typeface as narrative text, the referent is the object or concept. If the word
or phrase occurs in a bold typeface, the referent is the EXPRESS data type. Names of EXPRESS
schemas also occur in a bold typeface.
The name of an EXPRESS data type may be used to refer to the data type itself, or to an instance of
the data type. The distinction between these uses is normally clear from the context. If there is a like-
lihood of ambiguity, the phrase “entity data type” or “instance(s) of” is included in the text.
Double quotation marks “ ” denote quoted text. Single quotation marks ‘ ’ denote particular text string
Some components of this International Standard are available in electronic form. This access is pro-
vided through the specification of Universal Resource Locators (URLs) that identify the location of
these files on the Internet. If there is difficulty accessing these files contact the ISO Central Secre-
tariat, or contact the ISO TC 184/SC4 Secretariat directly at:
0.5 Target audiences
The target audiences for this part of ISO 15926 are as follows:
— technical managers wishing to determine whether ISO 15926 is appropriate for their business
vi © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

— implementers wishing to obtain an overview of the contents of ISO 15926.
Industrial automation systems and integration —
Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including
oil and gas produc

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