ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:2004
(Main)Information processing — SGML support facilities — Part 11: Structure descriptions and style specifications for standards document interchange
Information processing — SGML support facilities — Part 11: Structure descriptions and style specifications for standards document interchange
ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:2004 defines the document structures and style specifications for standards document interchange (in particular, ISO standards). Element types and attributes for ISO standards are defined and two profiles (a database-oriented profile and a document-oriented profile) are provided. The document structures are described by an SGML (ISO 8879) DTD, an XML DTD, and a RELAX NG (ISO/IEC 19757-2) schema. The style specifications are described by DSSSL (ISO/IEC 10179), XSLT, and XSL. Rendering examples and a list of processing tools are provided for information.
Traitement de l'information — Facilités de support pour SGML — Partie 11: Descriptions de structure et specifications de style pour échange de document de normes
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
Information processing — SGML support
facilities —
Part 11:
Structure descriptions and style
specifications for standards document
Traitement de l'information — Facilités de support pour SGML —
Partie 11: Descriptions de structure et spécifications de style pour
échange de document de normes
Reference number
ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:2004(E)
ISO/IEC 2004
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ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:2004(E)
This CD-ROM contains the publication ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:2004 in HTML format together with the following
files which are referenced in the text:
1) Figure 1 (figure_1.jpg);
2) SGML DTD, database-oriented profile (;
3) SGML DTD, document-oriented profile (doc_orient.dtd);
4) XML DTD (;
5) RELAX NG schema (;
6) XSLT specification (xslt_spec.xsl);
7) XSL specification (xsl_spec.xsl);
8) DSSSL specification (dsssl_spec.dsl);
9) XML instance (;
10) example of rendering an XML instance to PDF (pdf_example.pdf, which can be viewed using
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader);
Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In
accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which
are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept
therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.
Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
11) example of transforming an XML instance to HTML (
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:1992), which has been
technically revised for conformity with the DTD prepared by the SGML group of ISO ITSIG (Information
Technology Strategies Implementation Group) and to respond to the objectives
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