ISO/IEC 11518-2:2000
(Main)Information technology — High-Performance Parallel Interface — Part 2: Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
Information technology — High-Performance Parallel Interface — Part 2: Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
This part of ISO/IEC 11518 provides data framing for a high-performance point-to-point interface between data-processing equipment. This part of ISO/IEC 11518 does not protect against certain errors that might be introduced by intermediate devices interconnecting multiple HIPPI-PHs. The purpose of this part of ISO/IEC 11518 is to facilitate the development and use of the HIPPI in computer systems by providing common data framing. It provides an efficient framing protocol for interconnections between computers, high-performance display systems, and high-performance, intelligent block-transfer peripherals.
Technologies de l'information — Interface parallèle haute performance — Partie 2: Protocole de tramage (HIPPI-FP)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
Information technology –
High-Performance Parallel Interface –
Part 2:
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
Reference number
ISO/IEC 11518-2:2000(E)
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Second edition
Information technology –
High-Performance Parallel Interface –
Part 2:
Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
ISO/IEC 2000
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means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland
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1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Definitions and conventions. 6
3.1 Definitions. 6
3.2 Editorial conventions . 7
3.3 Acronyms . 8
4 HIPPI structure . 8
4.1 Structure. 8
4.2 Error detection mechanisms . 9
4.2.1 Byte parity . 9
4.2.2 LLRC. 9
4.2.3 Packet length . 9
4.3 Error detection limitations. 9
5 HIPPI-FP service interface to upper layers . 9
5.1 Service primitives . 9
5.2 Sequences of primitives . 10
5.3 HIPPI-FP service primitive summary . 10
5.4 ULP data transfer service primitives . 11
5.4.1 ULP Identifiers . 11
5.4.2 FP_TRANSFER.Request. 11
5.4.3 FP_TRANSFER.Confirm . 13
5.4.4 FP_TRANSFER.Indicate . 13
5.4.5 FP_TRANSFER.Response. 14
5.5 Control service primitives . 14
5.5.1 FPSM_CONTROL.Request. 14
5.5.2 FPSM_CONTROL.Confirm. 15
5.6 Status service primitives . 15
5.6.1 FPSM_STATUS.Request . 16
5.6.2 FPSM_STATUS.Confirm . 16
5.6.3 FPSM_STATUS.Indicate . 16
5.6.4 FPSM_STATUS.Response . 16
6 HIPPI-PH to HIPPI-FP services. 17
7 HIPPI data formats . 17
7.1 Word and byte formats. 17
7.2 HIPPI-FP packet format .18
7.2.1 Header_Area. 19
7.2.2 D1_Area. 19
7.2.3 D2_Area. 19
Annex A (informative) State transitions and pseudo-code. 21
A.1 General. 21
A.2 State exit . 21
A.3 Interlocks. 21
A.4 Source pseudo-code . 21
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A.4.1 S2000.21
A.4.2 S2010.21
A.4.3 S2020.22
A.4.4 S2030.22
A.4.5 S2040.22
A.4.6 S2050.23
A.4.7 S2060.23
A.4.8 S2070.23
A.4.9 S2080.23
A.4.10 S2090. 24
A.4.11 S2100. 24
A.4.12 S2110. 24
A.5 Destination pseudo-code.24
A.5.1 D2500 . 24
A.5.2 D2510 . 24
A.5.3 D2520 . 25
A.5.4 D2530 . 25
A.5.5 D2540 . 25
A.5.6 D2550 . 25
A.5.7 D2560 . 25
A.5.8 D2570 . 25
A.5.9 D2580 . 26
A.5.10 D2590 .26
A.5.11 D2600 .27
A.5.12 D2610 .27
Annex B (informative) Implementation observations . 28
B.1 Data transfer service primitive.28
B.2 Classes of packets. 28
B.2.1 Class 1, Single short burst. 28
B.2.2 Class 2, short burst with full burst(s). 29
B.2.3 Class 3, full burst(s) with short burst. 29
B.2.4 Class 4, full burst(s) . 30
Annex C (informative) Alphabetical index . 31
Figure 1 – Logical framing hierarchy . 8
Figure 2 – HIPPI-FP service interface . 10
Figure 3 – Data transfer service primitives . 11
Figure 4 – Control service primitives .14
Figure 5 – Status service primitives. 15
Figure 6 – Ordered byte stream to HIPPI-PH. 18
Figure 7 – Bit significance within a byte.18
Figure 8 – HIPPI-FP packet format . 20
Figure A.1 – Source flow diagram . 22
Figure A.2 – Destination flow diagram. 26
Figure B.1 – Class 1, single short burst. 29
Figure B.2 – Class 2, short burst with full burst(s). 29
Figure B.3 – Class 3, full burst(s) with short burst. 30
Figure B.4 – Class 4, full burst(s) . 30
Table 1 – Byte assignments . 18
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Part 2: Framing protocol (HIPPI-FP)
1) ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) form the
specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal
with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
2) In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC1. Draft
International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
3) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO/IEC 11518-2 was prepared by subcommittee 25: Interconnection of
information technology equipment, of ISO/IEC joint technical committee 1: Information technology.
This edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1996. This second edition was updated
as follows:
– the figure in the foreword was removed;
– a list of acronyms was added (see 3.3);
– the upper-layer protocol identifiers were updated (see 5.4.1).
This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
ISO/IEC 11518 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology – High-
Performance Parallel Interface:
– Part 1: Mechanical, electrical and signalling protocol specification (HIPPI-PH)
– Part 2: Framing Protocol (HIPPI-FP)
– Part 3: Encapsulation of ISO/IEC 8802-2 (IEEE Std 802.2) – Logical Link Control Protocol Data
Units (HIPPI-LE)
– Part 4: Mapping of HIPPI to IPI device generic command sets (HIPPI-IPI) (under consideration)
– Part 5: Memory Interface (HIPPI-MI) (under consideration)
– Part 6: Physical Switch Control (HIPPI-SC)
– Part 8: Mapping to Asynchronous Transfer Mode (HIPPI-ATM)
– Part 9: Serial Specification (HIPPI-Serial)
Annexes A, B and C are for information only.
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This standard defines the data framing for an efficient simplex high-performance point-to-point
Characteristics of HIPPI-FP include:
– large block data transfers with framing to split the data into smaller bursts;
– separation of user control and data information, and early delivery of the control information;
– identifiers for multiple upper-layer protocols (ULPs);
– support for simplex topology;
– support for ULP non-word-aligned and an arbitrary number of byte transfers;
– error notifications, from the underlying physical layer, e.g. HIPPI-PH, are passed through this
framing protocol to notify the upper layers of damaged data;
– provides a connection-less data service;
– best effort delivery of data, i.e. datagram;
– connection control information, which may be used for physical layer switching, is supported.
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Part 2: Framing protocol (HIPPI-FP)
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 11518 provides data framing for a high-performance point-to-point interface
between data-processing equipment. This part of ISO/IEC 11518 does not protect against certain
errors that might be introduced by intermediate devices interconnecting multiple HIPPI-PHs.
The purpose of this part of ISO/IEC 11518 is to facilitate the development and use of the HIPPI in
computer systems by providing common data framing. It provides an efficient framing protocol for
interconnections between computers, high-performance display systems, and high-performance,
intelligent block-transfer peripherals.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this part of ISO/IEC 11518. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or
revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this part
of ISO/IEC 11518 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of
the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative
document referred to applies. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards.
ISO/IEC 11518-1:1995, Information technology, High-Performance Parallel Interface – Part 1:
Mechanical, electrical, and signalling protocol specification (HIPPI-PH)
3 Definitions and conventions
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 11518, the following definitions apply.
group of words sent by the Source to the Destination
Bursts contain 1 to 256 words. Bursts that contain less than 256 words are called short bursts. On a
32-bit HIPPI-PH, bursts contain an even number of 32-bit words.
group of eight bits
Bytes are packed four per 32-bit word, or eight per 64-bit word.
condition of the HIPPI-PH when data transfers from Source to Destination are possible
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connection control information (CCI)
parameter sent as part of the sequence of operations establishing a connection from a Source to a
NOTE ISO/IEC 11518-6 includes examples of CCIs and topologies.
the equipment at the end of the interface that receives the data
features that are not required by this part of ISO/IEC 11518
NOTE However, if any optional feature defined by this part of ISO/IEC 11518 is implemented, it must be implemented
according to this part of ISO/IEC 11518.
data set sent from Source to Destination
A packet is composed of one or more bursts. The HIPPI specification does not limit the maximum
packet size, but a maximum size may be imposed by a given HIPPI implementation, or by a ULP. A
packet consists of a header, one or two optional ULP data sets, and optional fill.
service interface (SI)
connection points to the ULP
the equipment at the end of the interface that transmits the data
current condition of the interface, excluding transitions, as indicated by the control primitives
station management (SMT)
the supervisory entity that monitors and controls the HIPPI
ULP data set
data transferred between the ULP and the HIPPI-FP
upper-layer protocol (ULP)
protocol immediately above the HIPPI-FP service interface
a unit of information, consisting of (32 or 64) bits, matching the HIPPI-PH word size
Words contain an ordered set of four bytes or eight bytes
3.2 Editorial conventions
In this standard certain terms that are proper names of signals or similar terms are printed in
uppercase to avoid possible confusion with other uses of the same words (e.g., CLOCK). Any
lowercase uses of these words have the normal technical English meaning.
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A number of conditions, sequence parameters, events, states, or similar terms are printed with the first
letter of each word in uppercase and the rest lowercase (e.g., In, Out, Enabled). Any lowercase uses of
these words have the normal technical English meaning.
3.3 Acronyms
CCI connection control information
FP Framing Protocol
FPSM Framing Protocol, Station Management
IPI Intelligent Peripheral Interface
LLRC Length-longitudinal redundancy check
SMT station management
ULP upper-layer protocol
4 HIPPI structure
4.1 Structure
The HIPPI-FP has been designed in a modular fashion to support simplex or dual simplex
configuration requirements.
A compliant HIPPI network shall maintain packet and burst structures from the original Source to the
final Destination.
Figure 1 shows the basic organization of the information on the HIPPI.
Connection Connection Connection
Established Established Established
Packet Packet Packet
Burst Burst Burst
256 words of 32 bits or 64 bits each
Figure 1 – Logical framing hierarchy
As specified in HIPPI-PH, once a connection is established, a packet (or multiple packets) can be sent
from the Source to the Destination. Each packet contains one or more bursts. Bursts contain (1 to 256)
words. Words contain four or eight bytes. Bursts that contain less than 256 words are called short
bursts. A packet contains no more than one short burst. A short burst may be either the first or last
burst of a multiburst packet. For error detection HIPPI-PH uses byte parity and a parity-based
checksum on each burst.
On a 32-bit HIPPI-PH, bursts shall contain an even number of 32-bit words. Words shall contain an
ordered set of bytes as specified in 7.1.
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4.2 Error detection mechanisms
4.2.1 Byte parity
The HIPPI physical layer (HIPPI-PH) uses bit-parallel word transfers, using 32-bit words for an
800 Mbit/s data rate and 64-bit words for a 1 600 Mbit/s data rate. An odd-parity bit is also transmitted
with each 8-bit byte of a word, i.e., four parity bits are transmitted with each 32-bit word. Hence an
undetected error in a word would require a 2-bit error, with both bits being in the same byte.
4.2.2 LLRC
The Length-Longitudinal Redundancy Check (LLRC) implements even parity across the individual bits
of multiple words in a burst. For example, bit 23 of the LLRC is the even parity of bit 23 of each word in
the burst. A burst is nominally 256 words in length (1 Kbyte or 2 Kbytes), but short bursts may contain
fewer words. Hence the LLRC would not detect errors where the same bit in an even number of words
was incorrect.
In addition, the LLRC calculation includes the length of the burst. Hence, the LLRC would detect cases
where a word was dropped or added, i.e., the length received was not the same as what was
4.2.3 Packet length
A packet is composed of one or more bursts. In HIPPI-FP a length field specifying the number of bytes
in the packet is specified. This length field provides a check for dropped or extra bursts. A special case
where the packet length is not used is provided for such things as video data to a frame buffer, data
collection from experimental equipment, etc.
4.3 Error detection limitations
The parity and LLRC will only fail on 4-bit errors in a rectangular pattern. That is, two bits in a byte must
fail (undetected by the byte parity check) and the same two bits must fail in another word of the burst
(undetected by the LLRC).
Use of the HIPPI-FP packet header length field permits the detection of lost bursts within a packet;
however, no mechanism of either HIPPI-FP or HIPPI-PH allows the detection of data corruption
caused by the substitution of one burst, with good parity and LLRC, for another burst of the same
5 HIPPI-FP service interface to upper layers
This clause describes the services provided by HIPPI-FP. The intent is to provide the formalism
necessary to relate this interface to other HIPPI interfaces. How many of the services described herein
are chosen for a given implementation, and whether others may be required, is up to the implementor;
however, a set of HIPPI-FP services must be supplied sufficient to satisfy the ULP(s) being used. The
services as defined herein do not imply any particular implementation, or any interface.
In this part of ISO/IEC 11518 the ULP and station management protocol (SMT) are service users, and
the HIPPI-FP is the service provider to the ULP and SMT. The interfaces consist of the ULP primitives,
prefixed with FP_, and the SMT primitives, prefixed with FPSM_.
The HIPPI-FP is also the service user of the HIPPI-PH services, prefixed with PH_.
Figure 2 shows the relationship of the HIPPI-FP interfaces.
5.1 Service primitives
All of the primitives and parameters are considered as required except where explicitly stated
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HIPPI service primitives are of four types.
– Request primitives are issued by a service user to initiate a service from the service provider. In
this part of ISO/IEC 11518, a second Request primitive of the same name shall not be issued until
the Confirm for the first request is received.
– Confirm primitives are issued by the service provider to acknowledge a Request.
– Indicate primitives are issued by the service provider to notify the service user of a local event. This
primitive is similar in nature to an unsolicited interrupt. Note that the local event may have been
caused by a service Request. In this part of ISO/IEC 11518, a second Indicate primitive of the
same name shall not be issued until the Response for the first Indicate is received.
– Response primitives are issued by a service user to acknowledge an Indicate.
Physical Layer
Figure 2 – HIPPI-FP service interface
5.2 Sequences of primitives
The order of execution of service primitives is not arbitrary. Logical and time sequence relationships
exist for all described service primitives. Time sequence diagrams, as in figure 3, are used to illustrate
a valid sequence. Other valid sequences may exist. The sequence of events between peer users
across the user/provider interface is illustrated. In the time sequence diagrams the HIPPI-FP users are
depicted on either side of the vertical bars while the service provider is in the centre. A ULP or SMT
implementation may present multiple requests for services, but the requests shall be serviced one at a
time and in the order presented.
5.3 HIPPI-FP service primitive summary
ULP Data Transfer
D1_Size, D1_Data_Set, D2_Size,
D2_Data_Set, Keep_Connection,
FP_TRANSFER_D1.Indicate (ULP-id, CCI,
Status, D2_Size, D2_Offset,
D1_Area_Size, D1_Data_Set)
FP_TRANSFER_D2.Indicate (ULP-id, CCI,
Status, D2_Size, D2_Offset, D2_Data_Set)
Control Link
FPSM_CONTROL.Request (Command,
FPSM_CONTROL.Confirm (Status)
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Link Status
FPSM_STATUS.Confirm (Status)
5.4 ULP data transfer service primitives
These primitives, as illustrated in figure 3, shall be used to transfer ULP data from the Source ULP to
the Destination ULP.
Sour ce Des tination
Figure 3 – Data transfer service primitives
5.4.1 ULP Identifiers
The ULP-id of the HIPPI-FP header designates the Destination ULP to which the data set is to be
NOTE 1 Identifiers registered at the time this part of ISO/IEC 11518 was approved include the following (shown in binary
notation). Later registrations will be added as amendment to this part of ISO/IEC 11518.
Unlisted ULP-id values are reserved. Processing received packets with unlisted ULP-id values is
00000100 = ISO 8802.2 Link Encapsulation
00000110 = IPI-3 Slave, i.e., IPI-3 Master to Slave
00000111 = IPI-3 Master, i.e., IPI-3 Slave to Master
00001000 = IPI-3 Peer
00001010 = HIPPI-FC map to Fibre Channel ULPs
00001100 = Scheduled Transfer
00001101 = HIPPI-6400 Encapsulation
1xxxxxxx = Locally assigned
5.4.2 FP_TRANSFER.Request
Issued by the Source ULP to request a data transfer. If a connection to the Destination specified by the
CCI does not currently exist, then a connection will be established. At the completion of the transfer the
connection may be broken unless Keep_Connection was specified. The packet format is de
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