ISO 15837:2004
(Main)Ships and marine technology — Gasketed mechanical couplings for use in piping systems — Performance specification
Ships and marine technology — Gasketed mechanical couplings for use in piping systems — Performance specification
ISO 15837:2004 provides the performance characteristics and qualification tests required for gasketed mechanical couplings, including grooved-type mechanical couplings for grooved-end pipe, mechanical restraint couplings for plain-end pipe and mechanical compression couplings for plain-end pipe. These couplings are for use at temperatures within the recommended temperature range of their respective gaskets.
Navires et technologie maritime — Accouplements mécaniques avec joints pour systèmes de tuyauteries — Spécification des performances
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Ships and marine technology — Gasketed
mechanical couplings for use in piping
systems — Performance specification
Navires et technologie maritime — Accouplements mécaniques avec
joints pour systèmes de tuyauteries — Spécification des performances
Reference number
ISO 2004
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Contents Page
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
3 Classification . 3
4 Ordering information . 4
5 Materials . 4
6 Workmanship, finish and appearance . 4
7 Other requirements . 4
8 Number of tests and retests for qualification testing . 6
9 Specimen preparation and installation . 6
10 Test methods . 7
11 Inspection . 8
12 Product marking . 8
13 Packaging . 9
Annex A (normative) Tests to be used in the qualification of GMCs . 11
ISO 2004 – All rights reserved iii
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
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ISO 15837 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 8, Ships and marine technology, Subcommittee
SC 3, Piping and machinery.
iv ISO 2004 – All rights reserved
Ships and marine technology — Gasketed mechanical couplings
for use in piping systems — Performance specification
This International Standard provides the performance characteristics and qualification tests required for
gasketed mechanical couplings, including grooved-type mechanical couplings for grooved-end pipe,
mechanical restraint couplings for plain-end pipe and mechanical compression couplings for plain-end pipe.
These couplings are for use at temperatures within the recommended temperature range of their respective
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
differentiates joint characteristics such as rigid, flexible, restrained and unrestrained
any leakage or joint separation, unless otherwise determined to be due to a pipe or fitting defect
a device used to change pipe direction, size or adapt to other joining methods
NOTE This device is used with pipe or other fittings to create a working system. Shapes such as elbows, tees, crosses,
reducers and special shapes are used as needed to fulfil system design specifications.
characteristic of a joint wherein there is available limited angular and axial pipe movement
gasketed mechanical coupling
a device used to join pipe-to-pipe, pipe-to-fitting, or fitting-to-fitting wherein an elastomeric (gasket) is used to
seal the joint
NOTE A coupling may or may not provide mechanical restraint of the pipe or fitting.
working pressure grade
joint working pressure as established by tests using representative pipe or tube and the gasketed mechanical
coupling (GMC)
grooved mechanical coupling (Type 1)
a device which consists of two or more housings, closure members such as sets of bolts and nuts or pins, and
a pressure-responsive gasket
ISO 2004 – All rights reserved 1
NOTE It is used to mechanically join and seal grooved pipe and/or fittings, forming a joint.
See Figure 1.
grooved mechanical coupling housing
structural parts of a grooved mechanical coupling which mechanically fit into pipe or fitting grooves providing
mechanical pipe or fitting restraint and enclosure of the gasket
plain-end mechanical coupling
plain-end GMCs consisting of Type II Classes 1, 2 and 3
Type II Classes 1 and 2
device consisting of gasket(s), housing(s), sleeve(s), end rings, threaded fasteners, pipe or fitting anchoring
(gripping) features and seal retainers as applicable
NOTE These devices are used to create a seal and restrain plain-end pipe or fittings. See Figures 2 and 3.
Type II Class 3
device consisting of gasket(s), housing(s), sleeve, end rings and threaded fasteners as applicable
NOTE Tightening of the fasteners compresses the gasket(s), creating a seal on the outside of the plain-end pipe. See
Figure 4.
interface formed between pipe and pipe, pipe and fitting, or fitting and fitting where a GMC is used to seal this
interface within a specified working pressure and, where applicable, provide mechanical holding strength
joint pressure rating
working pressure for the joint on the pipe or fitting material and thickness to be used in the actual piping
escape of fluid (gaseous or liquid) from any point of the specimen
penalty run
a penalty run is performed with penalty-run specimens when the original test specimen leaks or separates
during testing as a result of any cause which is not related to the design of the GMC being qualified
penalty-run specimens
additional specimen(s) which are tested in the place of the original specimen(s)
NOTE These additional specimen(s) are assembled using the same methods, along with additional GMCs of the same
type, working pressure, class and configuration; and additional pipes or fittings with the same sizes, nominal wall thickness,
material and material condition as the original test specimen.
pressure-responsive gasket
gasket design such that application of a pressure load to the gasket enhances its sealing capabilities; that is,
additional pressure results in additional force between the gasket and the surface which it is sealing
2 ISO 2004 – All rights reserved
characteristic of the joint wherein thrust loads generated by internal pressure or external means are absorbed
within the joint
characteristic of a joint where there is essentially no available free angular or axial pipe movement
a prepared assembly consisting of the test joint including a GMC and pipes or fittings
NOTE The specimen is placed in a controlled environment and tested to determine if the joint performs according to the
standards established by the test.
differentiation of kind of pipe or fitting which gasketed mechanical couplings are used to join (that is, grooved or
plain end)
characteristic of a joint wherein thrust generated by internal pressure or external means is not absorbed by the
dimensions of the piping system or component, primarily nominal diameter and wall thickness
life cycle
complete series and stages of events in the development and manufacture of a product, from the initial
conceptualization through to production, modifications and maintenance
3 Classification
3.1 Design types
Gasketed mechanical couplings (GMCs) are classified into the following design types:
— Type I, grooved mechanical couplings;
— Type II, plain-end mechanical couplings.
3.2 Working pressures
Gasketed mechanical couplings (GMCs) are classified into various working pressures, or grades, based on
successful completion of testing defined herein. Working pressures range from approximately 0,7 MPa to
30 MPa and vary by GMC manufacturer. The GMC manufacturer should be consulted for specific working
pressures available.
ISO 2004 – All rights reserved 3
3.3 Joint characteristics
Gasketed mechanical couplings (GMCs) are classified by the following joint characteristics:
— Class 1: rigid and restrained;
— Class 2: flexible and restrained;
— Class 3: flexible and unrestrained.
4 Ordering information
Orders for GMCs (Gasketed Mechanical Couplings) in accordance with this International Standard shall include
the following characteristics:
— quantity (number of gasketed mechanical couplings);
— size;
— type (I, II);
— working pressure (consult GMC manufacturer);
— class (joint characteristic);
— housing material and finish;
— gasket material, including operating temperature limitations;
— bolt (stud) and nut material and finish;
— other requirements agreed to between purchaser and GMC manufacturer.
The materials used for construction of GMCs shall be as agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser,
provided that such materials have been used to qualify the joint's performance in accordance with this
International Standard.
6 Workmanship, finish and appearance
6.1 GMC machined surfaces
Machined surfaces shall be free from burrs, cracks, laps and seams which would affect the suitability for the
intended service. Machined surface finishes shall be as specified by the manufacturer.
6.2 Unmachined surfaces
Unmachined surfaces, such as forging or casting surfaces, shall be free from scale, blisters, fins, folds, seams,
laps, segregations and cracks which would affect suitability for the intended service.
7 Other requirements
7.1 Testing requirements
GMCs shall be subjected to the tests described in Annex A for the purpose of qualifying the GMC design. These
tests shall be repeated when changes are made in the design, material, or manufacturing process that degrade
the performance of the GMC. Degradation determination is to be made by the manufacturer or upon agreement
between the manufacturer and purchaser.
4 ISO 2004 – All rights reserved
7.2 Qualification requirements
7.2.1 General
GMCs shall be qualified using specimens of the same type, working pressure and class. Each type, working
pressure, and class shall be tested in order to qualify the design. Qualification of the GMC requires successful
completion of required testing. Each GMC design is only qualified for use on the pipe or fitting material and wall
thickness on which it was tested.
7.2.2 Sizing
All GMCs tested shall be comprised of an equal number of specimens from the smallest, intermediate, and
largest sizes within the size range of the GMC being qualified. Through reasonable interpolations between the
GMC sizes tested, other sizes of GMCs within the same type, working pressure and class will be considered
qualified if the specimens pass the testing requirements. Extrapolation shall not be used for qualification
7.3 Qualification test report
Upon completion of testing, a qualification test report shall be written and maintained on file during the life cycle
of the design. A copy of this report shall be made available for inspection at the manufacturer's facility. Any
failure during qualification testing shall be analysed and the failure analys
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