ISO/IEC 27551:2021
(Main)Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Requirements for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication
Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Requirements for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication
This document provides a framework and establishes requirements for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication (ABUEA).
Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Exigences relatives à l'authentification des entités non rattachables par des attributs
General Information
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Information security, cybersecurity
and privacy protection —
Requirements for attribute-based
unlinkable entity authentication
Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie
privée — Exigences relatives à l'authentification des entités non
rattachables par des attributs
Reference number
ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
ISO/IEC 2021
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
© ISO/IEC 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
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ISO copyright office
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 2
5 General objectives of attribute-based entity authentication . 2
6 Properties of attribute-based entity authentication protocols . 4
6.1 Correctness . 4
6.2 Unforgeability . 4
6.2.1 General. 4
6.2.2 Replay protections . . 4
7 Unlinkability properties of attribute-based entity authentication protocols .4
7.1 General . 4
7.2 Generic definition of unlinkability . 5
7.3 Specific definitions of unlinkability . 5
7.3.1 General. 5
7.3.2 Passive outsider unlinkability (anti-tracking from passive outsiders) . 7
7.3.3 Active outsider unlinkability (anti-tracking from active outsiders) . 7
7.3.4 RP-U unlinkability (“anonymous visits” to an RP) . 7
7.3.5 AP-U unlinkability . 8
7.3.6 RP+AP-U unlinkability (anti-RP-AP-collusion) . 8
7.3.7 AP-RP unlinkability (anti-tracking of RP from AP) . 8
7.3.8 AP-RP+U unlinkability . 8
7.3.9 RP+RP'-U unlinkability (anti-tracking of U from a set of colluding RPs) . 8
7.4 Relationships between notions of unlinkability . 9
7.5 Unlinkability levels for attribute-based entity authentication . 9
7.6 Models .10
8 Attributes .10
8.1 Categories of attributes .10
8.1.1 Personal attributes . .10
8.1.2 Self-claimed attributes . .10
8.1.3 Verified attributes .10
8.1.4 Static attributes .11
8.1.5 Semi-static attributes . .11
8.1.6 Dynamic attributes .11
8.1.7 Computed attributes . .11
8.1.8 Identifying attributes .11
8.1.9 Supporting attributes .11
8.2 Verified attribute expiry and revocation .11
8.3 Attribute assurance .11
9 Requirements for level N attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication .11
Annex A (informative) Formal definitions for security and unlinkability notions .13
Annex B (informative) Examples of attribute-based entity authentication protocols .19
Annex C (informative) .26
Annex D (informative) Use cases for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication .33
Bibliography .34
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for
the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives or www .iec .ch/ members
_experts/ refdocs).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject
of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the
Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents) or the IEC
list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html. In the IEC, see www .iec .ch/ understanding -standards.
This document was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 27, Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html and www .iec .ch/ national
iv © ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
ISO/IEC 29100 sets forth eleven privacy principles which apply to all actors that can be involved in the
processing of PII. The second principle is the collection limitation. Despite this recommendation, the
current state of the art is that internet sites collect more than necessary information during the PII
principal’s access to the service. For example, if the site only requires verification that the PII principal
is over a certain age, only that information should be necessary for the consumption of the service.
However, it is often the case that other information such as the user’s persistent identifier is supplied,
making it possible to link visits from the same PII principal to different sites or to link two or more
visits from the same PII principal to the same site.
To adhere to the principle of the collection limitation, the site in the above case should instead use a
type of entity identifier that does not allow the site to link two or more visits by the PII principal. This
means that, when two transactions are performed, it is difficult to distinguish whether the transactions
were performed by the same user or by two different users. This is one type of unlinkability. Several
other types of unlinkability can also be considered and desired in applications.
Attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication (ABUEA) provides a means for PII principals to
establish the authenticity of a selected subset of their identity attributes without revealing a larger
subset. Special focus is put on unlinkability and a metric that measures the strength of this property in
implementations of ABUEA is introduced. This document focuses on cases where at least one attribute
is attested by a third party. This document also identifies security properties to be met to achieve
various protections as well as unlinkable properties.
The methodology developed by this document may be tailored and applied to other privacy principles.
The requirements identified in this document apply at the application communication layer. However,
some properties met at the application layer protocol can be ruined by a lower layer protocol, such as
the network layer, which means that the lower layers' privacy and security properties should also be
taken into consideration to ensure that the properties met at the application communication layer are
still valid when considering the privacy and security characteristics of the lower communication layers.
© ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved v
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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy
protection — Requirements for attribute-based unlinkable
entity authentication
1 Scope
This document provides a framework and establishes requirements for attribute-based unlinkable
entity authentication (ABUEA).
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 24760-1, IT Security and Privacy — A framework for identity management — Part 1: Terminology
and concepts
ISO/IEC 29100, Information technology — Security techniques — Privacy framework
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 29100, ISO/IEC 24760-1,
and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
anonymity set
set of identities that shares certain characteristics
attribute provider
authority trusted by one or more users and one or more relying parties to issue or verify attributes
related to an entity
not vanishing faster than any inverse polynomial in the security parameter
software and/or hardware used by the PII Principal to interact with the system
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
A adversary
AO active outsider
AP attribute provider
OIDC OpenID Connect
PII personally identifiable information
PO passive outsider
RP relying party
SIOP self-issued OpenID provider
U user-agent
UL unlinkability level
5 General objectives of attribute-based entity authentication
Attribute-based entity authentication is a means to establish a form of trust between two unfamiliar
parties that share trust in a common third-party entity.
This clause defines the notion of attribute-based entity authentication in a minimal communication
three parties model involving three entity roles U, RP and AP as depicted in Figure 1.
1 setup phase (optional)
2 user registration phase
3 authentication phase
Figure 1 — Phases of attribute-based entity authentication
RP trusts AP in the sense that RP is convinced of the correctness of statements expressed by AP. RP and
AP can have engaged in some optional preliminary procedure, referred to as the setup phase, which
enables the RP to ascertain that statements expressed by AP are genuine.
A PII principal, referred to as a user hereafter, uses a software called user-agent or U to communicate
with AP and RP. U has a number of attributes which collectively represent its distinct identity. U and AP
can also have carried out a preliminary procedure referred to as the user registration phase, in which
AP validates the user’s attributes and links them to U's attributes. During this process, U can be given
data material to enable later attribute-based entity authentication towards RP.
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
There is no such preliminary procedure between U and RP, meaning that U and RP are a priori strangers
to one another.
An attribute-based entity authentication protocol is a sequence of computations and communications
among U, RP and AP which, when conducted successfully throughout, results in a state at RP where
RP is convinced that a statement made by U about its attributes is correct or not. The purpose of the
protocol is to reach that state.
The authentication phase is the protocol stage where U and RP interact, which can involve the
participation of AP or not.
The description of a particular attribute-based entity authentication protocol requires a specification
of the attributes, of the statements that can be made on them, as well as of all computations and
communications between the three parties. It includes a description of the authentication phase, the
setup phase if any, and the user registration phase if any.
NOTE Attribute-based entity authentication can also be achieved in communication models that extend
beyond the minimal U-RP-AP model either by involving additional specific-purpose entities or by limiting the use
of communication channels at determined stages of the protocol. Annex B describes some examples of attribute-
based entity authentication protocols and their underlying model.
Attributes are defined in ISO/IEC 24760-1. As properties, they can have:
— a type, a Boolean, or a character string of alphabetical characters, or an integer in a certain range,
or a compound type built on these basic types (such as a fixed length vector of integers or a dynamic
list of mixed strings and integers, and so forth);
— a name, which is a string in a prescribed alphabet;
— a value selected within the range of admissible values for the considered type.
Other properties of attributes such as their origin or level of assurance, or more generally classes or
categories of sorts, can exist and be involved in the attribute-based authentication protocol. However,
they are usually encoded as additional attributes. Therefore, it is enough to rely on the notions of type,
name and value when describing an attribute.
A policy decision function is a function that takes a policy and other information for the purpose of
returning a boolean value. It is defined as a logic predicate combining basic relational expressions using
logic operators such as OR, AND or possibly more complex ones such as threshold gates (t-out-of-n). A
relational expression can express:
— equality of an attribute value to a particular value;
— non-equality of an attribute value to a particular value;
— inequality of an attribute value towards a particular value (less than, greater than). This requires
that the attribute type support an ordering over its set of admissible values.
It is usual to rely on a structured language to express policies when some level of genericity is desired.
OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is one such example. In other applications,
the policy may be fixed and hard-coded into the attribute-based entity authentication protocol itself.
It should also be noted that some attribute-based entity authentication protocols may only support
restricted policies, where:
— attribute values can only be compared to constants and not to other attribute values;
— the nature or the number of logic operators is limited; or
— some other restriction applies.
The purpose of an attribute-based entity authentication protocol is for RP to be convinced that the set
of attributes A temporarily associated to an a-priori unknown entity U satisfies a certain policy P,
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
namely that the policy decision function returns true for P(A ). For attributes that originate from a
neutral AP that the RP trusts, some form of interaction with that AP is necessary.
Annex D describes examples of use cases in which ABUEA systems are used.
6 Properties of attribute-based entity authentication protocols
6.1 Correctness
Under the assumptions that:
— RP is always convinced by the statements expressed by AP;
— all parties U, AP and RP engage in the correct execution of the protocol;
the protocol is correct when, if the user has a set of attributes A and A satisfies the policy P, then the
protocol terminates in an acceptance state by the RP, meaning that RP acknowledges that P(A ) = true.
6.2 Unforgeability
6.2.1 General
Unforgeability is a security property that exists for attribute-based entity authentication protocols.
The protocol is unforgeable if it is infeasible for U to make RP terminate the protocol in the acceptance
state when P(A ) = false.
Clause A.2 describes the conditions of achieving unforgeability.
6.2.2 Replay protections
Unforgeability requires two security measures to be taken into consideration for any kind of entity
authentication protocol, namely:
— replay protection against one relying party; and
— replay protection against different relying parties.
The first kind of protection requires the use of a time-variant parameter that can either be a challenge
sent by the relying party and then reused by the U or be a unique number presented by the U to the SP.
These time-variant parameters are part of the computation of the credentials presented by the U to the
The second kind of protection requires the use in the protocol of a data item containing a characteristic
unique to the intended relying party.
7 Unlinkability properties of attribute-based entity authentication protocols
7.1 General
In this document, unlinkability refers to a family of properties that an attribute-based entity
authentication protocol can or cannot fulfil. The purpose of this clause is to provide a definition for
these properties and show how they interrelate.
Note that these definitions are formulated for attribute-based entity authentication protocols operating
in the minimal U-RP-AP model. They can give rise to distinct definitions in extended communication
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
7.2 Generic definition of unlinkability
Linking is defined as the ability for an entity or a group of colluding entities to distinguish protocol
executions where:
— an entity role is played by the same entity; from
— that entity role is played by different entities.
Unlinkability refers to the inability to link protocol executions. The entity or group of entities attempting
to link protocol executions is called the adversary while the entity role under observation is the target
entity role. Considering different settings for the adversary and target entity role produces entirely
different notions of unlinkability.
For example, if U visits an RP more than twice and if the RP can link these visits together to recognize
the repeated visits, then the RP is linking the user visits. In this case, U is not “anonymous” but only
“pseudonymous” at best and if U was wishing to be “anonymous”, then RP is acting as an adversary
against the user’s wish. Similarly, when U is trying to authenticate itself to RP using attributes provided
by AP, U may wish so that AP cannot find out to which RP U has provided those attributes. Under such
circumstances, if AP identifies that U provided attributes to RP, then AP is acting as an adversary.
The protocol itself is said to be unlinkable if its executions cannot be linked, given explicit settings for
the adversary and target entity role.
NOTE A clear distinction is to be made between the various unlinkability properties that a protocol can
or cannot achieve and the traceability or linkability of data transfers at the data transport level. It is usual to
assume that an anonymization tool such as TOR can be used to avoid a trivial form of linking through network
connections instead of the nature of the exchanged messages. This consideration is independent of the actual
unlinkability properties that a protocol possesses or not.
This document is concerned with achieving unlinkability of the protocol executions without external
context (metadata). Even if a protocol is unlinkable, linking may be achieved with metadata (e.g. by
considering the timings or location when authentication takes place). Techniques to prevent linking via
metadata are out of scope for this document.
The level of anonymity also depends on the size of the anonymity set resulting from the combination of
policy P and the set of user attributes A such that A satisfies the policy P. An example is a policy that
asks for a user's year of birth but the user is over 100 years old. The resulting anonymity set can be very
7.3 Specific definitions of unlinkability
7.3.1 General
While the terms “unlinkable” or “anonymous” are often used, the meaning actually varies depending on
the context of the use of the terms. To speak about them precisely, it is necessary to speak of from which
adversary role, what target entity role is unlinkable.
This document adopts a naming convention for notions of unlikability where the adversarial role
constitutes the first part of the name and the second part describes the target entity role. The two parts
are separated by a “-”, as shown in Figure 2.
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ISO/IEC 27551:2021(E)
1 adversary
2 target entity
Figure 2 — Naming convention for notions of unlinkability
This document provides the following notions of unlinkability for attribute-based entity authentication
protocols, indicating this aspect together with “unlinkability”.
1) Passive outsider unlinkability (PO-U). The adversary plays none of the U, RP or AP roles but can
passively observe the content of all exchanged messages. The target entity role is U.
2) Active outsider unlinkability (AO-U). The adversary plays none of the U, RP or AP roles but can
observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged messages in a man-in-the-middle fashion. The
target entity role is U.
3) RP-U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged messages
and additionally plays the role of RP. The target entity role is U.
4) AP-U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged messages
and additionally plays the role of AP. The target entity role is U.
5) RP+AP-U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged
messages and additionally plays the role of both RP and AP. The target entity role is U.
6) AP-RP unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged messages
and additionally plays the role of AP. The target entity role is RP.
7) AP-RP+U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged
messages and additionally plays the role of AP. The target entity roles are U and RP. This means
that neither U nor RP can be linked.
8) RP+RP'-U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept, and modify exchanged
messages and additionally plays the roles of RP and RP'. The target entity role is U. In this case,
unlinkability of U by RP is not in question. Here, a different type of linking is considered. That is,
linking as the ability for RP and RP’ to distinguish:
— two protocol executions between U and RP and U and RP’ from;
— two protocol executions between U and RP and U’ and RP’.
Table 1 summarizes, for each notion of unlinkability, the settings for the adversary and target entity
Table 1 — Relationship between adversarial and target role
Information security, cybersecurity
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ISO/IEC FDIS 27551:2021(E)
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ISO/IEC FDIS 27551:2021(E)
© ISO/IEC 2021
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
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CH1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC FDIS 27551:2021(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 2
5 General objectives of attribute-based entity authentication . 2
6 Properties of attribute-based entity authentication protocols . 4
6.1 Correctness . 4
6.2 Unforgeability . 4
6.2.1 General. 4
6.2.2 Replay protections . . 4
7 Unlinkability properties of attribute-based entity authentication protocols .4
7.1 General . 4
7.2 Generic definition of unlinkability . 5
7.3 Specific definitions of unlinkability . 5
7.3.1 General. 5
7.3.2 Passive outsider unlinkability (anti-tracking from passive outsiders) . 7
7.3.3 Active outsider unlinkability (anti-tracking from active outsiders) . 7
7.3.4 RP-U unlinkability (“anonymous visits” to an RP) . 7
7.3.5 AP-U unlinkability . 8
7.3.6 RP+AP-U unlinkability (anti-RP-AP-collusion) . 8
7.3.7 AP-RP unlinkability (anti-tracking of RP from AP) . 8
7.3.8 AP-RP+U unlinkability . 8
7.3.9 RP+RP'-U unlinkability (anti-tracking of U from a set of colluding RPs) . 8
7.4 Relationships between notions of unlinkability . 9
7.5 Unlinkability levels for attribute-based entity authentication . 9
7.6 Models .10
8 Attributes .10
8.1 Categories of attributes .10
8.1.1 Personal attributes . .10
8.1.2 Selfclaimed attributes . .10
8.1.3 Verified attributes .10
8.1.4 Static attributes .11
8.1.5 Semistatic attributes . .11
8.1.6 Dynamic attributes .11
8.1.7 Computed attributes . .11
8.1.8 Identifying attributes .11
8.1.9 Supporting attributes .11
8.2 Verified attribute expiry and revocation .11
8.3 Attribute assurance .11
9 Requirements for level N attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication .11
Annex A (informative) Formal definitions for security and unlinkability notions .13
Annex B (informative) Examples of attribute-based entity authentication protocols .19
Annex C (informative) .26
Annex D (informative) Use cases for attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication .33
Bibliography .34
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ISO/IEC FDIS 27551:2021(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for
the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www .iso .org/ directives or www .iec .ch/ members
_experts/ refdocs).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject
of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the
Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see www .iso .org/ patents) or the IEC
list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www .iso .org/
iso/ foreword .html. In the IEC, see www .iec .ch/ understanding standards.
This document was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 27, Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/ members .html and www .iec .ch/ national
iv © ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC FDIS 27551:2021(E)
ISO/IEC 29100 sets forth eleven privacy principles which apply to all actors that can be involved in the
processing of PII. The second principle is the collection limitation. Despite this recommendation, the
current state of the art is that internet sites collect more than necessary information during the PII
principal’s access to the service. For example, if the site only requires verification that the PII principal
is over a certain age, only that information should be necessary for the consumption of the service.
However, it is often the case that other information such as the user’s persistent identifier is supplied,
making it possible to link visits from the same PII principal to different sites or to link two or more
visits from the same PII principal to the same site.
To adhere to the principle of the collection limitation, the site in the above case should instead use a
type of entity identifier that does not allow the site to link two or more visits by the PII principal. This
means that, when two transactions are performed, it is difficult to distinguish whether the transactions
were performed by the same user or by two different users. This is one type of unlinkability. Several
other types of unlinkability can also be considered and desired in applications.
Attribute-based unlinkable entity authentication (ABUEA) provides a means for PII principals to
establish the authenticity of a selected subset of their identity attributes without revealing a larger
subset. Special focus is put on unlinkability and a metric that measures the strength of this property in
implementations of ABUEA is introduced. This document focuses on cases where at least one attribute
is attested by a third party. This document also identifies security properties to be met to achieve
various protections as well as unlinkable properties.
The methodology developed by this document may be tailored and applied to other privacy principles.
The requirements identified in this document apply at the application communication layer. However,
some properties met at the application layer protocol can be ruined by a lower layer protocol, such as
the network layer, which means that the lower layers' privacy and security properties should also be
taken into consideration to ensure that the properties met at the application communication layer are
still valid when considering the privacy and security characteristics of the lower communication layers.
© ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved v
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Information security, cybersecurity and privacy
protection — Requirements for attribute-based unlinkable
entity authentication
1 Scope
This document provides a framework and establishes requirements for attribute-based unlinkable
entity authentication (ABUEA).
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 29100, Information technology — Security techniques — Privacy framework
ISO/IEC 247601, IT Security and Privacy — A framework for identity management — Part 1: Terminology
and concepts
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 29100, ISO/IEC 24760-1,
and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
anonymity set
set of identities that shares certain characteristics
attribute provider
authority trusted by one or more users and one or more relying parties to issue or verify attributes
related to an entity
not vanishing faster than any inverse polynomial in the security parameter
software and/or hardware used by the PII Principal to interact with the system
© ISO/IEC 2021 – All rights reserved 1
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ISO/IEC FDIS 27551:2021(E)
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
A adversary
AO active outsider
AP attribute provider
OIDC OpenID Connect
PII personally identifiable information
PO passive outsider
RP relying party
SIOP selfissued OpenID provider
U useragent
UL unlinkability level
5 General objectives of attribute-based entity authentication
Attribute-based entity authentication is a means to establish a form of trust between two unfamiliar
parties that share trust in a common third-party entity.
This clause defines the notion of attribute-based entity authentication in a minimal communication
three parties model involving three entity roles U, RP and AP as depicted in Figure 1.
1 setup phase (optional)
2 user registration phase
3 authentication phase
Figure 1 — Phases of attribute-based entity authentication
RP trusts AP in the sense that RP is convinced of the correctness of statements expressed by AP. RP and
AP can have engaged in some optional preliminary procedure, referred to as the setup phase, which
enables the RP to ascertain that statements expressed by AP are genuine.
A PII principal, referred to as a user hereafter, uses a software called useragent or U to communicate
with AP and RP. U has a number of attributes which collectively represent its distinct identity. U and AP
can also have carried out a preliminary procedure referred to as the user registration phase, in which
AP validates the user’s attributes and links them to U's attributes. During this process, U can be given
data material to enable later attribute-based entity authentication towards RP.
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There is no such preliminary procedure between U and RP, meaning that U and RP are a priori strangers
to one another.
An attribute-based entity authentication protocol is a sequence of computations and communications
among U, RP and AP which, when conducted successfully throughout, results in a state at RP where
RP is convinced that a statement made by U about its attributes is correct or not. The purpose of the
protocol is to reach that state.
The authentication phase is the protocol stage where U and RP interact, which can involve the
participation of AP or not.
The description of a particular attribute-based entity authentication protocol requires a specification
of the attributes, of the statements that can be made on them, as well as of all computations and
communications between the three parties. It includes a description of the authentication phase, the
setup phase if any, and the user registration phase if any.
NOTE Attribute-based entity authentication can also be achieved in communication models that extend
beyond the minimal U-RP-AP model either by involving additional specific-purpose entities or by limiting the use
of communication channels at determined stages of the protocol. Annex B describes some examples of attribute-
based entity authentication protocols and their underlying model.
Attributes are defined in ISO/IEC 24760-1. As properties, they can have:
— a type, a Boolean, or a character string of alphabetical characters, or an integer in a certain range,
or a compound type built on these basic types (such as a fixed length vector of integers or a dynamic
list of mixed strings and integers, and so forth);
— a name, which is a string in a prescribed alphabet;
— a value selected within the range of admissible values for the considered type.
Other properties of attributes such as their origin or level of assurance, or more generally classes or
categories of sorts, can exist and be involved in the attribute-based authentication protocol. However,
they are usually encoded as additional attributes. Therefore, it is enough to rely on the notions of type,
name and value when describing an attribute.
A policy decision function is a function that takes a policy and other information for the purpose of
returning a boolean value. It is defined as a logic predicate combining basic relational expressions using
logic operators such as OR, AND or possibly more complex ones such as threshold gates (t-out-of-n). A
relational expression can express:
— equality of an attribute value to a particular value;
— non-equality of an attribute value to a particular value;
— inequality of an attribute value towards a particular value (less than, greater than). This requires
that the attribute type support an ordering over its set of admissible values.
It is usual to rely on a structured language to express policies when some level of genericity is desired.
OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is one such example. In other applications,
the policy may be fixed and hard-coded into the attribute-based entity authentication protocol itself.
It should also be noted that some attribute-based entity authentication protocols may only support
restricted policies, where:
— attribute values can only be compared to constants and not to other attribute values;
— the nature or the number of logic operators is limited; or
— some other restriction applies.
The purpose of an attribute-based entity authentication protocol is for RP to be convinced that the set
of attributes A temporarily associated to an a-priori unknown entity U satisfies a certain policy P,
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namely that the policy decision function returns true for P(A ). For attributes that originate from a
neutral AP that the RP trusts, some form of interaction with that AP is necessary.
Annex D describes examples of use cases in which ABUEA systems are used.
6 Properties of attribute-based entity authentication protocols
6.1 Correctness
Under the assumptions that:
— RP is always convinced by the statements expressed by AP;
— All parties U, AP and RP engage in the correct execution of the protocol;
the protocol is correct when, if the user has a set of attributes A and A satisfies the policy P, then the
protocol terminates in an acceptance state by the RP, meaning that RP acknowledges that P(A ) = true.
6.2 Unforgeability
6.2.1 General
Unforgeability is a security property that exists for attribute-based entity authentication protocols.
The protocol is unforgeable if it is infeasible for U to make RP terminate the protocol in the acceptance
state when P(A ) =false.
Clause A.2 describes the conditions of achieving unforgeability.
6.2.2 Replay protections
Unforgeability requires two security measures to be taken into consideration for any kind of entity
authentication protocol, namely:
— replay protection against one relying party; and
— replay protection against different relying parties.
The first kind of protection requires the use of a time-variant parameter that can either be a challenge
sent by the relying party and then reused by the U or be a unique number presented by the U to the SP.
These time-variant parameters are part of the computation of the credentials presented by the U to the
The second kind of protection requires the use in the protocol of a data item containing a characteristic
unique to the intended relying party.
7 Unlinkability properties of attribute-based entity authentication protocols
7.1 General
In this document, unlinkability refers to a family of properties that an attribute-based entity
authentication protocol can or cannot fulfil. The purpose of this clause is to provide a definition for
these properties and show how they interrelate.
Note that these definitions are formulated for attribute-based entity authentication protocols operating
in the minimal U-RP-AP model. They can give rise to distinct definitions in extended communication
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7.2 Generic definition of unlinkability
Linking is defined as the ability for an entity or a group of colluding entities to distinguish protocol
executions where:
— an entity role is played by the same entity; from
— that entity role is played by different entities.
Unlinkability refers to the inability to link protocol executions. The entity or group of entities attempting
to link protocol executions is called the adversary while the entity role under observation is the target
entity role. Considering different settings for the adversary and target entity role produces entirely
different notions of unlinkability.
For example, if U visits an RP more than twice and if the RP can link these visits together to recognize
the repeated visits, then the RP is linking the user visits. In this case, U is not “anonymous” but only
“pseudonymous” at best and if U was wishing to be “anonymous”, then RP is acting as an adversary
against the user’s wish. Similarly, when U is trying to authenticate itself to RP using attributes provided
by AP, U may wish so that AP cannot find out to which RP U has provided those attributes. Under such
circumstances, if AP identifies that U provided attributes to RP, then AP is acting as an adversary.
The protocol itself is said to be unlinkable if its executions cannot be linked, given explicit settings for
the adversary and target entity role.
NOTE A clear distinction is to be made between the various unlinkability properties that a protocol can
or cannot achieve and the traceability or linkability of data transfers at the data transport level. It is usual to
assume that an anonymization tool such as TOR can be used to avoid a trivial form of linking through network
connections instead of the nature of the exchanged messages. This consideration is independent of the actual
unlinkability properties that a protocol possess or not.
This document is concerned with achieving unlinkability of the protocol executions without external
context (metadata). Even if a protocol is unlinkable, linking may be achieved with metadata (e.g. by
considering the timings or location when authentication takes place). Techniques to prevent linking via
metadata are out of scope for this document.
The level of anonymity also depends on the size of the anonymity set resulting from the combination of
policy P and the set of user attributes A such that A satisfies the policy P. An example is a policy that
asks for a user's year of birth but the user is over 100 years old. The resulting anonymity set can be very
7.3 Specific definitions of unlinkability
7.3.1 General
While the terms “unlinkable” or “anonymous” are often used, the meaning actually varies depending on
the context of the use of the terms. To speak about them precisely, it is necessary to speak of from which
adversary role, what target entity role is unlinkable.
This document adopts a naming convention for notions of unlikability where the adversarial role
constitutes the first part of the name and the second part describes the target entity role. The two parts
are separated by a “-”, as show in Figure 2.
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1 adversary
2 target entity
Figure 2 — Naming convention for notions of unlinkability
This document provides the following notions of unlinkability for attribute-based entity authentication
protocols, indicating this aspect together with “unlinkability”.
1) Passive outsider unlinkability (PO-U). The adversary plays none of the U, RP or AP roles but can
passively observe the content of all exchanged messages. The target entity role is U.
2) Active outsider unlinkability (AO-U). The adversary plays none of the U, RP or AP roles but can
observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged messages in a man-in-the-middle fashion. The
target entity role is U.
3) RP-U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged messages
and additionally plays the role of RP. The target entity role is U.
4) AP-U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged messages
and additionally plays the role of AP. The target entity role is U.
5) RP+AP-U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged
messages and additionally plays the role of both RP and AP. The target entity role is U.
6) AP-RP unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged messages
and additionally plays the role of AP. The target entity role is RP.
7) AP-RP+U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept and modify exchanged
messages and additionally plays the role of AP. The target entity roles are U and RP. This means
that neither U nor RP can be linked.
8) RP+RP'-U unlinkability. The adversary can observe, actively intercept, and modify exchanged
messages and additionally plays the roles of RP and RP'. The target enti
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