Information technology — Test methods for measuring conformance to Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) abstract data manipulation — Application Program Interface (API) (Language independent)

The purpose is to define test methods for measuring conformance to ISO/IEC 14360, which defines a general purpose OSI Abstract Data Manipulation (OM) Application Program Interface (API) in terms that are independent of any particular programming language.

Technologies de l'information — Méthodes d'essai pour mesurer la conformité à la manipulation de données abstraites en interconnexion de systèmes ouverts (OSI) — Interface de programme d'application (API) (indépendante du langage)

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ISO/IEC 14362:1996 - Information technology -- Test methods for measuring conformance to Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) abstract data manipulation -- Application Program Interface (API) (Language independent)
English language
80 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
1996-06-o 1
Information technology - Test methods
for measuring conformance to Open
Systems Interconnection (ON) abstract
- Application Program
data manipulation
Interface (API) [Language independent]
Technologies de I ‘information - M&hodes d ‘essai pour mesurer la
conformit 8 la manipulation de don&es abstraites en interconnexion de
Interface de programme d ‘applica tion (A PI)
syst&mes ouverts (OS/) -
[indkpendan te du langagel
Reference number
ISO/IEC 14362: 1996(E)

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ISO/IEC 14362:1996(E)
Section 1: General .
1.1 Scope .
1.2 Normative References
1.3 Conformance .
......... 3
Section 2: Terminology and General Requirements
2.1 Conventions
2.2 Definitions
Section 3: Test Assertions-General
3.1 Scope .
3.2 Normative References
3.3 Conformance .
3.4 Test Methods .
Section 4: Test Assertions-Definitions and General Requirements . . . .
Section 5: Test Assertions-Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
........ 17
Section 6: Test Assertions-Information Architecture
6.1 Introduction .
6.2 Objects .
6.3 Object Attributes .
6.4 Classes .
6.5 Class Definitions’
6.6 Packages .
6.7 Package Definitions
6.8 Workspaces
6.9 StorageManagement
Section 7: Test Assertions-Information Syntaxes
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Syntax Templates
7.3 Syntaxes
7.4 Strings .
7.5 Relationship to ASN.l Simple Types
7.6 Relationship to ASN.l Useful Types
7.7 Relationship to ASN. 1 Character String ’Gpes
7.8 Relationship to ASN.1 Type Constructors
0 ISO/IEC 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be repro-
duced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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ISWIEX 14362:1996(E)
Section 8: Test Assertions-Service Interface
........... 23
8.1 Introduction
................. 23
8.2 Datatypes
0 0 23
8.2.1 Signed Integers
8.2.2 Unsigned Integers
8.2.3 Boolean
8.2.4 Enumeration
8.2.5 Exclusions l
8.2.6 Integer l
8.2.7 Modification l
8.2.8 Object :
............. .... l 24
Object Identifier
8.2.9 : . l 24
Private Object
8.2.10 : . l
............ 24
8.2.11 Public Object : . l
.............. 24
8.2.12 Service-Generated Public Object : :
........ 24
8.2.13 Client-Generated Public Object
........... 24
8.2.14 Attribute Set
8.2.15 Attribute
0 l 0 25
8.2.16 Value
.................. 25
8.2.17 ValueData. : : : : : :
.. 25
8.2.18 NullValue
. 25
String Value
8.2.19 1 . 25
String Flags
8.2.20 : 25
8.2.21 String Choice
................. 25
8.2.22 Return Code
................ 25
8.2.23 String 1
8.2.24 e
8.2.25 TypeList
8.2.26 ValueLength
8.2.27 Value Position
8.2.28 Workspace
: 26
8.3 Operations
8.3.1 copy : : :
8.3.2 CopyValue 33
8.3.3 Create
................. 36
8.3.4 Decode
8.3.5 Delete
...................................... 45
8.3.6 Encode : . 0
................. 47
8.3.7 Get
8.3.8 Instan ’ce
8.3.9 Put .
8.3.10 Read l l
................. 62
8.3.11 Remove 1 1 .
................ 64
8.3.12 Write .
8.4 Return Codes
Section 9: Test Assertions-Object Management Package
....... 75
9.1 Class Hierarchy
9.2 Class Definitions
9.2.1 Encoding
. . .

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ISO/IEC 14362:1996(E)
0 76
9.2.2 External(7.3.2) . . . . . . . .
. 77
9.2.3 Object . . . . . . . . . . .
0 79
Section 10: Test Assertions-Definitions of Constants
0 0 0 l 0 0 0 79
10.1 Introduction
l 79
10.2 Object Manageient Pgciage . . . . . .
0 81
Annex A (informative) Bibliography . . . . . .
0 83
Alphabetic Topical Index . . . . . . . . . .

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ISO/IEC 14362:1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the
International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized sys-
tem for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members
of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of International Stan-
dards through technical committees established by the respective or-
ganization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and
IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a
joint technical committee, ISOAEC JTC 1. Draft International Stan-
dards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to
national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard
requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 14362 was prepared by IEEE (as
IEEE Std 1326-1993) and was adopted, under a special “fast-track pro-
cedure ”, by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information
technology, in parallel with its approval by national bodies of IS0 and
Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.

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ISO/IEC 14362:1996(E) OISO/IEC
(This introduction is not a normative part of ISO/IEC 14362, Information technology-Test methods
for measuring conformance to Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) abstract data
manipulation -Application Program Interface (API) [Language independent], but is included for
information only.)
The purpose of this International Standard is to define test methods for measuring
conformance to ISO/IEC 14360 {l), which defines a general purpose OS1 Abstract
Data Manipulation (OM) Application Program Interface (API) in terms that are
independent of any particular programming language.
10 Related Standards
11 ISO/IEC 14360 {1} is stated in terms that are independent of any particular pro-
12 gramming language, but is intended to provide the basis for the definition of pro-
13 gramming language bindings to which implementations and applications can con-
14 form. Such a language binding, for the C programming language, is contained in
15 ISO/IEC 14364 (B6). The requirements specified in this International Standard
16 apply to test methods for measuring conformance to standards defining all such
17 programming language bindings of ISO/IEC 14360 {l}. Additional programming
language-specific requirements may be defined for test methods for measuring con-
19 formance to each programming language binding of ISO/IEC 14360 { 1). Such a set
of requirements, for test methods for measuring conformance to the C program-
21 ming language binding contained in ISO/IEC 14364 {B6), is contained in ISO/IEC
22 14366 (B7).
23 ISO/IEC 14360 {1}, and the language bindings derived from it, are intended to be
24 used in the definition of application-specific APIs that provide OS1 services, such as
25 the X.400-Based API defined in ISO/IEC 14361 (B5) and the API to Directory Ser-
26 vices defined in ISO/IEC 14392 (B8). The requirements specified in this Interna-
27 tional Standard may also apply to test methods for measuring conformance to stan-
28 dards defining such application-specific APIs.
29 The test assertions in this International Standard were produced in accordance
30 with IEEE Std 1003.3-1991 (2).
31 Overview
32 This International Standard contains a section corresponding to each section of
33 ISO/IEC 14360 (1). Each such section contains test assertions for that section of
34 ISO/IEC 14360 (1). Each set of test methods for measuring conformance to
35 ISO/IEC 14360 (1) is required to test these assertions in conformance with the
36 requirements of IEEE Std 1003.3-1991 (2).

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ISO/IEC 14362:1996(E)
37 Related Standards Activities
38 The following areas are under active consideration at this time, or are expected to
39 become active in the near future, concerning standards for application APIs that
40 use the mechanism defined in this International Standard. Similar efforts can be
41 anticipated in the future?
42 (1) X.400-based message handling
43 (2) Directory services
44 (3) FTAMAPI
45 (4) Verification testing methods
46 (5) Network interface facilities
47 (6) System administration.
This International Standard is based on IEEE Std 1326-1993 {B9), which was
prepared by the P1224 Working Group, sponsored by the Portable Applications
Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society.
1) A Standards Status Report that lists all current IEEE Computer Society standards projects is
available from the IEEE Computer Society, 1730 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC
20036-1903, USA; Telephone: +1202 371-0101; FAX: +1202 728-9614.

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ISOIIEC 14362:1996(E)
1 Information technology-Test methods for
measuring conformance to Open Systems
3 Interconnection (OSI) abstract data
4 manipulation -Application Program
5 Interface (API) [Language independent]
6 Section 1: General
7 1.1 Scope
8 This International Standard defines requirements for test methods for measuring
9 conformance to ISO/IEC 14360 (1).
10 ISO/IEC 14360 (1) is stated in terms that are independent of any particular pro-
11 gramming language, but each implementation that conforms to it implements a
12 particular programming language binding, and conforms to its programming
13 language binding specification. Each set of test methods for measuring confor-
14 mance to ISOAEC 14360 (1) assumes a particular programming language binding
15 specification. Each programming language binding specification may impose
16 further programming-language specific requirements on the test methods which, in
17 conjunction with the requirements imposed by this International Standard, consti-
18 tute the requirements that shall be satisfied by test methods used for measuring
19 conformance to that programming language binding specification. This Interna-
20 tional Standard applies to all sets of test methods for measuring conformance to
21 any programming language binding specification for ISO/IEC 14360 (1).
1.1 Scope

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ISOKEX 14362:1996(E) OISO/IEC
1.2 Normative References
22 The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
23 constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication,
24 the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties
25 to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate
the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated
27 below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid Interna-
28 tional Standards.
ISO/IEC 14360: 1996, Information technology-Open Systems Interconnec-
(1 1
tion (OSI) abstract data manipulation-Application Program Interface (API)
[Language independent].
32 IEEE Std 1003.3-1991,1’ IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Test
(2 I
33 Methods for Measuring Conformance to POSIX.
34 1.3 Conformance
35 A set of test methods that conforms to this International Standard shall conform to
36 IEEE Std 1003.3-1991 (2), with references to the “P0SIX.n test method
37 specification” being interpreted as references to this International Standard, and
38 references to “the POSIX standard for which conformance is being measured” being
39 interpreted as references to ISO/IEC 14360 (1).
40 In addition to meeting the conformance criteria defined in IEEE Std 1003.3-1991
41 (21, a set of test methods that conforms to this International Standard shall test all
42 documentation assertions defined in this International Standard.
NOTE: Conformance to IEEE Std 1003.3-1991 (2) implies that the test methods will test all other
44 assertions defined in this International Standard.
1) ISO/IEC documents can be obtained from the IS0 Central Secretariat, 1 Rue de Varembe, Case
Postale 56, CH-1211, Geneve 20, SwitzerlandKuisse. IEEE documents can be obtained from the
IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ, 088551331, USA.
1 General

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ISOLIEC 14362:1996(E)
Section 2: Terminology and General Requirements
2 2.1 Conventions
3 2.1.1 General and Typographical Conventions
Language-independent, concrete OM class names; OM attribute names; and OM
5 attribute value names are spelled with hyphens between words. The first letters of
6 language-independent OM class and OM attribute names are capitalized (e.g.,
7 Arbitrary-Encoding).
Language-independent datatype, operation, argument and error names are lower-
9 case and are spelled with underscores between words (e.g., om-get ).
10 The use of fonts in this International Standard is as follows:
11 - The Helvetica font is used for:
12 - Language-independent operation names, such as om
copy value
- -
13 - Language-independent datatype names, such as om-exclusions-type
14 - Language-independent error names, such as no such class
- -
15 - The italic font is used for:
16 - Language-independent operation arguments, such as
17 source-valueQosition
18 - Introducing important terms
19 - Cross-references in 2.2
20 - The bold font is used for:
21 - Language-independent, concrete OM class names, such as External
22 - Language-independent OM attribute names, such as
23 Arbitrary-Encoding
24 - Language-independent OM attribute values, such as
25 insert-at-certain-point
2.1 Conventions

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ISO/IEC 14362:1996(E)
- The boZd itaZic font is used for:
26 - Language-independent, abstract OM class names, such as Object
27 - The constant width (Courier) font is used for:
28 - References to terms defined in the X.400 standards.
29 2.1.2 Language-Independent Conventions
30 The language-independent conventions defined in ISO/IEC 14360 (1) shall apply in
31 this International Standard.
32 2.1.3 Test Methods Conventions
33 The assertion classification and labelling schemes defined in IEEE Std 1003.3-1991
(2) are used in this International Standard, with the following addition.
35 This International Standard contains an assertion for each statement that is
36 derived from the standard to which conformance is being measured, that pertains
37 to the documentation associated with the implementation being tested, and that is
38 true for a conforming implementation. These assertions are called documentation
39 assertions. Each documentation assertion is labelled Dnn, where nn is a two digit
40 number that is unique within this International Standard.
41 2.2 Definitions
42 2.2.1 Terminology
43 For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply:
44 conformance document: A document provided by an implementor that
45 contains implementation details as described in ISO/IEC 14360 (1).
46 implementation defined: An indication that the implementation shall
( 47 define and document the requirements for correct program constructs and correct
48 data of a value or behavior [ISO/IEC 9945-l {Bl}].
49 may: An indication of an optional feature [ISO/IEC 9945-l {Bl}].
50 With respect to implementations, the word may is to be interpreted as an optional
51 feature that is not required in this International Standard, but can be provided.
52 With respect to Strictly Conforming Applications, the word may means that the
53 optional feature shall not be used.
2 Terminology and General Requirements

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ISO/IEX 14362:1996(E) shall: An indication of a requirement on the implementation or on Strictly
Conforming Applications, where appropriate [ISO/IEC 9945-l {Bl}]. should:
(1) With respect to implementations, an indication of an implementation
recommendation, but not a requirement.
(2) With respect to applications, an indication of a recommended program-
ming practice for applications and a requirement for Strictly Conforming
Application supported: A condition regarding optional functionality.
Certain functionality in this International Standard is optional, but the interfaces
If the functionality is supported, the
to that functionality are always required.
interfaces work as specified by this International Standard (except that they do not
return the error condition indicated for the unsupported case). If the functionality
is not supported, the interface shall always return the indication specified for this
situation [ISO/IEC 9945-l (sl}].
2,2.1,7 system documentation: All documentation provided with an implemen-
tation, except the conformance document [ISO/IEC 9945-l {Bl}].
Electronically distributed documents for an implementation are considered part of
the system documentation. undefined: An indication that this International Standard imposes no
portability requirements on an application ’s use of an indeterminate value or its
behavior with erroneous program constructs or erroneous data [ISO/IEC 9945-l
Implementations (or other standards) may specify the result of using that value or
causing that behavior. An application using such behaviors is using extensions, as
defined in ISO/IEC 14360 (1). unspecified: An indication that this International Standard imposes no
portability requirements on applications for correct program constructs or correct
data regarding a value or behavior [ISO/IEC 9945-l {Bl}].
Implementations (or other standards) may specify the result of using that value or
An application requiring a specific behavior, rather than
causing that behavior.
tolerating any behavior when using that functionality, is using extensions, as
defined in ISO/IEC 14360 (1).
2.2 Definitions

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ISO/IEC 14362:1996(E) OISO/IEC
2.2.2 General Terms
86 .For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply: abstract class: A class, instances of which are forbidden unless they
,2,2.2.2 accessible object: An object for which the client possesses a valid desig-
:nator or handle [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
91 a2;2,2.3 assertion: A statement that is derived from the standard to which confor-
92 mance is being measured, that is true for a conforming implementation, and that
93 pertains either to functionality or behavior of a functional interface or namespace
94 allocation or to the documentation associated with the implementation being tested
95 [ISO/IEC 14360 (ll].
96 attribute: A component of an object, comprised of an integer denoting the
97 type of the attribute and an ordered sequence of one or more attribute values, each
accompanied by an integer denoting the syntax of the value [ISOAEC 14360 (l}].
98 base assertion: An assertion that is required to be tested for required
features and for implemented conditional features [IEEE Std 1003.3-1991 (2)].
100 bit string: An ordered sequence of zero or more bits [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
102 2~2.2.7 byte: A unit of machine storage containing an ordered sequence of 8 bits
103 [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
104 character string: An ordered sequence of zero or more characters
-[ISO/IEC 14360 (111.
222.9 class: A category into which objects are placed on the basis of both their
purpose and their internal structure [ISO/IEC 14360 (l]].
107 client: Software that uses the interface [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
108 concrete class: A class, instances of which are permitted either by
direct instantiation or the instantiation of its concrete subclasses [ISO/IEC 14360
111 WI
2i2.2.12 datatype: A collection of distinguished values, together with a collection
of characterizing operations on those values [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}] .
113 documentation assertion: An assertion that pertains to the documen-
tation associated with the implementation being tested.
2 Terminology and General Requirements

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ISODEX 14362:1996(E) element: Any of the bits of a bit string, the octets of an octet string, or
116 the bytes by means of which the characters of a character string are represented
117 [ISO/IEC 14360 {l)].
118 extended assertion: An assertion that is not required to be tested
119 [IEEE Std 1003.3-1991 (211.
120 generic interface: The interface, defined at a level that is independent
of any particular programming language [ISO/IEC 14360 {l)].
121 immediate subclass: A subclass, of a class C, having no superclasses
that are themselves subclasses of C [ISO/IEC 14360 {l)].
124 immediate subobject: One object that is a value of an attribute of
125 another [ISO/IEC 14360 (l)].
126 immediate superclass: The superclass, of a class C, having no sub-
classes that are themselves superclasses of C [ISO/IEC 14360 {l)].
127 immediate superobject: One object that contains another among its
129 attribute values [ISO/IEC 14360 (111.
130 inaccessible object: An object for which the client does not possess a
131 valid designator or handle [ISO/IEC 14360 {l)].
132 independent copy: A copy of the object plus independent copies of all
133 its subobjects (applied recursively) [ISO/IEC 14360 (l)].
134 instance: An object in the category represented by a class [ISODEC
135 14360 (111. intermediate datatype: Any of the basic datatypes in terms of which
the other, substantive datatypes of the interface are defined [ISO/IEC 14360 {l)].
138 length: The number of bytes required to represent any string [ISO/IEC
139 14360 {l)].
140 minimally consistent object: An object that satisfies various condi-
141 tions set forth in the definition of its class [ISO/IEC 14360 {l)].
2.2 Definitions 7

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ISOLIEC 14362:1996(E)
OISO/IEC name: An identifier used to represent a specific value of a specific
143 This International Standard does not specify when a name is bound to its value: at
144 compile time, link time, or load time. The use of a name as a parameter in a data-
145 type specification does not imply that its value is defined at compile time [ISO/IEC
146 14360 {l}].
147 object: Any of the complex information objects created, examined,
148 modified, or destroyed by means of the interface [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
149 octet string: An ordered sequence of zero or more octets [ISO/IEC 14360
151 operation: A program abstraction with formal input and output param-
152 eters that are bound to objects or values in the application that invokes it [ISO/IEC
153 14360 {l}].
154 OS1 abstract data manipulation application program interface:
155 The interface defined in [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
156 package: A group of related classes [ISO/IEC 14360 {l)].
157 package closure: The set of classes that need to be supported in order to
158 be able to create all possible instances of all classes defined in the package
159 [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
160 position (within a string): The ordinal position of one element of a
161 string relative to another [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
162 position (within an attribute): The ordinal position of one value rela-
163 tive to another [ISOLIEC 14360 (l}].
The form in which the service supplies an
164 primary representation:
165 attribute value to the client [ISODEC 14360 (l}].
The internal representation of the language-
166 private object:
167 independent model of an object in a service, and thus unspecified [ISO/IEC 14360
168 .
169 programming language binding specification: For a language-
170 independent specification, a document that specifies, in terms of a particular pro-
the behavior that the language-independent specification
171 gramming language,
specifies in language-independent terms.
173 It may also specify additional behavior that is relevant to the usage of the particu-
174 lar programming language [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
2 Terminology and General Requirements

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OISO/IEC ISO/IlW 14362:1996(E) public object: The representation by the client of an object in a
175 particular language binding [ISODEC 14360 (l]].
176 secondary representation: A second form, an alternative to the pri-
177 mary representation, in which the client may supply an attribute value to the ser-
178 vice [ISODEC 14360 (l}].
179 segment: Zero or more contiguous elements of a string [ISO/IEC 14360
180 .
181 2,2.2.42 service: Software that implements the interface [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
182 service interface: The interface as realized, for the benefit of the client,
183 by the service as a whole [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}]. specific: With respect to a class, the attribute types that may appear in
an instance of the class but not in an instance of its superclasses [ISO/IEC 14360
186 .
187 status datatype: An abstract datatype whose values may be bound to
188 “control” values as well as “data” values [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}]. string: An ordered sequence of zero or more bits, octets, or characters,
190 accompanied by the length of the string [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
191 subclass: One of the classes, designated as such, whose attribute types
192 are a superset of those of another class [ISOLIEC 14360 (l}].
193 subobject: An immediate subobject of an object or of one of its subobjects
194 applied recursively [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
195 superclass: One of the classes, designated as such, whose attribute
196 types are a subset of those of another class [ISOPIEC 14360 (l}]. superobject: The immediate superobject of an object, or one of its
198 superobjects applied recursively [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
199 syntax: A category into which an attribute value is placed on the basis of
200 its form [ISOIEC 14360 (l}].
201 syntax template: A lexical construct containing an asterisk from which
202 several attribute syntaxes can be derived by substituting text for the asterisk
203 [ISO/IEC 14360 (l)].
204 test methods: The software, procedures, or other means specified to
205 measure conformance to a specification [ISO/IEC 14360 (l}].
2.2 Definitions

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ISOLIEC 14362:1996(E)
OISO/IEC type: A category into which attribute values are placed on the basis of
206 their purpose [ISO/IEC 14360 (111.
207 value: An arbitrarily complex information item that can be viewed as a
208 characteristic or property of an object [ISO/IEC 14360 (l)].
209 workspace: A repository for instances of classes in the closures of one or
210 more packages associated with the workspace [ISO/IEC 14360 {l}].
211 2.2.3 Abbreviations
212 For the purposes of this International Standard, the following abbreviations apply:
213 API: Application Program Interface
214 ASN.1: Abstract Syntax Notation One (defined in ISO/IEC 8824 (B3)).
215 BER: Basic Encoding Rules (defined in ISO/IEC 8825 (B4]).
216 IA5: International Alphabet No. 5 (used in “IA5 String,” see ISO/IEC 8824
218 OM: OS1 abstract data Manipulation.
219 OSI: Open Systems Interconnection.
220 UTC: Universal Coordinated Time.
10 2 Terminology and General Requirements

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OISO/IEC ISO/IEC 14362:1996(E)
Section 3: Test Assertions-General
2 3.1 Scope
3 There are no test assertions for this clause.
3.2 Nor

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