ISO 6082:2025
(Main)Construction project governance — Guidance on delivery management
Construction project governance — Guidance on delivery management
This document provides guidance on: a) the role of the client in the effective and efficient delivery of construction projects; b) delivery management practices which enable the client’s business case to be transformed into project outcomes in a manner which consistently realizes value for money. This document is applicable to private sector, public sector or community organizations.
Titre manque
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO 6082
First edition
Construction project governance —
Guidance on delivery management
Reference number
© ISO 2025
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Delivery management concepts . . 4
4.1 Fundamentals of construction works projects.4
4.2 The delivery process .5
4.2.1 Overview .5
4.2.2 Organizational governance practices .6
4.2.3 Controlling practices .6
4.2.4 Influencing practices .7
4.3 Procurement cycle associated with the delivery of a construction works project .7
4.4 Context for project delivery .8
4.4.1 Regional, organizational and project context.8
4.4.2 Risk .11
4.5 Client organization inputs into projects . 13
4.5.1 Overview . 13
4.5.2 Values and vision . 13
4.5.3 Organizational policies which inform project delivery values .14
4.5.4 Strategic planning .16
4.5.5 Business case and feasibility studies .17
5 Roles and responsibilities to support project delivery .18
5.1 Overview .18
5.2 Project delivery steering committee of senior management .18
5.3 Client delivery management team . 20
5.3.1 Typical functions . 20
5.3.2 Client delivery manager .21
5.4 Finance department .24
5.5 Project delivery team .24
5.6 Stakeholders . 25
6 Client delivery management practices .26
6.1 Plan . 26
6.1.1 Overview . 26
6.1.2 Site considerations . 26
6.1.3 Predicting outturn (final) costs. 28
6.1.4 Whole life costs . 28
6.1.5 Project delivery management plan . 28
6.1.6 Procurement planning . 29
6.1.7 Implementation plans . 30
6.2 Specify .32
6.2.1 Overview .32
6.2.2 Shaping the project .32
6.2.3 Scope of work . 33
6.2.4 Quality requirements . 33
6.2.5 Sustainable development contributions . 34
6.2.6 Specification for data requirements . 36
6.3 Procure . 36
6.3.1 General . 36
6.3.2 Procurement system for project delivery . 36
6.3.3 The use of procurement as an instrument of policy . 39
6.3.4 Standardizing procurement . 40
6.3.5 Contract management .41
6.4 Oversee delivery .42
6.4.1 Overview .42
6.4.2 Control framework for project delivery .42
6.4.3 Control budgets .43
6.4.4 Achieving outcomes . 44
6.4.5 Data gathering . 44
6.4.6 Reporting to governance structures . 44
6.4.7 Interrogation of information . 44
6.4.8 Managing project risks and change .45
6.4.9 Commissioning .45
6.4.10 Standardization .45
6.4.11 Data capture and disclosure . 46
6.4.12 Exit strategies . 46
Annex A (informative) Core systems for the delivery of construction works projects .48
Annex B (informative) Control framework for the delivery of construction works projects .53
Annex C (informative) Specifying requirements .60
Bibliography .64
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