Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AFTnn - File Transfer, Access and Management - Part 3: AFT11 - Simple File Transfer Service (unstructured) (regional variant of ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995)

Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): This WI underwent a parallel enquiry with JTC1.  The // vote was stopped after ++ the DIS bec. JTC1 refused to introduce a confirmation vote (EH, 960401)

Informationstechnik - Internationale Profilnormen AFTnn - Dateiübermittlung, Zugriff und Verwaltung - Teil 3: AFT11 - Einfache datenübermittlungsdienste (unstrukturiert) (Regionale Version von ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995)

Technologies de l'information - Profils normalisés internationaux AFTnn - Transfert, acces et gestion de fichier - Partie 3: AFT11 - Service de transfert simple de fichier (non structuré) (variante régionale de l'ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995)

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AFTnn - File Transfer, Access and Management - Part 3: AFT11 - Simple File Transfer Service (unstructured) (regional variant of ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995)

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AFTnn - File Transfer,
Access and Management - Part 3: AFT11 - Simple File Transfer Service
(unstructured) (regional variant of ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995)
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles AFTnn - File Transfer,
Access and Management - Part 3: AFT11 - Simple File Transfer Service (unstructured)
(regional variant of ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995)
Informationstechnik - Internationale Profilnormen AFTnn - Dateiübermittlung, Zugriff und
Verwaltung - Teil 3: AFT11 - Einfache datenübermittlungsdienste (unstrukturiert)
(Regionale Version von ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995)
Technologies de l'information - Profils normalisés internationaux AFTnn - Transfert,
acces et gestion de fichier - Partie 3: AFT11 - Service de transfert simple de fichier (non
structuré) (variante régionale de l'ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISP 10607-3:1996
35.100.05 9HþVORMQHXSRUDEQLãNH Multilayer applications
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
PROFILE 10607-3
Second edition
Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles AFTnn - File
Transfer, Access and Management -
Part 3:
AFT1 1 - Simple File Transfer Service
Technologies de Yin formation - Pro fils normalis& in terna tionaux AFTnn -
Transfert, acc& et gestion de fichier -
Partie 3: AFT1 I - Service de transfert simple de fichier (non structurk)
Reference number
lSO/IEC ISP 10607-3:1995(E)

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
lSO/IEC ISP 10607-3 : 1995 (E)
Foreword . III
Introduction . iv
Scope . 1
Normative references . 2
Definitions . 2
Abbreviations . 3
Conformance . 3
Virtual filestore . 4
File protocol .
A Profile Requirements List for lSO/IEC ISP 10607-3 (AFTII). 6
B Profile object identifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
C Corrigenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
D Main differences between the 1st edition (1990) and the
2nd edition (1995) of this part of lSO/IEC ISP 10607. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 9
0 ISO/lEC 1995
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
ISOAEC ISP 10607-3 : 1995 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization.
National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of International
Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with
particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of
mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental or non-governmental, in liaison
with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
ISO/IEC JTCI. In addition to developing International Standards, ISO/IEC JTCI has created a
Special Group on Functional Standardization for the elaboration of International Standardized
An International Standardized Profile is an internationally agreed, harmonized document which
identifies a standard or group of standards, together with options and parameters, necessary to
accomplish a function or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication
as an International Standardized Profile requires approval by at least 75 % of the national
bodies casting a vote.
International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3 was prepared with the collaboration of
- Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW);
- European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS);
- Open Systems Environment Implementors’ Workshop (OIW).
lSO/IEC ISP 10607 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information
technology - International Standardized Profiles AFTnn - File Transfer, Access and
- Part I: Specification of ACSE, Presentation and Session protocols for the use by
- Part 2 : Definition of document types, constraint sets and syntaxes
- Part 3 : AFT1 I - Simple File Transfer Service (unstructured)
- Part 4 : AFT12 - Positional File Transfer Service (flat)
- Part 5 : AFT22 - Positional File Access Service (flat)
- Part 6 : AFT3 - File Management Service
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC ISP 10607-3 : 1990), which
has been technically revised.
Annexes A and B form an integral part of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607. Annexes C and D are
for information only.

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
ISOAEC ISP 10607-3 : 1995 (E) 0 ISOAEC
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 is defined within the context of Functional Standardization,
in accordance with the principles specified by lSO/IEC TR 10000, “Framework and
Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles ”. The context. of Functional
Standardization is one part of the overall field of Information Technology (IT)
standardization activities, covering base standards, profiles, and registration
mechanisms. A profile defines a combination of base standards that collectively perform a
specific well-defined IT function. Profiles standardize the use of options and other
variations in the base standards, and provide a basis for the development of uniform,
internationally recognized system tests.
One of the most important roles for an ISP is to serve as the basis for the development (by
organizations other than IS0 and IEC) of internationally recognized tests and test centres.
ISPs are produced not simply to legitimize a particular choice of base standards and
options, but to promote real system interoperability. The development and widespread
acceptance of tests based on this and other ISPs is crucial to the successful realization of
this goal.
The text for this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 was developed in close co-operation among the
FTAM Expert Groups of the three International OSVOSE Workshops : OSE Implementors’
Workshop (OIW), the European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS) and the Asia-
Oceania Workshop (AOW). This part of lSO/IEC ISP 10607 is harmonized among these
three Workshops and it was finally ratified by the Workshops’ plenary assemblies.

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles
AFTnn - File Transfer, Access and Management -
Part 3:
AFT1 1 - Simple File Transfer Service (unstructured)
by the file service provider to file service users, together
1 Scope -
with the necessary communications between the initiator
and the responder.
1 .l General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 (AFT1 1) covers transfer of
1.2 Position within the taxonomy
files between the filestores of two end systems, using the
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 is identified in lSO/IEC TR
OSI connection-mode transport service to provide the
10000-2 as “AFT1 1, Simple File Transfer Service
interconnection. One end system acts in the initiator role
and requests access to the file, the other end system
acts in the responder role and provides access to the file
It may be combined with any T-Profiles (see ISO/IEC TR
in the virtual filestore.
10000) specifying the OSI connection-mode transport
These role combinations and the interoperability are
shown in table 1.
1.3 Scenario
Table 1 - Interoperable configurations
The model used is one of two end systems establishing an
association and transferring files into and out of the
responder ’s virtual filestore as shown in figure 1.
Sender IReceiver/ Sender / Receiver
I 2 I
Receiver X
4 1
Sender X
Real End Real
Responder End
System 1 1 : System 2 - Filestore
Receiver x
- Initiator - - Responder - 2
Figure 1 - File transfer between two end systems
Transfer of files is supported for files with an unstructured
constraint set and containing binary or character data.
Specifications of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 apply on
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 specifies implementations the double lines of figure 1. The mapping between the
that support file transfer, i.e. the ability to virtual filestore and the real filestore together with the
local data management system is not defined in this part
a) either read a complete file, or
of ISO/IEC ISPa 10607.
b) write (replace and/or extend) to a file, or
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 defines the selection of
specific virtual filestore options, file service options and
c) both;
file protocol options. The required functions from the
supporting protocol stack of ACSE, presentation and
and optionally to
session are specified in lSO/IEC ISP 106074 (see also
table 2).
a) create and delete a file, and
Table 2 - Prwfile Stack
b) read the attributes of a file.
IS0 8571
Application Layer
This part of ISO/lEC ISP 10607 specifies how the OSI
ISO/lEC 8650
FTAM application standard shall be used to provide the
functions defined above. It does not specify total system
Presentation Layer
8825-1, ISOAEC 8823
capability. In particular, a system may operate this profile
and at the same time engage in other communications.
Session Layer ISO/lEC 8327
The requirements placed on an implementation in this part
of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 are solely those necessary for
operation of the protocol specified.
The document types, constraint sets and syntaxes which
are referenced in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 are
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 describes the actions and
defined in IS0 8571-2 and in ISO/IEC ISP 10607-2.
attributes of the virtual filestore, and the service provided

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
ISOAEC ISP 10607-3 : 1995 (E)
Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access
2 Normative references
and Management - Part 3 : File Service Definition .
The following documents contain provisions which,
- IS0 8571-4:1988, Information processing systems -
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this
Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access
part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607. At the time of publication, the
and Management - Part 4 : File Protocol Specification.
editions indicated were valid. All documents are subject to
revision, and parties to agreements based on this part of
- IS0 8571-4: 1988/Amd.4:1992, Information processing
lSO/IEC ISP 10607 are warned against automatically
systems - Open Systems Interconnection - File
applying any more recent editions of the documents listed
Transfer, Access and Management - Part 4 : File
below, since the nature of references made by ISPs to
Protocol Specification - Amendment 4 .
such documents is that they may be specific to a
particular edition. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
- ISO/l EC 8571-5: 1990, Information processing
registers of currently valid International Standards and
systems - Open Systems Interconnection - File
ISPs, and ITU-T maintains published editions of its current
Transfer, Access and Management - Part 5 : Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement Proforma.
Corrigenda to the base standards referenced : See annex
- IS0 8859-l :I 987, information processing - &bit
C for a complete list of these documents which are
single-byte coded graphic character sets - Part I:
identified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607.
Latin alphabet No. 1.
Identical Recommendations I Inter-
- ISO/I EC TR 10000-1: 1 9922) , Information technology -
nkional Standards
Framework and taxonomy of international
Standardized Profiles - Part I : Framework.
- ITU-T Recommendation X.225 (1994) I lSO/IEC 8327-
1:- I) Information technology - Open Systems
- ISO/IEC TR I OOOO-2:l 9942), Information technology -
Interconnection - Connection-oriented session
Framework and taxonomy of International
protocol : Protocol specification.
Standardized Profiles - Part 2 : Principles and
Taxonomy for OS/ Profiles.
- ITU-T Recommendation X.226 (1994) I ISO/IEC 8823-
1 : 1994, Information technology - Open Systems
- lSO/IEC ISP 10607-I :I 995, Information technology -
- Connection-oriented presentation
Interconnection International Standardized Profiles A FTnn - File
protocol : Protocol specification. Transfer, Access and Management - Part I :
Specification of A CS E, Presentation and Session
ITU-T Recommendation X.227 (1995) I ISO/IEC 8650.
protocols for the use by FTAM.
I:- I) Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Connection-oriented protocol for the - ISO/IEC ISP 10607-2:1995, Information technology -
Association Con fro/ Service Element : Protocol
International Standardized Profiles A FTnn - File
Transfer, Access and Management - Part 2 : Definition
of document types, constraint sets and syntaxes.
- ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (1994) I ISO/IEC 8824-
1 : 1995, Information technology - Abstract Syntax - ISO/IEC ISP 10607-4:1995, Information technology -
Notation One (ASN. I): Specification of basic notation.
International Standardized Profiles A FTnn - File
Transfer, Access and Management - Part 4 : AFT12 -
- ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (1994) I ISO/IEC 8825-
Positional File Transfer Service (flat).
1: 1995, Information technology - ASN. I encoding
rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), - ISOIIEC ISP 10607-5:1995, Information technology -
Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished International Standardized Profiles A FTnn - File
Encoding Rules (DER). Transfer, Access and Management - Part 5 : AFT22 -
Positional File Access Service (flat).
2.2 Additional references
- lSO/lEC ISP 10607-6:1995, Information technology -
International Standardized Profiles A FTnn - File
- ISO/IEC 646:1991, Information technology - IS0 7-bit
coded character set for information interchange. Transfer, Access and Management - Part 6 : AFT3 -
File Management Service.
ISO/I EC 6937: 1994, Information technology - Coded
graphic character set for text communication - Latin
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/lEC ISP 10607, the
- IS0 8571-I :I 988, lnformation processing systems -
following definitions apply.
Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access
and Management - Part I : General introduction.
Terms used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 are defined
in the referenced base standards.
IS0 8571-2: 1988, Information processing systems -
Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access
In addition, the following terms are defined.
and Management - Part 2 : Virtual Filestore Definition.
- IS0 8571.3:1988, Information processing systems -
2, Currently under revision.
I) To be published.

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
0 ISOAEC lSO/IEC ISP 10607-3 : 1995 (E)
parameter which is not part of the respective PDU. The
3.1 General
occurrence of “not applicable” features is mainly due to
the;.format of the tables in the Profile Requirements List.
3.1.1 interwork : to be able to communicate to satisfy
the intent of the initiator.
4 _ Abbreviations
3.2 Support level
ACSE Association Control Service Element
To specify the support level of protocol features for this
Profile sub-class : File Transfer, Access and
part of lSO/IEC ISP 10607, the following terminology is
CR Carriage Return
FADU File Access Data Unit
3.2.1 supported; m : Any feature denoted by “m” is
FPDU File Protocol Data Unit
mandatory or optional in the base standard. That feature
RAM File Transfer, Access and Management
shall be supported, i.e. its syntax and procedures shall be
IA5 International Alphabet No. 5
implemented as specified in the base standard or in this
IRV International Reference Version
part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 by all implementations claiming
ISP International Standardized Profile
conformance to this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607.
ISPICS Profile Implementation Conformance Statement
LF Line Feed
However, it is not a requirement that the feature shall be
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
used in all instances of communication, unless mandated
PCI Protocol Control Information
by the base standard or stated otherwise in this part of
PDU Protocol Data Unit
lSO/IEC ISP 10607.
PIGS Protocol Implementation Conformance
1 For features which are optional in the base standard, conformant
Definitions and abbreviations used in ISO/IEC ISP 10607-
implementations shall be able to interwork with other
3, annex A are defined in IS0 8571.
implementations not supporting this feature.
2 The support of a feature can be conditional, depending on the
Support level for protocol features
support of a class of features to which it belongs, e.g. an attribute in
an attribute group, a parameter in a PDU, a PDU in a functional
m supported
0 optionally supported
3.2.2 optionally supported; o : Any feature de-
C conditionally supported
noted by “0” is left to the implementation as to whether
X excluded
that feature is implemented or not.
i outside the scope
not applicable
If an attribute group with a support level of “0” is chosen to
be implemented, then all the attributes in this group that
are classified as “m” shall be supported.
5 Conformance
If a parameter is optionally supported, then the syntax
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 states requirements upon
shall be supported, but it is left to each implementation
implementations to achieve interworking. A claim of
whether the procedures are implemented or not.
conformance to this part of lSO/IEC ISP 10607 is a claim
that all requirements in the relevant base standards are
When receiving an optional parameter which is not subject
satisfied, and that all requirements in the following
of negotiation and is not supported by the receiver, the
clauses and in annex A are satisfied. Annex A states the
receiver shall at least inform the sender by informative
relationship between these requirements and those of the
diagnostic and interworking shall not be disrupted.
base standards.
3.2.3 conditionally supported; c : Any feature
51 . Conformance statement
denoted by “c” shall be supported under the conditions
specified in this part of lSO/IEC ISP 10607. If these
For each implementation claiming conformance to this part
conditions are not met, the feature is outside the scope of
of ISO/lEC ISP 10607 a PIGS shall be made available
this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607.
stating support or non-support of each option identified in
this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607.
3.2.4 excluded; x : Any feature denoted by “x” is
excluded in this part of lSO/IEC ISP 10607, i.e. it shall not
5.2 FTAM conformance
be implemented.
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 specifies implementation
3.2.5 outside the scope; i : Any feature denoted by
“i” is outside the scope of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607, options or selections such that conformant imple-
i.e. it may be ignored, and will therefore not be subject of mentations will satisfy the conformance requirements of
an ISP conformance test. However the syntax of all IS0 8571.
parameters of supported PDUs shall be implemented,
This part of lSO/IEC ISP 10607 includes some additional
even if the procedures are not (i.e. the receiver shall be
requirements above those required in IS0 8571-2 for a
able to decode the PDU).
minimum range of values for the attributes that are
3.2.6 not applicable; - : Any feature denoted by “-” supported (as indicated in annex A).
is not defined in the context where it is mentioned, e.g. a
Implementations conforming to this part of ISO/IEC ISP

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
ISOAEC ISP 10607-3 : 1995 (E) 0 ISOAEC
10607 shall state whether or not they support the initiator
and/or the responder role. They shall implement all the
Table 3 - string significance, universal class number
supported (m) features (identified in annex A) unless they
are part of an unimplemented optional feature. They shall
string significance
state which optionally supported (0) features are
universal class number
26 Visible String m m i
6 Virtual filestore
22 IASString i i m
For interworking with implementations conforming to this
25 GraphicString m j nY/ i 1
part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607, the virtual filestore is
restricted to files within the unstructured constraint set.
27 GeneralString i i m
The defined actions are restricted to actions on whole
6.5 Document type NBS-9 File directory
The support for file and filestore characteristics, file
actions, attribute groups and attributes is as specified in
annex A.
Creation and deletion of NBS-9 files are outside the scope
of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607.
6.1 Filenames
When reading an NBS-9 document, a responder is only
Apart from the minimum conformance requirements required to return the filename attribute, subject to local
specified in IS0 8571-2, filenames have to be specified in security and access control. All other requested
the naming convention of the responding FTAM im- attributes need not be returned.
plementation. It is a local implementation matter of the
FTAM responder, whether or not additional name mapping
6.6 Document type INTAP- Record file
onto the real filestore ’s filename convention is supported.
The support of the transfer syntax INTAP-TSI is an op-
A responder shall not require an initiator to use multiple
tion. INTAP-I may be implemented without supporting the
component GraphicString filenames. Requests using a
compression method as defined in INTAP-TSI.
single-component filename value with a sequence of one
GraphicString shall be responded to using a single-
7 File protocol
component filename value. Use of multiple-component
sequences of GraphicString is outside the scope of this
To support the internal file service identified in this part of
part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607.
lSO/IEC ISP 10607, the basic file protocol and the basic
bulk data transfer protocol are included. The error
6.2 Permitted actions file attribute
recovery file protocol machine, which may be null de-
pending upon whether or not the recovery or restart data
The values for the permitted actions attribute are not
transfer functional units are in use, is used to provide the
restricted by this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 (see also IS0
external file service specified in this part of ISO/IEC ISP
8571-l figure 5 and IS0 8571-2, 12.2).
10607. Annex A summarizes the characteristics of the file
6.3 Format effecters
When a single format effector for vertical (or horizontal) 7.1 Length of FPDUs
movement is optionally permitted to effect a combined
FTAM protocol machines shall be able to parse and
vertical and horizontal movement, implementations shall
process at a minimum 7 k octets of FTAM PCI, FTAM
not use this single format effector for effecting the
structural and FTAM user data (including grouped FPDUs)
combined vertical and horizontal movement.
as they would be encoded with the ASN.1 Basic Encoding
NOTE - This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 requires only support of
CO control characters of ISOAEC 646, containing among others the
format effecters and . Implementations should use
7.2 File service class
pairs as line terminators.
An initiator implementation shall include the transfer class
6.4 Document type FTAM-1 Unstructured
in the F-INITIALIZE request PDU.
text file
7.3 Diagnostic parameter
For FTAM-1 the support level for combinations of uni-
versal-class-number and string significance parameters is
A value for the diagnostic parameter in a response FPDU
as specified in table 3.
shall be sent when the action result or state result
parameters are not success.
All other values and combinations are outside the scope
of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607.
For the diagnostic parameter of F-INITIALIZE, F-P-ABORT
and F-RECOVER PDUs, the term suggested delay shall be
supported if the recovery functional unit is implemented.

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
0 ISOAEC lSO/IEC ISP 10607-3 : 1995 (E)
7.4 Passwords 7.9 Recovery mode parameter
The parameters filestore password for F-INITIALIZE PDU Responder implementations supporting the restart data
and create password for F-CREATE PDU shall be transfer or the recovery functional unit shall be able to
supported for initiators and are optionally supported for negotiate the recovery mode parameter value to a value
responders. other than none from the value received in an F-OPEN
If the security attribute group is supported, the access
passwords parameters for F-SELECT, F-CREATE and F-
7.10 Recommendations
RECOVER PDUs shall be supported for initiators and are
optionally supported for responders.
7.10.1 The optional limited file management functional
unit is used to create and delete a file. Therefore, this
7.5 Initiator identity functional unit should be supported.
The parameter initiator identity of F-INITIALIZE PDU shall 7.10.2 Since F-CANCEL is more effective when mapped
be supported both by initiator and responder im- onto P-RESYNCHRONIZE, implementations should
plementations. support the session resynchronize functional unit.
7.10.3 The implementation information parameter of F-
7.6 Initiator identity, passwords and account
INITIALIZE may be used to pass information as a series of
values, separated by “;” (for example AFT1 I; ENV-41204;
An initiator must be capable of both sending and not
NBSPhase2; NBS-Phase3; INTAP-API II).
sending initiator identity, filestore password, and, if
implemented, access passwords, create password and
7.10.4 If the concurrency control parameter is not
account to satisfy the requirements of a responder.
supported, the following file locks should apply:
The contents of the initiator identity, filestore password,
a) If the requested-access parameter includes only the
access passwords, create password and account shall be
read or read attribute action then:
in the convention of the responding implementation.
requested action
7.7 Presentation contexts
- (local choice)
not requested read attribute action - not required
Values of the presentation context management pa-
all other write actions
- no access
rameter other than FALSE are outside the scope of this
part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607. Therefore, the contents type
b) If the requested access parameter includes at least
list parameter of F-INITIALIZE PDU shall be used in all
one of the replace, extend or delete file actions, then:
instances of communications.
requested actions - exclusive
7.8 FTAM quality of service
all other actions - no access
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 specifies no relation
If the concurrency-control parameter is supported but not
between the values of the ftam-quality-of-service pa-
present, then the file locks specified above should also be
rameter and the selection of restart data transfer or
applied by default.
recovery functional units.

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SIST EN ISP 10607-3:1997
lSO/lEC ISP 10607-3 : 1995 (E)
Annex A
Profile Requirements List
for lSO/IEC ISP 10607-3 (AFT1 1)
In the event of a discrepancy becoming apparent in the Tables marked “(Void)” refer to features that are
body of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607 and the tables in dependent on features which are outside the scope of this
this annex, this annex is to take precedence. part of ISO/IEC ISP 10607.
This annex specifies the constraints and characteristics The terminology is used as defi

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