Information technology - International Standardized Profile TAnnnn - Connection-mode Transport Service over Connectionless-mode Network Service - Part 13: MAC sublayer and physical layer dependent requirements for a Token Ring LAN (ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13:1994)

Technologie de l'information - Profil normalisé international TAnnnn - Service de transport en mode connexion sur service de réseau en mode sans connexion - Partie 13: Spécifications dépendantes de la sous-couche MAC et de la couche physique pour sous-réseau LAN en anneau a jeton (ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13:1994)

Information technology - International Standardized Profile TAnnnn - Connection-mode Transport Service over Connectionless-mode Network Service - Part 13: MAC sublayer and physical layer dependent requirements for a Token Ring LAN (ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13:1994)

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EN ISP 10608-13:1997
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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997
Information technology - International Standardized Profile TAnnnn - Connection-
mode Transport Service over Connectionless-mode Network Service - Part 13:
MAC sublayer and physical layer dependent requirements for a Token Ring LAN
(ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13:1994)
Information technology - International Standardized Profile TAnnnn - Connection-mode
Transport Service over Connectionless-mode Network Service - Part 13: MAC sublayer
and physical layer dependent requirements for a Token Ring LAN (ISO/IEC ISP 10608-
Technologie de l'information - Profil normalisé international TAnnnn - Service de
transport en mode connexion sur service de réseau en mode sans connexion - Partie 13:
Spécifications dépendantes de la sous-couche MAC et de la couche physique pour sous
-réseau LAN en anneau a jeton (ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13:1994)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISP 10608-13:1996
35.100.05 9HþVORMQHXSRUDEQLãNH Multilayer applications
SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997
First edition
Information technology - International
Standardized Profile TAnnnn -
Connection-mode Transport Service over
Connectionless-mode Network Service -
Part 13:
MAC sublayer and physical layer
dependent requirements for a Token Ring
LAN subnetwork
- Profil normalis6 international
Technologies de I ’information
TAnnnn - Service de transport en mode connexion sur Service de
rbseau en mode sans connexion -
Partie 13: Spkifications dbpendantes de Ia sous-couche MAC et de Ia
couche physique pour sous-reseau LAN en anneau 2 jeton
Reference number
ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13:1994(E)

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 10608=13:1994(E)
Foreword .
1 Scope .
1.1 General
1.2 Position within the Taxonomy
1.3 Scenario. .
.................................................... 2
Normative references
Definitions .
Abbreviations .
5.1 MAC Sublayer Static Conformance Requirements
5.2 MAC Sublayer Dynamit Conformance Requirements
5.3 Requirements for the Physical Layer and Station Attachment
....................................... 4
Annex A ISPICS Requirements List (normative)
.............................................. 4
A.l Notation and Conventions
A.2 IPRL .
................................................ 8
Annex B Bibliography (informative)
........................................... 8
B.l Token Ring Cabling Practice
.............................................. 9
Annex C Defect Reports (informative)
................................................ 9
C.1 List of Defect Reports
0 ISO/rEC 1994
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any
form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in
writing from the publisher.
l Case postale 56 l CH- 1211 Geneve l Switzerland
ISO/IEC Copyright Office
Printed in Switzerland

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997
0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13: 1994(E)
ISO @he International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized System for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-govemmental,
in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
In addition to developing International Standards, ISO/IEC JTCl has created a Special Group on Functional
Standardization for the elaboration of International Standardized Profiles.
An International Standardized Profile is an intemationally agreed, harmonized document which identifies a
Standard or group of Standards, together with Options and Parameters, necessary to accomplish a function or a
set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standardized Profile requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13 was prepared with the collaboration of
- Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW);
- European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS);
- Open Systems Environment Implernentors’ Workshop (OW).
ISO/IEC ISP 10608 consists of several parts, under the general title Information Technology - International
Standardized Profile TAnnnn - Connection-mode Transport Service over Connectionless-mode Network Service:
Part 1: General overview and subnetwork-type independent requirements
- Part 2: TA.51 Profile including subnetwork-type dependent requirements for CSMAICD Local Area
Networks (LANs)
- Part 4: Definition of Profile TA53, Operation over a Token Ring LAN subnetwork
- Part 5: TA11 11 /TA1 121 profiles including subnetwork-type dependent requirements for X.25
packet switched data networks using virtual calls
- Part 6: Definition of Profile TA54 for Operation over an FDDI LAN subnetwork
- Part 13: MAC sublayer and physical layer dependent requirements for a Token Ring LAN
- Part 14: MAC, PHY and PMD sublayer dependent and Station Management requirements for an
FDDI LAN subnetwork
Annex A forms an integral part of this part of ISO/IEC 10608. Annexes B and C are for information only.
. . .

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13: 1994(E)
This International Standardized Profile (ISP) is defined in accordance with the principles specified by ISO/IEC
Technical Report 10000.
The context of Functional Standardization is one area in the overall field of Information Technology (IT)
standardization activities, covering base Standards, profiles, and registration mechanisms. A Profile defines a
combination of base Standards that collectively perform a specific well-defined IT function. Profiles standardize
the use of Options and other variations in the base Standards, and provide a basis for the development of uniform,
internationally recognized System tests.
ISPs are produced not simply to ‘legitimize’ a particular choice of base Standards and Options, but to promote
real System interoperability. One of the most important roles for an ISP is to serve as the basis for the
development (by organizations other than ISO and IEC) of intemationally recognized tests. The development and
widespread acceptance of tests based on this and other ISPs is crucial to the successful realization of this goal.
ISO/IEC ISP 10608 consists of several Parts of which this is part 13. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 specifies
the LAN subnetwork dependent requirements for an End System or a Relay System attached to a Token Ring
LAN subnetwork.
Other parts specify the subnetwork-type independent requirements (i.e. Transport Layer requirements), the LAN
independent requirements for the Network Layer and the LLC Sublayer, the LAN specific requirements for
various LAN subnetworks, or define particular End System profiles.

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13:1994(E)
Information technology - International Standardized
Profile TAnnnn - Connection-mode Transport Service
over Connectionless-mode Network Service -
Part 13:
MAC sublayer and physical layer dependent requirements for
a Token Ring LAN subnetwork
1 Scope
11 . General
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 is applicable to End Systems or Relay Systems operating over Token Ring LAN
subnetworks in the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) environment.
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 specifies the subnetwork-type dependent requirements for the MAC Sublayer
and the Physical Layer when the End System or Relay System is attached to a Token Ring LAN.
12 . Position within the Taxonomy
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 relates to any of the transport (Tx, Ux) or relay (Rx) profiles defined in ISO/IEC
TR 10000-2, Taxonomy of OS1 Profiles, where such Profile uses subnetwork type 53 (Token Ring Local Area
Network). Specifically, this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 provides a common set of requirements that are applicable
to Transport Groups TA, TB, TC, TD, TE, UA, and UB, and to Relay Types RA, RB, RC, RD, RE, and RZ
whenever subnetwork identifier 53 is associated with the transport group or relay type.
13 .
The scope of ISPs derived from this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 is limited to the End System or Relay System
characteristics using the Medium Interface Connector (MIC) as the reference point. Information relating to
suitable media types and installation procedures for a Token Ring trunk cabling System may be found in the
document referenced in the informative annex B to this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608.
The scope of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10608 and its relation to other documents and ISP parts is illustrated in
figure 1.

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SIST EN ISP 10608-13:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 10608-13: 1994(E)
0 I

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