Information technology - International Standardized Profiles FVT2nn - Virtual Terminal Basic Class - Register of control object type definitions - Part 2: FVT213, FVT214 - Sequenced and Unsequenced Terminal Control Objects (ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2:1994)

Informationstechnik - Internationale Profilnorm FVT2nn - Virtuelles Terminal Grundstufe - Verzeichnis der Definitionen von Kontrollobjekttypen - Teil 2: FVT213, FVT214 - Sequentielle und nichtsequentielle Terminalkontrollobjekte (ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2:1994)

Technologies de l'information - Profils normalisés internationaux FVT2nn - Classe de base de terminal virtuel - Registre de définitions de type d'objet de commande - Partie 2: FVT213, FVT214 - Objets de commande de terminal ordonnés et non ordonnés (ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2:1994)

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles FVT2nn - Virtual Terminal Basic Class - Register of control object type definitions - Part 2: FVT213, FVT214 - Sequenced and Unsequenced Terminal Control Objects (ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2:1994)

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles FVT2nn - Virtual
Terminal Basic Class - Register of control object type definitions - Part 2: FVT213,
FVT214 - Sequenced and Unsequenced Terminal Control Objects (ISO/IEC ISP
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles FVT2nn - Virtual Terminal
Basic Class - Register of control object type definitions - Part 2: FVT213, FVT214 -
Sequenced and Unsequenced Terminal Control Objects (ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2:1994)
Informationstechnik - Internationale Profilnorm FVT2nn - Virtuelles Terminal Grundstufe -
Verzeichnis der Definitionen von Kontrollobjekttypen - Teil 2: FVT213, FVT214 -
Sequentielle und nichtsequentielle Terminalkontrollobjekte (ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2:1994)
Technologies de l'information - Profils normalisés internationaux FVT2nn - Classe de
base de terminal virtuel - Registre de définitions de type d'objet de commande - Partie 2:
FVT213, FVT214 - Objets de commande de terminal ordonnés et non ordonnés
(ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2:1994)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISP 11185-2:1995
35.100.05 9HþVORMQHXSRUDEQLãNH Multilayer applications
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
PROFILE 11185-2
First edition
Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles FVT2nn - Virtual
Terminal Basic Class - Register of control
Object type definitions -
Part 2:
FVT213, FVT214 - Sequenced and
Unsequenced Terminal Control Objects
- Profils normalis& in terna tionaux
Technologies de Yin forma tion
FVT2nn - Classe de base de terminal virtuel - Registre de definitions
de type d ’objet de commande -
Partie 2: FVT273, FVT214
- Objets de commande de terminal ordonn&
et non ordonnks

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 111852: 1994(E)
. . .
Introduction .
1 Scope .
1 .l General .
1.2 Position within the taxonomy .
1.3 Scenario .
2 Normative references .
3 Definitions .
3.1 General OSI terminology .
3.2 Terminology of VT base Standards
4 Abbreviations .
5 Principles of conformance to VT Profiles
............................ 4
6 Sequenced Terminal Control Object
6.1 Entry number .
6.2 Name of sponsoring authority .
6.3 Date. .
6.4 Identifier .
........................................ 5
6.5 Descriptor value
6.6 CO Parameters .
6.7 CO values, Syntax and semantics
6.8 Additional information
6.9 Usage .
.......................... 6
7 Unsequenced Terminal Control Object
7.1 Entry number
7.2 Name of sponsoring authority
7.3 Date. .
7.4 Identifier .
7.5 Descriptor value
7.6 CO Parameters
7.7 CO values, Syntax and semantics
7.8 Additional information
7.9 Usage .
ANNEX A ISPICS Requirements List .
A.1 Protocol requirements .
A.2 Profile-specific requirements .
0 ISO/IEC 1994
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by
any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without Permission
in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case Postale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2: 1994(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized System for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established by
the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and
IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also
take patt in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTCI. In addition to developing International Standards, ISO/IEC
JTCI has created a Special Group on Functional Standardization for the elaboration
of International Standardized Profiles.
An International Standardized Profile is an internationally agreed, harmonized document
which identifies a Standard or group of Standards, together with Options and
Parameters, necessary to accomplish a function or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standardized Profile requires approval by at least 75%
of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP 111852 was prepared with the
collaboration of
- OSI Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW);
- European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS);
- Open Systems Environment Implementors Workshop (OMI).
This International Standardized Profile lSO/IEC ISP 11185 forms an International
Register of information objects in accordance with the procedures for the Operation of
OSI Registration Authorities laid down in ISO/IEC 9834. lt is issued in Parts, with
additional Parts being issued as further entries are added to the register. Esch patt is
prepared in accordance with an approval and maintenance process laid down by the
Special Group on Functional Standardization of ISO/IEC JTCI, InformaUon technology.
lSO/lEC ISP 11185 is issued under the general title Information technology -
International Standardized Profiles M2nn - Virtuai Terminal Basic Ciass - Register
of controi Object type definitions. At present the following Parts are published or are
in the course of preparation:
Part 1: M211, M212 - Sequenced and Unsequenced Appiication
Controi Objects
Part 2: M213, M214 - Sequenced and Unsequenced Terminal Controi
Part 3: M215, M216 - Appiication RIO Record Loading Controi Object,
Terminal RIO Record Notification Controi Object
Part 4: M217 - Horizontal 7abuiation Controi Object
Part 5: M216 - Logicai Image Controi Object
Part 6: M219 - Status Message Controi Object
Part 7: M2110 - Entry-Controi Controi Object
Part 8: M221 - Forms FEICO (Fieid Entry instruction Controi Object) No.1
Part 9: M222 - Paged FEICO (Field Entry Instruction Controi Object) No.1
Part IO: M231 - Forms FEPCO (Fieid Entry Pilot Controi Object) No.1
Part 11: M232
- Paged FEPCO (Fieid Entry Pilot Controi Object) No.1
Part 12: M2116, FV72117, M2118, M2119 - Generaiized Teinet Synch,
Signal, Negotiation and Subnegotiation Controi Objects
Part 13: M2111 - Waiting 7ime Controi Object
Part 14: M2112 - Printer Controi Object
Part 15: M2113 - Fieid Definition Management Control Object
Part 16: M2114 - Terminal Signal Titles Controi Object
Part 17: M2115 - Heip Text Controi Object
Annex A of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 forms an integral part of this International
Standardized Profile.

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2: 1994(E) 0 ISO/IEC
This International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP 11185 is defined within the context
of Functional Standardization, in accordance with the principles specified in ISO/IEC
TR 10000, “Framework and Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles ”. The
context of Functional Standardization is one part of the Overall field of Information
Technology (IT) standardization activities, covering base Standards, profiles and
registration mechanisms.
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Standard ISO 9040 for the Virtual Terminal
Basic Class Service identifies a requirement for an International Register of VT Control
Object type definitions. Procedures for the Operation of this International Register are
laid down in ISO/IEC 9834-5. This International Standardized Profile provides this
register. The individual entries in this register constitute Interchange Format and
Representation Profiles (F-Profiles) within the framework of lSO/lEC TR 10000.
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 was developed in close cooperation between the three
Regional OSI Workshops, namely the OSE Implementors Workshop (OW) of the
United States, the European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS) and the OSI Asia-
Oceania Workshop (AOW). lt was developed under the editorship of EWOS from a
control Object specification contained in the OIW Stable Implementation Agreements,
Version 3 (December 1989). The text is harmonized between these three Workshops
and it has been ratified by the plenary assemblies of each Workshop.

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
International Standardized
Information technology -
Profiles FVT2nn - Virtual Terminal Basic Class - Register
of control Object type definitions -
Part 2:
Sequenced and Unsequenced Terminal
FVT213, FVT214 -
Control Objects ,
interoperability constitutes a Virtual Terminal A-Profile within
1 Scope
the framework of lSO/IEC TR 10000.
1 .l General
The three International Registers of VT information structures
The concept of Profiles for OSI, and the structure of the and the specifications of VT Application Profiles are each
International Standardized Profiles that document them, are published as a separate multi-part ISP as follows:
defined in ISO/IEC TR 10000-1. Such Profiles are divided into
- ISO/IEC ISP 11184 is the Register of VTE-profiles;
a number of different classes and sub-classes. Two of these
classes contain sub-classes comprising functions of the
- lSO/IEC ISP 11185 is the Register of control Object
Virtual Terminal Basic Class Service and Protocol specified
in the base Standards ISO 9040 and ISO 9041. These are the type definitions;
Application Profiles (A-Profiles) and the Interchange Format
- ISO/IEC ISP 11186 is the Register of assignment-type
and Representation Profiles (F-Profiles).
The relationship between A-Profiles and F-Profiles is
- ISO/IEC ISP 11187 contains the specifications of VT
described in 7.3.2 of ISO/IEC TR 10000-1 and is as follows.
Application Layer base Standards require, implicitly or Application Profiles.
explicitly, the structure of information carried or referenced by
This patt of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 contains the definitions of two
them to be specified for each instance of communication. lt
is the purpose of F-Profiles to specify such information control Object types that may be used to convey
structures. Particular functional requirements may then be uninterpreted Signals from a terminal to an application. One
is used to convey these Signals in sequence with other data.
met by the combination of an A-Profile with one or more F-
Profiles. The other is used to convey these Signals urgently when
there is no requirement to maintain a sequence Order with
Establishment of a VT-association involves the selection by other data.
negotiation of a particular Virtual Terminal Environment Profile
(VTE-Profile), and of particular values for any arguments of 1.2 Position within the taxonomy
that VTE-Profile. The VTE-Profile specification, and possibly
also the values of certain V-TE-Profile arguments, may in turn The taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles for OSI
reference the definitions of VT control Object types and is laid down in lSO/IEC TR 10000-2. Within the classification
assignment types. These VTE-profiles, control Object types scheme of this taxonomy, the OSI Profiles specified in this
and assignment types are thus information structures that International Standardized Profile are in the Virtual Terminal
require explicit reference within the VT protocol. Particular Registered Object sub-class of the class of Interchange
instances of these structures are fully defined within the base Format and Representation Profiles.
Standards, but the base Standards also provide for further
instances to be defined by registration. Esch registered A Profile within this subclass has a Profile identifier of the
form FVTabc, where abc is a structured numerical identifier
instance constitutes an F-Profile within the framework of
that identifies the Position of the Profile within each of the
lSO/IEC TR 10000.
three levels of subdivision of the subclass. The values of a
and b are Single digits but c is an integer that is not
The Virtual Terminal Basic Class Service and Protocol may
be used to realise a wide range of distinct functions. necessarily a Single digit.
Particular functions may be realised through the selection of
appropriate VT functional units, F-Profiles and other VTE- In principle the ISO Virtual Terminal model allows for multiple
Profile argument values. The specification of the selection classes of Operation, although at the time of publication of
required to realise a patticular function and to promote this International Standardized Profile only the Basic Class

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2: 1994(E)
has been defined. The value of the identifier component a
distinguishes between distinct types of information Object as
- a=
1 for Basic Class VTE-profiles;
-a = 2 for Basic Class Control Objects; VT service-protider
Conceptual Communication Area
= 3 for Basic Class Assignment Types.
________ --;i---------
/ CO-1 : :co-2: . . . gjyj
D- _____ ----I ‘-----e--w’
Values of a greater reserved for future
than 3 are
develop lments.
This International Standardized Profile ISO/IEC ISP 11185 Figure 1 - Control objects in the VT Service model
contains the specifications of the Profiles with identifiers of
the form FW2bc. For this form of identifier, the component
b distinguishes between the five major classifications of Basic
current value of its information content is contained in the
Class Control Objects as follows:
Control, Signal and Status store (CSS) component. Updates
to the current value take place through the issue of VT
- bz
1 for Miscellaneous Control Objects;
Service primitives by one W-User to the service-provider.
Changes of state of the CCA are made accessible through
- b = 2 for Field Entry Instruction Control Objects;
the issue of VT Service primitives by the service-provider to
the peer VT-user-.
- b = 3 for Field Entry Pilot Control Objects;
By clause 14 of ISO 9040, COS enable VT-users to handle
- b = 4 for Reference Information Objects;
control information related to virtual terminal functions and to
real devices. This control is exercised by the VT-users
- b = 5 for Termination Conditions Control Objects.
through semantics associated with the information content
and with the update operations of the CO. Definition of the
Esch of these classifications corresponds to a sub-register
semantics, or specification of the Source of the semantics if
under the procedures of ISO/IEC 9834-5. The identifier
the semantic details are not fully prescribed, forms part of the
component c is the serial number of the control Object type
registered definition of the CO. These semantics are not
in the appropriate sub-register. Values of b greater than 5 are
however of concern to the VT service-provider itself. The
reserved for new classifications of Basic Class Control
DSD will contain an ASN.1 Object identifier that identifies the
Objects that may be defined in future amendments to ISO
registered definition, but the VT service-provider merely acts
as a repository of this value. lt is only the VT-user that
requires knowledge of the registered definition.
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 contains the definitions of the
Miscellaneous Control Object types with the Profile identifiers
- The VTE-Parameter values that determine the Syntax of
the information content may not be negotiated explicitly during
FVT213 - Sequenced Terminal Control Object;
association establishment. Moreover, in the case of non-parametric
COS these values do not determine the details of the Syntax. Such
FVT214 - Unsequenced Terminal Control Object.
values and details form part of the registered definition of the CO.
Since the VT service-provider is not required to have knowledge of
1.3 Scenario
this registered definition, in principle the VT-users provide the VT
service-provider with such information through local management
The specification of the Virtual Terminal Service is given in procedures. Whether or not this is necessary in practice depends on
the configuration of the implernentations concerned.
ISO 9040. lt is based on a model in which two VT-users
communicate by means of a shared Conceptual
The control Object types defined in this part of lSO/lEC
Communication Area (CCA) that is a conceptual patt of the
ISP 11185 assume an asymmetry between the two
VT service-provider. Information exchange is modelled by
communicating end Systems. One end System is assumed
one VT-user updating the content of the CCA and the
to have a terminal role and to contain devices for the input
changed state of the CCA then being made accessible to the
and display of data and for signalling. These devices form
peer VT-User.
part of the VT-user component of that end System. The other
end System is assumed to have an application role and to
Control objects (COS) form one of the types of information
contain an application package that the terminal end System
Object that may be present in the CCA. This is illustrated in
desires to access. This asymmetry may, but need not, be
figure 1, in which CO-l, CO-2, . . . CO-n represent a number
recognised by the VT Service; Provision for such recognition
of different control objects present in the CCA. The
exists only in an S-mode VT-association.
negotiation during establishment of a VT-association will
determine whether or not these will include control objects of
Control objects of the types defined in this part of ISO/IEC
either or both of the types whose definitions are given in this
ISP 11185 are used to enable the terminal end System to
part of lSO/IEC ISP 11185.
issue Signals to the application package without the need for
the VT service-provider to be aware of the semantic
The CCA is structured by the Virtual Terminal Service into a
number of components. significance placed on these Signals by the application
For a control Object the Data
Structure Definition (DSD) component of the CCA contains package. These Signals are issued in response to the
the Syntax of its information content, including the range of
Operation of an Object updating device by the human user of
possible values and the permitted update operations. The the terminal end System.

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2: 1994(E)
ISOFR 8509: 1987, Information processing Systems - Open
Systems Interconnection - Service conventions.
Terminal Ap kation
end System en 8 System
ISO 8822:1988, Information processing Systems - Open
Systems Interconnection - Connection orientedpresentation
Service definition.
ISO/lEC 8824: 1990, Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation
One (ASN, 1).
ISO 9040:1990, Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Virtual Terminal Basic Class Service.
c0;j-j eo-2 i ISO 9041-1: 1990, Information technology - Open Systems
VT Protocol
- - - -=====:; - - -
. . . lnterconnection - Virtual Terminal Basic Class Protocol-
Part 1: Specification.
ISO/IEC 9041-2: 1993, Information technology - Open
Figure 2 - Control objecta in the VT Protocol model
Systems Interconnection - Virtual Terminal Basic Class
Protocol - Part 2: Protocol lmplementation Conformance
Statement (PICS) Proforma.
The Virtual Terminal Protocol specification given in ISO 9041-
1 models the VT service-provider in terms of protocol
lSO/IEC 9834-1: 1993, Information technology - Open
exchange between two Virtual Terminal Protocol Machines
Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the Operation of
(VTPMs), each with its own CCA. The CCA of each VTPM is
OS/ Registration Authorities - Part 1: General Procedures,
updated both by Service primitives received from its own VT-
user and by protocol elements received from the peer VTPM.
ISO/IEC 9834-5: 1991, Information technology - Open
Corresponding Service primitives and protocol elements are
Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the Operation of
issued by the VTPM to provide notification of changes to the
OS/ Registration Authorities - Part 5: Register of VT Control
content of its CCA. This is illustrated in figure 2 in the context
Object Definitions.
of the asymmetric end Systems described above. The
control Object type definitions given in this part of lSO/IEC
ISO/IEC 7-R 10000-1: 1992, Information technology -
ISP 11185 are expressed in terms of this model.
Framework and taxonomy of International Standardized
Profiles - Part 1: Framework (second edition).
For certain types of control Object the abstract Syntax of ISO
9041-1 does not provide a complete specification for the
ISO/IEC TR 10000-2: 1992, Information technology -
representation of CO update operations. This arises where
Framework and taxonomy of International Standardized
the abstract Syntax of ISO 9041-1 makes use of an ASN.1 any
Profiles - Part 2: Taxonomy of Profiles (second edition).
type, or where symbolic values have to be encoded in terms
of an ASN.l integer type. Control Object type definitions are
required by lSO/IEC 9834-5 to provide the necessary
3 Definitions
refinement of the abstract Syntax.
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 the
NOTE 2 - Since an abstract Syntax is made available for use
following definitions apply.
through its inclusion in a presentation context, and since the
Presentation service-provider has no knowledge of control Object
3.1 General 0% terminology
type definitions, in principle the VT-users provide the Presentation
service-provider with these refinements to the abstract Syntax through
3.1.1 This part of lSO/IEC ISP 11185 makes use of the
local management procedures. Whether or not this is necessary in
following terms defined in lSO/TR 8509:
practice depends on the configuration of the implernentations
Service primitive;
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through 3.1.2 This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 makes use of the
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of following terms defined in ISO 8822:
ISO/IEC ISP 11185. At the time of publication, the editions
indicated were valid. All documents are subject to revision, abstract Syntax;
and Parties to agreements based on this International
Standardized Profile are warned against automatically presentation context.
applying any more recent editions of the documents listed
below, since the nature of references made by ISPs to such
3.1.3 This patt of ISO/IEC ISP 11185 makes use of the
documents is that they may be specific to a particular edition. following terms defined in lSO/lEC 8824:
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards and ISPs, and CCIlT maintains
a> any type;
published editions of its current Recommendations.
Object descriptor type;
ISO 7498:1984, Information processing Systems - Open
Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model. c) Object identifier.

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2: 1994(E)
3.1.4 This part of lSO/IEC ISP 11185 makes use of the A System that includes an implementation of the VT Protocol
following terms defined in lSO/IEC 9834-1: may be claimed to conform also to an AVTnn Profile.
Conformance to an AVTnn Profile may require that CO
a) registration;
update operations received by the VT-user component of the
System are interpreted in accordance with the semantics
b) registration-hierarchical-name.
defined within the appropriate CO type definition.
Conformance to CO semantics is not within the scope of
3.2 Terminology of VT base Standards
conformance to any FVTnnn Profile.
3.2.1 This part of lSO/IEC ISP 11185 makes use of the
The conformance requirements of the Virtual Terminal
following terms defined in ISO 9040:
Protocol are specified in clause 13 of ISO 9041-1. The
supplier of a protocol implementation which is claimed
a) A-mode;
to conform to ISO 9041-1 is required to complete a
copy of the PICS proforma provided in lSO/IEC 9041-2.
b) control Object;
Annex A of this part of lSO/lEC ISP 11185 provides an
ISPICS Requirements List (IPRL) for the Profiles FVT213 and
c) device Object;
FVT214 specified herein. This IPRL specifies constraints on
the answers that may be given in the completed PICS for a
d) net-effecting;
protocol implementation that Claims conformance to these
e) Object updating device;
9 S-mode;
6 Sequenced Terminal Control Object
This clause provides the entry for the Sequenced Terminal
Control Object type in the International Register of VT Control
h) VT-environment (VTE);
Object Type Definitions. The entry is structured in
accordance with the requirements of lSO/lEC 9834-5. These
i) VT-user-;
requirements specify that this International Register shall
consist of a number of sub-registers, each corresponding to
j) VTE-Parameter;
a major classification of VT Control Object. This entry is
contained in the sub-register for Miscellaneous Control
k) VTE-Profile;
1) VTE-Profile argument.
A control Object of this type is used to enable a
terminal end System to issue Signals to an application
3.2.2 This part of lSO/IEC ISP 11185 makes use of the
process without the need for the VT service-provider to
following term defined in ISO 9041-1:
be aware of the semantic significance placed on these
Signals by the application. These Signals are generated
protocol element.
in response to the Operation of an Object updating
device and they are conveyed in sequence with other
4 Abbreviations updates.
6.1 Entry number
For the purposes of this part of lSO/IEC ISP 11185 the
following abbreviations apply.
This entry is the third in the sub-register for
AOW OSI Asia-Oceania Workshop; Miscellaneous Control Objects. This register assigns it
the entry number:
EWOS European Workshop for Open Systems;
OSE Implementors Workshop;
Open Systems Environment.
6.2 Name of sponsoring authority
All other abbreviations used are defined in lSO/lEC
TR 10000-1 or ISO 9040.
This entry is sponsored by the OSE Implementors Workshop
5 Principles of conformance to VT Profiles
6.3 Date
An implementation of the Virtual Terminal Protocol conforms
The date of Submission of this proposal was 1992-09-25.
to an FVT2nn Profile that defines a control Object type if the
protocol implementation is capable of sending and receiving
6.4 Identifier
PDUs corresponding to all update operations permitted for
that CO type.
The name assigned to an information Object by an
Conformance of a protocol implementation to an FVT2nn International Register is required by ISO/IEC 9834-1 to be a
A registration-hierarchical-
Profile does not place requirements on the ability of the registration-hierarchical-name.
implementation to negotiate the presence in the CCA of an name may have more than one form. The permitted forms
instance of this CO type. Such requirements fall within the include an ASN.1 Object identifier as defined in ISO/IEC 8824
scope of conformance to an FVTlnn Profile that specifies a and a relative distinguished name as defined in ISO/IEC
VTE-Profile. 9594-2.

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SIST EN ISP 11185-2:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11185-2: 1994(E)
In a

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