Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - International Standardized Profiles: OSI Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 4: Support of Session, Presentation and ACSE PDUs (ISO/IEC ISP 12061-4:1995)

Informationstechnik - Kommunikation Offener Systeme - Internationale Profilnormen: Verteilte Transaktionsverarbeitung - Teil 4: Unterstützung des Kommunikationssteuerungsprotokolls, des Darstellungsprotokolls und des Assoziationssteuerungsprotokolls (ISO/IEC ISP 12061-4:1995)

Technologies de l'information - Interconnexion de systemes ouverts (OSI) - Profils normalisés internationaux: Traitement transactionnel réparti - Partie 4: Prise en charge des PDU de session, de présentation et d'ACSE (ISO/IEC ISP 12061-4:1995)

Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - International Standardized Profiles: OSI Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 4: Support of Session, Presentation and ACSE PDUs (ISO/IEC ISP 12061-4:1995)

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EN ISP 12061-4:1997
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - International Standardized Profiles: OSI Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 4: Support of Session, Presentation and ACSE PDUs (ISO/IEC ISP 12061-4:1995)Informationstechnik - Kommunikation Offener Systeme - Internationale Profilnormen: Verteilte Transaktionsverarbeitung - Teil 4: Unterstützung des Kommunikationssteuerungsprotokolls, des Darstellungsprotokolls und des Assoziationssteuerungsprotokolls (ISO/IEC ISP 12061-4:1995)Technologies de l'information - Interconnexion de systemes ouverts (OSI) - Profils normalisés internationaux: Traitement transactionnel réparti - Partie 4: Prise en charge des PDU de session, de présentation et d'ACSE (ISO/IEC ISP 12061-4:1995)Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - International Standardized Profiles: OSI Distributed Transaction Processing - Part 4: Support of Session, Presentation and ACSE PDUs (ISO/IEC ISP 12061-4:1995)35.100.05UHãLWYHMultilayer applicationsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN ISP 12061-4:1996SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997en01-december-1997SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997SLOVENSKI

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

ISO/IEC ISP 12061=4:1995(E) 0 ISO/IEC B.1.4 Functional units Table 3 - FUNCTIONAL UNITS ISO/IEC 8823-2 PROFILE ITEM# PARAMETER STATUS PROFILE ID STATUS TILN ALLOWED NOTES 1 2 13 Kerne1 M M Presentation Context Management 0 * ,Presentation Context Restoration ,C * I I I I I B.1.5 Presentation pdu usage by Profile Table 4 KERNEL PDU USAGE BY PROFILE PROTOCOL DATA UNITS PROFILES l I 1 11 1 21 1 31 32 NOTES i-i Cl01 IM 32 NOTES Cl01 IM Cl02 Cl02 /Cl 01 /Cl 01 M M /Cl 01 /Cl 01 M MI 12 22 Cl01 IM Cl01 IM 1 CONNECT c/c Cl01 Cl01 Cl01 PRESENTATION (CP) IM IM IM 2 CONNECT c/c Cl02 Cl02 Cl02 PRESENTATION /Cl 01 /Cl 01 /Cl 01 ACCEPT (CPA) 3 CONNECT c/c M M M I I PRESENTATION REJECT I I /Cl 01 I /Cl 01 I /Cl 01 CPRI Cl02 /Cl 01 Cl02 /Cl 01 M /Cl 01 M /Cl 01 M M 4 ABNORMAL RELEASE M M M M PROVIDER (ARP) 5 ABNORMAL RELEASE M M M M USER (ARU) 6 PRESENTATION DATA M M M M (TD) M M M M 102. If capable of accepting an AARQ APDU then M, else NA. 20 SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

0 ISOAEC ISO/IEC ISP 12061=4:1995(E) B.1.6 Presentation context management pdu usage by Profile Table 5 PRESENTATION CONTEXT MANAGEMENT PDU USAGE BY PROFILE PROTOCOL DATA UNITS PROFILES 11 21 31 12 22 32 NOTES 1 ALTER CONTEXT (AC) O/M * * * * * * 2 ALTER CONTEXT ACKNOWLEDGE M * * * * * * (ACA) B.1.7 Other presentation pdu usage by Profile Table 6 OTHER PRESENTATION PDU USAGE BY PROFILE PROTOCOL DATA UNITS ISO/IEC / l 8823-2 PROFILES 11 21 31 12 22 32 NOTES 1 PRESENTATION TYPED DATA M * M M * M M (TTD) 2 EXPEDITED DATA (TE) O/M * * * * * * 3 CAPABILITY DATA (TC) O/M * NA NA * NA NA 4 CAPABILITY DATA O/M * NA NA * NA NA ACKNOWLEDGE (TCC) 5 RESYNCHRONIZE (RS) O/M * M M * M M I 6 * * I RESYNCHRONIZE I OIM I I M I M ACKNOWLEDGE (RSA) I I M I M I I B.1.8 Presentation context restoration functional unit No additional PPDUs. 21 SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

ISO/IEC ISP 12061=4:1995(E) 0 ISO/IEC 8.2 Supported Parameters B.2.1 Connect presentation (CP) ppdu Table 7 - CONNECT PRESENTATION (CP) PPDU ISO/IEC 8823-2 PROFILE PARAMETER 1 STATUS 1 PROFILE ID 1 STATUS 1 T/L/VALLOWED / NOTES 1 ICalling Presentation Selector ~Called Presentation Selector O/M M O/M M Mode Selector M M Normal Presentation Context Definition List O/M M Default Context Name Protocol Version OIM Cl03 O/M M Presentation Requirements O/M * 1 User Session Requirements OIM Cl04 1 User Data O/M M NOTES 1. TP does not use this Parameter, however a U-ASE is not prohibited from using it, subject to the restrictions imposed by TP on the use of Session Functional Units. 103. If the Expedited Data FU is supported then M, else 1. 104. If the Context Management FU is supported then M, else 1. B.2.2 Connect presentation accept (cpa) ppdu Table 8 - CONNECT PRESENTATION ACCEPT (CPA) PPDU lSO/lEC 8823-2 PROFILE ITEM# PARAMETER STATUS PROFILE ID STATUS T/LA/ ALLOWED NOTES 1 Responding Presentation Selector O/M M 2 Mode Selector M M Normal 3 Presentation Context Definition OIM M Result List 4 Protocol Version OIM M 5 Presentation Requirements OIM * 1 0 User Session Requirements OIM Cl04 1 7 User Data OIM M NOTES 1. TP does not use this Parameter, however a U-ASE is not prohibited from using it, subject to restrictions imposed by TP on the use of Sesison Functional Units. 22 SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC ISP 1206%4:1995(E) B.2.3 Connect presentation reject (cpr) ppdu Table 9 - CONNECT PRESENTATION REJECT (CPR) PPDU ISO/IEC 8823-2 PROFILE ITEM# PARAMETER STATUS PROFILE ID STATUS T/LN ALLOWED NOTES 1 Responding Presentation Selector OIM M 2 Presentation Context Definition O/M M Result List 3 Protocol Version OIM M 4 Default Context Result OIM Cl05 5 Provider Reason O/M M 1 6 User Data O/M M NOTES 1. For enhanced interoperability it is recommended that appropriate provider reason values be sent with all CPR PPDUs. 105. If capable of proposing Default Context then M, else 1. 8.2.4 Abnormal release user (aru) ppdu Table 10 - ABNORMAL RELEASE USER (ARU) PPDU ISO/IEC 8823-2 PROFILE ITEM# PARAMETER STATUS PROFILE ID STATUS T/UV ALLOWED NOTES 1 Presentation Context Identifier List O/M M 2 User Data OIM M B.2.5 Abnormal release provider (arp) ppdu Table 11 - ABNORMAL RELEASE PROVIDER (ARP) PPDU ISO/IEC 8823-2 PROFILE ITEM# PARAMETER STATUS PROFILE ID STATUS T/LN ALLOWED NOTES 1 Abort Reason O/M M 1 2 Event Identifier .O/M -M 2 NOTES 1. For enhanced interoperability it is recommended that appropriate provider reason values be sent with all ARP PPDUs. 2. For enhanced interoperability it is recommended that appropriate event identifier values be sent with all ARP PPDUs. 23 SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

ISO/IEC ISP 12061=4:1995(E) 0 ISO/IEC B.2.6 Alter context (ac) ppdu This PPDU is not used by TP. Its use by a U-ASE is not specified by this ISP. 8.2.7 Alter context acknowledge (ata) ppdu This PPDU is not used by TP. lts use by a U-ASE is not specified by this ISP. B.2.8 Presentation data (td) ppdu Table 12 - PRESENTATION DATA (TD) PPDU ISO/IEC 8823-2 PROFILE ITEM# PARAMETER STATUS PROFILE ID STATUS T/L/V ALLOWED NOTES 1 User-data O/M M 24 SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC ISP 12061=4:1995(E) 8.2.9 Presentation typed data (ttd) ppdu Table 13 - PRESENTATION TYPED DATA (TTD) PPDU This PPDU is not applicable to profiles 11 and 12. BASE STANDARD ISO 8823 PROFILE ITEM# PARAMETER STATUS PROFILE ID STATUS TIUV ALLOWED 1 User-data O/M M B.2.1 OExpedited data (te) ppdu NOTES This PPDU is not used by TP. Its use by a U-ASE is not specified by this ISP. B.2.11 Capability data (tc) ppdu This PPDU is not used by TP. Its use by a U-ASE is not specified by this ISP. lt tan be used by Profiles 11 and 12 However its use by a U-ASE in profiles 21,22,31 and 32 is prohibited. B.2.12CapabiIity data acknowledge (tcc) ppdu This PPDU is not used by TP. Its use by a U-ASE is not specified by this ISP. lt tan be used by Profiles 11 and 12 However its use by a U-ASE in profiles 21,22,31 and 32 is prohibited. B.2.13Resynchronize (rs) ppdu Table 14- RESYNCHRONIZE (RS) PPDU This PPDU is not applicable to profiles 11 and 12. BASE STANDARD ISO 8823 PROFILE ITEM# PARAMETER STATUS PROFILE ID STATUS T/L/V ALLOWED 1 Presentation Context Identifier List c/c Cl04 2 User-data O/M M NOTES 25 SIST EN ISP 12061-4:1997

ISO/IEC ISP 12061=4:1995(E) 0 ISOAEC B.2.14Resynchronize acknowledge (rsa) ppdu Table 15 - RESYNCHRONIZE ACKNOWLEDGE (RSA) PPDU This PPDU is not amlicable to orofiles 11

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