Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 7: Definition of profiles TD1111/TD1121 (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992)

Informationstechnik - Internationale Profilnormen TB, TC, TD und TE - Verbindungsorientierter Transportdienst über verbindungsorientiertem Vermittlungsdienst - Teil 7: Definition der Profile TD1111/TD1121 (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992)

Technologie de l'information - Profils normalisés internationaux TB, TC, TD et TE - Service de transport en mode connexion sur service de réseau en mode connexion - Partie 7: Définition des profils TD1111/TD1121 (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992)

Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE - Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 7: Definition of profiles TD1111/TD1121 (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992)

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EN ISP 10609-7:1997
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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE -
Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part
7: Definition of profiles TD1111/TD1121 (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992)
Information technology - International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE -
Connection-mode Transport Service over connection-mode Network Service - Part 7:
Definition of profiles TD1111/TD1121 (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992)
Informationstechnik - Internationale Profilnormen TB, TC, TD und TE -
Verbindungsorientierter Transportdienst über verbindungsorientiertem Vermittlungsdienst
- Teil 7: Definition der Profile TD1111/TD1121 (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992)
Technologie de l'information - Profils normalisés internationaux TB, TC, TD et TE -
Service de transport en mode connexion sur service de réseau en mode connexion -
Partie 7: Définition des profils TD1111/TD1121 (ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISP 10609-7:1996
35.100.05 9HþVORMQHXSRUDEQLãNH Multilayer applications
SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997

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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997
First edi tion
Information technology - International
Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD and TE -
Connection-mode Transport Service over
connection-mode Network Service -
Part 7:
Definition of profiles TDI 11 l/TDl121
Technologies de I’inforrnation -- Profils normalk& Mernafionaux TB,
TC, PU et 7E -- Service de transport er-, mode connexion sw- Service de
reseau en mode connexion --.
Parfie 7: UMhition des profils TD 1 I I1/TD 1121
Reference number
lSO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992(E)

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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992(E)
. . .
Foreword Ill
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 2.
3 Definitions 2
4 Abbreviations 2
5 Profiles TD111 l/TDllZl 3
0 ISCYIEC 1992
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any ferm
or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
Permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/iEC Copyright Office * Case Postale 56 * CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printe4 in Switzerland

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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997
ISO/lEC ISP 10609-7:1992(E)
ISO (the international Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the
International Electrotechnicai Commission) form the specialized System
for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO
or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through
technical committees established by the respective organization to deal
with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical com-
mittees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international or-
ganizations, governmental and non-governmentai, in liaison with ISO
and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a
joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. In addition to developing
International Standards, ISO/IEC JTC 1 has created a Special Group on
Functional Standardization for the elaboration of International Stan-
dardized Profiles.
An International Standardized Profile is an internationally agreed,
harmonized document which identifies a Standard or group of Standards,
together with Options and Parameters, necessary to accomplish a func-
tion or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are circulated to national bod-
ies for voting. Publication as an International Standardized Profile re-
quires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standardizeci Profile ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7 was prepared
with the collabovation of
- OS1 Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW);
- European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS);
- OSI Implementors Workshop (OIW).
ISO/IEC ISP 10609 consists of the following Parts, under the general title
- International Standardized Profiles TB, TC, TD
Information technology
Connection-mode Transport Service over connecfion-mode
and TE -
Network Service:
- Part 1: Subnetwork-type independent requirements for Group TB
- Part 2: Subnetwork-type independent requirements for Group TC
- Parf 3: Subnetwork-type independent requirements for Group TD
- Part 4: Subnetwork-type independent requirements for Group TE
- Part 5: Definition of profiles TBII IIITBI 121

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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 10609=7:1992(E)
- Part 6: Definition of profiles TC1 11 IlPCl121
- Part 7: Definition of profiles TD 111 l!TD 1121
- Part 8: Definition of profiles TE1 11 UTE1 121
- Part 9: Subnetwork-type dependent requirements for Network
Layer, Data Link Layer and Physical Layer concerning permanent
access to a packet switched data network using virtual calls

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SIST EN ISP 10609-7:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 10609-7:1992(E)
This part of ISOAEC ISP 10609 (International Standardized Profile) is defined within the context of Functional

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