Information technology - International Standardized Profile - Common upper layer requirements - Part 1: Basic connection oriented requirements (ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1:1995)

Informatikstechnik - Internationale Profilnorm - Allgemeine Anforderungen an anwendungsorientierte OSI-Schichten - Teil 1: Anforderungen an verbindungsorientierten Basisdienst (ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1:1995)

Technologies de l'information - Profil normalisé international - Prescriptions communes pour la couche supérieure - Partie 1: Prescriptions orientées vers la connexion de base (ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1:1995)

Information technology - International Standardized Profile - Common upper layer requirements - Part 1: Basic connection oriented requirements (ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1:1995)

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
Information technology - International Standardized Profile - Common upper layer
requirements - Part 1: Basic connection oriented requirements (ISO/IEC ISP 11188-
Information technology - International Standardized Profile - Common upper layer
requirements - Part 1: Basic connection oriented requirements (ISO/IEC ISP 11188-
Informatikstechnik - Internationale Profilnorm - Allgemeine Anforderungen an
anwendungsorientierte OSI-Schichten - Teil 1: Anforderungen an
verbindungsorientierten Basisdienst (ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1:1995)
Technologies de l'information - Profil normalisé international - Prescriptions communes
pour la couche supérieure - Partie 1: Prescriptions orientées vers la connexion de base
(ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1:1995)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISP 11188-1:1996
35.100.05 9HþVORMQHXSRUDEQLãNH Multilayer applications
SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
First edition
Information technology - International
Standardized Profile - Common upper
layer requirements -
Part 1:
Basic connection oriented requirements
Technologies de I’information - Profil normaM international -
Prescriptions communes pour Ia couche supkeure -
Partie 1: Prescriptions orientkes Vers Ia connexion de base
Reference number
ISO/IEC ISP 11188~1:1995(E)

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1 : 1995 (E)
............................................................................................................. 1
1 Scope
2 Compliance .
.................................................................................... 2
3 Normative references
4 Definitions .
................................................................................................. 4
5 Abbreviations
6 Association Control Service Element (ACSE)
7 Presentation layer
8 Transfer Syntax
9 Session layer .
Annex A: Profile Requirements Lists for ACSE, Presentation and Session -10
Annex B: Profile ICS Proforma .
Annex C: Recommended Practices
0 ISO/IEC 1995
no patt of this publication may be
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specifred,
electronie or mechanical, including
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISOAEC ISP 11188-1 : 1995 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the
International Electrotechnical Commission) form a specialized System for
worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular
fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in
fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental or
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take patt in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTCl. In addition to developing International
Standards, ISO/IEC JTCI has created a Special Group on Functional Stan-
dardization for the elaboration sf International Standardized Profiles.
An International Standardized Profile is an internationally agreed, harmonized
document which identifies a Standard or group of Standards, together with op-
tions and Parameters, necessary to accomplish a function or set of functions.
Draft International Standardized Profiles are circulated to national bodies for
voting. Publication as an International Standardized Profile requires approval
by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
This patt of ISO/IEC ISP 11 188 was prepared with the collaboration of
- Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW);
- European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS);
- OSE Implementors Workshop (OIW).
ISO/IEC ISP Ill88 consists of the following Parts, under the general title
Information technology - International Standardized Profile - Common upper
layers requirements :
- Parf 1 : Basic connection oriented requirements
- Parf 2 : Basic connection oriented requirements for ROSE-based Profiles
- Part 3 : Minimal OS/ upper layer facilities
Annexes A and B form an integral patt sf this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188.
Annex C is for information only.

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1 : 1995 (E)
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 is defined within the context of Functional
Standardization, in accordance with the principles specified by ISO/lEC
T R 10000, “Framework and Taxonomy of International Standardized Profiles”.
The context of Functional Standardization is one part of the Overall field of
Information Technology (IT) standardization activities, covering base stan-
dards, profiles, and registration mechanisms. A Profile defines a combination
of base Standards that collectively perform a specific weil-defined IT function.
Profiles standardize the use of Options and other variations in the base stan-
dards, and provide a basis for the development of uniform, internationally
recognized System tests.
ISO/IEC ISP 11188 as a multi-part ISP specifies general requirements on the
use of OSI connection-mode protocols by A-profiles. These are identified as
“Common Upper Layer Requirements”.
The Parts of this multi-part ISP tan be referenced normatively by other ISPs or
referencing specifications. In addition, a referencing ISP may specify further
requirements on the protocols, provided it does not contradict this ISP.
The purpose of this multi-part ISP is to provide common text for ISPs or other
referencing specifications which specify A-profiles. In addition to simplifying
their drafting, it also facilitates the common implementation of the protocols for
use in different A-Profile contexts.
This part of ISO/IEC 11188 specifies the use of the connection-mode proto-
cols of the ACSE, Presentation and Session layers of OSI.

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 111884 : 1995 (E)
Information technology - International Standardized
Profile - Common upper layers requirementa -
Part 1:
Basic connection oriented requirements
1 Scope 2 Compliance
1 .l General 2.1 Compliance Statement
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 specifies the common A referencing specification may use the requirements
upper layers elements of A-profiles (see TR 10000-2, in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 and Claim compliance
to them, in one of the following ways:
55.3). The common elements are specified by
reference to OSI connection-mode Standards for the
a) The referencing specification does not duplicate
ACSE protocol, the presentation layer protocol, and the
any of the requirements of this part of ISO/IEC ISP
Session layer protocol.
11188 within its own specifications and instead re-
quires the implementation to conform to the re-
A specification defining an A-Profile (see TR IOOOQ-2,
quirements of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188. This
5.53) may reference this patt of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 as
is the preferred method.
a common basis for the selection of elements of the up-
per layers protocols (ACSE, presentation and Session)
b) The referencing specification replicates all of the
that it uses.
requirements of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 as
patt of its requirements and related conformance
The use of this patt of ISO/lEC PSP 11188 is supple-
mented by a Statement of the specific upper layers
requirements of the referencing specification for the
In the case of (b), a reference to this part of ISO/IEC
use of ACSE, presentation and Session protocol
ISP 11188 shall be included in clause 1 (Scope) as well
as in clause 3 (Normative references) of the referenc-
ing specification.
The rest of the A-Profile definition, including, for in-
stance, its use of Standards for Application Service
2.1 .l A referencing specification that replicates all
Elements (ASE, see also figure l), follows the general
of the requirements of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188
rules of TR 1OOOG1.
camplies if the specific upper layers requirements of
the referencing specification do not conflict with the
1.2 Position within the taxonomy
requirements of this patt of ISO/IEC ISP 11188.
This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 does not specify a full
2.1.2 A specification that requires an
A-Profile, and therefore has no place within the taxon-
implementation to conform to the requirements
omy of TR lOOOD2.
contained within this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188
camplies if
1.3 Scenario
a) the conformance requirement of the referencing
The model used is one of two end Systems running an
specification states that an implementation shall
end-to-end association using the ACSE, presentation
conform to the requirements of this part of ISO/IEC
and Session Services and protocols (see figure 1).
ISP 11188; and
b) the specific upper layers requirements of the
referencing specification do not conflict with the
requirements of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188.
2.1.3 This part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 states re-
quirements upon implernentations to achieve inter-
A Claim of compliance is a Claim that all requirements in
the relevant base Standards are satisfied, and that all
requirements in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 are sat-
isfied. Annex A states the relationship between these
requirements and those of the base Standards.
Transport Service provider
Optional features of the referenced base Standards for
which no requirement is specified in clauses 6, 7, 8, 9
Figure 1 - Model of the supportive layers
or in annex A, are considered as open for referencing
specifications (see table 1 for a definition of “open”).

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISOIIEC ISP 11188-1 : 1995 (E)
- ITU-T Recommendation X.225 (1994) I ISO/IEC
2.2 Relationship with base Standards
8327-1 :. *), Information technology - Open
A compliant referencing specification shall require an
Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented
implementation that Claims conformance to the refer- Session protocol : Protocol specification.
encing specification to include the aspects specified in
- ITU-T Recommendation X.226 (1994) I ISO/IEC
2.2.1 through 2.2.4.
8823-1 :1994, Information technology - Open
Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented
ACSE conformance
presentation protocol : Protocol specification.
To conform to the Association Control Service Element
- ITU-T Recommendation X.227 (1994) I lSO/IEC
(ACSE) protocol as constrained by this part sf ISO/IEC
8650-1 :. 3, , Information technology - Open
ISP 11188, either the X.41 O-l 984 mode, or the normal
Systems interconnectk3n - Connection-oriented
mode, or both shall be impiemented.
protocol for the Associatiun ControI Service
Element : ProtocoJ specification.
2.2.2 Presentation layer conformance
- ITU-T Recommendation X.245 (1994) 1 ISO/jEC
To conform to the presentation protocol as constrained
8327-2:.?) , Information technoiogy - Open
by this part of ISO/lEC ISP 11188, implernentations
Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented
shall implement either the normal mode or the X.410-
Session protocol : Protocol Implementation
1984 mode or both and shall implement the initiator role,
Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma.
responder role, or both roles, compatible with those in
ACSE (identified in clause A.5).
- ITU-T Recommendation X.246 (1994) t ISO/lEC
8823-2:-‘j, Information technology - Open
2.2.3 Transfer Syntax conformance
Systems Interconnection - Connection-oriented
presentation protocol: Protocol Implementation
An implementation shall support the ‘Basic Encoding of
Conformance Statement (PBCS) proforma.
a Single ASN.l type” (BER) as specified in ITU-T Ret
X.690 I lSO/IEC 8825-1, except where the referencing
- ITU-T Recommendation X.247 (1994) 1 ISCVIEC
specification or the associated base Standard
8650-2:. 3, laf0rmation technology - Open
specifies some other mandatory encoding, together
Systems Intekonrrection - Conneciion-oriented
with the additional rules defined in clause 8, for the
protocoi for the Association Contra/ Service
generation of protocol encoding specified in ASN.l.
Element : Protocol Implementation Conformance
The referencing specification may require support sf
Statement (PICS) prsforma.
this or other transfer syntaxes for any abstract
syntaxes which it defines.
- ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (1994) 3 ISO/lEC
8824-l:. 4j Information technoI0gy - Abstract
NOTE - At the time of publication , the BER was adequate
satisfy all proposed profiles. Syntax Nota;ion One (ASN. 1) : Specification of
basic notation.
Session layer conformance
- ITU-T Recommendation X.680.1 (1994) 1 lSO/lEC
8824-l/Amd.l:. 1l Information technology -
To conform to the Session protocol as constrained by
Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN. 1) :
this patt of ISO/IEC ISP 11188, implernentations shall
Specification of basic notation - Amendment 1 :
implement all the features identified in A-6 as required
Rules of Extensibibty.
to be implemented.
- ITU-T Recommendation X.690 (1994) I ISO/lEC
3 Normative referenees 8825-1 :. 5, y Infcrmation technobgy - ASN. 1
encoding ru/es : Specification cf Basic Encoding
The following ITU-T Recommendations and lnterna- Rules (ZIER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER’) and
tional Standards contain provisions which, through ref- Distinguished Encoding ßu/es (DEß).
erence in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
ISO/IEC ISP 11188. At the time of publication, the
32 . ditional refere
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and
International Standards are subject to revision, and
- CCITT Recommendation X.650 (l992), Open
Parties to agreements based on this part of lSO/IEC
Systems Interconnection (OS/) - ßeference modei
ISP 11188 are encouraged to investigate the possibility
for naming and addressing.
of applying the most recent edition of the
Recommendations and International Standards
indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards and
ISPs. The ITU-T secretariat maintains a list of currently
valid Recommendations.
kurrently at Stage of draft.
3.1 Identical Recommendations I Inter-
*)Revision of ISO 8327: 1987. To be published.
national Standards
3)Revision of ISO 865Q:1988. To be published.
- ITU-T Recommendation X.200 (1994) I ISO/IEC
7498-1 :1994, Information technology - Open 4)Revision of ISO/lEC 8824:1990. To be published.
Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model:
5)Revision of lSO/lEC 88251990. To be published.
The Basic Model.

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISOAEC ISP 11188-1 : 1995 (E)
- ISO 7498-3: 1988, Information processing Systems
In addition the following terms are defined.
- Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference
Model - Part 3: Naming and addressing.
4.1 General
- ISOAEC TR 1OOOM 3992, Information technology -
referencing specification : a specification of an
Framework and taxonomy of hternationai Standard-
A-Profile which includes by reference or by replication,
ized Profiles - Part 1 : Framework
the requirements in this patt of ISO/IEC 11188.
- ISOAEC TR lOOOO-2:1994, Information technology -
4.2 Support levei
Framework and taxonomy of International
Standardized Profiles - Part 2 : Principles and
To specify the support level of protocol features for this
Taxonomy for OS1 Profiles.
gart of ISO/IEC ISP 11188, the following terminology is
NOTE - This patt of ISOAEC ISP 11188 makes detailed
defined :
references to subclauses of the specified editions of some of
a) Column 1 of table 1 lists the support level identifiers
the above references.
for a Profile used in this patt of ISO/IEC ISP 11188;
b) Column 2 of table 1 defines the use of these
4 Definitions
requirements classifications of column 1 by a
referencing specification;
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188, the
following definitions apply. c) Column 3 of table 1 defines the use of the
requirements classifications by an implementation.
Terms used in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188 are de-
fined in the referenced base Standards.
of ISOIIEC ISP 11188. However, it is not a requirement
that the feature shall be used in all instances of
communication unless mandated by the base Standard
or stated otherwise in this part of ISO/IEC ISP 11188.
The feature shall be the subject of an ISP conformance
Supporting a feature means that the feature
shall be handled as if it was mandatory.
For sending, the feature’s capability is not
For receiving an op
mandatory, optional, or out of scope.
Alternately, the referencing specification
may keep the feature open.
excluded - The feature shall not be used excluded - The implementation shall not support the
in a referencing specification. The Status feature. When completing the associated PICS
of the feature shall remain excluded in a Proforma table, the answer for the support column shall
referencing specification. be that the feature has not been implemented. The
implementation shall abort if the feature is received.
The exclusion should be the subject of an ISP
conformance test.

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1 : 1995 (E)
- The
A support answer is not required from the implementor.
the answer for the
Proforma table,
I either be: the feature has been
ture has not been implemented; or
NOTE - The support of a feature tan be conditional, depending on the support of a class of Beatures to which it
belongs, e.g. a Parameter in a PDU, a PDU in a functional unit.
Support level for protocol features:
AARQ A-Associate Request (APDU)
optionally supported
AC Accept (SPDU)
ACSE Association Control Service Element
AE Application Entity
conditionally supported
AP Application Process
out of scope
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
not applicable
ARP Abnormal Release Provider (PPDU)
ARU Abnormal Release User (PPDU)
ASE Application Service Element
6 Association Control Service
ASN.l Abstract Syntax Notation One
Element (ACSE)
BER Basic Encoding Rules of a Single ASN.1 type
CD Capability Data (SPDU)
The supporl sf functions and Parameters for the Asso-
CD0 Connect Data Overflow (SPDU)
ciation Control Service Element is as specified in 8.4
CN Connect (SPDU)
and in the Specific Upper Layer Requirements section
CP Connect Presentation (PPDU)
of the referencing specification.
CPA Connect Presentation Accept (PPDU)
Connect Presentation Reject (PPDU)
61 . Application entity title
DT Data Transfer (SPDU)
ER Exception Report (SPDU)
Support of AE-Title-formt, the Name form, or AE-Title-
l=TAM File Transfer, Access and Management
form2, the Object Identifier form for sending, is depen-
Implementation Conformance Statement
dent on the referencing specification.
International Standardized Profile
Minor Sync Ack (SPDU)
Overflow Accept (SPDU)
1 AE-Title-forml is a directory name that has t~ be alla-
Open Systems Interconnection
cated by an authorized naming authority. It is part of the re-
Protocol Control Information
PCI sponsibilities of the naming authority to determine how this
name is built from its t%o constituents AP-Title-forml and
Protocol Data Unit
AE-Qualifier-forml .
Presentation Data Value
Parameter Group Identifier
PGI 2 AE-Title-form2 is an Object Ddentifier registered by an
authorimed Registration Authority. lt is part of that registration
Parameter ldentifier
to determine how this Object Identifier is built from its two
Protocol Implementation Conformanee
constituents AP-Title-form2 and AE-Qualifier-form2.
PPDU Presentation Protocol Data Unit
6.2 Abort APDU
Profile Requirements List
RF Refuse (SPDU)
When the Abort APDU is used during the association
RS Resynchronize (SPDU)
establishment Phase, the Presentation layer negotia-
SPDU Session Protocol Data Unit
tion is considered complete. Therefore, presentation
SS Session Service
context identifiers have been assigned and they shall
TD Typed Data (SPDU)
be used in the indirect-reference component of the user

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1 : 1995 (E)
tation context identifiers outside the range of 0 to
information Parameter. The direct-reference component
32 767.
of EXTERNAL shall not be present.
NOTE - For the selection of odd or even values sec ITU-T
NOTE - The presentation context negotiation is completed by
the presentation context identifier list of the ARU PPDU (see
Rec. X.226 1 ISO/lEC 8823-1, and
ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISO/IEC 8823-1,
7.2 Presentation selector
7 Presentation Iayer
7.2.1 The encoding of a presentation selector is re-
stricted to 4 octets.
The support of functions and Parameters for the pre-
sentation protocol is as specified in A.5 and in the
7.2.2 The absence of the Called or Calling P-Sel pa-
Specific Upper Layer Requirements section of the ref-
rameter of the CP PPDU shall be treated equivalent to a
erencing specification. An implementor’s PICS may
zero length Called or Calling P-Sel Parameter value.
contain limitations on length or value aspects of a
protocol, but it shall not contain limits less severe for
The absence of the Responding P-Sel Parameter of the
sending or more severe for receiving than those
CPA PPDU indicates that the Responding P-address is
specified in this clause. An implementation may abort a
equivalent to the Called P-address of the CP PPDU.
connection, if the requirements specified in 7.1 to 7.10
are violated.
The value of the Responding P-Sel Parameter may be
different from the value of the Called P-Sel Parameter.
NOTE - The complete size of encoding of the CP PPDU, CPA
PPDU and CPR PPDU is derived from the SS user-data size
Table 2 summarizes the handling of the presentation
restricted to 10 K such as specified in 9.2.2. This limitation
applies also to the ARP and ARU PPDUs. selector Parameters of the CP and CPA PPDUs (see
also ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISO/IEC 8323-1,,
7.1 Presentation context identifier,
A conformant implementation shall not encode presen-
~ Responding P-Selectors
Table 2 - Called and
Called P-Sel
1 The resulting value is assumed to be a null value.
2 The resulting value is assumed to be the Responding P-Sel value.
3 The resulting value is assumed to be the Called P-Sel value.
stract value is synonymous with the abstract value of the user
data field within the value of the CP-type. Esch represents the
7.3 Transfer Syntax name in PDV list
abstract value of the user data with a unique combination of
transfer syntaxes (a Single transfer Syntax for each presenta-
The transfer-Syntax-name component of a PDV-list
tion context). It is not necessary that all combinations be en-
value shall be present if and only if more than one
transfer Syntax name was proposed for the presenta-
4 For further information see ITU-T Rec. X.226 I ISO/IEC
tion context of the presentation data values.
Where one of the transfer syntaxes proposed for a pre-
The CP PPDU consists of a value of CP-type and zero or
sentation context is identified as ASN.l Basic Encod-
more values of CPC-type. A value of a CPC-type in the CP
PPDU is present only when more than one transfer Syntax ing Rules, and a value from that presentation context is
was offered for a particular presentation context. Therefore the
present in the CP PPDU, then the representation of that
transfer-Syntax-name component of a PDV-list value is al-
value in the value of the CP-type shall use ASN.l Basic
ways present in a value of CPC-type if such a value is
Encoding Rules.
2 If the kerne1 functional unit only is negotiated, then the
7.4 CPR User data Parameter
transfer-Syntax-name component of a PDV-list value appears
only in the CP PPDU.
The user data Parameter of CPR PPDU shall contain the
3 Where present in a CP PPDU, each value of a CP?-type
A-ASSOCIATE response APDU if the provider reason
represents all of the user data of the CP PPDU, and ~ts ab-
Parameter is not present.

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SIST EN ISP 11188-1:1997
ISO/IEC ISP 11188-1 : 1995 (E)
?ransfer Syntax
7.5 Presentation context definition
result list
The presentation-tontext-definition-result-list parame-
ter is required if the provider reason is absent in the
Subclauses 8.1 .l through 8.1.7 specify rules whicn
CPR PPDU. If the provider reason is present, then the
Iimit the encoding of data defined in this part sf lSOP%EC
presentation-tontext-definition-result-list Parameter is
ISP 11188 08” in a referencing specification. A decoder
shalf accept encodings that are within these Limits.
Other behaviours of the decoder when these Limits are
No semantics are implied by the absence of this op-
exceeded are outside the scope of this part of lSO/lEC
tional Parameter of the CPR PPDU.
ISP 11188.
7.6 Default context
8.1 .l Tag walues
If the presentation expedited data Service is required,
The maximum value of an ASN.1 tag shall be 16 383.
the default-tontext-name must be explicitly present in
Since this is the largest unsiqned number that tan be
the CP PPDU.
represented in 14 bits, the encoding 0% a tag occupies
at most 3 octets.
7.7 Aborts and Session version
8.1.2 MN.1 length fields
The ARP PPDU shall be used regardless of the Session
version in effect for a given connection. This precludes
Values of an ASN.1 length octets component greater
the use of indefinite length encoding of an ARP PPDU
than 4 294 967 295 are out of scope of this part of
when Session version 1 is in effect.
lSO/lEC ISP 11188. This is the maximum unsigned
integer that tan be represented in 32 bits.
The ARU PPDU is used regardless of the Session ver-
sion in effect for a given connection.
More than 5 octets for the length octets component are
NOTE - If Session version 1 is in use, the associated
out of scope of this part of lSO/IEC ISP 11188.
ters of the AW PPDU cannot be sent.
7.8 Presentation-tontext-identifier-list
1 This requirement does not apply to indefinite length
2 A referencing specification may impose a limit which is
The presentation-tontext-identifier-list Parameter shall
lower, and all constructs exceeding this lower limit up to
not be present in the RS PPDU when only the kerne1
4 294 967 295, should be considered out of scope of the
functional unit is in effect. referencing specification.
3 The maximum of 5 octets for the length octets component
7.9 Presentation aborts
places a restriction to the use of ITU-T Rec. X.690 i ISO/IEC
88251, 2nd note.
If a received PPDU contains any improperly encoded
data values (including data values embedded within the
8.1.3 Integer type values
user data field of a PPDU) and if an Abort is issued,
then either an ARU (via an A-Abort) or an ARP shall be
For any value of the ASN.l type INTEGER defined in
any of the referencing specification’s abstract syn-
taxes, in ACSE’s abstract Syntax, or in the presen-
7.10 Use of presentation data values
tation protocol PDU definitions, a sender shall not
encode values of greater than 2**31 - 1 or less than
Fully-encoded-data that is a series of PDVs in the same
-2**31. A receiver shall be able to decode at least
presentation context (e.g., grouped FTAM PDUs) shall
values in the range -2**31 to 2**31 - l= Any exceptions
be encoded either as a Single PDV-list (using the octet-
shall be listed in the referencing specification’s specific
aligned choice) or as a series of PDV-lists, each encod-
upper layer requirements.
ing either a Single PDV (using the Single-ASN.l-type
choice) or multiple PDVs (using the

Questions, Comments and Discussion

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