Information technology - International standardized profile RA - Relaying the connectionless-mode network service - Part 6: Definition of profile RA51.54, relaying the connectionless-mode network service between CSMA/CD LAN subnetworks and FDDI LAN subnetworks (ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6:1995)

Technologies de l'information - Profil normalisé international RA - Relais de service de réseau en mode sans connexion - Partie 6: Définition du profil RA51.54, relais de service de réseau en mode sans connexion entre sous-réseaux CSMA/CD LAN et sous-réseaux FDDI LAN (ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6:1995)

Information technology - International standardized profile RA - Relaying the connectionless-mode network service - Part 6: Definition of profile RA51.54, relaying the connectionless-mode network service between CSMA/CD LAN subnetworks and FDDI LAN subnetworks (ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6:1995)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Information technology - International standardized profile RA - Relaying the connectionless-mode network service - Part 6: Definition of profile RA51.54, relaying the connectionless-mode network service between CSMA/CD LAN subnetworks and FDDI LAN subnetworks (ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6:1995)Technologies de l'information - Profil normalisé international RA - Relais de service de réseau en mode sans connexion - Partie 6: Définition du profil RA51.54, relais de service de réseau en mode sans connexion entre sous-réseaux CSMA/CD LAN et sous-réseaux FDDI LAN (ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6:1995)Information technology - International standardized profile RA - Relaying the connectionless-mode network service - Part 6: Definition of profile RA51.54, relaying the connectionless-mode network service between CSMA/CD LAN subnetworks and FDDI LAN subnetworks (ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6:1995)35.100.05UHãLWYHMultilayer applicationsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN ISP 10613-6:1996SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997en01-december-1997SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997SLOVENSKI

SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997

SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997

SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997

INTERNATIONAL STANDARDIZED PROFILE ISO/IEC 10613-6 First edition 1995-04-01 Information technology -I International Standardized Profile RA - Relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service - Part 6: Definition of Profile RA51.54, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between CSMA/CD LAN subnetworks and FDDI LAN subnetworksl Technologies de I’information - Profil normal& international RA - Relais de Service de r&eau en mode sans connexion - Partie 6: Definition du Profil ßA51,54, relais de Service de rbseau en mode sans connexion entre sous-r&eaux CSMA/CD LAN et sous-rbseaux FDDI LAN Reference number ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6:1995(E) SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997

ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6: 1995(E) Contents Page Foreword . Introduction . 1 Scope . 1.1 General . 1.2 Position within the taxonomy . 1.3 Scenario. . Normative references . Definitions . Abbreviations . Requirements . 5.1 Static conformance requirements . 5.2 Dynamit conformance requirements . Annex A: ISPICS requirements list (normative) . A.l General Options of the Profile . A.2 Base Standards selected and combined in the Profile . A.3 Constraints on base Standards . . . . 111 V 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 0 ISO/IEC 1995 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing fiom the publisher. ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve l Switzerland Printed in S witzerland ii SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997

0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC ISP 10613=6:1995(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) together form a System for worldwide standardization as a whole. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards and Technical Reports through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in Felds of mutual interest. Other international organizations, govemmental and non-govemmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. In addition to developing International Standards, ISO/IEC JTC 1 has created a Special Group on Functional Standardization for the processing of International Standardized Profiles. An International Standardized Profile is an internationally agreed, harmonized document which identifies a standard or group of Standards, together with Options and Parameters, necessary to accomplish a function or a set of functions. Draft International Standardized Profiles are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standardized Profile requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. S-liaison may be established with JTC l/SGFS by specialized organizations involved in the work of functional standardization. This part of ISO/IEC ISP 10613 was prepared with the collaboration of the following S-liaisons: - Asia-Oceania Workshop (AOW); - European Workshop for Open Systems (EWOS); - Open Systems Environment Implernentors’ Workshop (OIW). ISO/IEC ISP 10613 consists of several Parts, under the general title Infurmation technology - International Standardized Profile RA - Relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service: Part 1: Subnetwork-independent requirements Part 2: LAN subnetwork-dependent, media-independent requirements - Part 3: CSMAICD LAN subnetwork-dependent, media-dependent requirements Part 4: FDDI LAN subnetwork-dependent, media-dependent requirements - Part 5: Definition of profile RAH .51, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between CSMAICD LAN subnetworks - Part 6: Definition of Profile RA.51.54, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between CSMAICD LARI subnetworks and FDDI LAN subnetworks - Part 7: PSDN subnetwork-dependent, permanent access media-dependent requirements for calls wer a - Part 8: Definition of profile RA.51 .llll, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between CSMAICD LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a PSTN leased line permanent access l . . 111 SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997

ISO/IEC ISP 10613-6: 1995(E) 0 ISO/IEC - Part 9: Definition of Profile RA51.1121, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between CSMAICD LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a digital data circuitlCSDN leased line permanent access - Part 10: Token Ring LAN subnetwork-dependent, media-dependent requirements - Part 11: Definition of Profile RA51.53, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between CSMAICD LAN subnetworks and Token Ring LAN subnetworks - Part 12: Definition of Profile RA53.53, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between Token Ring LAN subnetworks - Part 13: Definition of pro@le RA53.54, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between Token Ring LAN subnetworks and FDDI LAN subnetworks - Part 14: Definition of Profile RA54.54, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between FDDI LAN subnetworks - Part 15: Definition of Profile RA53.1111, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between Token Ring LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a PSTN leased line permanent access - Part 16: Definition of Profile RA53.1121, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between Token Ring LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a digital data circuitlCSDN leased line permanent access - Part 17: Definition of Profile RA54.1111 p relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service beween FDDI LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a PSTN leased line permanent access - Part 18: Definition of Profile RA54.1121, relaying the Connectionless-mode Network Service between FDDI LAN subnetworks and PSDNs using virtual calls over a digital data circuit/CSDN leased line permanent access Annex A forms an integral part of this part of ISO/IEC ISP 10613. SIST EN ISP 10613-6:1997

0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC ISP 10613=6:1995(E) Introduction This International Standardized Profile (ISP) is defined in accordance with the principles specified by ISO/IEC Technical Report 10000. The context of Functional Standardization is one area in the Overall field of Information Technology (IT) standardization activities, covering base Standards, profiles, and registration mechanisms. A Profile defines a combination of base Standards that collectively perform a specific weil-defined IT function. Profiles standardize the use of Options and other variations in the base Standards, and provide a basis for the development of uniform, intemationally recognized System tests. ISPs are produced not simply to ‘legitimize’ a particular choice of base Standards and Options, but to promote real System interoperability.

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