Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies - Reference architecture (ISO/DIS 23257)

This document specifies a reference architecture for Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) systems including blockchain systems. The reference architecture addresses concepts, cross-cutting aspects, architectural considerations, and architecture views, including functional components, roles, activities, and their relationships for blockchain and DLT.

Technologies des chaînes de blocs et technologies de registre distribué — Architecture de référence

Tehnologije veriženja blokov in porazdeljene glavne knjige - Referenčna arhitektura (ISO/DIS 23257)

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ISO 23257:2022 - Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies — Reference architecture Released:2/8/2022
English language
52 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
Blockchain and distributed ledger
technologies — Reference architecture
Technologies des chaînes de blocs et technologies de registre
distribué — Architecture de référence
Reference number
© ISO 2022
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms.4
5 Concepts . 5
5.1 DLT and blockchain systems . 5
5.1.1 General . 5
5.1.2 Blockchain DLT and non-blockchain DLT . 6
5.2 Networking and Communications . 6
5.3 DLT platform . 7
5.4 DLT system interfaces . 7
5.5 Consensus . 8
5.6 Events . 10
5.7 Integrity of ledger content . 10
5.8 Integrity and ledger management . 11
5.9 Subchains and sidechains . 12
5.10 DLT Applications .12
5.11 DLT solutions . 12
5.12 Smart contracts . 13
5.12.1 General .13
5.12.2 Smart contract execution on dedicated peers . 14
5.12.3 Smart contract execution on arbitrary peers . 14
5.13 Transactions and how they work . 14
5.14 Tokens, virtual and cryptocurrencies, coins, and associated concepts .15
6 Cross-cutting aspects . .16
6.1 General . 16
6.2 Security . 16
6.3 Identity . 17
6.4 Privacy . 17
6.4.1 General . 17
6.4.2 On-ledger PII storage . 18
6.4.3 Off-ledger PII storage. 19
6.5 DLT Governance. 19
6.6 Management . . . 20
6.7 Interoperability. 21
6.8 Data flow . 24
7 Types of DLT systems .25
8 Architectural considerations for DLT Systems .26
8.1 Characteristics and relationships. 26
8.2 Ledger technology . 27
8.3 Ledger storage architecture . 27
8.4 Ledger control architecture . 27
8.5 Ledger subsetting . 27
8.6 Ledger permission . 27
9 Architectural views of reference architecture .27
9.1 General . 27
9.1.1 Five architectural views . 27
9.1.2 Notation of diagrams .28
9.2 User view .29
9.2.1 General .29
9.2.2 DLT users .30
9.2.3 DLT administrators .30
9.2.4 DLT providers . 31
9.2.5 DLT developers . . 32
9.2.6 DLT governors . .33
9.2.7 DLT auditors .33
9.3 Functional view .34
9.3.1 Functional categorization framework .34
9.3.2 Non-DLT systems . 35
9.3.3 User layer . 35
9.3.4 API layer . 35
9.3.5 DLT platform layer .36
9.3.6 Infrastructure layer.38
9.3.7 Cross-layer functions . . 39
9.4 System view . 45
9.4.1 General . 45
9.4.2 DLT Nodes .46
9.4.3 Application systems .46
9.4.4 Non-DLT systems .46
9.4.5 Other DLT systems.

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