This document provides product category rules (c-PCR), that are complementary to EN 15804:2012+A2:2019, for Type III environmental declarations for sandwich panels within the scope of prEN 14509 1:2024 and prEN 14509 2:2024, which are used for non-structural and structural purposes in building envelopes and for sandwich panels with perforated faces and with core materials others than defined in prEN 14509 1:2024 and prEN 14509 2:2024.
Manufactured on industrial plant, double skin metal faced insulating sandwich panels are designed to be laid with overlapping edges in the following applications:
-   roofs and discontinuous roofing,
-   outer walls and wall cladding,
-   walls (incl. partition walls) and (suspended) ceilings inside the building envelope
This document is intended to be used for cradle-to-gate with options or cradle to grave assessment according EN 15804, 5.2.
NOTE   The assessment of social and economic performances at product level is not covered by this document.

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