CEN/CLC/SSCCCG - Smart and Sustainable cities and communities co-ordination group
SSCC-CG advises on European interests and needs relating to standardization on SSCC within the overall smart and sustainable cities approach, considering existing ISO/IEC/ITU deliverables and activities in view of consistency at the international level. The development of the smart and sustainable city framework is done in partnership with cities and communities (e.g. through their networks) particularly those that are implementing strategies to become smarter and more sustainable. The SSCC-CG receives and provide input to the European Commission, in particular through the EIP-SCC, to align the SSCC-CG activity and the EIP Operational Implementation Plan, for the development of a common landscape and strategic programme for SSCC. One of the objectives of strengthening links with European Commission activities is to develop a holistic and integrated approach and not to limit the SSCC-CG range of actions to the three vertical areas of the EIP-SIP (Strategic Implementation Plan) but to widen the focus on other aspects such as well-being, citizens and city awareness, life cycle assessment.
Smart and Sustainable cities and communities co-ordination group
SSCC-CG advises on European interests and needs relating to standardization on SSCC within the overall smart and sustainable cities approach, considering existing ISO/IEC/ITU deliverables and activities in view of consistency at the international level. The development of the smart and sustainable city framework is done in partnership with cities and communities (e.g. through their networks) particularly those that are implementing strategies to become smarter and more sustainable. The SSCC-CG receives and provide input to the European Commission, in particular through the EIP-SCC, to align the SSCC-CG activity and the EIP Operational Implementation Plan, for the development of a common landscape and strategic programme for SSCC. One of the objectives of strengthening links with European Commission activities is to develop a holistic and integrated approach and not to limit the SSCC-CG range of actions to the three vertical areas of the EIP-SIP (Strategic Implementation Plan) but to widen the focus on other aspects such as well-being, citizens and city awareness, life cycle assessment.