CEN/TC 136/SC 1/WG 18 - EN 1176 Rationales development and recommendations for the general entrapment requirements.
Development of embellished Rationales and recommendations for the general entrapment requirements and how this could be included in future versions of EN-1176. The work should confirm and define the risks to and the benefits for the user, define balancing judgments required by the users of the standard and include references to standards where helpful.
EN 1176 Rationales development and recommendations for the general entrapment requirements.
Development of embellished Rationales and recommendations for the general entrapment requirements and how this could be included in future versions of EN-1176. The work should confirm and define the risks to and the benefits for the user, define balancing judgments required by the users of the standard and include references to standards where helpful.
General Information
Work Field
Information technology