TP261 - Pravilnik o spremembah in dopolnitvah Pravilnika o izvajanju plačilnih storitev za proračunske uporabnike
Pravilnik o spremembah in dopolnitvah Pravilnika o izvajanju plačilnih storitev za proračunske uporabnike
Pravilnik o spremembah in dopolnitvah Pravilnika o izvajanju plačilnih storitev za proračunske uporabnike
General Information
ISO 11649:2009 specifies the elements of a structured creditor reference (RF Creditor Reference) used to facilitate the processing of data in data interchange and in the financial services, as well as between other business domains. The RF Creditor Reference is designed for use in an automated processing environment, but can also be implemented in other media interchanges (e.g. paper document exchange). ISO 11649:2009 does not specify internal procedures, file organization techniques, storage media, languages, etc. to be used in its implementation. It is applicable only to the textual data that can be conveyed through a system or network.
- Standard7 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 7064:2002 specifies a set of check character systems capable of protecting strings against errors which occur when people copy or key data. The strings may be of fixed or variable length and may have character sets which are numeric (10 digits: 0 to 9); alphabetic (26 letters: A to Z); alphanumeric (letters and digits). Embedded spaces and special characters are ignored. ISO/IEC 7064:2002 specifies conformance requirements for products described as generating check characters or checking strings using the systems given in this International Standard. ISO/IEC 7064:2002 is for use in information interchange between organizations; it is also strongly recommended as good practice for internal information systems. The check character systems specified in ISO/IEC 7064:2002 can detect: all single substitution errors (the substitution of a single character for another, for example 4234 for 1234); all or nearly all single (local) transposition errors (the transposition of two single characters, either adjacent or with one character between them, for example 12354 or 12543 for 12345); all or nearly all shift errors (shifts of the whole string to the left or right); a high proportion of double substitution errors (two separate single substitution errors in the same string, for example 7234587 for 1234567); a high proportion of all other errors. ISO/IEC 7064:2002 excludes systems designed specifically to: permit both error detection and automatic correction; detect deliberate falsification; check strings interchanged solely between machines. ISO/IEC 7064:2002 specifies two types of systems: pure systems; hybrid systems. The pure systems use a single modulus for all stages of the calculation.
- Standard13 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off