Standard Specification for Carbon Fiber Composite Core (CFCC/TS) for use in Overhead Electrical Conductors

This specification covers carbon fiber composite core/thermoset (CFCC/TS) matrix for use in reinforcing or supporting overhead electrical conductors. It provides requirements for CFCC/TS materials and manufacture, including tensile strength, glass transition temperature, and minimum bending diameter. This specification also applies to classes of CFCC/TS, test classifications and number of tests and retests, actual density of the CFCC/TS, minimum thickness of the galvanic protection barrier layer, joints, workmanship, finish and appearance, inspection, certification, and packaging and package material. The tests covered by this specification are: tensile test and glass transition temperature test, bending test, dye penetrant testing after bending test, tensile test after bending test, heat exposure test, and heat/stress test.
1.1 This specification covers carbon fiber reinforced thermoset matrix composite core strength members for use in reinforcing or supporting overhead electrical conductors.  
1.2 This specification covers carbon fiber core diameters from 0.180 to 0.500 in. [4.57 to 12.7 mm], inclusive.  
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.  
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM B987/B987M-14 - Standard Specification for Carbon Fiber Composite Core (CFCC/TS) for use in Overhead Electrical Conductors
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Designation:B987/B987M −14
Standard Specification for
Carbon Fiber Composite Core (CFCC/TS) for use in
Overhead Electrical Conductors
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B987/B987M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Tg) of Polymer Matrix Composites by Dynamic Mechani-
cal Analysis (DMA)
1.1 This specification covers carbon fiber reinforced ther-
E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
moset matrix composite core strength members for use in
Determine Conformance with Specifications
reinforcing or supporting overhead electrical conductors.
1.2 This specification covers carbon fiber core diameters
3. Terminology
from 0.180 to 0.500 in. [4.57 to 12.7 mm], inclusive.
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units
3.1.1 CFCC (carbon fiber composite core), n—consisting of
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each
and protected with a galvanic protection barrier layer.
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining
3.1.2 CFCC/TS (carbon fiber composite core/thermoset
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance
matrix), n—consisting of continuous carbon fiber tows held
with the standard.
together by a polymer matrix where the polymer is specifically
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
a thermosetting polymer. The carbon fiber composite core is
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
protected with a galvanic protection barrier layer.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
3.1.3 core, n—see CFCC or CFCC/TS.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
3.1.4 design validation tests, n—the purpose of these tests is
to verify the suitability of the CFCC/TS design, materials, and
2. Referenced Documents
method of manufacturing to meet the requirements in this
2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date specification. To ensure compliance with this specification,
of material purchase form a part of this specification to the these tests shall be repeated whenever the design, manufactur-
extent referenced herein. ing method or the materials have changed. The results of
design validation tests are to be recorded and are considered
2.2 ASTM Standards:
valid for the whole class of CFCC/TS.
D792 Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity (Rela-
tive Density) of Plastics by Displacement 3.1.5 DMA (dynamic mechanical analyzer), n—a device
D3916 Test Method for Tensile Properties of Pultruded that measures the T of a polymer matrix or composite by
Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Rod subjecting the sample to an oscillating stress while heating the
D5117 Test Method for Dye Penetration of Solid Fiberglass specimen at a given heating rate.
Reinforced Pultruded Stock
3.1.6 galvanic protection barrier layer, n—a layer that
D5423 Specification for Forced-Convection Laboratory Ov-
prevents the carbon fiber of the composite core from making
ens for Evaluation of Electrical Insulation
contact with the aluminum strands used in the conductor.
D7028 TestMethodforGlassTransitionTemperature(DMA
3.1.7 glass transition temperature (T ), n—a temperature
where the polymer matrix properties transition from a hard,
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B01 on
Electrical Conductors and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B01.07 on
the temperature at which a curve defined by plotting loss
Conductors of Light Metals.
modulus versus temperature reaches its peak value.
Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2014. Published September 2014. DOI:
3.1.8 loss modulus, n—represents the viscous portion of the
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
polymer matrix response to the simultaneous application of
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
heat and stress; is proportional to the energy dissipated as heat
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. by the composite sample in the DMAand reaches a maximum
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
value when the polymer matrix in the composite transitions 6.2 The CFCC/TS shall meet the requirements set forth in
from the glassy to the rubbery state (T ). this specification, including tensile strength, glass transition
temperature (T ) and minimum bending diameter.
3.1.9 lot, n—unless otherwise specified in the contract or g
order, a lot shall consist of all coils of CFCC/TS of the same
7. Classes of CFCC/TS
diameter, produced from one continuous run of a fiber setup,
7.1 TheclassesofCFCC/TSproductsshallbedesignatedby
submitted for inspection at the same time.
the individual manufacturer and are designs that meet the
3.1.10 matrix volume fraction, n—the amount of matrix
specified strength grade, and are further defined as having
resin relative to fiber in a composite core. The matrix volume
cores with the following properties:
fraction is calculated by subtracting the area of the glass and
7.1.1 Meet the specified grade of strength.
carbon fibers from the total area of the part and then dividing
7.1.2 The area ratio of carbon fiber plus matrix resin to
by the total area of the part.
galvanic protection layer is held within 610 %.
3.1.11 polymer matrix, n—a high molecular weight organic
7.1.3 The nominal matrix volume fraction is held within
material consisting of repeating chemical structures.
63 % in a given strength grade of CFCC/TS.
3.1.12 production unit, n—a reel, spool, or other package of
7.1.4 Use the same thermoset polymer matrix resin (includ-
CFCC/TS that represents a single usable length.
ing any fillers that are added to the polymer matrix) and same
3.1.13 routine tests, n—tests that are performed by the galvanic protection system (including any fillers).
7.1.5 Have a core diameter within 615 % of the baseline
manufacturer, and are intended to prove conformance to the
specific requirements. diameterusedfordesignvalidationtests(seeExplanatoryNote
3.1.14 sample, n—a length of composite core removed from
the start or end of a CFCC/TS lot, and considered to have
8. Test Classifications and Number of Tests and Retests
properties representative of the lot.
8.1 Test requirements are classified as either design valida-
3.1.15 specimen, n—a length of composite core taken from
tion tests or routine tests as indicated in Table 1.
a lot of CFCC/TS for testing purposes.
3.1.16 tow, n—a bundle, containing multiple fibers. Tow
sizes range from 1 K (1000 fibers per bundle) to 50 K (50 000
TABLE 1 Design Validation and Routine Test Classifications
fibers per bundle).
Test Routine Test
Validation Test
4. Classification
Tensile Test X X
4.1 CFCC/TS is furnished in grades, either, standard, high,
Glass Transition Temperature X X
or extra high strength. as specified, in conformance with the
Density X X
Dimensions X X
requirements of Sections 9–19, and meets the minimum
Heat Exposure X
requirements shown in Table 2. (see Explanatory Note 1).
Heat/Stress Test X
Bending Test X
5. Ordering Information
Dye Penetrant after Bending Test X
Tensile Test after Bending Test X
5.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include
Galvanic Protection Barrier Layer XX
the following information:
Thickness Test
5.1.1 Quantity and lengths of each size,
5.1.2 CFCC/TS diameter in inches or millimetres (Section
5.1.3 Grade (either standard strength, high strength, or extra
8.2 Design Validation Tests:
high strength),
8.2.1 The manufacturer shall provide to the purchaser test
5.1.4 Certification (Section 23),
reports that support the CFCC/TS meets the requirements in
5.1.5 Test report, if required (Section 23),
these sections.
5.1.6 Package type (Section 24), and
8.3 Routine Tests:
5.1.7 Order example: Five (5) lengths of 24 000 ft [7300 m]
8.3.1 The manufacturer shall test each production lot using
each, 0.375 in. [9.53 mm] CFCC/TS, high strength grade,
samples of core of sufficient length to run all testing and
packaged onto wood nonreturnable reels, with certified test
potential retests. The samples shall be taken from the start and
end of the lot. Specimens from each sample shall be subjected
6. Materials and Manufacture to the required testing.
8.3.2 Upon request from purchaser, the manufacturer shall
6.1 The CFCC/TS shall consist of carbon fibers of suitable
provide test reports that support the CFCC/TS meets the
type that are combined with a suitable heat resistant thermoset
requirements in these sections.
polymer matrix, and encased in a galvanic protection barrier
layer. 8.4 Retesting:
6.1.1 The galvanic protection barrier shall meet the require- 8.4.1 Should one or more of the test specimens from the
ments set forth in this specification including thickness, mini- sample fail any of the tests specified, the nonconforming lot
mum bending diameter, and dye penetrant after bending. may be subjected to retesting (see Explanatory Note 3).
TABLE 2 Physical Properties (see Explanatory Note 1)
Standard Strength High Strength Extra High Strength
Grade Grade Grade
Ultimate Tensile 250 ksi (1724 MPa) 310 ksi (2137 MPa) 375 ksi (2586 MPa)
Strength, min
Thermoset Polymer 355°F [180°C] to 482°F [250°C] 355°F [180°C] to 482°F [250°C] 355°F [180°C] to 482°F [250°C]
Matrix T ,min
Galvanic Layer 0.020 in. 0.020 in. 0.020 in.
Thickness, min [0.50 mm] [0.50 mm] [0.50 mm]
Heat Exposure 95 % retention of rated tensile 95 % retention of rated tensile 95 % retention of rated tensile
Capacity, min strength after 52 weeks of strength after 52 weeks of strength after 52 weeks of
heat exposure heat exposure heat exposure
Bending Diameter, min 100 times diameter of CFCC/TS 50 times diameter of CFCC/TS 60 times diameter of CFCC/TS
Tensile Modulus 16.2 Msi 16.2 Msi 21.2 Msi
(111.7 GPa) (111.7 GPa) (146 GPa)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient manufacturer’s nominal value ±5 % manufacturer’s nominal value ±5 % manufacturer’s nominal value ±5 %
Density at 20°C manufacturer’s nominal value ±5 % manufacturer’s nominal value ±5 % manufacturer’s nominal value ±5 %
Maximum continuous heat exposure capability temperature heat exposure capability temperature heat exposure capability temperature
operating temperature temperature minus 35°F [20°C] temperature minus 35°F [20°C] temperature minus 35°F [20°C]
For informational purposes only; see manufacturer for specific values.
8.4.2 For retest purposes, three (3) additional specimens 10.4 The peak in the loss modulus shall be used to deter-
may be cut from the original samples from the nonconforming mine the T (see Explanatory Note 5). The T value shall meet
g g
lot and tested for the property in which the original specimen the requirements in Table 2.
from the lot failed to comply. Retests shall be performed using
11. Density
the area (start or end) of the lot that failed.
8.4.3 Should any of the retest specimens fail to meet the
11.1 For the purpose of calculating mass per unit length,
property specified, the lot represented by the test specimen
cross-sections and so forth, the actual density of the CFCC/TS
shall be rejected.
shall be used in the determination. Density may be calculated
from mass divided by volume or determined in accordance
9. Tensile Test
with Test Method D792.
9.1 The CFCC/TS shall conform to the tensile strength
12. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
requirements prescribed in Table 2.
12.1 The specified diameter of the CFCC/TS shall be
9.2 Tensile tests on the finished CFCC/TS shall be con-
expressed in decimal fractions of an inch to three decimal
ducted in accordance with the test methods and definitions
places, or in millimetres to two decimal places.
section of Test Method D3916 (see Explanatory Note 4).
12.2 The diameter shall be the average of the largest and
9.3 Calculation of tensile properties shall be based on the
total cross sectional area of the core including the galvanic
to the nearest 0.001 in. [0.01 mm] in accordance with the
protection layer.
rounding method of Practice E29. Measurements shall be
evenly spaced around the circumference of the cross section
10. Glass Transition Temperature (T ) Test
and a minimum of three measurements shall be taken.
10.1 The glass transition temperature (T ) shall be deter-
12.3 The average diameter shall not differ by more than
mined in accordance with Test Method D7028.
60.002 in. [0.05 mm] from the nominal diameter of the
10.2 The CFCC/TS DMA specimen shall be machined into
a rectangular shape that meets the requirements described in
Test Method D7028. 13. Bending Test (See Explanatory Note 6)
10.3 Prior to measurement in the DMA, the specimens shall 13.1 Perform one test each on the start and end of the lot.
be preconditioned at a temperature of 212°F [100°C] for 24 h Test specimens shall not fracture, including the galvanic
to determine the dry T of the CFCC/TS. The specimen should protection barrier, when the CFCC/TS is wrapped 180 degrees
be kept in a desiccator after preconditioning until testing, in around a cylindrical mandrel then loaded to 15 % of its rated
accordance with Test Method D7028. tensile strength and held for 60 s.
13.1.1 The diameter of the cylindrical mandrel shall be 16.3 The specimens shall be cut to a length that can be used
equal to the minimum bending diameter in Table 2. for tensile testing after exposure, and all specimens in a test
13.1.2 The section of the composite core that is in direct group shall be heat exposed at the same time.
contact with the mandrel shall be marked so that after the
16.4 The ends of the composite core specimens are allowed
bending test, this section can be easily identified to perform
to extend 6 in. [150 mm] outside the oven walls.
post testing analysis.
16.5 At the end of the exposure time:
13.2 After completion of the bending test, the specimen
16.5.1 The CFCC/TS shall show no signs of cracking or
shall be checked visually for fracturing, such as peeling of the

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