ASTM E1403-97(2003)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Laboratory Glass Boiling Flasks
Standard Specification for Laboratory Glass Boiling Flasks
This specification provides standard dimensional requirements for flat-bottom and round-bottom glass boiling flasks. Boiling flasks shall be in the following types: type I— flat bottomed: class 1 - tooled top, long neck; class 2 - ring neck, long neck; class 3 - ring neck, long neck, wicker protector; class 4 - standard taper neck, short neck; class 5 - standard taper neck, long neck. Type II— round bottomed: class 1–tooled top, long neck; class 2–ring neck, short neck; class 3–standard taper neck, short neck; class 4–standard taper neck, long neck; class 5–standard taper neck, short neck with side arm; class 6–standard taper neck, short neck with thermometer well; and class 7–ball and socket neck, short neck. Type III— heart-shape bottomed: class 1–standard taper neck, short neck. Necks on all single-neck flasks shall be circular in cross section and perpendicular to the center of the flask body. The top shall be strengthened and finished. Flat bottoms shall be in a plane perpendicular to the vertical axis through the neck of the flask. Round-bottomed flasks shall be spherical in shape to the point of juncture with the flask neck. The nominal capacity of a flask shall not exceed the actual capacity to the base of the neck.
1.1 This specification provides standard dimensional requirements for flat-bottom and round-bottom glass boiling flasks.
Note—For packaging standards, choose among the following standards, E 920, E 921, E 1133, and E 1157.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: E 1403 – 97 (Reapproved 2003)
Standard Specification for
Laboratory Glass Boiling Flasks
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1403; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Class 2—Ring neck, long neck in the following
1.1 This specification provides standard dimensional re- Class 3—Ring neck, long neck, wicker protector in
quirements for flat-bottom and round-bottom glass boiling
the following size: 500 mL and 1000 mL.
flasks. Class4—StandardTaper($)neck,shortneckinthe
NOTE 1—For packaging standards, choose among the following stan-
following sizes: 50 mL, 125 mL, 250 mL, 300 mL, 500 mL,
dards, E 920, E 921, E 1133, and E 1157.
and 1000 mL. Class 5—StandardTaper ( $ ) neck, long neck in the
2. Referenced Documents
following sizes: 250 mL, 500 mL, and 1000 mL.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.2 Type II—Round Bottomed
E 438 Specification for Glasses in Laboratory Apparatus Class 1—Tooled top, long neck in the following
E 671 Specification for Maximum Permissible Thermal Re-
sizes: 25 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL, 1000 mL,
sidual Stress in Annealed Glass Laboratory Apparatus
2000 mL, 5000 mL, and 6000 mL.
E 676 Specification for Interchangeable Taper-Ground Class 2—Ring neck, short neck in the following
sizes: 250 mL, 500 mL, 1 000 mL, 2 000 mL, 3 000 mL, 5 000
E 677 Specification for Interchangeable Spherical Ground
mL, 12 000 mL, and 22 000 mL.
Joints Class3—StandardTaper($)neck,shortneckinthe
E 920 Specification for Commercially Packaged Laboratory
following sizes: 5 mL, 10 mL, 25 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL, 250
mL, 500 mL, 1 000 mL, 2 000 mL, 3 000 mL, 5 000 mL, and
E 921 Specification for Export Packaged Laboratory Appa-
12 000 mL.
ratus Class 4—StandardTaper ( $ ) neck, long neck in the
E 1133 PracticeforPerformanceTestingofPackagedLabo-
following sizes: 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL, and 1000 mL.
ratory Apparatus for United States Government Procure- Class 5—Standard Taper ( $ ) neck, short neck with
side arm in the following sizes: 250 mL and 300 mL.
E 1157 Specification for Sampling and Testing of Reusable Class 6—Standard Taper ( $ ) neck, short neck with
Laboratory Glassware
thermometer well in the following sizes: 500 mL, 1000 mL,
and 2000 mL.
3. Classification Class7—Ballandsocket($)neck,shortneckinthe
3.1 Boiling flasks shall be in the following types and sizes.
following sizes 250 mL, 500 mL, 1000 mL, and 2000 mL.
3.1.1 Type I—Flat bottomed
3.1.3 Type III—Heart-shape bottomed Class 1—Tooled top; long neck in the following Class1—StandardTaper($)neck,shortneckinthe
sizes: 50 mL, 125 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL, 1 000 mL, 2 000 mL,
following sizes: 5 mL, 10 mL, 25 mL, 50 mL, and 100 mL.
3 000 mL, 6 000 mL, and 12 000 mL.
NOTE 2—The term millilitre (mL) is commonly used as a special name
for the cubic centimetre (cm ) and similarly the litre (L) for 1000 cubic
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E41 on centimetres, in accordance with the International System of Units (SI).
Laboratory Apparatus and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E41.01 on
4. Material and Annealing
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2003. Published October 2003. Originally
4.1 Flasks shall be made of borosilicate glass conforming to
published as E 1403 – 91. Last previous edition E 1403 – 95.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02. the requirement of Type I, Class A of Specification E 438.
Copyright ©ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA19428-2959, United States.
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E 1403 – 97 (2003)
TABLE 1 Capacity and Dimensions for Glass Boiling Flask
4.2 Maximum residual thermal stress shall be such as to
conform to Specification E 671. Overall Height—Maximum
Without Stopper
Nominal Wall
5. Appearance Body Stopper
Heart- B
capacity, thickness
Flat Round
Widest size
mL min, mm
5.1 The general appearance of the flasks shall be as illus- bottom, bottom,
Point max,
mm mm
trated in Fig. 1. mm
5 26 . . 52 55 0.8
6. Design
10 32 . . 60 65 0.8
25 43 1 . 92 80 0.8
6.1 Necks on all single-neck flasks shall be circular in cross
50 52 1 103 108 99 0.8
section and perpendicular to the center of the flask body. Neck
100 66 2 113 122 117 0.8
lengths may be designated “short” or “long”.
125 70 2 or 3 122 . . 0.8
200 76 5 . 130 . 0.8
6.2 The top shall be streng
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