ASTM F1668-16
(Guide)Standard Guide for Construction Procedures for Buried Plastic Pipe
Standard Guide for Construction Procedures for Buried Plastic Pipe
4.1 This guide may be used as a reference of acceptable open-cut construction practices for the proper installation of buried fiberglass and thermoplastic pipe. This guide may be used as follows:
4.1.1 Installation contractors have an awareness of the level of workmanship required and use this information for bidding purposes and during construction.
4.1.2 Construction inspectors have a reference of acceptable installation practices.
4.1.3 Specification writers may use this guide as a reference in contract documents.
4.1.4 Designers may review this information during planning and design for factors to consider in the preparation of plans and specifications.
4.1.5 The owner of the pipeline may use this guide as a reference for restoration of proper pipe support and embedment when original construction is disturbed due to repairs, modifications, or construction of adjacent or crossing pipelines or cables.
4.2 This guide should not be used to replace project specification requirements, manufacturer's recommendations, plumbing codes, building codes, or ASTM installation standards, but may be used to supplement that information.
1.1 This guide describes installation techniques and considerations for open-cut construction of buried pipe. Although this guide was developed for plastic pipe, the concepts of providing the appropriate soil support, care in handling, correct joining techniques, proper soil compaction methods, and prevention of installation damage may apply to any pipe.
1.1.1 Plastic pipe refers to thermoplastic and fiberglass pipe.
1.1.2 Thermoplastic pipe refers to pipe fabricated from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), acrylonitrile-butadiene styrene (ABS), cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), or polypropylene (PP). A list of specifications for these products is given in Appendix X2.
1.1.3 Fiberglass pipe refers to a glass-fiber-reinforced thermosetting-resin pipe. A list of ASTM specifications for these products is given in Appendix X2.
Note 1: Appendix X2 cannot be considered inclusive because there may be unlisted, recently adopted ASTM specifications for new products that may be installed using this guide.
Note 2: Only a few of the ASTM specifications listed in Appendix X2 include the associated fittings. While this guide applies to the installation of pipe, couplings, and fittings, no attempt was made to list all the possible fitting specifications that may be used in conjunction with the pipe specifications. Consult each specification or manufacturer for appropriate fitting standards.
1.1.4 For simplification, the term pipe will be used in this document to mean pipe sections, fittings, and couplings.
1.2 This guide contains general construction information applicable for plastic pipe and supplements the installation standards for the various types of pipe as described in Practices D2321, D2774, D3839, F690, and Guide F645.
Note 3: This guide is not applicable for gas pipe applications as additional requirements may apply.
1.3 Flexible pipe, such as thermoplastic and fiberglass, are typically designed to rely on the stiffness of the soil surrounding the pipe for support. The contract documents should describe the requirements of an appropriate soil support system. The construction practices described in this guide can be instrumental in attaining the required soil stiffness.
1.3.1 A discussion of the interaction between a buried pipe and the surrounding soil and the importance of attaining proper soil support is in Appendix X1.
1.3.2 Following these guidelines will be helpful in preventing local deformations in the pipe.
1.4 This guide does not cover underwater installation, pipe that needs to be supported on piling, perforated pipe used for drainage, or gas pipelines.
1.5 Pipelines through areas described as “expansive soils,” “collapsing soils,” landfills or water-logge...
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Designation: F1668 − 16 An American National Standard
Standard Guide for
Construction Procedures for Buried Plastic Pipe
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1668; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope* system. The construction practices described in this guide can
be instrumental in attaining the required soil stiffness.
1.1 This guide describes installation techniques and consid-
1.3.1 A discussion of the interaction between a buried pipe
guidewasdevelopedforplasticpipe,theconceptsofproviding andthesurroundingsoilandtheimportanceofattainingproper
the appropriate soil support, care in handling, correct joining soil support is in Appendix X1.
techniques, proper soil compaction methods, and prevention of
1.3.2 Following these guidelines will be helpful in prevent-
installation damage may apply to any pipe.
ing local deformations in the pipe.
1.1.1 Plasticpipereferstothermoplasticandfiberglasspipe.
1.4 This guide does not cover underwater installation, pipe
1.1.2 Thermoplastic pipe refers to pipe fabricated from
that needs to be supported on piling, perforated pipe used for
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), acrylonitrile-
drainage, or gas pipelines.
butadiene styrene (ABS), cross-linked polyethylene (PEX),
1.5 Pipelines through areas described as “expansive soils,”
Alist of specifications for these products is given in Appendix
“collapsing soils,” landfills or water-logged land (such as
swamps) should be constructed using site-specific installation
1.1.3 Fiberglass pipe refers to a glass-fiber-reinforced
procedures and are not discussed in this guide.
thermosetting-resin pipe. A list of ASTM specifications for
these products is given in Appendix X2. 1.6 This guide is not intended to cover all situations.
Specific pipe characteristics, fluid transported, local site
NOTE 1—Appendix X2 cannot be considered inclusive because there
conditions, environmental concerns, or manufacturer’s recom-
may be unlisted, recently adopted ASTM specifications for new products
that may be installed using this guide.
mendations may require different guidelines.
NOTE 2—Only a few of theASTM specifications listed in Appendix X2
include the associated fittings. While this guide applies to the installation 1.7 The construction practices presented in this guide may
be affected by the installation requirements of owners, speci-
fitting specifications that may be used in conjunction with the pipe
fying organizations, or regulatory agencies for pipelines cross-
specifications. Consult each specification or manufacturer for appropriate
ing roads and highways, other pipelines or cables, or water-
fitting standards.
ways such as streams, drainage channels, or floodways.
1.1.4 For simplification, the term pipe will be used in this
document to mean pipe sections, fittings, and couplings.
1.8 Culverts or pipe that are used as passages through water
retaining embankments (for example, earth dams) may be
1.2 This guide contains general construction information
constructed using the principles of this guide, if appropriate
applicable for plastic pipe and supplements the installation
provisions are made to prevent water movement along the
outside of the pipe (using impervious soils, cutoff collars, head
D2321, D2774, D3839, F690, and Guide F645.
walls, etc.).
NOTE 3—This guide is not applicable for gas pipe applications as
additional requirements may apply.
1.9 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
standard. The inch-pound units in parentheses are given for
1.3 Flexible pipe, such as thermoplastic and fiberglass, are
information only.
typically designed to rely on the stiffness of the soil surround-
ing the pipe for support. The contract documents should
NOTE 4—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard covering the
describe the requirements of an appropriate soil support
primary subject matter of this guide.
1.10 This standard does not purport to address all of the
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F17 on Plastic Piping
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.61 on Water.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2016. Published September 2016. Originally
priate safety and health practices and determi
This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation: F1668 − 08 F1668 − 16 An American National Standard
Standard Guide for
Construction Procedures for Buried Plastic Pipe
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1668; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope*
1.1 This guide describes installation techniques and considerations for open-cut construction of buried pipe. Although this guide
was developed for plastic pipe, the concepts of providing the appropriate soil support, care in handling, correct joining techniques,
proper soil compaction methods, and prevention of installation damage may apply to any pipe.
1.1.1 Plastic pipe refers to thermoplastic and fiberglass pipe.
1.1.2 Thermoplastic pipe refers to pipe fabricated from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), acrylonitrile-butadiene
styrene (ABS), polybutylene (PB), cross-linked polyethylene (PEX), chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), or polypropylene
(PP). A list of ASTM specifications for these products is given in Appendix X2.
1.1.3 Fiberglass pipe refers to a glass-fiber-reinforced thermosetting-resin pipe. A list of ASTM specifications for these products
is given in Appendix X2.
NOTE 1—Appendix X2 cannot be considered inclusive because there may be unlisted, recently adopted ASTM specifications for new products that may
be installed using this guide.
NOTE 2—Only a few of the ASTM specifications listed in Appendix X2 include the associated fittings. While this guide applies to the installation of
pipe, couplings, and fittings, no attempt was made to list all the possible fitting specifications that may be used in conjunction with the pipe specifications.
Consult each specification or manufacturer for appropriate fitting standards.
1.1.4 For simplification, the term pipe will be used in this document to mean pipe sections, fittings, and couplings.
1.1.4 For simplification, the term pipe will be used in this document to mean pipe sections, fittings, and couplings.
1.2 This guide contains general construction information applicable for plastic pipe and supplements the installation standards
for the various types of pipe as described in Practices D2321, D2774, D3839, F690, F1176, and Guide F645.
NOTE 3—This guide is not applicable for gas pipe applications as additional requirements may apply.
1.3 Flexible pipe, such as thermoplastic and fiberglass, are typically designed to rely on the stiffness of the soil surrounding the
pipe for support. The contract documents should describe the requirements of an appropriate soil support system. The construction
practices described in this guide can be instrumental in attaining the required soil stiffness.
1.3.1 A discussion of the interaction between a buried pipe and the surrounding soil and the importance of attaining proper soil
support is in Appendix X1.
1.3.2 Following these guidelines will be helpful in preventing local deformations in the pipe.
1.4 This guide does not cover underwater installation, pipe that needs to be supported on piling, perforated pipe used for
drainage, or gas pipelines.
1.5 Pipelines through areas described as “expansive soils,” “collapsing soils,” landfills or water-logged land (such as swamps)
should be constructed using site-specific installation procedures and are not discussed in this guide.
1.6 This guide is not intended to cover all situations. Specific pipe characteristics, fluid transported, local site conditions,
environmental concerns, or manufacturer’s recommendations may require different guidelines.
1.7 The construction practices presented in this guide may be affected by the installation requirements of owners, specifying
organizations, or regulatory agencies for pipelines crossing roads and highways, other pipelines or cables, or waterways such as
streams, drainage channels, or floodways.
1.8 Culverts or pipe that are used as passages through water retaining embankments (for example, earth dams) may be
constructed using the principles of this guide, if appropriate provisions are made to prevent water movement along the outside of
the pipe (using impervious soils, cutoff collars, head walls, etc.).
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F17 on Plastic Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.61 on Water.
Current edition approved March 1, 2008Aug. 1, 2016. Publishe
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