Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement

This specification covers deformed and plain carbon-steel bars for concrete reinforcements in cut lengths and coils. Materials considered under this specification are available in Grades 40 [280], 60 [420] and 75 [520]. Steel samples shall be rolled from properly identified heats of mold cast or strand cast steel using electric-furnace, basic-oxygen, or open-hearth. Heat analysis shall be performed wherein steel materials shall conform to required compositions of carbon, manganese, phosphorus and sulfur. Steel specimens shall also undergo tensile tests and shall conform to required values of tensile strength, yield strength, and elongation. Steel samples shall also undergo deformation test, tension test and bend tests. Final products shall be marked by a tag.
1.1 This specification covers deformed and plain carbon-steel bars in cut lengths and coils for concrete reinforcement. Steel bars containing alloy additions, such as with the Association for Iron and Steel Technology and the Society of Automotive Engineers series of alloy steels, are permitted if the resulting product meets all the other requirements of this specification. The standard sizes and dimensions of deformed bars and their number designations are given in Table 1.  (A) The nominal dimensions of a deformed bar are equivalent to those of a plain round bar having the same weight [mass] per foot [metre] as the deformed bar.(B) Refer to Note 2.  
1.2 Bars are of five minimum yield strength levels: namely, 40 000 psi [280 MPa], 60 000 psi [420 MPa], 75 000 psi [520 MPa], 80 000 psi [550 MPa], and 100 000 psi [690 MPa], designated as Grade 40 [280], Grade 60 [420], Grade 75 [520], Grade 80 [550], and Grade 100 [690], respectively.
Note 1: Grade 100 [690] reinforcing bars were introduced in this specification in 2015. In contrast to the lower grades, which have ratios of specified tensile strength to specified yield strength that range from 1.31 to 1.5, Grade 100 [690] reinforcing bars have a ratio of specified tensile strength to specified yield strength of 1.15. Designers should be aware that there will, therefore, be a lower margin of safety and reduced warning of failure following yielding when Grade 100 [690] bars are used in structural members where strength is governed by the tensile strength of the reinforcement, primarily in beams and slabs. If this is of concern, the purchaser has the option of specifying a minimum ratio of tensile strength to actual yield strength. Consensus design codes and specifications such as “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318)” may not recognize Grade 100 [690] reinforcing bars: therefore the 125 % of specified yield strength requirements in tension and compression are not applicable. Mechanical and welded splices should meet a minimum specified tensile strength of 115 000 psi [790 MPa].
Note 2: Designers need to be aware that design standards do not recognize the use of the No. 20 [64] bar, the largest bar included in this specification. Structural members reinforced with No. 20 [64] bars may require approval of the building official or other appropriate authority and require special detailing to ensure adequate performance at service and factored loads.  
1.3 Plain bars, in sizes up to and including 21/2 in. [63.5 mm] in diameter in coils or cut lengths, when ordered shall be furnished under this specification in Grade 40 [280], Grade 60 [420], Grade 75 [520], Grade 80 [550], and Grade 100 [690]. For ductility properties (elongation and bending), test provisions of the nearest smaller nominal diameter deformed bar size shall apply. Requirements providing for deformations and marking shall not be applicable.  
Note 3: Welding of the material in this specification should be approached with caution since no specific provisions have been included to enhance its weldability. When this steel is to be welded, a welding procedure suitable for the chemical composition and intende...

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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: A615/A615M −15a AmericanAssociation State Highway and
Transportation Officials Standard
AASHTO No.: M 31
Standard Specification for
Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete
This standard is issued under the fixed designationA615/A615M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
1. Scope* 1.3 Plainbars,insizesuptoandincluding2 ⁄2in.[63.5mm]
in diameter in coils or cut lengths, when ordered shall be
1.1 This specification covers deformed and plain carbon-
furnished under this specification in Grade 40 [280], Grade 60
steel bars in cut lengths and coils for concrete reinforcement.
[420], Grade 75 [520], Grade 80 [550], and Grade 100 [690].
Steel bars containing alloy additions, such as with the Asso-
For ductility properties (elongation and bending), test provi-
ciation for Iron and Steel Technology and the Society of
sions of the nearest smaller nominal diameter deformed bar
Automotive Engineers series of alloy steels, are permitted if
size shall apply. Requirements providing for deformations and
the resulting product meets all the other requirements of this
marking shall not be applicable.
specification. The standard sizes and dimensions of deformed
bars and their number designations are given in Table 1.
NOTE 3—Welding of the material in this specification should be
approached with caution since no specific provisions have been included
1.2 Bars are of five minimum yield strength levels: namely,
to enhance its weldability. When this steel is to be welded, a welding
40 000 psi [280 MPa], 60 000 psi [420 MPa], 75 000 psi [520
procedure suitable for the chemical composition and intended use or
MPa], 80 000 psi [550 MPa], and 100 000 psi [690 MPa],
service should be used. The use of the latest edition ofAWS D1.4 ⁄D1.4M
designated as Grade 40 [280], Grade 60 [420], Grade 75 [520],
is recommended. The AWS D1.4 ⁄D1.4M Welding Code describes the
Grade 80 [550], and Grade 100 [690], respectively.
proper selection of the filler metals and preheat/interpass temperatures, as
well as performance and procedure qualification requirements.
NOTE 1—Grade 100 [690] reinforcing bars were introduced in this
specification in 2015. In contrast to the lower grades, which have ratios of
1.4 Requirements for alternate bar sizes are presented in
specified tensile strength to specified yield strength that range from 1.31
Annex A1. The requirements in Annex A1 only apply when
to 1.5, Grade 100 [690] reinforcing bars have a ratio of specified tensile
specified by the purchaser (see 4.2.4).
there will, therefore, be a lower margin of safety and reduced warning of
1.5 The text of this specification references notes and
failure following yielding when Grade 100 [690] bars are used in
footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and
structural members where strength is governed by the tensile strength of
the reinforcement, primarily in beams and slabs. If this is of concern, the footnotes (excluding those in tables) shall not be considered as
purchaser has the option of specifying a minimum ratio of tensile strength
requirements of the specification.
“BuildingCodeRequirementsforStructuralConcrete(ACI318)”maynot 1.6 This specification is applicable for orders in either
recognize Grade 100 [690] reinforcing bars: therefore the 125 % of
inch-pound units (as Specification A615) or in SI units (as
specified yield strength requirements in tension and compression are not
Specification A615M).
applicable. Mechanical and welded splices should meet a minimum
specified tensile strength of 115 000 psi [790 MPa].
1.7 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units
NOTE 2—Designers need to be aware that design standards do not
are to be regarded separately as standard. Within the text, the
recognize the use of the No. 20 [64] bar, the largest bar included in this
SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each
specification. Structural members reinforced with No. 20 [64] bars may
require approval of the building official or other appropriate authority and system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system
require special detailing to ensure adequate performance at service and
shall be used independently of the other. Combining values
factored loads.
from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the
1.8 This specification does not purport to addr

This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation: A615/A615M − 15 A615/A615M − 15a American Association State Highway and
Transportation Officials Standard
AASHTO No.: M 31
Standard Specification for
Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A615/A615M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
1. Scope*
1.1 This specification covers deformed and plain carbon-steel bars in cut lengths and coils for concrete reinforcement. Steel bars
containing alloy additions, such as with the Association for Iron and Steel Technology and the Society of Automotive Engineers
series of alloy steels, are permitted if the resulting product meets all the other requirements of this specification. The standard sizes
and dimensions of deformed bars and their number designations are given in Table 1.
1.2 Bars are of five minimum yield strength levels: namely, 40 000 psi [280 MPa], 60 000 psi [420 MPa], 75 000 psi [520 MPa],
80 000 psi [550 MPa], and 100 000 psi [690 MPa], designated as Grade 40 [280], Grade 60 [420], Grade 75 [520], Grade 80 [550],
and Grade 100 [690], respectively.
NOTE 1—Grade 100 [690] reinforcing bars were introduced in this specification in 2015. In contrast to the lower grades, which have ratios of specified
tensile strength to specified yield strength that range from 1.31 to 1.5, Grade 100 [690] reinforcing bars have a ratio of specified tensile strength to
specified yield strength of 1.15. Designers should be aware that there will, therefore, be a lower margin of safety and reduced warning of failure following
yielding when Grade 100 [690] bars are used in structural members where strength is governed by the tensile strength of the reinforcement, primarily
in beams and slabs. If this is of concern, the purchaser has the option of specifying a minimum ratio of tensile strength to actual yield strength. Consensus
design codes and specifications such as “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318)” may not recognize Grade 100 [690] reinforcing
bars: therefore the 125 % of specified yield strength requirements in tension and compression are not applicable. Mechanical and welded splices should
meet a minimum specified tensile strength of 115 000 psi [790 MPa].
NOTE 2—Designers need to be aware that design standards do not recognize the use of the No. 20 [64] bar, the largest bar included in this specification.
Structural members reinforced with No. 20 [64] bars may require approval of the building official or other appropriate authority and require special
detailing to ensure adequate performance at service and factored loads.
1.3 Plain bars, in sizes up to and including 2 ⁄2 in. [63.5 mm] in diameter in coils or cut lengths, when ordered shall be furnished
under this specification in Grade 40 [280], Grade 60 [420], Grade 75 [520], Grade 80 [550], and Grade 100 [690]. For ductility
properties (elongation and bending), test provisions of the nearest smaller nominal diameter deformed bar size shall apply.
Requirements providing for deformations and marking shall not be applicable.
NOTE 3—Welding of the material in this specification should be approached with caution since no specific provisions have been included to enhance
its weldability. When this steel is to be welded, a welding procedure suitable for the chemical composition and intended use or service should be used.
The use of the latest edition of AWS D1.4 ⁄D1.4M is recommended. The AWS D1.4 ⁄D1.4M Welding Code describes the proper selection of the filler
metals and preheat/interpass temperatures, as well as performance and procedure qualification requirements.
1.4 Requirements for alternate bar sizes are presented in Annex A1. The requirements in Annex A1 only apply when specified
by the purchaser (see
1.5 The text of this specification references notes and footnotes which provide explanatory material. These notes and footnotes
(excluding those in tables) shall not be considered as requirements of the specification.
1.6 This specification is applicable for orders in either inch-pound units (as Specification A615) or in SI units (as Specification
1.7 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded sepa

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