ASTM D3027-87
(Practice)Practice for Compression Molding Specimens of Allyl Molding Compounds (Withdrawn 1992)
Practice for Compression Molding Specimens of Allyl Molding Compounds (Withdrawn 1992)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.
Standard Practice for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3027; the number immediately following the desiktion indicates thc year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicam the year of last rrappcoval.
A superscr¡pt cpdon (e) indicates an edditor¡al change ince the last revidon or reapprod.
erties obtained with different compounds, or be-
l. SCoDe
tween different batches of the same compound.
1.1 This practice covers the procedure to be
3.2 If the molded specimens show evidence of
used.for compression molding the test specimens
low density areas due to trapped gases, the spec-
required for Specification D 1636.
imens should be discarded. A breathe step should
1.2 The values in SI units are to be
: be used in molding new specimens. It is critical
regarded as standard. The values in parentheses
. to hold to a relatively brief breathe cycle to avoid
are given for information only.
procuring the granules before full pm is
1.3 This standard may involve hazardous ma-
applied, Such a condition would result in poorly
terials, operations, and equipmenï. This sïandard
knitted areas and lower strength in the molded
does not purport io address all ofihe safetu prob-
lems associaïed with its use. It is the responsibil-
4. Apparatus
iïy of the user of this sïandard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine
4.1 -Molds (See Notes 1 and 2)
the applicability of regulatory limiïations prior to
4.1.1 Impact, Flexural, Flame Resistance, and
Oxygen Index Specimens-Use the single bar,
single cavity, positive mold shown in the figure
2. Referenced Documents
illustrating the Single Bar, Single Cavity Positive
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Mold in Practice D647. The test specimens for
D647 Practice for Design of Molds for Test
the Test Method D2863 oxygen index test shall
Specimens of Plastic Molding Materials2
be molded to a 3.2 mm (‘1’8. in.) thickness and cut
D958 Practice for Determining Temperatures
6.4 mm (Ih in.) width.
to a
of Standard ASTM Molds for Test Speci- 4.1.2 Elecïrical Test Specimens-Use the
mens of Plastic2
10 I .6-mm (4-in.) di.ameter positive mold shown
D 1636 Specification for Allyl Molding
in the figure illustrating the Mold for Disk Test
Compounds3 Specimens in Practice D 647.
D2863 Test Method for Measuring the Mini-
NOTE I-The molds shown in Practice Dó47 are
mum Oxygen Concentration to Support
hand molds. For ease of molding, they may be made
semi-automatic by bolting them to the press piatens.
Candle-Like Combustion of Plastics (Oxy-
NOTE 2-Chrome plating of the cavities is recom-
gen Index)3
mended but not necessary. .
3. Significance and Use
4.2 Press-The hydraulic press shall be such
3.1 The conditions under which samples are
I This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Commiîtcc
molded influence the properties of the speci-
D-20 on Plda and is the dinct responsibitity of Subcommitta
mens. In determining whether a given compound
~20.09 on SNmen -tion. arrent dtion approved
meets the specification requirements, it is impor-
Au& 28,1987. Published October 1987. originally publisbcd ar
D3027-72. J-astprev¡ousdtion D3027-72(1981Yt.
tant to hold to a standard set of conditions. This
i An,,& o/~~~ Siandu,.& ~d a.01.
is also necessary for a valid comparison of prop- ’Annual Book of ASTM Standur&, Vol 08.02.
- 1
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, ASTM D3027 87 0759530 0028547 3
D 3027
that molding pressure on the specimen can be 5. Procedure
maintained at the value, and within the toler- 5.1 Mold the test specimens in accordance
with conditions A, B, or C, as prescribed in Table
ances prescribed in Table 1.
4.3 Heating System-Any convenient 1. The preheated material of condition B or C
should be transferred to the mold immediately
method of heating the press platens or molds
after the preheating cycle is completed. Discard
may be used provided that the heat source is
constant enough to maintain the mold tempera- the initial samples used to determine the opti-
ture prescribed in Table 1 with ITC (35°F). . mum preheating settings after: . measuring the
4.4 Temperature Measurement:
5.2 Refiree' Tests-Conditiori .a sufficient
4.4.1 Mold Temperature-A 76.2-mm (3-in.)
sample of the molding material. Spread to a
immersion, mercury-filled thermometer having
maximum depth of 25.4 mm (1 in.), in an open
a temperature scale of not more than 25°C (45°F)
container for 72 h in a Standard Laboratoj
per 25.4 mm (1 in.) of lenm, or a surface-probe .
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