Standard Test Method for Measuring Maximum Function Volume of the Primary Dirt Receptacle in a Vacuum Cleaner

1.1 This test method is applicable to household types of upright, canister, and combination vacuum cleaners.  
1.2 This test method provides a measurement in dry quarts or litres of the maximum functional volume of the primary dirt receptacle when installed in the vacuum cleaner.  
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazards statements see Notes 1 and 2.

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ASTM F888-94(1999) - Standard Test Method for Measuring Maximum Function Volume of the Primary Dirt Receptacle in a Vacuum Cleaner
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An American National Standard
Designation: F 888 – 94 (Reapproved 1999)
Standard Test Method for
Measuring Maximum Function Volume of the Primary Dirt
Receptacle in a Vacuum Cleaner
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 888; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 3.6 Volume Measuring Container, to measure volume of
granulated cork. This shall have a capacity of one dry quart.
1.1 This test method is applicable to household types of
See Fig. 2. The container shall be made of transparent material
upright, canister, and combination vacuum cleaners.
to ensure no voids when filled with granulated cork. As an
1.2 This test method provides a measurement in dry quarts
option, a 1-L container can be used.
or litres of the maximum functional volume of the primary dirt
3.7 Weighing Scale— The scale shall be accurate to 0.035
receptacle when installed in the vacuum cleaner.
oz (1 g) and have a weighing capacity of at least 15 lb (6.82
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
4. Materials
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
4.1 New Granulated Cork—Premium Grade 6 to 14 sieve
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazards
statements see Notes 1 and 2.
4.2 Coarse-Grade Air Cleaner Test Dust, see Table 1. As an
2. Significance and Use option, talc may be used. See Table 2.
2.1 This test method covers a procedure to determine the
5. Sampling
maximum functional volume of the primary dirt receptacle
5.1 Determination of Sample Size—A sample of sufficient
when installed in the vacuum cleaner.
size of each model shall be tested until a 90 % confidence level
2.2 This test method provides the maximum amount of test
is established within 65 % of the mean value. A minimum of
media that the primary dirt receptacle will hold and may be
three samples shall be tested. All samples shall be selected at
more than the volume obtained when filled to the manufactur-
random in accordance with good statistical practices.
er’s recommended fill line.
5.2 Determination of Maximum Functional Volume for Each
3. Apparatus Unit—The maximum functional volume for each unit shall be
an average of three runs with a spread meeting the repeatability
3.1 Voltmeter, to measure input voltage to the cleaner, to
statement in 8.1.1. (See Appendix X1 for example.)
provide measurements accurate to within 61%.
3.2 Voltage Regulator System, to control the input voltage to
6. Conditioning
the cleaner. The regulator must be capable of maintaining a 120
6.1 Maintain the test room at 70 6 5°F (216 3°C) and 45
6 1 V RMS with a wave form that is essentially sinusoidal
to 55 % relative humidity.
with 3 % maximum harmonic distortion for the duration of the
6.2 Expose all components involved in the test to the
controlled environment for at least 16 h prior to the start of the
3.3 Temperature Measuring Equipment, to provide mea-
surements accurate to within 61°F (0.5°C).
3.4 Humidity Measuring Equipment, to provide measure-
NOTE 1—Caution: Store sufficient 100 qt or 100-L increments of
ments accurate to within 62 % relative humidity. granulated cork in such a manner that when used they are in a state of
constant mass/unit volume.
3.5 Adapter, to be attached to the cleaning nozzle of upright
cleaners for use in directing card punchings into the nozzle.
7. Procedure
See Fig. 1.
7.1 Establish density of granulated cork in grams per dry
quarts or grams per litres as follows:
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-11 on Vacuum
Cleaners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F11.23 on Filtration.
Current edition approved Jan. 15, 1994. Published March 1994. Originally The test material, available from Wiley Cork, Inc., 16th Locust Street,
published as F 888 – 84. Last previous edition F 888 – 92. Wilmington, DE 19802, has been found suitable for this purpose.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F 888 – 94 (1999)
FIG. 1 Adapter Plate for Uprights
FIG. 2 Volume Measuring Container
A ,B
TABLE 1 Analysis of Coarse Grade Air Cleaner F-11 Test Dust
7.1.1 Weigh the empty container.
Particle Size Distribution by Volume
7.1.2 Withdraw 100 qt or 100 L from the bulk quantity.
7.1.3 From the quantity withdrawn in 7.1.2, fill the con-
Size, μm Coarse Grade (% less than)
tainer with granulated cork by gently pouring the granulated
5.5 13 6 3
11 24 6 3
cork through the funnel shown in Fig. 3. Move the funnel
22 37 6 3
around in a horizontal plane to ensure even filling of the
44 56 6 3
container. Do not shake or disturb the container during this
88 84 6 3
176 100
operation. Introduce the granulated cork at a uniform rate of 1
qt/min or 1 L/min 610 s. The information in Table 1 is contained in “Air Cleaner Test Code,” SAE
Technical Report J726b.
7.1.4 Weigh the filled container.
A satisfactory test dust is available from Powder Technology, Inc., 1119
Riverwood Drive, Burnsville, MN 55337.
A10 ⁄2-in. diameter utility funnel, Stock No. 78026, available from U.S. Plastic
7.1.5 Subtract the results of 7.1.1 from the results of 7.1.4
Corp., 1390 Newbrecht Rd., Lima, OH 45801 has been found suitable for this
purpose. for the weight of 1 qt or 1 L of granulated cork.
F 888 – 94 (1999)
TABLE 2 Analysis of Unscented Commercial Grade Talcum NOTE 2—Caution: If granulated cork is reused, the density in grams
per dry quarts or grams per litres must be reestablished (see 7.1-7.1.10).
Particle Size Distribution
by Weight, %
7.6 Introduce the granulated cork at a uniform rate of 1
0.5 % 44μ
qt/min or 1 L/min 610 s until the cleaner will not accept any
12.5 % 20–43.9μ
more granulated cork.
27.0 % 10–19.9μ
23.0 % 5–9.9μ 7.6.1 For an upright cleaner, without attached hose or
20.0 % 2–4.9μ
attachment port, feed the granulated cork through the adapter
8.0 % 1–1.9μ
on the nozzle. Use only adapter shown in Fig. 1 or equivalent.
9.0 % 0.9μ
The handle of the upright cleaner should be placed in the
USP Grade Supreme Talc or the equivalent has been found satisfactory for
position specified in the instruction book for above-the-floor
this purpose. It is available from Cypress Industrial Minerals Co., U.S. Route 206
Montogomery Township, Belle Mead, NJ 08502.
7.6.2 For an upright cleaner with attached hose or attach-
ment port, feed the granulated cork through hose attached or
7.1.6 Set the measured quantity of granulated cork aside.
the hose provided for the attachment port. The handle of the
7.1.7 Repeat 7.1.3-7.1.6 ten times. Calculate the mean
upright cleaner should be placed in the position specified in the
instruction book for above-the-floor cleaning.
7.1.8 Return the 10-qt or 10-L samples to the withdrawn
7.6.3 For canister and combination cleaners, feed the granu-
quantity of 7.1.2.
lated cork through the hose accompanying the model being
7.1.9 If testing is completed in the same day by the same
tested. The hose and cleaner must be placed in such a manner
technician, use the mean result of 7.1.7 in subsequent calcula-
that their position will allow a uniform pickup from the
tions until the quantity withdrawn is depleted. Otherwise,
container (see Fig. 4).
recalculate the 10-qt mean.
7.7 De-energize the cleaner after it will accept no more
7.1.10 When quantity withdrawn is depleted, select another
granulated cork.
100-qt or 100-L sample in accordance with 7.1.2-7.1.9.
7.8 Carefully remove the primary dirt receptacle containing
7.2 Prepare the test cleaner as follows:
the collected granulated cork. Do not include any granulated
7.2.1 Install new or clean primary and secondary filters.
cork remaining outside the primary dirt receptacle system,
7.2.2 Prepare the primary dirt receptacle prior to conducting
including the delivery tube, in the maximum functional volume
the measurement test run.
measurement. For cleaners using disposable primary filters, use a
7.9 Weigh the primary filter and collected granulated cork.
new manufacturer’s recommended bag, weigh the filter to the
7.10 Calculate the weight of granulated cork collected in the
nearest 0.035 oz (1.0 g) and install in accordance with the
primary filter by subtracting the filter and test dust weight as
manufacturer’s recommended procedure. Repeat this process
described in 7.2.2 and 7.4.2 from the full bag weight (see 7.9).
for each test. Preform the bag prior to installation to ensure full
Calculate the maximum functional volume by dividing the total
weight of collected granulated cork by the average weight of For cleaners using cloth filter bags or other types of
granulated cork per quart or litre in accordance with 7.1.
nondisposable dirt receptacles, empty them in accordancewith
7.11 Record the maximum functional volume in dry quarts
the manufacturer’s instructions after each test run, and clean
or litres to the nearest tenth.
the receptacle until its weight is within 0.14 oz (4 g) of the
7.12 The maximum functional volume for a single test is the
previous weight.
number of quarts or litres of granulated cork collected by the
7.3 Energize the cleaner for 5 min at 120 6 1 V,60Hz.
primary dirt receptacle. The maximum functional volume of a
7.3.1 Place an upright cleaner so that the moving bristles
given cleaner is the mean value of three tests meeting the
clear the supporting surface and no loose dirt is picked up.
repeatability statements specified in 8.1.1. (See Appendix X1
7.3.2 For a straight air canister or combination cleaner,
for example.)
operate with hose only, unrestricted and positioned such that no
loose dirt is picked up.
8. Precision and Bias
7.4 Precondition the primary filter as follows:
8.1 Precision—These statements are based on an inter-
7.4.1 Measure and calculate the total primary filtering area
laboratory test involving six laboratories and four units. The
excluding seams, joints, treated seal area, mounting means, and
range of maximum functional volume of the units was from
multiple thickness of media. Measure multiple thicknesses that 4
0.90 to 8.2 dry quarts.
are intended for a specific filtering purpose as a single ply.
8.1.1 Repeatability (single-operator-laboratory, multi-
Open, measure, and take a mean measurement from three bags
day)—For maximum functional volume values in excess of 5
from the same sample as the bags to be tested.
dry quarts, the standard deviation within a laboratory divided
7.4.2 Prepare 0.0023 oz of test dust per square inch of
by the average (coefficient of variation) with the same analyst
primary filter area (0.010 g/cm ) (see Table 1 and Table 2).
was found to be 1.2 % or less. Two values from a sample of
Feed the test dust at the rate of 0.7 6 0.07 oz/min (20 6 2
three tests in excess of 5 quarts should be considered suspect
g/min) into the intake port to inflate the bag.
7.5 Testing has shown that the test media, granulated cork,
can be reused a maximum of ten times without affecting the
Supporting data are available on loan from ASTM Headquarters, 1916 Race St.,
maximum functional volume measurement. Philadelphia, PA 19103. Request RR:F11-1004.
F 888 – 94 (1999)
FIG. 3 Filling Container for Average Weight
FIG. 4 Test Set-up
(at the 95 % confidence level) if they differ by more than 8.1.2 For maximum functional volume values less than 5
3.5 %. (The % difference = (larger-smaller)/(larger) 3 100.) dry quarts, the standard deviation within a laboratory divided
F 888 – 94 (1999)
by the average (coefficient of variation) was found to be 2.9 % 8.1.4 For maximum functional volume values less than 5
or less. Two values from a sample of three less than 5 dry dry quarts, the standard deviation within a laboratory divided
quarts should be considered suspect (at the 95 % confidence by the average (coefficient of variation) was found to be 5.6 %
level) if they differ by more than 8.1 %. (The % or less. Two values from a sample of three less than 5 dry
difference = (larger-smaller)/(larger) 3 100.) quarts should be considered suspect (at the 95 % confidence
8.1.3 Reproducibility (multilaboratory, multiday)—For level) if they differ by more than 16 %. (The %
maximum functional volume values in excess of 5 dry quarts, difference = (larger-smaller)/(larger) 3 100.)
the standard deviation divided by the average (coefficient of 8.2 Bias—No justifiable statement can be made on the bias
variation) with the same analyst was found to be 8.4 % or less. of this test method. The true values of the properties cannot be
Two values from a sample of three tests should be considered established by acceptable referee methods.
suspect (at the 95 % confidence level) if they differ by more
9. Keywords
than 25 %. (The % difference = (larger-smaller)/
(larger) 3 100.) 9.1 filtration; maximum functional volume; vacuum cleaner
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The most common and ordinarily the best single dence interval for the population mean; that is, we may assert
estimate of the population mean μ is simply the arithmetic with 100(1 − a) % confidence that X < < X . It can be seen
L μ μ
mean of the measurements. When a sample is taken from a that as n → ‘, ts/ n → 0. Thus, a smaller confidence interval
population, the sample average will seldom be exactly the for the mean can be obtained by using larger samples. In
same as the population average; however, it is hoped to be application, we are interested in a 90 % confidence interval of
fairly close so that the statement of confidence interval will the population mean (a = 0.10), and we desire the quantity ts/
bracket the true mean. n to be less than some value, A. Values of t = t will
(1−a)/2 0.95
be taken from Table X1.1 and used in the computation.
X1.2 The following procedure gives an interval which is
X1.4 Procedure:
expected to bracket μ, the true mean, 100(1 − a) % of the time.
This provides a 100(1 − a) % confidence level. a is the chance X1.4.1 Step 1—Select three units for test as the minimum
of being wrong, therefore, 1 − a is the probability of being sample size.
correct. X1.4.2 Step 2—Obtain unit scores by averaging three test
runs meeting the expected repeatability in 8.1.1.
X1.2.1 Choose the desired

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