ASTM E1686-96
(Guide)Standard Guide for Selection of Environmental Noise Measurements and Criteria
Standard Guide for Selection of Environmental Noise Measurements and Criteria
1.1 This guide covers many measurement methods and criteria for evaluating environmental noise. It includes the following:
1.1.1 The use of weightings, penalties, and normalization factors;
1.1.2 Types of noise measurements and criteria, indicating their limitations and best uses;
1.1.3 Sources of criteria;
1.1.4 Recommended procedures for criteria selection;
1.1.5 A catalog of selected available criteria; and
1.1.6 Suggested applications of sound level measurements and criteria.
1.2 Criteria Selection -This guide will assist users in selecting criteria for the following:
1.2.1 Evaluating the effect of existing or potential outdoor sounds on a community;
1.2.2 Establishing or revising local noise ordinances, codes, or bylaws, including performance standards in zoning regulations; or
1.2.3 Evaluating sound indoors that originated from outside sources.
1.3 Reasons for Criteria -This guide discusses the many reasons for noise criteria, ways sound can be measured and specified, and advantages and disadvantages of the most widely used types of criteria. The guide refers the user to appropriate documents for more detailed information and guidance. The listing of specific criteria includes national government regulatory requirements. Users needing further general background on sound and sound measurement are directed to the books listed in the References section.
1.4 Criteria in Regulations -Certain criteria are specified to be used by government regulation, law, or ordinance for specific purposes. Ease of enforcement and cost impact on government are considerations for these criteria. They may not be the most appropriate criteria in some circumstances. This guide will discuss the limitations of these criteria.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: E 1686 – 96
Standard Guide for
Selection of Environmental Noise Measurements and
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1686; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
1.1 This guide covers many measurement methods and
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
criteria for evaluating environmental noise. It includes the
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.1.1 The use of weightings, penalties, and normalization
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.1.2 Types of noise measurements and criteria, indicating
C 634 Terminology Relating to Environmental Acoustics
their limitations and best uses;
E 966 Guide for Field Measurement of Airborne Sound
1.1.3 Sources of criteria;
Insulation of Building Facades and Facade Elements
1.1.4 Recommended procedures for criteria selection;
E 1014 Guide for Measurement of Outdoor A-Weighted
1.1.5 A catalog of selected available criteria; and
Sound Levels
1.1.6 Suggested applications of sound level measurements
E 1503 Test Method for Conducting Outdoor Sound Mea-
and criteria.
surements Using a Digital Statistical Analysis System
1.2 Criteria Selection—This guide will assist users in se-
2.2 ANSI Standards:
lecting criteria for the following:
ANSI S1.4 American National Standard Specification for
1.2.1 Evaluating the effect of existing or potential outdoor
Sound Level Meters
sounds on a community;
ANSI S1.11 American National Standard Specification for
1.2.2 Establishing or revising local noise ordinances, codes,
Octave-Band and Fractional-Octave-Band Analog and
or bylaws, including performance standards in zoning regula-
Digital Filters
tions; or
ANSI S3.1 American National Standard Maximum Permis-
1.2.3 Evaluating sound indoors that originated from outside
sible Ambient Noise Levels for Audiometric Test Rooms
ANSI S3.4 American National Standard Procedure for the
1.3 Reasons for Criteria—This guide discusses the many
Computation of Loudness of Noise
reasons for noise criteria, ways sound can be measured and
ANSI S3.14 American National Standard for Rating Noise
specified, and advantages and disadvantages of the most
with Respect to Speech Interference
widely used types of criteria. The guide refers the user to
ANSI S12.4 American National Standard Method for As-
appropriate documents for more detailed information and
sessment of High-Energy Impulsive Sounds with Respect
guidance. The listing of specific criteria includes national
to Residential Communities
government regulatory requirements. Users needing further
ANSI S12.7 American National Standard Methods for Mea-
general background on sound and sound measurement are
surement of Impulse Noise
directed to the books listed in the References section.
ANSI S12.9 American National Standard Quantities and
1.4 Criteria in Regulations—Certain criteria are specified to
Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environ-
be used by government regulation, law, or ordinance for
mental Sound
specific purposes. Ease of enforcement and cost impact on
ANSI S12.40 American National Standard Sound Level
government are considerations for these criteria. They may not
Descriptors for Determination of Compatible Land Use
be the most appropriate criteria in some circumstances. This
2.3 ISO Standards:
guide will discuss the limitations of these criteria.
ISO 532 Acoustics—Method for Calculating Loudness
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-33 on Environ-
mental Acoustics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E33.09 on
Community Noise. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06.
Current edition approved April 10, 1996. Published July 1996. Originally Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd St., 13th
published as E 1686 – 95. Last previous edition E 1686 – 95. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
E 1686
ISO 1996 Assessment of Noise with Respect to Community noise is evaluated by comparing a measurement or prediction
Response of the noise to one or more criteria. There are many different
ISO 1999 Acoustics—Determination of Occupational Noise criteria and ways of measuring and specifying noise, depend-
Exposures and Estimation of Noise Induced Hearing ing on the purpose of the evaluation.
Impairment 4.2 Selection of Criteria—This guide assists in selecting the
ISO 2204 Guide to the Measurement of Airborne Acoustical appropriate criteria and measurement method to evaluate noise.
Noise and Evaluation of Its Effects on Man In making the selection, the user should consider the following:
2.4 IEC Standard: purpose of the evaluation (compatibility, activity interference,
IEC Standard 804 Integrating Averaging Sound Level aesthetics, annoyance, hearing damage, etc.); type of data that
Meters are available or could be available (A-weighted, octave-band,
average level, maximum level, day-night level, etc.); available
3. Terminology
budget for instrumentation and manpower to obtain that data;
3.1 General—This guide provides guidance for various
and regulatory or legal requirements for the use of a specific
measurement methods and criteria defined in other documents.
criterion. After selecting a measurement method, the user
Certain basic terms are defined in Terminology C 634.
should consult appropriate references for more detailed guid-
3.2 Definitions—The following commonly used terms are
discussed in the sections referenced in this guide and defined in
5. Bases of Criteria
the referenced standard or other document.
3.2.1 A-weighting—Paragraph 6.2; ANSI S1.4.
5.1 Most criteria for environmental noise are based on the
3.2.2 C-weighting—Paragraph 6.2; ANSI S1.4.
prevention of problems for people. However, there are criteria
3.2.3 community noise equivalent level (CNEL)—see day-
for evaluating effects on animals, physical damage to struc-
evening-night average sound level.
tures, or reduced utility of property. When selecting criteria to
3.2.4 day-evening-night average sound level, L —
den evaluate a situation, it is very important to recognize the many
Paragraph 8.5.3; ANSI S12.9.
different problems that may be caused by the noise.
3.2.5 day-night average sound level (DNL), L —Paragraph
dn 5.1.1 Health Impacts—Damage to human hearing is the
8.5.2; ANSI S12.9 and ANSI S12.40.
best documented effect of noise on health, with the best
3.2.6 equivalent level (LEQ), L —see time-average sound
eq established criteria. Damage depends on sound levels and
exposure time. Most noise-induced hearing loss is due to
3.2.7 fast, time weighting or sound level—Paragraph 6.3;
exposure over several years. People are often annoyed by noise
ANSI S1.4.
at a much lower level than that required to damage hearing.
3.2.8 impulse, time weighting or sound level—Paragraph
This annoyance causes stress that can aggravate some physical
6.3; ANSI S1.4.
conditions. Criteria for preventing these problems are usually
3.2.9 loudness—Paragraph 8.12; ANSI S3.4; ISO 532.
based on annoyance. Research has shown some physical
3.2.10 noise pollution level (NPL), L —Paragraph 8.7; Ref
NP reactions of the human body to sound.
5.1.2 Speech or Communication Interference—Speech
3.2.11 normalization—Paragraph 7.4; Ref (2).
communication is essential to the daily activities of most
3.2.12 octave band, or 1/3 octave band—Paragraphs 6.6
people. There are criteria for the background sound levels
and 8.10; ANSI S1.11.
needed to allow such communication.
3.2.13 peak sound level—Paragraphs 6.4 and 8.4; ANSI
5.1.3 Sleep Interference—High levels of sound and changes
in sound level affect the quality of sleep or awaken sleepers.
3.2.14 percentile level—Paragraph 8.6; ANSI S12.9.
5.1.4 Task Interference—High sound levels can either
3.2.15 slow, time weighting or sound level—Paragraph 6.3;
hinder or improve the performance of a task. The effect
ANSI S1.4.
depends on the nature of the task as well as the sound.
3.2.16 sound exposure level (SEL), L —Paragraph 8.5.4;
E 5.1.5 Annoyance and Community Reaction—Annoyance
ANSI S12.9 and ANSI S12.40.
and community reaction are different effects. Annoyance is a
3.2.17 speech interference level (SIL)—Paragraph 8.11;
personal reaction to noise. Community reaction is evidenced
ANSI S3.14.
by complaints to authorities. Some people are annoyed but do
3.2.18 time above—Paragraph 8.8; ANSI S12.9.
not complain. Some people use noise as an excuse to complain
3.2.19 time-average sound level—Paragraphs 6.5 and 8.5.1;
when they are not annoyed directly by a sound. Often annoy-
ANSI S12.9 and ANSI S12.40.
ance and reaction are related to speech or sleep interference,
3.2.20 time-weighted average sound level (TWA)—
reduced environmental aesthetics, or the effect of these factors
Paragraph 8.9; Ref (3).
on the utility and value of property. Many of the criteria
developed for noise in residential communities are based on
4. Significance and Use
survey studies of annoyance or on adverse community reaction
4.1 Evaluation of Environmental Noise—Environmental
directed to public officials.
5.1.6 Aesthetics—Certain quantitative criteria can be used
Available from International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 3 Rue de
to identify sounds that have been found to be aesthetically
Varembe, CH 1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland.
5 unpleasing. Often such sounds contain strong discrete tones or
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
this standard. are otherwise unbalanced in spectral content. This makes them
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
E 1686
particularly perceptible and intrusive. Spectral criteria are used easy to read and is often specified in regulations.
to specify or evaluate the aesthetic quality of the sound present.
6.3.2 The fast weighting more closely responds to human
Some criteria can be used to evaluate whether a sound is
perception of sound variation. It provides a faster response to
rumbly or hissy, or has a perceptible tone. Sounds that do not
the instrument’s indicator to changing sound levels. Fast
meet aesthetic quality criteria are sometimes restricted to lower
response is often used for short duration measurements such as
overall sound levels.
motor vehicle drive-by tests.
5.1.7 Land Use Compatibility—Noise compatibility criteria
6.3.3 The impulse weighting allows a faster rise in indicated
have been developed for land-use planning. These are most
level than the fast weighting but causes a slower decrease in
useful in determining whether a certain type of development
indicated level than the slow weighting. Originally developed
can be made compatible with existing noise. Care is necessary
in Germany, it is used in Canada to regulate the noise of
when applying these criteria to evaluate a new noise in an
firearms and pest control devices and some industrial noises.
existing community that was developed without anticipation of
6.3.4 All of the above time weightings will yield the same
the noise.
result if the sound is steady and not impulsive. They will yield
5.1.8 Effects on Wildlife—Research has established some
different maximum and minimum levels for varying sound
effects of noise on wildlife. However, additional research is
needed to establish appropriate criteria.
6.4 Peak Level—A peak indicator measures the true peak
level of a very short duration signal. It is preferred over
6. Basics of Sound Measurement
impulse weighting to measure sounds of less than 1 s, such as
6.1 Introduction—Sound usually is measured with a sound
a gunshot or impact. It is not normally used to measure steady
level meter. The basic instrument usually includes a choice of
sounds or slowly varying sounds. A peak detector responds to
both frequency and time weightings. Frequency weighting
the absolute positive or negative value of the waveform rather
adjusts the relative strength of sounds occurring at different
than its effective or “root mean square” value. Peak detectors
frequencies before the level is indicated by the meter. Time
can respond to a sound pulse and provide an accurate reading
weighting determines the reaction of the meter to rapidly
in less than 50 μs. In normal use, a peak measuring instrument
changing sound levels. Some meters can respond to the
will hold its indication for ease of reading until reset or will
instantaneous peak level and store or hold the highest value.
store it in a memory for later reference. Although there are
Basic characteristics and tolerances of meters are specified in
certain applications where A or C frequency weightings are
ANSI S1.4. Many meters called integrating-averaging meters
used, it is most common to use the peak level unweighted. (In
also include the ability to measure the time average sound level
order to minimize confusion, the term “peak” should never be
over a period. This capability is defined in IEC Standard 804.
used to describe the maximum level measured with fast or slow
Meters may include filters to measure sound in specific
time weighting.)
frequency bands. Specifications for these are found in ANSI
6.5 Time-Average Sound Level—Sometimes it is desirable
to measure the average sound present over a specified period.
6.2 Frequency Weightings—Several frequency-weighting
This time-average sound level is often called the equivalent
networks (filters) have been internationally standardized.
sound level or equivalent continuous sound level. It is the
These networks provide a better match between measured
steady sound level whose sound energy is equivalent to that of
results and human perception. The two used most frequently
varying sound in the measured period. The frequency weight-
are designated A-weighting and C-weighting.
ing should be specified. Otherwise, for overall sound levels, it
6.2.1 A-weighting is the most commonly used. It is used
is understood to be A-weighting. The time
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