Recommended Practice for Compression Molding Test Specimens of Styrene-Butadiene Molding and Extrusion Materials (Withdrawn 1992)

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ASTM D2292-85 - Recommended Practice for Compression Molding Test Specimens of Styrene-Butadiene Molding and Extrusion Materials (Withdrawn 1992)
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ASTM D2272 85 E 0759510 0024798 I K-

1916 Race St.,Philsddphia,Pa. 19103
’ Rwrinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not lined in the current combined index, will mr in the next edition.
Standard Practice for
This standard is issued under the ñxed designation D 2292; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the ose of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses inclkates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or rcapproval.
4. Apparatus
1. scope
4.1 Molds:
1.1 This practice covers the compression
4.1.1 Molding Chase-A ‘picture-frame”
molding of plaques or test specimens of styrene-
compression-molding chasz having a blanked-
butadiene molding and extrusion materials as
out area of suitable size (Note 1) and capable of
defined in Specification D 1892.
producing a plaque 3.2 f 0.13 mm (0.125 f
1.2 The vaiues stated in SI units, as detailed
0.005 in.) thick. Dimensions are shown in Fig. 1
in Standard E380, are to be regarded as the
of Test Method D 1693, for a molding chase to
produce 152.4 by 152.4-mm (6 by 6-in.) plaques.
1.3 This standard may involve hazardous ma-
terials, operations, and equipment. This standard
NOTE 1-A 152.4 by 152.4-mm (6 by Gin.)
blanked-out section has been found satisfactory.
does not purport to address all of the safty prob
lems associated with its use. It is the responsibii-
4.1.2 Molding Plates-Two polished chro-
ity of whoever uses this standard to consult and
mium-plated ferrotype piates (dimensions shown
establish appropriate safty and health practices
in Fig. 1 of Test Method D 1693) such as used in
and determine the applicability of regulatory limi-
photography, at least 1.0 mm (0.040 in.) thick,
tations prior to use.
and of adequate surface area to cover the molding
2. Applicable Documents
4.1.3 CavityMol&-Acavity-type flash mold
2.1 ASTM Standards:
capable of producing a plaque of the specified
D 6 18 Methods of Conditioning Plastics and
dimensions may be used. Alternative test speci-
Electrical Insulating Materiais for Testin?
mens may be molded to their finished dimen-
D 1693 Test Method for Environmental
sions, exclusive of the notch for impact strength,
Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics3
in a multi-cavity compression-molding chase.
D 1892 Specification for Styrene-Butadiene
4.1.4 Aluminum FoilSame size as molding
Molding and Extrusion Materials3
plates (4.1.2) and O. 1 mm (0.004 in.) thick.
E 380 Standard for Metric Practice4
I This practice is under the jurisdiction of AsTM Committee
3. Significance and Use5
B20 on Plastics and is the dinct responsibuity of Sulmmmitlet
3.1 The method by which samples are molded
~20.09 on Specimen -tion.
influences the mechanical properties of the spec-
imen. The Izod impact-test vaiues for compres-
edition 2292 - 68 (1981),
2~~~ual BwkofASTMSlandardF, Vd 08.01.
sion-molded specimens are known to be lower,
but were less subject to variation than are values
:~~$~$~~~$~m~~ $:y::$
for injection-molded specimens. There is evi-
SA mdy of mmp-on-molding temperature erects on
high-impact polyStyre= pmperiies obtained from
dence of a relationship between the properties of
ASTM Headquarters Request RR:D20- 1003.
compression-molded specimens and those of ex- 6
ofdeNd drawiw for comdo,, ofthis
is available at a nominal cost from ASIU Headquarters.
truded specimens.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ASTM D2292 55 W 0759530 0024999 3 W
D 2292
4.2 Press-The hydraulic press sháli be such shall not exceed 0.08 mm (0.003 in.). Determine
the approximate starting weight by multiplying
that the molding pressure on the specimen can
be maintained at the value, and within the tol- the resin specific gravity by the mold volume (in
cubic centimetres). The starting weight for the
erances, prescribed.
cavity mold referenced in 4.1.3 is approximately
4.3 Heating Systems-Any convenient
method of heating the press platens or molds 125 g.
6.4 Place the mold in a preheated press from
may be used, provided that the heat source is
constant enough to maintain the mold tempera- 175 to 180°C (350°F) (Note 2). Bring the platens
into contact with the mold, maintaining the min-
ture within f2"C (f5"F).
imum observable ram force that will ensure con-
5. Conditioning
tact between the platens and the mold.
5.1 Conditioning-Condition the test spi-
NOTE 2-If acceptable plaques or bars cannot be
mens at 23 +- 2°C (73.4 & 3.6"F) and 50 f 5 %
molded at this temperature, a suitable temperature
should be used and this should be reported.
relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior to
test in ac

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