Standard Practice for Location of Wet Insulation in Roofing Systems Using Infrared Imaging

This practice should be used to outline the minimum necessary elements and conditions to obtain an accurate determination of the location of wet insulation in roofing systems using infrared imaging.
This practice is not meant to be an instructional document or to provide all the knowledge and background necessary to provide an accurate analysis. For further information, see ANSI-ASHRAE Standard 101 and ISO/DP 6781.3E.
This practice does not provide methods to determine the cause of moisture or its point of entry. It does not address the suitability of any particular system to function capably as waterproofing.
1.1 This practice applies to techniques that employ infrared imaging at night to determine the location of wet insulation in roofing systems that have insulation above the deck in contact with the waterproofing. This practice includes ground-based and aerial inspections. (Warning—Caution should be taken in handling any cryogenic liquids and pressurized gases required for use in this practice.) (Warning—Extreme caution should be taken when accessing or walking on roof surfaces and when operating aircraft at low altitudes, especially at night.) (It is a good safety practice for at least two people to be present on the roof surface at all times when ground-based inspections are being conducted.)
1.2 This practice addresses criteria for infrared equipment such as minimum resolvable temperature difference, spectral range, instantaneous field of view, and field of view.
1.3 This practice addresses meteorological conditions under which infrared inspections should be performed.
1.4 This practice addresses the effect of roof construction, material differences, and roof conditions on infrared inspections.
1.5 This practice addresses operating procedures, operator qualifications, and operating practices.
1.6 This practice also addresses verification of infrared data using invasive test methods.
1.7 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precautionary statements are given in 1.1.

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ASTM C1153-97(2003)e1 - Standard Practice for Location of Wet Insulation in Roofing Systems Using Infrared Imaging
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: C1153 – 97 (Reapproved 2003)
Standard Practice for
Location of Wet Insulation in Roofing Systems Using
Infrared Imaging
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1153; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
´ NOTE—Warning notes were editorially moved into the standard text in April 2003.
1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents
1.1 This practice applies to techniques that employ infrared 2.1 ASTM Standards:
imaging at night to determine the location of wet insulation in C168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulation
roofing systems that have insulation above the deck in contact D1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing andWaterproofing
with the waterproofing. This practice includes ground-based E1149 Definitions of Terms Relating to NDT by Infrared
and aerial inspections. (Warning—Caution should be taken in Thermography
handling any cryogenic liquids and pressurized gases required E1213 Test Method for Minimum Resolvable Temperature
for use in this practice.) (Warning—Extreme caution should Difference for Thermal Imaging Systems
be taken when accessing or walking on roof surfaces and when 2.2 ANSI-ASHRAE Standard:
operating aircraft at low altitudes, especially at night.) ANSI-ASHRAE Standard 101—Application of Infrared
(Warning—It is a good safety practice for at least two people Sensing Devices to theAssessment of Building Heat Loss
to be present on the roof surface at all times when ground- Characteristics
based inspections are being conducted.) 2.3 ISO Standard:
1.2 This practice addresses criteria for infrared equipment ISO/DP 6781.3E—Thermal Insulation—Qualitative Detec-
such as minimum resolvable temperature difference, spectral tion of Thermal Irregularities in Building Envelopes—
range, instantaneous field of view, and field of view. Infrared Method
1.3 This practice addresses meteorological conditions under
3. Terminology
which infrared inspections should be performed.
1.4 This practice addresses the effect of roof construction, 3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 blackbody, n—the ideal, perfect emitter and absorber
material differences, and roof conditions on infrared inspec-
tions. ofthermalradiation.Itemitsradiantenergyateachwavelength
at the maximum rate possible as a consequence of its tempera-
1.5 This practice addresses operating procedures, operator
qualifications, and operating practices. ture, and absorbs all incident radiance. (See Terminology
1.6 This practice also addresses verification of infrared data
using invasive test methods. 3.1.2 core, n—a small sample encompassing at least 13 cm
of the roof surface area taken by cutting through the roof
1.7 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
standard. membrane and insulation and removing the insulation to
determine its composition, condition, and moisture content.
1.8 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 3.1.3 detection, n—the condition at which there is a consis-
tent indication that a thermal difference is present on the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- surface of the roof. Detection of thermal anomalies can be
accomplished when they are large enough and close enough to
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific precau-
tionary statements are given in 1.1. be within the spatial resolution capabilities of the imaging
1 2
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C16 on Thermal For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Insulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.30 on Thermal contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Measurement. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved April 10, 2003. Published April 2003. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1990. Last previous edition approved in 1997 as C1153 – 97. DOI: Available fromAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
10.1520/C1153-97R03E01. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C1153 – 97 (2003)
system; that is, when their width is at least two times the 3.1.17 roof section, n—a portion of a roof that is separated
product of the instantaneous field of view (IFOV) (see 3.1.10) from adjacent portions by walls or expansion joints and in
of the system and the distance from the system to the surface which there are no major changes in the components.
of the roof divided by 1000. 3.1.18 roofing system, n—an assembly of interacting com-
ponents designed to weatherproof, and normally to insulate, a
3.1.4 emittance, ´, n—the ratio of the radiant flux emitted
building’s top surface. (See Terminology D1079.)
by a specimen to that emitted by a blackbody at the same
3.1.19 survey window, n—the time period during which
temperature and under the same conditions. (See Terminology
roof moisture surveys can be successfully conducted according
to the requirements of Section 10.
3.1.5 expansion joint, n—a structural separation or flexible
3.1.20 thermal anomaly, n—a thermal pattern of a surface
connection between two building elements that allows free
that varies from a uniform color or tone when viewed with an
infrared imaging system.Thermal anomalies may be caused by
or waterproofing system. (See Terminology D1079.)
wet insulation.
3.1.6 field-of-view, (FOV), n—the total angular dimensions,
3.1.21 thermogram, n—a recorded visual image that maps
expressed in radians, within which objects can be imaged,
the apparent temperature pattern of an object or scene into a
displayed and recorded by a stationary imaging device.
corresponding contrast or color pattern. (See Terminology
3.1.7 infrared imaging line scanner, n—an apparatus that
E1149 with the word “recorded” added.)
scans along a single line for variations in infrared radiance and
is moved perpendicular to that line to produce a two-
4. Significance and Use
dimensional image of the region scanned.
4.1 This practice should be used to outline the minimum
3.1.8 infrared imaging system, n—an apparatus that con-
necessary elements and conditions to obtain an accurate
verts the spatial variations in infrared radiance from a surface
determination of the location of wet insulation in roofing
into a two-dimensional image, in which variations in radiance
systems using infrared imaging.
are displayed as a range of colors or tones.
4.2 This practice is not meant to be an instructional docu-
3.1.9 infrared thermography, n—the process of generating
ment or to provide all the knowledge and background neces-
sary to provide an accurate analysis. For further information,
of objects.
see ANSI-ASHRAE Standard 101 and ISO/DP 6781.3E.
3.1.10 instantaneous field of view, (IFOV), n—the smallest
4.3 This practice does not provide methods to determine the
angle, in milliradians, that can be instantaneously resolved by
cause of moisture or its point of entry. It does not address the
a particular infrared imaging system.
suitability of any particular system to function capably as
3.1.11 line scanner, n—an apparatus that scans along a
single line of a scene to provide a one-dimensional thermal
profile of the scene. (See Terminology E1149.)
5. Infrared Survey Techniques
3.1.12 membrane, n—a flexible or semiflexible roof cover-
5.1 Ground-Based:
ing or waterproofing whose primary function is the exclusion
5.1.1 Walk-Over—Walking on a roof using an infrared
of water. (See Terminology D1079.)
imaging system. The system may be hand-carried or mounted
3.1.13 minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRTD),
on a cart. Thermograms are taken of areas of interest. Areas
n—a measure of the ability of operators of an infrared imaging
that appear to contain wet insulation are identified and marked
for verification.
MRTD is the minimum temperature difference between a four
5.1.2 Elevated Vantage Point—Use of an infrared imaging
slot test pattern of defined shape and size and its blackbody
system from an elevated vantage point may provide an
background at which an average observer can discern the
improved view of the roof.
pattern with that infrared imaging system at a defined distance.
5.2 Aerial:
3.1.14 moisture meter probe, n—an invasive (electrical 5.2.1 Real-Time Imaging—Use of an infrared imaging sys-
resistance or galvanometric type) test that entails the insertion tem from an aircraft. Thermograms are obtained for the entire
of a meter probe(s) through the roof membrane to indicate the roof.
presence of moisture within the roofing system.
5.2.2 Line Scanner Imaging—Use of a line scanner from an
aircraft to record thermal imagery for the entire roof.
3.1.15 radiance, n—the rate of radiant emission per unit
solid angle and per unit projected area of a source in a stated
6. Instrument Requirements
angular direction from the surface (usually the normal). (See
Terminology C168.)
6.1 General:
3.1.16 recognition, n—the ability to differentiate between 6.1.1 Objective—Instrument requirements have been estab-
different types of thermal patterns such as board-stock, picture- lished in order to permit location of insulation that has lost as
framed and amorphous. Recognition of thermal anomalies can little as 20 % of its insulating ability because it contains
be accomplished when their width is at least eight times the moisture.
product of the IFOV of the infrared imaging system and the 6.1.2 Spectral Range—The infrared imaging system shall
distance from the system to the surface of the roof divided by operate within a spectral range from 2 to 14 µm. A spot
1000. radiometer or nonimaging line scanner is not sufficient.
C1153 – 97 (2003)
6.1.3 Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference 6.3 Elevated Vantage Point Surveys:
(MRTD)—The MRTD at 20°C shall be 0.3°C. 6.3.1 Anomaly Size—Instrument requirements have been The survey shall be conducted with the thermal established to permit recognition of areas of wet insulation as
imaging system only on sensitivity settings that meet this small as 0.15 m on a side.
requirement. 6.3.2 Recognition Distance, FOV and IFOV—Since recog-
6.1.4 Test for Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference: nition must be possible at distances greater than 5 m, the Instrument Setting—The thermal imaging system maximum allowable IFOV in milliradians is related to dis-
shall be tested at each sensitivity that the system will be used. tance, (d), in metres from the infrared imaging system to the Test Target Pattern—The test target shall consist of place on the roof being scanned as follows:
two plates with known temperatures, located in front of the
IFOV 5 18.8/d
imaging system. The near plate shall have four equally spaced
The minimum horizontal FOV shall be 1.0/d and the
slots each having 7:1 height-to-width ratio (see Fig. 1).
minimum vertical FOV shall be 0.5/d, both expressed in rad. Test Geometry—Refer to Fig. 1. The ratio of the
6.4 Aerial Surveys:
width, (w), on the test pattern to the distance, (d), to the
6.4.1 Anomaly Size—Aerial surveys shall be conducted
with infrared imaging line scanners or infrared imaging sys-
allowed for the type of survey being conducted, as follows:
tems that have the ability to detect areas of wet insulation as
w/d , 0.002 ~IFOV!
small as 0.3 m on a side directly below the system.
where: 6.4.2 Detection Distance, FOV and IFOV—Detection can
w and d are in the same units and IFOV is in milliradians. be accomplished when the width of a thermal anomaly, in
MaximumallowablevaluesofIFOVaredefinedin6.2.2,6.3.2, metres, is at least 0.002 times the product of the IFOV of the
and 6.4.2. system and the distance, in metres, from the system to the Test Procedure—In accordance with Test Method anomaly. The maximum allowable IFOV is related to the
E1213, the temperature difference between the two plates of vertical distance (d), in metres, above the roof, as follows:
the target is slowly increased without communicating with the
IFOV 5 150/d
observer. The observer announces when the test pattern comes
The FOV along the line of flight and across the line of flight
into view on the display. The temperature at this point is
shall be at least 0.05 rad by 0.10 rad, respectively. The usable
field of view shall be within 0.35 rad of a point directly below Test Replicates—Because of differences in visual
the infrared imaging system.
acuity, more than one observer shall perform the procedure in The average temperature difference is the MRTD for
7. Level of Knowledge
that test condition.
7.1 The proper conduct of a roof moisture survey using an
6.2 Walk-Over Surveys:
infrared imaging system requires knowledge of how and under
6.2.1 Anomaly Size—Instrument requirements have been
what circumstances the system can be used and a general
established to permit recognition of areas of wet insulation as
understanding of roof construction.
small as 0.15 m on a side.
7.2 Proper interpretation of infrared data requires knowl-
6.2.2 Recognition Distance, FOV and IFOV—Recognition
edge of infrared theory, moisture migration, heat transfer,
can be accomplished when the width of a thermal anomaly, in
environmental effects, and roof construction as they apply to
metres, is at least 0.008 times the product of the IFOV of the
roof moisture analysis.
system and the distance, in metres, from the system to the
anomaly. Since the walkover survey shall be accomplished at a
maximum distance of 5 m, the IFOV of the apparatus shall be 8. Limitations (Applicability of Constructions)
8.1 Applicable constructions include membrane systems
be at least 0.21 rad (12°) by 0.10 rad (6°), respectively.
containing any of the commercially available rigid insulation
boards. This includes boards made of organic fibers, perlite,
cork, fibrous glass, cellular glass, polystyrene, polyurethane,
isocyanurate, and phenolic. Composite boards and tapered
roofs insulated with foamed-in-place

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