ASTM C406-00
(Specification)Standard Specification for Roofing Slate
Standard Specification for Roofing Slate
1.1 This specification covers the material characteristics, physical requirements, and sampling appropriate to the selection of slate for use as roof shingles.
1.2 Slates not included in this specification are those containing soft carbonaceous ribbons. The wide variation in physical properties and composition of such ribbon slates render their service life uncertain under some conditions of use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: C 406 – 00
Standard Specification for
Roofing Slate
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 406; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
TABLE 1 Physical Requirements
1. Scope
Modulus of
1.1 This specification covers the material characteristics,
Rupture Absorp- Depth of
physical requirements, and sampling appropriate to the selec-
Classification Across the tion, max, Softening, max,
tion of slate for use as roof shingles. Grain, min, % in. (mm)
psi (MPa)
1.2 Slates not included in this specification are those con-
Grade S 9000 (62) 0.25 0.002 (0.05)
taining soft carbonaceous ribbons. The wide variation in 1
Grade S 9000 (62) 0.36 0.008 (0.20)
physical properties and composition of such ribbon slates
Grade S 9000 (62) 0.45 0.014 (0.36)
render their service life uncertain under some conditions of
See Methods C 120.
See Test Method C 121.
See Test Method C 217.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
Grade Service Life (years)
Grade S over 75
C 119 Terminology Relating to Dimension Stone 1
Grade S 40 to 75
C 120 Methods of Flexure Testing of Slate (Modulus of
Grade S 20 to 40
Rupture, Modulus of Elasticity)
5. Ordering Information
C 121 Test Method for Water Absorption of Slate
C 217 Test Method for Weather Resistance of Slate
5.1 Color—The following color nomenclature is commonly
3. Terminology
Black Mottled purple and green
3.1 Definitions—Definitions shall be in accordance with
Blue black Green
Gray Purple variegated
Terminology C 119.
Blue gray Red
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Purple Weathering green (changes to buff or brown)
3.2.1 service life—a period of time over which the slate
5.2 Standard Roofs—Sloping roofs utilizing a nominal
material is expected to require no repair or replacement due to
3 1
thickness of ⁄16 to ⁄4 in. (4.8 to 6.4 mm), are known as
standard roofs. These shingles shall be rectangular unless
3.2.2 ribbons—narrow bands of carbonaceous material,
otherwise specified. These shingles shall be machine punched
darker in color than the surrounding slate. These ribbons are
or drilled for two nails located for proper headlap.
inclusions of the original beds and are softer and less durable
5.3 Textural Roofs—Sloping roofs utilizing various sizes,
than the surrounding material.
thicknesses, textures, and colors for architectural effects, are
4. Classification known as textural roofs. These shingles shall be machine
punched or drilled for two nails located for proper headlap.
4.1 Roofing slate shall be classified by grade in accordance
5.4 Graduated Roofs—Sloping roofs utilizing a greater
with the physical requirements of Table 1.
range of sizes, thicknesses, and exposed lengths of shingles,
4.2 Expected service life of the various grades, depending
are known as graduated roofs. The slates are arranged on the
on geographic location and environmental exposure, is as
roof so that the thickest and l
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