Standard Specification for Mixing Machines, Food, Electric

1.1 This specification covers vertical electric food mixing machines in the size range (as expressed by bowl capacity) from 12 to 140 qt. These machines shall be adaptable for mixing, whipping, and beating food products. This specification does not include special purpose machines that are intended solely for mixing dough.  
1.2 This specification also covers optional construction features and attachments that enhance the mixing, beating, or whipping capabilities of the machine. This specification does not cover ancillary equipment that can be driven by the attachment hub.  
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard.  
1.4 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test methods portion, Section 9, of this specification. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM F952-99 - Standard Specification for Mixing Machines, Food, Electric
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: F 952 – 99
Standard Specification for
Mixing Machines, Food, Electric
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 952; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope Food Service Equipment Listing (Current Year)
2.3 UL Standards:
1.1 This specification covers vertical electric food mixing
UL 763 Motor-Operated Commercial Food Preparing Ma-
machines in the size range (as expressed by bowl capacity)
from 5 to 140 qt. These machines shall be adaptable for
UL 969 Marking and Labeling Systems
mixing, whipping, and beating food products. This specifica-
2.4 ANSI Standards:
tion does not include special purpose machines that are
Z1.4 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by
intended solely for mixing dough.
1.2 This specification also covers optional construction
S1.13 Methods for Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels
features and attachments that enhance the mixing, beating, or
2.5 Military Standards:
whipping capabilities of the machine. This specification does
MIL-STD-1399/300 Interface Standard for Shipboard Sys-
not cover ancillary equipment that can be driven by the
tems, Section 300A, Electric Power, Alternating Current
attachment hub.
MIL-STD-167/1 Mechanical Vibration of Shipboard Equip-
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
ment (Type I—Environmental and Type II—Internally
as the standard.
1.4 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the
MIL-STD-461 Electromagnetic Interference and Suscepti-
test methods portion, Section 9, of this specification. This
bility Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic
standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,
if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user
MIL-STD-462 Electromagnetic Interference Characteris-
of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health
tics, Measurement of
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-
tions prior to use.
3. Terminology
2. Referenced Documents 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 agitators, n—these devices attach to the vertical shaft
2.1 ASTM Standards:
that protrudes downward from the mixer and converts the
D 3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
planetary rotation into the desired action on the foodstuffs
F 760 Specification for Food Service Equipment Manuals
within the bowl.
F 1166 Practice for Human Engineering Design for Marine
3.1.2 attachment hub, n—the device that locks ancillary
Systems, Equipment, and Facilities
5 devices, such as a vegetable slicer or a chopping end, into an
2.2 ANSI/NSF Standards:
industry standard #12 tapered hub (#10 tapered hub for Size 5
No. 2 Food Service Equipment
machines) and provides a rotating square drive. This is
No. 8 Commercial Powered Food Preparation Equipment
mounted above the bowl on the front of the mixer.
3.1.3 bowl guard, n—the barrier, assembled over the bowl
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-26 on Food
area, intended to reduce the user’s access to the hazards that
Service Equipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F26.04 on
exist in the bowl during machine operation.
Mechanical Preparation Equipment.
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 1999. Published February 2000. Originally
published as F 952 – 85. Last previous edition F 952 – 94. Available from the Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way East,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09. Englewood, CO, 80112.
3 7
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.07. Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.07. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
5 8
Available from NSF International, 789 Dixboro Rd., P.O. Box 130140, Ann Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
Arbor, MI 48105–140. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
F 952
4. Classification 6.1.2 Compliance with UL 763—Acceptable evidence of
meeting the requirements of UL 763 shall be a UL listing mark
4.1 Food mixers covered in this specification are the fol-
on the mixer, or a certified test report from a recognized
lowing types:
independent testing laboratory acceptable to the user.
4.1.1 Type I, bench-mounted mixer:
6.2 Drive Mechanism—The mixer shall be driven by an
Agitator r/min
Motor Horse-
electric motor, through a reduction system, to the planetary/
Capacity, Lowest Highest
Size power Rating,
beater shaft system. The entire drive system shall be enclosed
qt, Speed, Speed,
min/max less than greater than
within the mixer itself. All constituent active parts within the
drive system shall be replaceable. All mixers shall be equipped
5 5/7 150 500 ⁄6
with an internal clutch, shock absorber, or belt drive to
12 12/15 120 300 ⁄3
20 20/25 120 300 ⁄2
minimize the shock of starting or shifting gears of the mixer.
Size 60 and larger gear drive speed selection mixers shall be
4.1.2 Type II, floor-mounted mixer:
equipped with a shift interlock switch that will automatically
Agitator r/min
Motor Horse-
disconnect power to the main drive motor if the operator
Capacity, Lowest Speed, Highest
Size power Rating,
attempts to shift speeds without first shutting off the motor.
qt, Speed,
min/max less than greater than
6.3 Speed Selector—A speed selector shall be provided to
change agitator speed. Either continuously variable or discrete
20 20/25 120 300 ⁄2
30 30/36 100 300 ⁄4 speed selection is acceptable. A means to provide the user with
40 40/45 100 300 1 ⁄4
reference marks for speed repeatability is required. In no case
60 60/70 80 280 1 ⁄2
shall less than three distinct speeds be available on gear box
80 80/90 80 280 3
140 140/160 55 260 5 equipped mixers or three distinct markings be available on
continuously variable transmissions.
4.1.3 Classes:
6.4 Beater Shaft—The beater shaft shall be vertically Class 1—Painted finish.
mounted and shall be held securely in place. Agitators shall fit Class 2—Nonpainted finish. All nonwearing sur-
securely and shall be capable of being removed or replaced
faces to be either polished aluminum, plated carbon steel, or
without tools. The beater shaft shall be connected to planetary
stainless steel.
gearing to provide two separate rotating motions of the agitator
5. Ordering Information
5.1 Purchasers should select the mixer and any preferred
6.5 Motor(s)—Minimum horsepower rating for the main
options and include the following information in the purchas-
drive motor of the mixer shall meet the requirements of 4.1.1
ing document:
or 4.1.2, as appropriate. If an auxiliary motor is used to perform
5.1.1 Title, number, and date of this specification,
another function (such as, bowl lifts), it shall be internally
5.1.2 Type, size, and class of mixer required (see 4.1),
interconnected within the mixer to provide a single electrical
5.1.3 Electrical power supply characteristics; voltage,
point connection. Size 5 through 30 mixers shall be available
phase, frequency (see 6.5),
for operation on a 120/60/1 line. Size 60 and larger mixers shall
5.1.4 Bowls, agitators, accessory equipment, options, mixer
be available for operation on a 208/60/3 line. Other voltage
guard, spare parts, and maintenance parts required,
availabilities are at the discretion of the manufacturer. Mixers
5.1.5 Labeling requirements (if different than Section 13),
with 3-phase motors shall be provided with a plate, label, or
5.1.6 Quantity of mixers to be furnished, and
decal showing the direction of rotation. In all cases, the main
5.1.7 Any special requirements or deviations from this
drive motor shall be rated for continuous duty.
6.6 Power Supply—The mixer may either be provided with
6. Physical Requirements a power supply cord or designed for permanent electrical
connection. Power supply cords shall be a minimum 5-ft length
6.1 Design and Manufacture—The mixer shall meet the
and provided with a grounding type attachment plug. Mixer
then current applicable requirements of NSF Standard and UL
housings designed for permanent electrical connection shall be
763. Accessories, such as agitators, bowl trucks, bowls, tables,
provided with an appropriate hole sized for conduit connection.
extensions, adapters, splash covers, and storage stands shall
6.7 Electrical Specifications—Nominal electrical specifica-
meet the applicable requirements of NSF Standard 2 or 8 at the
tions are as follows: 120/60/1, 208/60/1, 240/60/1, 208/60/3,
time of purchase. Optional accessories, component parts,
240/60/3, and 480/60/3.
assemblies, and spare parts shall be identical to the extent
necessary to insure interchangeability between mixers. 6.8 Mixing Bowls—Bowls shall meet the requirements of
6.1.1 Compliance with NSF Standard —Acceptable evi- NSF Standard 8 or NSF Criteria C-2. Bowl requirements
dence of the mixer meeting the requirements of NSF Standard should be stated in the purchasing document. The bowl shall be
8 shall be the NSF listing mark on the finished product and equipped with two handles. If the bowl is metallic, the
listing in the current edition of the NSF Official Listing of Food minimum wall thickness for bowls of 60-qt capacity or less is
Service Equipment, or a certified test report from a recognized 0.0625 in. For bowls of larger than 60-qt capacity, the
independent testing laboratory acceptable to the user, or a minimum metallic thickness is 0.0781 in. The minimum
certificate issued by NSF under its special one-time contract thickness at any point of the bowl after forming shall be no less
evaluation/certification service. than 0.050 in. for bowls of 60 qt or less capacity and not less
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
F 952
than 0.062 in. for bowls over 60-qt capacity. All bowls shall be 20. When specified, the table shall be 24 in. high with a
equipped with a durable metallic means of attachment to the horizontal surface of 30 by 24 in. A full-size shelf under the top
bowl yoke. Bowls of 60-qt capacity or greater shall be surface shall be provided for ancillary equipment storage. It
reinforced at the points of attachment to the bowl yoke. Bowls shall be of stainless steel construction, able to support a load of
of nonmetallic construction shall have equivalent durability to 250 lb.
metallic bowls. Acceptable metal bowls will be either tin- 6.17 Lubrication—All wearing parts of the mixer shall be
plated carbon steel or stainless steel. provided with a means for lubrication or be permanently
lubricated and sealed. Oil seals shall contain the lubricant. Gear
6.9 Agitators—Mixers meeting this specification must be
available with batter beater, sweet dough beater, dough hook, housings shall have provisions for lubrication and shall allow
lubricant to circulate around gears if applicable.
pastry knife, wing whip, and wire whip suitable for use with
the bowl size(s) specified. Stainless steel must be used on the 6.18 Finishing—All exterior surfaces of the mixer and
attachments described within this specification shall be finished
wires of whips.
to the requirements of NSF Standard . All sand cast parts shall
6.10 Bowl Lift—The mixer shall be provided with a mecha-
be ground smooth and, if manufactured of corroding materials,
nism for raising and lowering the bowl. Mixers of 80-qt
painted, or otherwise finished with a noncorroding treatment.
capacity or more shall be equipped with a powered bowl lift if
6.19 Workmanship—All components and assemblies of the
specified in the purchase document. Size 60 and smaller mixers
mixer shall be free of dirt and other extraneous materials, burrs,
shall have a manually operated lift mechanism with a positive
slivers, tool and grind marks, dents, and cracks. Castings,
stop at the extremities of the travel. In all cases, a stop shall be
molded parts, and stampings shall be free of voids, sand pits,
provided to prevent the agitator from contacting the bowl when
blow holes, and sprues. External surfaces shall be free of sharp
proper bowls and agitators are used together.
edges and corners. All sheet metals used in the fabrication of
6.11 Bowl Support—The bowl support shall have three lug
the mixing machine shall be free from kinks and unspecified
positions matching lugs on the bowl. All mixers shall have a
dents. Forming and welding shall not cause damage to the
positive bowl locking mechanism to prevent bowl motion
metal and shall be done neatly and accurately. Corners shall be
under heavy loads.
square and true and all bends of a major nature shall be of
6.12 Base—The base shall be constructed of materials that
uniform size and shape.
are consistent with the need for rigidity and durability. For Size
6.20 Hazard Protection:
12 and larger machines, means shall be provided for bolting the
6.20.1 The mixer shall meet the requirements of UL 763.
mixer to a stand (Type I) or to the floor (Type II).
6.20.2 Switch Guard—The ON/OFF control shall be
6.13 Timer—Size 60 and larger mixers shall be provided
guarded or fabricated in such a manner as to prevent unplanned
with a 15-min timer. The timer shall stop the mixer drive motor
upon operating for the preset time. The timer or mixer design
6.20.3 Controls Location—The controls for the mixer shall
shall include an override position to permit continuous opera-
be located such that they are easily visible and easily manipu-
tion. Mixers less than size 60 shall be available with an
lated by the operator when standing in a comfortable operating
optional timer to provide the functions stated above.
6.14 Attachment Hub—Size 60 and smaller mixers shall be
6.20.4 Mixer Guard—A barrier over the bowl area of the
provided with an attachment hub for operating vegetable and
mixer may be provided. The barrier may be solid or con-
cheese slicing, meat chopping, dicing, or equivalent attach-
structed of a welded grid made of plated or stainless steel rods.
ments. This

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