ASTM B689-97(2018)e1
(Specification)Standard Specification for Electroplated Engineering Nickel Coatings
Standard Specification for Electroplated Engineering Nickel Coatings
This specification covers the requirements for electroplated nickel coatings applied to metal products for engineering applications (for example, for use as a buildup for mismachined or worn parts), for electronics applications (including as underplates in contacts or interconnections), and in certain joining applications. Coatings shall be available in any one of the following types: Type 1, coatings electroplated from solutions not containing hardeners, brighteners, or stress control additives; Type 2, electrodeposits used at moderate temperatures, and contain sulfur or other codeposited elements or compounds that are present to increase the hardness, refine grain structure, or control internal stress; and Type 3, electroplates containing dispersed submicron particles such as silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, and aluminum oxide that are present to increase hardness and wear resistance at specified temperatures. Metal parts shall undergo pre- and post-coating treatments to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement, and peening. Coatings shall be sampled, tested, and conform accordingly to specified requirements as to appearance, thickness (measured either destructively by microscopical or coulometric method, or nondestructively by magnetic or X-ray method), adhesion (examined either by bend, file, heat and quench, or push test), porosity (assessed either by hot water, ferroxyl, or flowers of sulfur test), workmanship, and hydrogen embrittlement relief.
1.1 This specification covers the requirements for electroplated nickel coatings applied to metal products for engineering applications, for example, for use as a buildup for mismachined or worn parts, for electronic applications, including as underplates in contacts or interconnections, and in certain joining applications.
1.2 Electroplating of nickel for engineering applications (Note 1) requires technical considerations significantly different from decorative applications because the following functional properties are important:
1.2.1 Hardness, strength, and ductility,
1.2.2 Wear resistance,
1.2.3 Load bearing characteristics,
1.2.4 Corrosion resistance,
1.2.5 Heat scaling resistance,
1.2.6 Fretting resistance, and
1.2.7 Fatigue resistance.
Note 1: Functional electroplated nickel coatings usually contain about 99 % nickel, and are most frequently electrodeposited from a Watts nickel bath or a nickel sulfamate bath. Typical mechanical properties of nickel electroplated from these baths, and the combined effect of bath operation and solution composition variables on the mechanical properties of the electrodeposit are given in Guide B832. When electroplated nickel is required to have higher hardnesses, greater wear resistance, certain residual stress values and certain leveling characteristics, sulfur and other substances are incorporated in the nickel deposit through the use of certain addition agents in the electroplating solution. For the effect of such additives, see Section 4 and Annex A3. Cobalt salts are sometimes added to the plating solution to produce harder nickel alloy deposits.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: B689 − 97 (Reapproved 2018)
Standard Specification for
Electroplated Engineering Nickel Coatings
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B689; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
ε NOTE—Reference links in subsection 6.5 updated editorially in August 2018.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
1. Scope 1.4 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
1.1 This specification covers the requirements for electro-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
plated nickel coatings applied to metal products for engineer-
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
ing applications, for example, for use as a buildup for misma-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
chined or worn parts, for electronic applications, including as
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
underplates in contacts or interconnections, and in certain
joining applications.
2. Referenced Documents
1.2 Electroplating of nickel for engineering applications
2.1 ASTM Standards:
(Note 1) requires technical considerations significantly differ-
B183 Practice for Preparation of Low-Carbon Steel for
ent from decorative applications because the following func-
tional properties are important:
B242 Guide for Preparation of High-Carbon Steel for Elec-
1.2.1 Hardness, strength, and ductility,
1.2.2 Wear resistance,
B252 Guide for Preparation of Zinc Alloy Die Castings for
1.2.3 Load bearing characteristics,
Electroplating and Conversion Coatings
1.2.4 Corrosion resistance,
B253 Guide for Preparation of Aluminum Alloys for Elec-
1.2.5 Heat scaling resistance,
1.2.6 Fretting resistance, and
B254 Practice for Preparation of and Electroplating on
1.2.7 Fatigue resistance.
Stainless Steel
B281 Practice for Preparation of Copper and Copper-Base
NOTE 1—Functional electroplated nickel coatings usually contain about
99 % nickel, and are most frequently electrodeposited from a Watts nickel
Alloys for Electroplating and Conversion Coatings
bath or a nickel sulfamate bath. Typical mechanical properties of nickel
B320 Practice for Preparation of Iron Castings for Electro-
electroplated from these baths, and the combined effect of bath operation
and solution composition variables on the mechanical properties of the
B322 Guide for Cleaning Metals Prior to Electroplating
electrodeposit are given in Guide B832. When electroplated nickel is
B343 Practice for Preparation of Nickel for Electroplating
required to have higher hardnesses, greater wear resistance, certain
residual stress values and certain leveling characteristics, sulfur and other
with Nickel
substances are incorporated in the nickel deposit through the use of certain
B374 Terminology Relating to Electroplating
addition agents in the electroplating solution. For the effect of such
B480 Guide for Preparation of Magnesium and Magnesium
additives, see Section 4 and Annex A3. Cobalt salts are sometimes added
Alloys for Electroplating
to the plating solution to produce harder nickel alloy deposits.
B487 Test Method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
Coating Thickness by Microscopical Examination of
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Cross Section
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
B499 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thicknesses
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
by the Magnetic Method: Nonmagnetic Coatings on
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
Magnetic Basis Metals
B507 Practice for Design of Articles to Be Electroplated on
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B08 on
Metallic and Inorganic Coatings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
B08.03 on Engineering Coatings. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved June 1, 2018. Published June 2018. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as B689 – 97(2013). DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/B0689-97R18. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
B689 − 97 (2018)
B530 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thicknesses 3.2 Terminology B374 contains most of the terms used in
by the Magnetic Method: Electrodeposited Nickel Coat- this specification.
ings on Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Substrates
B558 Practice for Preparation of Nickel Alloys for Electro-
4. Classification
4.1 Electroplated nickel shall be provided in any one of the
B568 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness
following three types (Note 2):
by X-Ray Spectrometry
4.1.1 Type 1—Nickel electroplated from solutions not con-
B571 Practice for Qualitative Adhesion Testing of Metallic
taining hardeners, brighteners, or stress control additives.
4.1.2 Type 2—Nickel electrodeposits used at moderate tem-
B602 Test Method for Attribute Sampling of Metallic and
peratures and containing sulfur or other codeposited elements
Inorganic Coatings
or compounds that are present to increase the hardness, to
B697 Guide for Selection of Sampling Plans for Inspection
refine the grain structure, or to control the internal stress of the
of Electrodeposited Metallic and Inorganic Coatings
electrodeposited nickel.
B765 Guide for Selection of Porosity and Gross Defect Tests
4.1.3 Type 3—Electrodeposited nickel containing dispersed
for Electrodeposits and Related Metallic Coatings
submicron particles, such as silicon carbide, tungsten carbide,
B809 Test Method for Porosity in Metallic Coatings by
and aluminum oxide that are present to increase hardness and
Humid Sulfur Vapor (“Flowers-of-Sulfur”)
wear resistance at temperatures above 325°C (618°F).
B832 Guide for Electroforming with Nickel and Copper
B849 Specification for Pre-Treatments of Iron or Steel for
NOTE 2—Good adhesion of electroplated nickel to stainless steels and
high alloy steels usually requires a preliminary strike of electrodeposited
Reducing Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement
nickel. The recommended practices for the preparation of and electroplat-
B850 Guide for Post-Coating Treatments of Steel for Reduc-
ing on stainless steels and nickel alloys are given in Practices B254 and
ing the Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement
B558, respectively.
B851 Specification for Automated Controlled Shot Peening
4.2 Thickness Classification—The electroplated nickel
of Metallic Articles Prior to Nickel, Autocatalytic Nickel,
thickness, in view of the wide variety for industrial uses, shall
or Chromium Plating, or as Final Finish
be specified according to the following classes (Note 3):
D762 Method of Test for Hot Extraction of Asphaltic Mate-
Class Minimum Nickel Thickness, µm
rials and Recovery of Bitumen by the Modified Abson
3 5 5
Procedure (Withdrawn 1965)
25 25
D1193 Specification for Reagent Water
50 50
100 100
D3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
200 200
F519 Test Method for Mechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement
X thickness as specified
Evaluation of Plating/Coating Processes and Service En-
NOTE 3—There is no technical limit to the nickel thickness that can be
electroplated. There are practical limits to nickel thickness and uniformity
2.2 Military Standards:
of thickness distribution caused by the size and geometric configuration of
MIL-R-81841 Rotary Flap Peening of Metal Parts
the parts. (See 3.1.)
MIL-S-13165 Shot Peening of Metal Parts
MIL-W-81840 Rotary Flap Peening Wheels
5. Ordering Information
5.1 The buyer shall supply the following information to the
3. Terminology
seller in either the purchase order or engineering drawings,
3.1 Definitions:
marked samples, or other governing documents.
3.1.1 significant surfaces—those surfaces normally visible
5.1.1 Title, ASTM designation number, and year of the
(directly or by reflection) that are essential to the appearance or
serviceability of the article when assembled in normal position;
5.1.2 Classification type and thickness classification of elec-
or that can be the source of corrosion products that deface
troplated nickel to be applied (see 4.1 and 4.2).
visible surfaces on the assembled article. When necessary, the
5.1.3 Significant surfaces (see 3.1).
significant surfaces shall be indicated on the drawing for the
5.1.4 Sampling plan (see Section 8).
article, or by the provision of suitably marked samples.
5.1.5 Number of test specimens for destructive testing (see Discussion—The thickness of the electrodeposit in
7.1). Identify the substrate material by alloy identification, such
holes, corners, recesses, and other areas where thickness
as by ASTM, AISI, or SAE numbers, or by equivalent
cannot be controlled under normal electroplating conditions
composition information.
shall be specified by the buyer (see Note 3).
5.1.6 The thickness, adhesion, porosity, and hydrogen em- Discussion—When a deposit of controlled thickness
brittlement tests required. See 6.3 – 6.7.
is required in holes, corners, recesses, and similar areas, special
5.1.7 The required grinding or polishing operations of the
racking, auxiliary anodes or shielding will be necessary.
basis metal as are necessary to yield deposit with the desired
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
5.1.8 Where required, the basis metal finish shall be speci-
4 fied in terms of centerline average (CLA), or arithmetical
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700
Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS. average (AA).
B689 − 97 (2018)
5.1.9 Appearance: whether superficial staining from final irregularities. Imperfections and variations in appearance in the
rinsing or discoloration after baking is acceptable. coating that arise from surface conditions of the basis metal
5.1.10 Where required, post-treatment grinding or machin- (scratches, pores, roll marks, inclusions, etc.) and that persist in
ing shall be specified for parts which are to be electroplated and the finish despite the observance of good metal finishing
subsequently ground or machined to size. practices shall not be cause for rejection (Note 5).
5.1.11 Where required dimensional tolerances allowed for 6.1.2 For parts that are electroplated and subsequently
the specified electroplated nickel thickness or class shall be ground to size, the grinding shall be done with a sulfur-free
specified. liquid coolant, never dry, and with a sufficiently light cut to
5.1.12 Where required, microhardness ranges shall be speci- prevent cracking.
fied for the nickel deposit.
NOTE 5—Applied finishes generally perform better in service when the
5.1.13 The buyer of the parts to be electroplated shall
substrate over which they are applied is smooth and free of torn metal,
provide the electroplater with the following information as
inclusions, pores, and other defects. It is recommended that the specifi-
cations covering the unfinished product provide limits for these defects. A
metal finisher can often remove defects through special treatments, such Ultimate tensile strength of the parts.
as grinding, polishing, abrasive blasting, chemical treatments, and elec- Rockwell C hardness of the parts.
tropolishing. However, these are not normal in the treatment steps Heat treatment for stress relief, whether it has been
preceding the application of the finish. When they are desired they must
performed or is required (see 6.2).
be stated in the purchase order (see 5.1.7). Heat treatment for hydrogen embrittlement relief
6.2 Pretreatment of Iron and Steel for Reducing the Risk of
(see 6.3 and Test Method F519).
Hydrogen Embrittlement—Parts for critical applications that Tensile loads required for the embrittlement relief
are made of steels with ultimate tensile strengths of 1000 MPa,
test, if applicable.
hardness of 31 HRC or greater, that have been machined, Procedures and requirements for peening to induce
ground, cold formed, or cold straightened subsequent to heat
residual compressive stress in specified surfaces (see Note 4
treatment, shall require stress relief heat treatment when
and 6.4).
specified by the purchaser, the tensile strength to be supplied
by the purchaser. Specification B849 may be consulted for a
NOTE 4—Electroplating on hardened (high alloy and high carbon) steels
can reduce the fatigue strength of the metal parts. This must be considered list of pretreatments that are used widely.
if the parts will be subjected to repeated applications of complex load
6.3 Post-Coating Treatments of Iron and Steel for Reducing
patterns in service. Shot peening of significant surfaces before electro-
the Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement—Parts for critical appli-
plating can reduce the loss of fatigue strength. Rotary flap peening, a
manual method, can also be used in the repair of components in the field cations that are made of steels with ultimate tensile strengths of
where conventional shot peening equipment is not available. If rotary flap
1000 MPa, hardness of 31 HRC or greater, as well as surface
peening is used, extreme care should be taken to ensure that the entire
hardened parts, shall require post coating hydrogen embrittle-
surface to be treated has been peened. Also, reduction in the fatigue life of
ment relief baking when specified by the purchaser, the tensile
nickel-electroplated steels can be reduced by considering the relations
strength to be supplied by the purchaser. Specification B850
among the variables that influence fatigue life of nickel-electroplated,
hardened steels.
may be consulted for a list of post treatments that are used
widely. What, if any, mechanical treatment was applied by
the manufacturer to the significant surface; that is, particulate
6.4 Peening of Metal Parts—If peening is required before
blasting, grinding, polishing, or peening.
electroplating to induce residual compressive stress to increase
5.1.14 The manufacturer of the parts to be electroplated
fatigue strength and re
This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation: B689 − 97 (Reapproved 2018) B689 − 97 (Reapproved 2018)
Standard Specification for
Electroplated Engineering Nickel Coatings
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B689; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
ε NOTE—Reference links in subsection 6.5 updated editorially in August 2018.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.
1. Scope
1.1 This specification covers the requirements for electroplated nickel coatings applied to metal products for engineering
applications, for example, for use as a buildup for mismachined or worn parts, for electronic applications, including as underplates
in contacts or interconnections, and in certain joining applications.
1.2 Electroplating of nickel for engineering applications (Note 1) requires technical considerations significantly different from
decorative applications because the following functional properties are important:
1.2.1 Hardness, strength, and ductility,
1.2.2 Wear resistance,
1.2.3 Load bearing characteristics,
1.2.4 Corrosion resistance,
1.2.5 Heat scaling resistance,
1.2.6 Fretting resistance, and
1.2.7 Fatigue resistance.
NOTE 1—Functional electroplated nickel coatings usually contain about 99 % nickel, and are most frequently electrodeposited from a Watts nickel bath
or a nickel sulfamate bath. Typical mechanical properties of nickel electroplated from these baths, and the combined effect of bath operation and solution
composition variables on the mechanical properties of the electrodeposit are given in Guide B832. When electroplated nickel is required to have higher
hardnesses, greater wear resistance, certain residual stress values and certain leveling characteristics, sulfur and other substances are incorporated in the
nickel deposit through the use of certain addition agents in the electroplating solution. For the effect of such additives, see Section 4 and Annex A3. Cobalt
salts are sometimes added to the plating solution to produce harder nickel alloy deposits.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of
regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization
established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued
by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
B183 Practice for Preparation of Low-Carbon Steel for Electroplating
B242 Guide for Preparation of High-Carbon Steel for Electroplating
B252 Guide for Preparation of Zinc Alloy Die Castings for Electroplating and Conversion Coatings
B253 Guide for Preparation of Aluminum Alloys for Electroplating
B254 Practice for Preparation of and Electroplating on Stainless Steel
B281 Practice for Preparation of Copper and Copper-Base Alloys for Electroplating and Conversion Coatings
B320 Practice for Preparation of Iron Castings for Electroplating
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B08 on Metallic and Inorganic Coatings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee B08.03 on
Engineering Coatings.
Current edition approved June 1, 2018. Published June 2018. Originally approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as B689 – 97(2013). DOI:
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
B689 − 97 (2018)
B322 Guide for Cleaning Metals Prior to Electroplating
B343 Practice for Preparation of Nickel for Electroplating with Nickel
B374 Terminology Relating to Electroplating
B480 Guide for Preparation of Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys for Electroplating
B487 Test Method for Measurement of Metal and Oxide Coating Thickness by Microscopical Examination of Cross Section
B499 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thicknesses by the Magnetic Method: Nonmagnetic Coatings on Magnetic Basis
B507 Practice for Design of Articles to Be Electroplated on Racks
B530 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thicknesses by the Magnetic Method: Electrodeposited Nickel Coatings on
Magnetic and Nonmagnetic Substrates
B558 Practice for Preparation of Nickel Alloys for Electroplating
B568 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thickness by X-Ray Spectrometry
B571 Practice for Qualitative Adhesion Testing of Metallic Coatings
B602 Test Method for Attribute Sampling of Metallic and Inorganic Coatings
B697 Guide for Selection of Sampling Plans for Inspection of Electrodeposited Metallic and Inorganic Coatings
B765 Guide for Selection of Porosity and Gross Defect Tests for Electrodeposits and Related Metallic Coatings
B809 Test Method for Porosity in Metallic Coatings by Humid Sulfur Vapor (“Flowers-of-Sulfur”)
B832 Guide for Electroforming with Nickel and Copper
B849 Specification for Pre-Treatments of Iron or Steel for Reducing Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement
B850 Guide for Post-Coating Treatments of Steel for Reducing the Risk of Hydrogen Embrittlement
B851 Specification for Automated Controlled Shot Peening of Metallic Articles Prior to Nickel, Autocatalytic Nickel, or
Chromium Plating, or as Final Finish
D762 Method of Test for Hot Extraction of Asphaltic Materials and Recovery of Bitumen by the Modified Abson Procedure
(Withdrawn 1965)
D1193 Specification for Reagent Water
D3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
F519 Test Method for Mechanical Hydrogen Embrittlement Evaluation of Plating/Coating Processes and Service Environments
2.2 Military Standards:
MIL-R-81841 Rotary Flap Peening of Metal Parts
MIL-S-13165 Shot Peening of Metal Parts
MIL-W-81840 Rotary Flap Peening Wheels
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 significant surfaces—those surfaces normally visible (directly or by reflection) that are essential to the appearance or
serviceability of the article when assembled in normal position; or that can be the source of corrosion products that deface visible
surfaces on the assembled article. When necessary, the significant surfaces shall be indicated on the drawing for the article, or by
the provision of suitably marked samples. Discussion—
The thickness of the electrodeposit in holes, corners, recesses, and other areas where thickness cannot be controlled under normal
electroplating conditions shall be specified by the buyer (see Note 3). Discussion—
When a deposit of controlled thickness is required in holes, corners, recesses, and similar areas, special racking, auxiliary anodes
or shielding will be necessary.
3.2 Terminology B374 contains most of the terms used in this specification.
4. Classification
4.1 Electroplated nickel shall be provided in any one of the following three types (Note 2):
4.1.1 Type 1—Nickel electroplated from solutions not containing hardeners, brighteners, or stress control additives.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
B689 − 97 (2018)
4.1.2 Type 2—Nickel electrodeposits used at moderate temperatures and containing sulfur or other codeposited elements or
compounds that are present to increase the hardness, to refine the grain structure, or to control the internal stress of the
electrodeposited nickel.
4.1.3 Type 3—Electrodeposited nickel containing dispersed submicron particles, such as silicon carbide, tungsten carbide, and
aluminum oxide that are present to increase hardness and wear resistance at temperatures above 325°C (618°F).
NOTE 2—Good adhesion of electroplated nickel to stainless steels and high alloy steels usually requires a preliminary strike of electrodeposited nickel.
The recommended practices for the preparation of and electroplating on stainless steels and nickel alloys are given in Practices B254 and B558,
4.2 Thickness Classification—The electroplated nickel thickness, in view of the wide variety for industrial uses, shall be
specified according to the following classes (Note 3):
Class Minimum Nickel Thickness, μm
5 5
25 25
50 50
100 100
200 200
X thickness as specified
NOTE 3—There is no technical limit to the nickel thickness that can be electroplated. There are practical limits to nickel thickness and uniformity of
thickness distribution caused by the size and geometric configuration of the parts. (See 3.1.)
5. Ordering Information
5.1 The buyer shall supply the following information to the seller in either the purchase order or engineering drawings, marked
samples, or other governing documents.
5.1.1 Title, ASTM designation number, and year of the standard.
5.1.2 Classification type and thickness classification of electroplated nickel to be applied (see 4.1 and 4.2).
5.1.3 Significant surfaces (see 3.1).
5.1.4 Sampling plan (see Section 8).
5.1.5 Number of test specimens for destructive testing (see 7.1). Identify the substrate material by alloy identification, such as
by ASTM, AISI, or SAE numbers, or by equivalent composition information.
5.1.6 The thickness, adhesion, porosity, and hydrogen embrittlement tests required. See 6.3 – 6.7.
5.1.7 The required grinding or polishing operations of the basis metal as are necessary to yield deposit with the desired
5.1.8 Where required, the basis metal finish shall be specified in terms of centerline average (CLA), or arithmetical average
5.1.9 Appearance: whether superficial staining from final rinsing or discoloration after baking is acceptable.
5.1.10 Where required, post-treatment grinding or machining shall be specified for parts which are to be electroplated and
subsequently ground or machined to size.
5.1.11 Where required dimensional tolerances allowed for the specified electroplated nickel thickness or class shall be specified.
5.1.12 Where required, microhardness ranges shall be specified for the nickel deposit.
5.1.13 The buyer of the parts to be electroplated shall provide the electroplater with the following information as required: Ultimate tensile strength of the parts. Rockwell C hardness of the parts. Heat treatment for stress relief, whether it has been performed or is required (see 6.2). Heat treatment for hydrogen embrittlement relief (see 6.3 and Test Method F519). Tensile loads required for the embrittlement relief test, if applicable. Procedures and requirements for peening to induce residual compressive stress in specified surfaces (see Note 4 and
NOTE 4—Electroplating on hardened (high alloy and high carbon) steels can reduce the fatigue strength of the metal parts. This must be considered
if the parts will be subjected to repeated applications of complex load patterns in service. Shot peening of significant surfaces before electroplating can
reduce the loss of fatigue strength. Rotary flap peening, a manual method, can also be used in the repair of components in the field where conventional
shot peening equipment is not available. If rotary flap peening is used, extreme care should be taken to ensure that the entire surface to be treated has
been peened. Also, reduction in the fatigue life of nickel-electroplated steels can be reduced by considering the relations among the variables that influence
fatigue life of nickel-electroplated, hardened steels. What, if any, mechanical treatment was applied by the manufacturer to the significant surface; that is, particulate
blasting, grinding, polishing, or peening.
Hammond, R. A. F., “Technical Proceedings,” TPAEA, American Electroplaters’ Society, 1964, pp. 9–20.
Sanborn, C. B., and Carlin, F. S., “Influence of Nickel Plating on the Fatigue Life of Hardened Steel,” Electrodeposited Metals for Selected Applications. Battelle
Memorial Institute, Columbus, OH, November 1973.
B689 − 97 (2018)
5.1.14 The manufacturer of the parts to be electroplated shall provide the electroplating facility with test specimens (see Section
7) to be electroplated for conformance tests as requested for preparation, control, inspection, and lot acceptance.
6. Coating Requirements
6.1 Appearance:
6.1.1 The coating on the significant surfaces of the product shall be smooth and free of visual defects such as blisters, pits,
roughness, cracks, flaking, burned deposits, and uncoated areas. Visual defects are defined as those visible, unmagnified, to the
unaided eye, 20/20 vision, or vision corrected to 20/20. The boundaries of electroplating that cover only a portion of the surface
shall, after finishing as indicated in the drawing, be free of beads, nodules, jagged edges, and other detrimental irregularities.
Imperfections and variations in appearance in the coating that arise from surface conditions of the basis metal (scratches, pores,
roll marks, inclusions, etc.) and that persist in the finish despite the observance of good metal finishing practices shall not be cause
for rejection (Note 5).
6.1.2 For parts that are electroplated and subsequently ground to size, the grinding shall be done with a sulfur-free liquid
coolant, never dry, and with a sufficiently light cut to prevent cracking.
NOTE 5—Applied finishes generally perform better in service when the substrate over which they are applied is smooth and free of torn metal,
inclusions, pores, and other defects. It is recommended that the specifications covering the unfinished product provide limits for these defects. A metal
finisher can often remove defects through special treatments, such as grinding, polishing, abrasive blasting, chemical treatments, and electropolishing.
However, these a
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