Standard Practice for the Specification and Evaluation of Pre-Construction Laboratory Mockups of Exterior Wall Systems

1.1 This standard practice describes procedures and documentation to assist in the specification and evaluation of pre-construction laboratory mockups of exterior wall systems.
1.2 This standard practice addresses design and construction of the mockup; observation during mockup construction and testing; evaluation of the mockup test results; and documentation of the mockup and testing process. Coordination is required between the parties involved in the design, construction and testing of the mockup to facilitate this process. Documentation should convey the results of pre-construction mockups from one party to others at appropriate stages in the process.
1.3 This standard practice recommends the selection and order of individual tests performed on the mockup in the absence of a specific test order.
1.4 This standard practice recommends a protocol for exchange of information between participants in the pre-construction mockup process.
1.5 Responsibility for specific activities is recommended by this standard. This practice is intended to provide a default structure in the absence of the assignment of specific responsibilities by the specifying authority.

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ASTM E2099-00 - Standard Practice for the Specification and Evaluation of Pre-Construction Laboratory Mockups of Exterior Wall Systems
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Designation: E 2099 – 00
Standard Practice for
the Specification and Evaluation of Pre-Construction
Laboratory Mockups of Exterior Wall Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2099; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope dows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Cyclic Static Air
Pressure Difference
1.1 This standard practice describes procedures and docu-
E 631 Terminology of Building Constructions
mentation to assist in the specification and evaluation of
E 1233 Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior
pre-construction laboratory mockups of exterior wall systems.
Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Cyclic Static Air
1.2 Thisstandardpracticeaddressesdesignandconstruction
Pressure Differential
of the mockup; observation during mockup construction and
2.2 AAMA Standards:
testing; evaluation of the mockup test results; and documenta-
AAMA 501, Methods of Test for Exterior Walls
tion of the mockup and testing process. Coordination is
AAMA501.1, StandardTest Method for ExteriorWindows,
required between the parties involved in the design, construc-
Curtain Walls and Doors for Water Penetration using
tion and testing of the mockup to facilitate this process.
Dynamic Pressure
Documentation should convey the results of pre-construction
AAMA501.4, RecommendedStaticTestMethodforEvalu-
mockups from one party to others at appropriate stages in the
ating Curtain Wall and Storefront Systems Subjected to
Seismic and Wind Induced Interstory Drifts
1.3 This standard practice recommends the selection and
AAMA 501.5, Test Method for Thermal Cycling of Exte-
order of individual tests performed on the mockup in the
rior Walls
absence of a specific test order.
AAMA CW-DG-1, Testing of Aluminum Curtain Walls,
1.4 This standard practice recommends a protocol for ex-
Curtain Wall Design Guide Manual
change of information between participants in the pre-
construction mockup process.
3. Terminology
1.5 Responsibility for specific activities is recommended by
3.1 Definitions—Definitions are in accordance with Termi-
this standard. This practice is intended to provide a default
nology E 631, unless otherwise indicated.
structure in the absence of the assignment of specific respon-
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
sibilities by the specifying authority.
3.2.1 pre-construction mockup—a full-size representation
2. Referenced Documents of the proposed exterior wall system built before the exterior
wall design is completed in order to study proposed construc-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
tion details, test for performance and possibly judge appear-
E 283 TestMethodforDeterminingtheRateofAirLeakage
ance of the exterior wall system.
Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors
3.2.2 specifier—the architect or professional design party
Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Speci-
2 responsible for the design of the exterior wall system.
3.2.3 builder—the builder of the mockup and the exterior
E 330 Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior
wall system.
Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform StaticAir
3.2.4 test agency—the selected agency to conduct the re-
Pressure Difference
quired tests.
E 331 Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Win-
dows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air
4. Significance and Use
Pressure Difference
4.1 Exterior wall systems require time to design, fabricate,
E 547 Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Win-
construct and test. Mockups are a fullsize representative
portion of the proposed exterior wall system built to study
proposed construction details, test for performance and may be
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-06 on
Building Constructions and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.55 on
Exterior Building Wall Systems.
Current edition approved July 10, 2000. Published July 2000. Available from American Architectural Manufacturers Association, Schaum-
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.11. burg, IL.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 2099
used to judge appearance of the exterior wall system. The ate. Refer to Section 8 of E 283, E 330 and E 331 for
project schedule shall allow time to design, construct and test requirements of the test specimens.
the pre-construction mockup and to implement any design
NOTE 2—Confirm the maximum size mockup that the TestAgency can
changes, fabrication changes, or modifications of planned
accommodate. In some projects, multiple mockups may be necessary to
construction procedures, before construction of the exterior
test all desired conditions of the project.
wall system commences.
5.5.1 Height—Minimum one typical floor height plus an
4.2 Performance testing of pre-construction mockups veri-
additional height so that typical horizontal conditions are
ties compliance with specified standards and design criteria.
represented. For exterior wall systems that have multi-floor
Performance tests in separate ASTM or other industry stan-
structural elements or water control systems that occur on
dards, are intended to represent the effects of environmental
alternate floors, the mockup shall include the height of the
conditions, such as wind, rain, and temperature extremes. The
minimum number of floors to represent one repetition of the
tests provide a measure of the performance of the proposed
exterior wall design.
exterior wall system under specific and controlled conditions.
The specified design and specification of the pre-construction
NOTE 3—Typical details that occur adjacent to floor level, such as
mockup must be appropriate for the performance test require-
horizontal gutters and anchorage to the building, should not be located
ments. Separate tests may be required for individual mockup immediately adjacent to the mockup edge, since this creates a “non-job”
condition that can lead to misinterpretation of mockup test results.
materials or components.
4.3 Pre-construction mockup specimens require input from
5.5.2 Width—Minimum two repetitive widths of the exte-
Specifier, Builder and Test Agency. Coordination of their
efforts facilitates this process. Documentation should convey
conditions are represented. Other conditions, such as corners,
end conditions and projecting bays shall be included, if
at appropriate stages in the process.
4.4 The referenced standards provided in this practice iden-
5.6 Mockup Details—Provide the following details in
tify the historical standards typically utilized in pre-
mockup design drawings:
construction performance testing. This practice allows for the
5.6.1 Illustrate the elevation view of the mockup in one of
development and use of other project specific test procedures
the two following ways:
for various components that encompass exterior wall systems. Designate an area of the elevation drawings which
represents the materials, height and width of the mockup.
5. Design Provide a separate mockup elevation drawing that
5.1 The Specifier is responsible for the requirements of this
represents the materials, height and width of the mockup. The
section, unless stated otherwise.
mockup need not be an actual representation of one area of the
5.2 Provide sufficient information on the design documents
exterior wall system, but instead can combine the parts of the
to describe the materials, details and performance testing
exterior wall system in a manner that represents typical
requirements of the mockup.
5.3 Mockup Materials
5.6.2 Illustrate the mockup in section and detail views
5.3.1 All framing and cladding elements of the exterior wall
sufficient to describe the details of the mockup construction.
system in accurate full size, orientation and configuration.
5.7 Mockup Testing Requirements—Specify the following
5.3.2 Color and finish of materials, if the appearance of the
testing requirements:
mockup is to be judged.
5.7.1 Test Load—Designate test loads for the mockup based
5.3.3 Joints between components.
on design wind pressures that are consistent with the corre-
5.3.4 Thermal insulation, if thermal testing is specified.
sponding area of the actual building.
5.3.5 Structural support and attachment of the exterior wall
system to the building frame.
NOTE 4—Mockup design wind pressures are the typical highest wind
pressures for the building although not necessarily the highest “hot spot”
NOTE 1—Tolerances between elements of the exterior wail system and
wind pressures.
the building support should be considered and tested in a “worst-case”
condition in the mockup.
5.7.2 Tests—List the ASTM standard, other standard tests,
or custom test that are to be performed on the mockup. For
5.4 Mockup Systems—Elements of the exterior wall system
each test listed, identify the test procedure, test parameters, and
that are designed to control:
pass/fail criteria, by reference to published standards or by
5.4.1 Air infiltration.
providing detailed descriptions. Provide the following infor-
5.4.2 Water penetration.
mation for each of the following test standards:
5.4.3 Wind pressure. ASTM E 330:
5.4.4 Movements of wall system due to thermal effects,
volumetric changes or building frame movements. The positive and negative test loads, the duration
5.4.5 Seismic movements, if the building is in a seismically of maximum load and the number and location of deflection
active region. measurements,asrequiredinSection10ofASTME 330.Ifthe
5.5 Mockup Size—The mockup shall be of sufficient size to number and location of deflection measurements is not speci-
represent the following typical elements of the exte

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