ASTM C1010-83(1992)e1
(Guide)Standard Guide for Acceptance, Checkout, and Pre-Operational Testing of a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Facility (Withdrawn 2001)
Standard Guide for Acceptance, Checkout, and Pre-Operational Testing of a Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Facility (Withdrawn 2001)
1.1 This guide sets forth those criteria necessary for the acceptance, checkout, and pre-operational testing of a nuclear fuels reprocessing facility.
1.2 This guide is specifically applicable to a nuclear fuels reprocessing facility employing the Purex process; however, a large portion of this guide is also applicable to other facilities employing different processes.
1.3 This guide provides recommendations for procedure preparation, acceptance criteria following construction, training, component and systems tests, and final integrated testing. These procedures when utilized in accordance with the prescribed quality assurance (QA) requirements should provide permanent QA records.
1.4 This guide deals primarily with the mainline aqueous/ organic (Purex) sections of a nuclear fuels reprocessing facility. Operations such as fuel receipt, headend (shearing and dissolution), plutonium conversion, waste immobilization, and others of this nature are not included.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or
withdrawn. Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
Designation: C 1010 – 83 (Reapproved 1992)
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Guide for
Acceptance, Checkout, and Pre-Operational Testing of a
Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Facility
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1010; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
e NOTE—Section 10, Keywords, was added editorially in November 1992.
1. Scope process, in either mixer settlers, pulsed columns, or centrifugal
contactors to recover, purify, and separate uranium and pluto-
1.1 This guide sets forth those criteria necessary for the
nium from spent reactor fuel. The complexity of these plants
acceptance, checkout, and pre-operational testing of a nuclear
and the nature of the material to be handled dictate the need for
fuels reprocessing facility.
a comprehensive testing, evaluation, and documentation pro-
1.2 This guide is specifically applicable to a nuclear fuels
gram following the turnover from construction through hot
reprocessing facility employing the Purex process; however, a
startup of a facility. The testing, evaluation, and documentation
large portion of this guide is also applicable to other facilities
program must be tailored to meet applicable state and federal
employing different processes.
1.3 This guide provides recommendations for procedure
3.2 The test program starts during the design and construc-
preparation, acceptance criteria following construction, train-
tion phases with approval of detail designs, specifications,
ing, component and systems tests, and final integrated testing.
construction procedures, and actual construction activities in
These procedures when utilized in accordance with the
new facilities and during the pre-planning stages for the restart
prescribed quality assurance (QA) requirements should provide
of mothballed or partially shutdown facilities. An engineering
permanent QA records.
staff must be assembled to establish the overall testing program
1.4 This guide deals primarily with the mainline aqueous/
and to prepare the necessary, written test programs and
organic (Purex) sections of a nuclear fuels reprocessing facility.
procedures. Early in the planning stages, a training program
Operations such as fuel receipt, headend (shearing and disso-
must be instituted to provide trained personnel for every phase
lution), plutonium conversion, waste immobilization, and oth-
of the startup.
ers of this nature are not included.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.3 Procedures for acceptance, checkout, and preparation
for operation of reprocessing facilities are the primary subject
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- of this guide and should be written in such a manner as to
provide permanent, documented records of the test and training
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. programs and their results. Since the plant is complex, a
sequential testing program must be devised to test individual
2. Referenced Documents
components, then individual systems, and finally, the entire
2.1 ANSI Standard: plant as an integrated unit. This approach assures that all items
N15.19 Volume Calibration Techniques for Nuclear Mate-
in the plant are adequately tested.
rials Controls
4. Procedure Preparation
3. Significance and Use
4.1 The planning for a smooth takeover and operation of the
3.1 Most reprocessing facilities in existence today in the
facility can only be accomplished by the development of a set
United States were designed to use the Purex solvent extraction
of procedures (checkout, operations, administrative, etc.).
These procedures will provide the assurance that all portions of
the facility have been evaluated to the appropriate standard.
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-26 on Nuclear Fuel
Cycle and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C26.09 on Nuclear
Take care in setting up the format for these procedures so that
they define the goals that are to be achieved, the limits within
Current edition approved Dec. 30, 1983. Published July 1984.
2 which the results are acceptable, and the approvals required for
Quality Assurance Programs should maintain the design intent of ANSI
N46.211, Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Fuel Repro-
cessing Facilities, and be conducted in accordance with ANSI N46.2, Quality
4.2 Divide the facility into small segments for procedure
Assurance Program Requirements for Post Reactor Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities.
preparation. These segments shall follow the normal process
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Floor, New York, NY 10036. system breakdown of the facility, as well as general facility
C 1010
item breakdown such as Feed Preparation, Product Concentra- 6. Training
tion, Utilities, etc. Prepare generic procedures for those com-
6.1 A certification and licensing program will be required
ponents which are common to all segments (pumps, air lifts,
for operating personnel in a governmental licensed and certi-
instruments, vessels, samplers, and others of this type). Next,
fied facility. Candidates for certification shall be required to
reference these generic procedures in the main procedures as
complete a training program prior to performing in any
often as required.
operating position.
4.3 During this preparation period, review all aspects of
6.2 This training program shall be sufficiently comprehen-
preparation of the facility and prepare procedures for:
sive to include everyone from management to operators. All
4.3.1 Acceptance of the facility from construction or turn-
personnel (management, supervision, engineering, or plant
over from mothballing,
operators) requiring operating certification shall complete the
4.3.2 Training of personnel for checkout, testing, and op-
applicable portions of the training program.
eration of the facility,
6.3 Training Program—The training program can normally
4.3.3 Checkout of the facility,
be divided into two segments:
4.3.4 Testing in the normal operating mode,
6.3.1 Formal Classroom Training—Training that will pro-
4.3.5 Testing of emergency equipment and shutdown plans,
vide the operator or technician with special academic back-
4.3.6 Operation of the system under normal and emergency
ground to assist in the subsequent understanding of the
conditions, and
technical aspects of the facility operation that are required in
4.3.7 Development of run plans which specify the condi-
developing individual job-related skills.
tions of operation.
6.3.2 On-the-Job Training—Training to assist in the devel-
opment of the operators’ knowledge to equipment location and
5. Acceptance of the Facility
training on the physical operation of that equipment.
6.4 Handle training as one formal classroom training ses-
5.1 The requirement for acceptance of a facility will differ
depending on its condition at the time of takeover. The three sion, followed by development levels of on-the-job training or
formal classroom sessions mixed with on-the-job training. The
conditions reviewed for acceptance are receipt of a new
facility, reactivation of a mothballed facility, and the restart of facility management, depending upon the designation of the
work level, shall specify the number and type of operator
a partially operating facility.
classifications that will be required for operation of the facility.
5.2 Acceptance of a new facility is not always as smooth or
Establish the program so that normal progression from one
as well defined as may be expected. Acceptance procedures
level of certification to the next is allowed.
must identify: (1) those individuals in each organization who
are responsible for the turnover and acceptance, (2) the criteria 6.5 Develop the training program in stages to provide
used for inspection and acceptance, (3) the final conditions of certified personnel for every phase of operation of the facility
acceptance or repair, or both, (4) the procedure for repair once as follows:
an area has been accepted, and (5) definition of the point at
6.5.1 For checkout, personnel shall be certified as checkout
which the operating organization accepts the responsibility for
operators. This means that each individual has completed the
the facility.
formal classroom training and has read and understands the
5.3 The acceptance of a mothballed facility will take as applicable procedures to be completed during checkout.
much, if not more, planning than the acceptance of a new
6.5.2 Each operator shall be trained and certified as a plant
facility. Acceptance in this case shall cover everything defined
operator in the job classification before the start of chemical
in the new facility acceptance section (5.2), as well as the
and integrated runs. To be certified as a plant operator, the
performance of equipment and retesting of systems previously
operator shall read and understand all applicable preliminary
tested by the construction organization. The procedures for this
operating procedures and shall pass operating walk-through
activity shall include the following:
exams on equipment specified for the job classification.
5.3.1 A review of all operating and technical data,
6.5.3 Prior to operations with radioactive material, the final
5.3.2 Definition of the criteria for acceptance of a facility as
phase is governmental licensing of certified plant operators. To
it presently exists, qualify as a certified licensed plant operator, the candidate must
5.3.3 A procedure for the performance of modifications, be certified as a plant operator, then pass the governmental
written and oral examinations required for licensing.
5.3.4 Preparation for redesign and updating of the existing
design data,
7. Component Tests
5.3.5 A plan for inspecting the facility,
5.3.6 A program for leak (pressure) testing of equipment 7.1 When the facility has been accepted from construction
and systems, and
or turned over for modifications and testing, the first step is to
individually check and test all components of the facility from
5.3.7 The requirements for upgrading the systems.
the smaller line to the largest crane. In some instances, some of
5.4 The acceptance of a partially operating facility will be
this checking and testing can proceed prior to formal turnover
the same as the acceptance of a mothballed facility with one
from construction.
exception. That exception is that procedures shall be prepared
that will allow continued safe operation of those operating 7.1.1 Line Checks—These checks will start during the final
systems during checkout and startup. stages of construction. Line checks usually involve visual
C 1010
inspections and tracing of installed piping and tubing. Follow- are, in most cases, provided with the filter media (sintered
ing these checks, line locations shall be verified against the metal, fiber pads, metal pads, etc.) installed. Inspect and test all
individual prints, and a simple materials check performed (for of these filter vessels in place, to verify that the media was
example, test for stainless steel). Labeling of the out-of-cell installed free from any damage that may have occurred during
lines and penetrations shall begin, once the line locations have shipment or installation.
been established and approved. After any errors discovered 7.1.7 Pulser Calibrations—Make tests to establish the rela-
have been corrected, a valve identification and location system tionship between the pulser frequency and the amplitude of the
shall be initiated. It should be recognized that during this and liquid in the pulse column, when using pulser systems to
the following period, changes shall be made and a system to agitate the liquid in the columns. Make static calibrations using
handle the as-building of the existing design information shall water in the column. A set of curves is generated to show the
be required. pulse amplitude versus operating pressure at constant fre-
quency. Verify calibration data during column operations while
7.1.2 Equipment Inspection—Perform a visual inspection of
testing integrated chemical and uranium runs.
all vessels, pumps, blowers, etc. and compare these to the
7.1.8 Special Calibrations, (pumps, air lifts, flowmeters)—
fabrication and installation design data. Review the orientation
Test special types of measuring devices utilized in the repro-
of all equipment plus nozzle locations on all vessels. Inspect all
cessing facilities to establish liquid flow relationships to the
equipment for shipment and construction damage, and evaluate
monitored condition, such as air flow for air lifts, level for
the cleanliness of the equipment and the general area. Measure
metering headpots, pump stroke for metering pumps, etc.
wall thickness on all equipment to provide a basis for corrosion
Calibration curves are then developed for the selected flow
monitoring device.
7.1.3 Instrument Activation and Calibration—Prior to the
start of this function, collect and calibrate, to National Institute
8. System Tests
of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable (or specified
8.1 Upon completion of component testing, divide the
equivalent) standards, all of the required test equipment.
process into sections and perform system tests as follows:
Standards for calibration of the test equipment should be
8.1.1 Ventilation System Tests—Activate and test the venti-
available. Activate instrumentation and perform operability
lation system of the buildings for operability and control. To
checks. Make preliminary calibrations of all instrumentation.
ensure that the process equipment will be operating as near to
The department in charge of recalibration shall set up a log and
hot operating conditions as possible, make a preliminary air
schedule for recalibration of all instruments.
balance. Make final balancing and control system checks prior
7.1.4 Mechanical Equipment Activation—Make a prelimi-
to hot operation.
nary mechanical inspection, adjust, lubricate, and load test
8.1.2 Off-Gas System Tests—Activate the system in a closed
(when running) all pumps, motors, blowers, pulsers, agitators,
condition with only those required in-flow areas and the
cranes, and other such equipment and complet
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