ASTM F1576-95A
(Guide)Guide for Selection of Security Control Systems, Part II - Defining the Central Contol System (Withdrawn 1999)
Guide for Selection of Security Control Systems, Part II - Defining the Central Contol System (Withdrawn 1999)
1.1 This guide covers the identification of issues and decisions that need to be addressed to meet the objective of specifying an Operational Security Control System for a detention facility.
1.2 This guide focuses specifically on those issues and decisions relating to the central control system. For related information on defining the operator-system interface, see Guide F1465.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ASTM F357b REV+A 95 0759530 05bb402 507 m
(#/b Designation: F 1576 - 95a
1916 Race St Philadelphia, Pa 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards Copyright ASM
Il not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edtion
Standard Guide for
Selection of Security Control Systems Part Il-Defining the
Centrai Control System’
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1576; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope system that can be customized through software to perform
predetermined functions.
1.1 This guide covers the identification of issues and
3.1.9 multiplex, n-the process of sending two or more
decisions that need to be addressed to meet the objective of
messages through a single communications media, such as a
specifying an Operational Security Control System for a
pair of wires, or a fiber-optic link, etc.
detention facility.
3.1.10 programmable controller, n-an industrial auto-
1.2 This guide focuses specifically on those issues and
mation product that can be customized through IECll3i
decisions relating to the central control system. For related
compliant software to perform predetermined functions.
information on defining the operator-system interface, see
3. i. 1 1 proprietary programmable controller, n-an indus-
Guide F 1465.
trial automation product that can be customized through
software to perform predetermined functions, but which
2. Referenced Document
does not comply with IEC 1 13 1 requirements for software or
hardware, or both, implementation.
2.1 ASTM Standard:
3.1.12 relay logic, n-the next higher level of complexity
F 1465 Guide for Selection of Security Control Systems
from hard wire that uses devices that enable direct branching
Part III-Defining the Operator System Interface*
and distribution of signals (always custom to the applica-
3.1.13 remote operation, v-monitoring devices and sys-
3. Terminology
tems or controlling devices or systems, or both, from a
3.1 Definilions:
location that is separate and physically removed from the
3. i. 1 audio threshold sensing, n-mechanism that moni-
devices and systems.
tors a preset noise level and generates an alarm when that
3.1.14 remote release, n.-device to unlock secured doors
level is exceeded (see Guide F 1465).
from a location that is separate and physically removed from
3.1.2 building automation system, n-a system that in-
the doors.
cludes multiple tasks such as HVAC (heating, ventilation, air
3.1. I5 scream alarm-See audio threshold sensing.
conditioning) controls, in addition to specific correctional
3.1.16 sallyport (security vesíibule), n-a compartment
functions and MIS (management information systems), etc.
provided with two or more doors where the intended
3.1.3 dedicated microprocessor, n-a software-driven con-
purpose is to prevent continuous and unobstructed passage
trol system created specifically to handle a defined applica-
by allowing only one door to be open at a time. Some
jurisdictions reserve the term sallyport for vehicular access
3.1.4 discrete logic, n-a combination of distinct elec-
points and use vestibule for pedestrian access points.
tronic components that performs a predetermined function
3. i. 17 sound disturbance alarm-See audio threshold
in response to a defined input signai(s) (always custom to the
application). See Guide F 1465.
3.1.18 sound aclivated alarm moniloring (SAAM), n-See
3.1.5 hard wire, n-a system in which a direct conductor
audio threshold sensing.
(wire) connects a control switch and the controlled point; or
3.1.19 watch tour system, n-mechanism to record staff
between a sensor and its indicator on the panel (always
patrols throughout the facility-usually recording the time a
custom to the application).
particular officer was at a specific location.
3.1.6 intercom system, n-mechanism providing two-way
3.1.20 zone, n.-defined area or point for directing atten-
audio communication between two or more points.
tion for the purpose of individual response or assessment.
3.1.7 local operation, n-ability to monitor a device or
control a device, or both, at or in close proximity to the
4. Summary of Guide
4.1 This guide is summarized in Fig. 1, which shows the
3.1.8 microcornpufer, n-standard commercial computer
essential sequence of analysis and topics of analysis that must
be followed in order to obtain a technology that is
constructable, maintainable, operable, and functions in the
I This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-33 on Detention
and Correctional Facilities and is the direct responsibility of Subcommitte
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