EN ISO 11246:1998
(Main)Dental ethyl silicate bonded casting investments (ISO 11246:1996)
Dental ethyl silicate bonded casting investments (ISO 11246:1996)
Ethylsilikatgebundene Einbettmassen in der Zahnheilkunde (ISO 11246:1996)
In dieser Internationalen Norm wird ein Verfahren zur Feststellung der Eignung ethylsilikatgebundener Einbettmassen zum Guß zahnärztlicher Legierungen für Zahnersatz festgelegt. Diese Norm gilt für ethylgebundene Einbettmassen, die zur Herstellung für Zahnersatz aus Dentallegierungen verwendet werden. In dieser Internationalen Norm werden die Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für die wesentlichen physikalischen Eigenschaften der Einbettmass festgelegt. Außerdem werden die Anforderungen für die Gebrauchsanweisung, die jeder Packung beizufügen ist, festgelegt.
Revêtements dentaires pour coulées à liant silicate d'éthyle (ISO 11246:1996)
Dental ethyl silicate bonded casting investments (ISO 11246:1996)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
SIST EN ISO 11246:2000
Dental ethyl silicate bonded casting investments (ISO 11246:1996)
Dental ethyl silicate bonded casting investments (ISO 11246:1996)
Ethylsilikatgebundene Einbettmassen in der Zahnheilkunde (ISO 11246:1996)
Revetements dentaires pour coulées a liant silicate d'éthyle (ISO 11246:1996)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 11246:1998
11.060.10 =RERWHKQLþQLPDWHULDOL Dental materials
SIST EN ISO 11246:2000 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST EN ISO 11246:2000
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SIST EN ISO 11246:2000
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SIST EN ISO 11246:2000
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SIST EN ISO 11246:2000
First edition
Dental ethyl silicate bonded casting
Revetemen ts den taires pour coulees a lian t silicate d ‘4th yle
Reference number
ISO 11246:1996(E)
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SIST EN ISO 11246:2000
ISO 11246:1996(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide fed-
eration of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be rep-
resented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO col-
laborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (1 EC)
on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are cir-
culated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 11246 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 106, Dentistry, Subcommittee SC 2, Prosthodontic materiak.
0 ISO 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no patt of this publication may be repro-
duced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photo-
copying and microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
1 Geneve 20 l Switz erland
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 21
Printed in Switzerland
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SIST EN ISO 11246:2000
Dental ethyl silicate bonded casting investments
silicate binder component. The other liquid(s) contain(s)
1 Scope
complementary components. All liquids mixed together
form the binder liquid for mixing with the investment
This International Standard specifies a method for
ethyl silicate bonded casting investments to be as-
sessed for their efficacy for casting dental alloy resto- When the powder and binder liquid are mixed, a Paste is
formed which hardens to form first a silica gel, which later
is converted to silica.
This International Standard applies to ethyl silicate
bonded investments used in the fabrication of dental
base metal casting alloy restorations.
3 Requirements
This International Standard specifies requirements for
the essential physical properties of the investment
3.1 General
and methods for their determination.
The powder shall be dry and free from visible impuri-
lt also includes requirements for adequate instructions
ties and lumps. The special liquids shall be free of
to accompany each package.
Sediment. Evaluate in accordance with 4.2.
3.2 Setting time
2 Definitions
The setting time shall not differ by more than 30 %
For the purpose of this International Standard, the
from the time stated by the manufacturer. If the
following definitions apply.
manufacturer gives a range of setting times, then the
setting time shall not differ from the midpoint of this
range by more than 30 %. Test in accordance
2.1 ethyl silicate bonded casting investment:
with 4.3.
Powder mixture of a refractory filler System and an
active component specially designed for use as an in-
vestment for casting dental alloy restorations.
3.3 Compressive strength
NOTE 1 The refractory filier System usually consists
The compressive strength of the investment at room
mainly of silica. The active component is a basic Oxide,
temperature shall not be less than 1,5 MPa. Test in
usually magnesium Oxide.
accordance with 4.4.
2.2 special liquid: Liquid made available by the
manufacturer or supplier for mixing with the invest-
3.4 Linear thermal expansion
ment powder.
The linear thermal expansion shall not differ by more
than 15 % from the value stated by the manufacturer.
NOTE 2 Typically two or three special liquids are required
for any given System. One of the liquids contains the ethyl If the manufacturer gives a range of linear thermal ex-
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SIST EN ISO 11246:2000
ISO 11246:1996(E)
pansion values, then the thermal expansion shall not entrapment. Mix thoroughly to completely wet the
differ from the midpoint of this range by more than powder, following the manufacturer ’s instructions.
15 %. Test in accordance with 4.5.
Fill the flexible bowl ( with the mixed invest-
ment and place it on the dental Vibrator platform
( Record the setting time as the time from the
4 Testing
beginning of mixing until the gel layer, which forms on
the surface of the investment during Vibration, is
4.1 General
broken up and is no longer glossy and sticky. Repeat
the procedure and record the second result.
4.1 .l Sampling
4.3.4 Evaluation
Test only materials from unopened and undamaged
If both test results meet the setting time requirement
(3.2), then the product meets this requirement. If
neither meets the requirement then the product fails
4.12 Test conditions
to meet the requirement. If one result meets the re-
Carry out mixing and testing of the investment at
quirement and one fails the requirement, repeat the
(23 + 2) “C and (50 7- 10) % relative humidity in a room
test procedure three more times. If all three repeat
free from obvious drafts. Use clean, dry equipment
test results meet the requirement, then the product
which has been stored in the test environment for at
meets the requirement. If any of the three repeat test
least 16 h Prior to testing.
results fails to meet the requirement, then the product
fails to meet the requirement.
4.2 Visual inspection
4.4 Compressive strength test
Inspect visually at normal acuity and without
4.4.1 Apparatus Sufficient moulds, constructed from a cor-
4.3 Setting time
rosion-resistant material, to produce five specimens.
4.3.1 Apparatus
Esch mould shall have a diameter of (20 + 0,2) mm
and a length of (40 + 0,4) mm. Ends of the mould shall Clean mixing bowl, reserved for use only
be parallel within + 0,05 mm.
with ethyl silicate bonded investment. One or more sectional or Split mould Flexible rubber bowl, with sufficient ca-
extensions, to produce cylindrical specimens with an
additional length of at least 20 mm, when the exten-
sion is added to the mould top surface. Dental Vibrator, for use with ethyl silicate
bonded investment. Flat glass plates, sufficient in size and quan-
tity to cover the ends of all moulds. Timer, to record setting time. Dental Vibrator.
4.3.2 Liquid preparation Compression testing machine, capable of a
Prior to th
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