Dental ceramic fused to metal restorative materials (ISO 9693:1991)

Metall-Keramik-Systeme für zahnärztliche Restaurationen (ISO 9693:1991)

Diese Europäische Norm spezifiziert die Anforderungen und Prüfmethoden für dentale Gußlegierungen und dentalkeramische Massen, die für die Herstellung metallkeramischer Restaurationen geeignet sind, in Verbindung mit den Anforderungen und Prüfmethoden für das Verbundsystem. Die Anforderungen dieser Europäischen Norm beziehen sich auf Legierungen und Keramik, die im Verbund zur Anwendung kommen und gelten nicht für Legierungen oder Keramik allein.

Produits pour restaurations dentaires métallo-céramiques (ISO 9693:1991)

Dental ceramic fused to metal restorative materials (ISO 9693:1991)

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Technical Committee
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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000
Dental ceramic fused to metal restorative materials (ISO 9693:1991)
Dental ceramic fused to metal restorative materials (ISO 9693:1991)
Metall-Keramik-Systeme für zahnärztliche Restaurationen (ISO 9693:1991)
Produits pour restaurations dentaires métallo-céramiques (ISO 9693:1991)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 9693:1994
11.060.10 =RERWHKQLþQLPDWHULDOL Dental materials
SIST EN ISO 9693:2000 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000
First edition
Dental ceramic fused to metal restorative
Produits pour restaurations dentaires m@ta/lo-cbamiques
Reference number
IS0 9693:1991(E)

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000
IS0 9693:1991(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an lnter-
national Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member
bodies casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 9693 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 106, Dentistry.
0 IS0 1991
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
for Standardization
International Organization
Case Postale 56 l CH-121 1 Genhve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000
IS0 9693:1991(E)
are suitable for use in fabrication of
Dental casting alloys and ceramics
metal-ceramic dental restorations.
Specific qualitative and quantitative requirements of freedom from bio-
logical hazard are not included in this International Standard but it is
recommended that, in assessing possible biological or toxicological
hazards, reference should be made to ISO/TR 7405:1984, Biological
evaluation of dental materials, or any more recent edition.
It is intended to replace the metallo-ceramic bond characterization test
with a clinically relevant bond test as soon as it is available in a future
revision of this Standard. Requirements and test methods for tarnish
and corrosion resistance for the components and for the metallo-
ceramic system will also be included in the future as soon as they are
. . .

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000
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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000
IS0 9693:1991(E)
Dental ceramic fused to metal restorative materials
time-temperature conditions improve aesthetics and
1 Scope
may enhance the adherence of ceramic to the
coated alloy surface.
This International Standard specifies requirements
and test methods for dental casting alloys and cer-
3.3 alloy conditioning: Process of conditioning the
amics suitable for use in the fabrication of metallo-
alloy substructure, either by heat treatment or by
ceramic dental restorations together with
other means, designed to enhance the bonding of
requirements and test methods for the composite
ceramic to metal.
3.4 heating rate: Rate of increase in temperature in
The requirements of this International Standard ap-
degrees Celsius per minute.
ply to the alloys and caramics when used in combi-
nation and compliance may not be claimed for either
alloys or for ceramics alone. 3.5 firing schedule: Temperature-time cycle stating
the initial temperature, the time period at the initial
temperature, if any, the heating rate, the final tem-
2 Normative references
perature, the time period at the final temperature, if
any, and in the case of vacuum firing the tempera-
The following standards contain provisions which,
ture of vacuum application and the point of release.
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
3.6 opaque bonding dental ceramic: Ceramic prod-
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan-
uct that, when mixed with distilled water or appro-
dards are subject to revision, and parties to
priate modelling liquid, applied to an alloy, and
agreements based on this International Standard
treated according to the firing schedule for the
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap-
opaque ceramic, will bond to the alloy surface to
plying the most recent editions of the standards in-
form a layer that visibly masks the metallic colour.
dicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
registers of currently valid International Standards.
3.7 dental dentlne ceramic: Slightly translucent,
pigmented dental ceramic used to give the overall
IS0 3696:1987, Water for analytical laboratory use -
shape and basic colour of the ceramic part of a
Specification and test methods.
ceramic fused to metal restoration or prosthesis.
IS0 6872:1984, Dental ceramic.
3.8 dental enamel ceramic: Translucent, lightly-
pigmented dental ceramic used on a base (or core)
IS0 6892:1984, Metallic maferiak - Tensile testing.
of dentine ceramic to simulate the natural tooth
3 Definitions
4 Requirements
For the purposes of this International Standard, the
following definitions apply.
4.1 Chemical composition
3,l alloy: Casting alloy suitable for use as the sub-
structure of a metallo-ceramic restoration. 4.1 .I Alloy
3.2 alloy coatings and bonding agents: Substances The percentage of each of the constituents of the
(e.g. electroplated layers, or agents containing cer- alloy, in excess of 2 % (HI/@, shall be within
amic and/or alloy particles) which, when applied to 0,5 % (m/m) (noble metal alloys) and within
the metal substructure and fired under appropriate
1 % (m/m) (base metal alloys) of the values stated

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000
IS0 9693:1991 (E)
on the package label or insert [see 8.2.2 c)]. The the following requirement: there shall be not more
percentage of nickel, beryllium and cadmium shall than 16 pores of a diameter greater than 30 pm in
not be greater than the amounts indicated on the any area of 1 mm diameter.
package label or insert [see 8.2.2 d)] when analysed
The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the
according to 6.1.1.
ceramics shall be within 0,5 x IO-6 K-1 of the value
Testing shall be carried out in accordance with stated by the manufacturer [see 8.2.3 d)].
The glass transition temperature of the ceramics
shall be within 10 OC of the value stated by the
4.1.2 Ceramic
manufacturer [see 8.2.3 e)].
The ceramic shall meet the requirements of
Testing shall be carried out in accordance with
IS0 6872:1984, clauses 5.1 and 5.2 (except for the
6.2.1, 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 respectively.
note in 5.2.2). Fluorescing agents which will increase
the radioactivity of the ceramic shall not be added.
Table 2 - Properties of ceramics
Chemical solubility, loss
4.2 Biocompatibility Flexural strength
in mass
MPa O/o
See the Introduction for guidance on biocompati-
min. max.
opaque 50
4.3 Properties
Dentine 50 0,05
Enamel 50 0,05
4.3.1 Alloy
The mechanical properties of the alloys shall comply
with the requirements of table 1.
4.3.3 Metallo-ceramic system
The solidus and liquidus temperatures of the alloys
The alloy and a specified (named) ceramic shall
shall be within + 10 OC of the values stated on the
pass the test when assessed according to
package label orinsert [see 8.2.2 g)].
The ceramic and a specified (named) alloy shall
pass the test when assessed according to
The coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the
alloys shall be within 0,2 x IO-6 K-1 of the value
Testing shall be carried out in accordance with
stated on the package label or insert [see 8.2.2 h)].
The density of the alloy as supplied by the manu-
NOTE 1 The measured values for coefficients of linear
facturer shall be within 0,5 g/cm3 of the value stated
thermal expansion are compared with the manufacturer’s
on the package label or insert [see 8.2.2 i)].
values as a means of quality control, but the values do
not themselves provide an assurance that the alloy and
Testing shall be carried out in accordance with
ceramic are compatible.
6.1.2, 6.1.3 and 6.3.1 respectively. Standard test pro-
cedures shall be used for determining the density.
5 Sampling
Table 1 - Mechanical properties of alloys
Proof stress of
Percentage elongation
after fracture
5.1 Alloy
elongation, Rp0,2
All of the alloy procured for testing in accordance
min. min.
with this International Standard shall be unused and
obtained from the same batch.
250 2
5.2 Ceramic
4.3.2 Ceramic
At least 50 g of one shade of each of opaque,
The flexural strength and the chemical solubility of dentine, enamel ceramics and the appropriate
the fired ceramics shall meet the requirements of modelling liquids shall be obtained for testing in ac-
table 2. The porosity of the fired ceramic shall meet cordance with this International Standard.

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SIST EN ISO 9693:2000
IS0 9693:1991 (E)
Dimensions in millimetres
6 Test methods
- -- -- .- -__ 4 -m-w -
6.1 Alloy
--- 8
6.1 .I Chemical composition
+A~ L---;Sr?j ^;
Standard analytical procedures shall be used for
determining the composition.
1 .- --.- - -. ____. -.---.-- I- . . -- ---- ---.---- ~ 4i+i - @?O#l -. _______ ----__-- __._ -4 --_
6.1.2 Mechanical properties
The cylindrical end length and the Preparation of test specimens NOTE -
presence/absence of threads are given for guidance.
Prepare six specimens as shown in figure1 or
“lost wax” process of investment Figure 1 - Test specimen with cylindrical ends
figure2 by the
casting generally employed in a dental laboratory.
It is suggested that the specimens should be cast
using the sprue system shown in figure 3, but other
sprueing is also acceptable. Follow the manufac-
turer’s instructions for processi

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