Lightweight aggregates for construction works - Characteristics

This document specifies the characteristics of lightweight aggregates (LWA) and LWA fillers and mixtures of them intended to be used in concrete, mortar and grout, bituminous mixtures, surface treatments and for unbound and hydraulically bound applications in construction works.
This document covers LWA and LWA fillers from mineral materials having particle densities less or equal to 2000 kg/m3 (2,000 Mg/m3) or loose bulk densities less or equal to 1200 kg/m3 (1,200 Mg/m3).
With regard to the aggregate size, this document covers LWA: fine lightweight aggregate (see 3.1.7), coarse lightweight aggregate (hereafter called coarse LWA) (see 3.1.8), all-in lightweight aggregate (hereafter called all-in LWA) (see 3.1.9) and LWA fillers (see 3.1.10).
With regard to the material source and production technique, this document covers LWA and LWA fillers:
a)   of natural origin (see 3.1.2),
b)   manufactured from natural materials (see 3.1.3),
c)   manufactured from by-products of industrial processes (see 3.1.4) or from recycled source materials (see 3.1.5), and
d)   as by-products of industrial processes (see 3.1.4).
Limits given to densities are related to some test methods which might not be applicable to some lightweight aggregates and lightweight aggregate fillers. This limitation is purely based on technical reasons and not to exclude any products from the market.
This document also specifies procedures for assessment and verification of constancy (AVCP) of performance of characteristics of LWA and LWA fillers.
This document does not cover LWA and LWA fillers of recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste and Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash (MIBA) (covered by prEN 17555-1:2021).

Leichte Gesteinskörnungen

Dieses Dokument legt die Eigenschaften von leichten Gesteinskörnungen (LWA, en: lightweight aggregates) und leichten Füllern sowie Mischungen davon fest, die für Beton, Mörtel und Einpressmörtel, bituminöse Gemische, Oberflächenbehandlungen sowie für ungebundene und hydraulisch gebundene Anwendungen in Bauwerken verwendet werden.
Dieses Dokument erfasst leichte Gesteinskörnungen und leichte Füller aus mineralischem Material mit einer Rohdichte von höchstens 2 000 kg/m3 (2,000 Mg/m3) oder einer Schüttdichte von höchstens 1 200 kg/m3 (1,200 Mg/m3).
Im Hinblick auf die Korngruppe erfasst dieses Dokument folgende leichte Gesteinskörnungen: feine leichte Gesteinskörnungen (siehe 3.1.7), grobe leichte Gesteinskörnungen (nachfolgend grobe LWA genannt) (siehe 3.1.8), kombinierte leichte Gesteinskörnungen (nachfolgend kombinierte LWA genannt) (siehe 3.1.9) und leichte Füller (siehe 3.1.10).
Im Hinblick auf den Ursprung des Materials und das Herstellungsverfahren erfasst dieses Dokument leichte Gesteinskörnungen und leichte Füller
a)   natürlichen Ursprungs (siehe 3.1.2);
b)   hergestellt aus natürlichem Material (siehe 3.1.3);
c)   hergestellt aus Nebenprodukten aus industriellen Prozessen (siehe 3.1.4) oder aus Recycling Ausgangsmaterialien (siehe 3.1.5); und
d)   als Nebenprodukte aus industriellen Prozessen (siehe 3.1.4).
Die Grenzwerte der Dichten stehen in Zusammenhang mit einigen Prüfverfahren, die auf einige leichte Gesteinskörnungen und leichte Füller nicht anwendbar sein könnten. Diese Begrenzung ist rein technisch bedingt und beabsichtigt nicht, Produkte vom Markt auszuschließen.
Dieses Dokument legt darüber hinaus Verfahren zur Bewertung und Überprüfung der Leistungsbeständigkeit (AVCP) der Eigenschaften leichter Gesteinskörnungen und leichter Füller fest.
Dieses Dokument erfasst keine leichten Gesteinskörnungen und leichten Füller aus rezyklierten Gesteinskörnungen aus Bau  und Rückbauabfällen sowie aus Hausmüllverbrennungsasche (HMV Asche) (erfasst von prEN 17555-1:2021).

Granulats légers

Le présent document spécifie les caractéristiques relatives aux granulats légers (GL), aux fillers légers et aux mélanges de ces produits pour les applications béton, mortier, coulis, mélanges hydrocarbonés et traitements de surface et pour les matériaux traités et non traités aux liants hydrauliques pour les travaux de construction
Ce document couvre les granulats légers et les fillers légers élaborés à partir de matériaux minéraux dont les particules solides présentent une masse volumique réelle n’excédant pas 2000 kg/m3 (2,00 Mg/m3) ou une masse volumique en vrac n’excédant pas 1200 kg/m3 (1,20 Mg/m3).
En ce qui concerne la classe granulaire, ce document couvre les granulats légers suivants : les sables légers fins (voir 3.1.7), les gravillons légers (voir 3.1.8), les graves légères (voir 3.1.9) et les fillers légers (voir 3.1.10).
En ce qui concerne la matière première et la technique de production, le présent document couvre les granulats légers et fillers légers :
a)   d’origine naturelle (voir 3.1.2),
b)   artificiels issus de matériaux naturels (voir 3.1.3),
c)   artificiels issus de résidus de processus industriels (voir 3.1.4) ou de matériaux recyclés (voir 3.1.5), et
d)   comme résidus de processus industriels (voir 3.1.4).
Les limites indiquées pour les masses volumiques sont liées à certaines méthodes d’essai qui ne sont pas nécessairement applicables à certains granulats légers et à certains fillers légers. Cette limitation est purement basée sur des raisons techniques et ne vise pas à exclure des produits du marché.
Le présent document spécifie également les procédures d’Évaluation et de vérification de la constance des performances (EVCP) des caractéristiques des granulats légers et des fillers légers.
Ce document ne couvre pas les granulats légers et fillers légers fabriqués à partir de granulats recyclés issus des débris de construction, de démolition et des Mâchefers d’incinération des déchets non dangereux (MIDND) (couverts par la prEN 17555-1:2021).

Lahki agregati za beton, malto, injekcijsko malto, bitumenske zmesi, površinske prevleke ter za uporabo v nevezanih in vezanih mešanicah

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Lahki agregati za beton, malto, injekcijsko malto, bitumenske zmesi, površinske
prevleke ter za uporabo v nevezanih in vezanih mešanicah
Lightweight aggregates for concrete, mortar, grout, bituminous mixtures, surface
treatments and for unbound and bound applications
Leichte Gesteinskörnungen für Beton, Mörtel, Einpressmörtel, bitumengebundene
Mischungen, Oberflächenbehandlungen und für ungebundene und gebundene
Granulats légers pour bétons, mortiers, mélanges hydrocarbonés, enduits superficiels et
pour utilisation en couches traitées et non traitées
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 13055
91.100.15 Mineralni materiali in izdelki Mineral materials and
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

April 2012
ICS 91.100.15 Will supersede EN 13055-1:2002, EN 13055-2:2004
English Version
Lightweight aggregates for concrete, mortar, grout, bituminous
mixtures, surface treatments and for unbound and bound
Granulats légers pour bétons, mortiers, mélanges Leichte Gesteinskörnungen für Beton, Mörtel,
hydrocarbonés, enduits superficiels et pour utilisation en Einpressmörtel, bitumengebundene Mischungen,
couches traitées et non traitées Oberflächenbehandlungen und für ungebundene und
gebundene Anwendungen
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 154.

If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which
stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 13055:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
1 Scope .4
2 Normative references .4
3 Terms and definitions .6
4 Symbols and abbreviations .7
5 Requirements .7
6 Testing . 13
7 Evaluation of conformity . 14
8 Designation, supply marking and labelling . 14
Annex A (normative) Source materials considered in the development of EN 13055 and their
status in respect of the scope of the standard. . 16
Annex B (normative) Standards covering other applications of lightweight aggregates . 18
Annex C (normative) Determination of bulk crushing resistance . 19
Annex D (informative) Guidance on how to convert quantities by mass to quantities by volume . 23
Annex E (informative) Guidance on the effects of some chemical constituents of lightweight
aggregates on the durability of concrete, mortar and grout in which they are incorporated . 24
Annex F (informative) Factory production control . 26
Annex ZA (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing the provisions of the EU
Construction Products Directive . 32

This document (prEN 13055:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 154 “Aggregates”,
the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede EN 13055-1:2002, EN 13055-2:2004.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
Annexes A, B and C are normative. Annexes D, E and F are informative.
Requirements for other aggregates will be specified in the following European Standards:
EN 12620, Aggregates for concrete,
EN 13043, Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked
EN 13139, Aggregates for mortar,
EN 13242, Aggregates for unbound and hydraulically bound materials for use in civil engineering work and road
EN 13383-1, Armourstone - Part 1: Specification,
EN 13383-2, Armourstones - Part 2: Test methods,
EN 13450, Aggregates for railway ballast.

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the properties of lightweight aggregates and fillers derived thereof obtained
by processing natural or manufactured materials and mixtures of these aggregates for concrete, mortar and
grout, bituminous mixtures and surface treatments and for unbound and hydraulically bound applications for
construction works.
This European Standard covers lightweight aggregates of mineral origin having particle densities not
3 3 3 3
exceeding 2000 kg/m (2,000 Mg/m ) or loose bulk densities not exceeding 1200 kg/m (1,200 Mg/m )
a) natural lightweight aggregates;
b) lightweight aggregates manufactured from natural materials;
c) lightweight aggregates manufactured from by-products of industrial processes or from recycled materials;
d) lightweight aggregates as by-products of industrial processes.
A list of the source materials that have been considered and are within the scope of this standard is given in
Annex A (normative).
NOTE 1 Recycled aggregates from construction and demolition waste and Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom
Ash (MIBA) are covered by standards EN 12620, EN 13043, EN 13139 and EN 13242.
Some lightweight aggregates for specific applications are covered in separate European product standards
(Annex B, normative).
This standard incorporates a general requirement that aggregates shall not release any dangerous
substances in excess of the maximum permitted levels specified in a relevant European Standard for the
material or permitted in the national regulations of the member state of destination.

NOTE 2 Requirements for the declaration of the potential of aggregates to release regulated dangerous substances
are currently under development. Until such time as these are finalised attention should be paid to requirements at the
place of use.
This standard also specifies that a quality control system is in place for use in factory production control and it
provides for the evaluation of conformity of the products to this European Standard.

The requirements specified in this standard may not be equally relevant to all types of lightweight aggregates.
For particular applications the requirements and tolerances can be adapted for the end use.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
prEN 1367-x, Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates – Part X: Determination of resistance
to freezing and thawing of lightweight aggregates.

prEN 1097-y, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates – Part Y: Determination of
compressibility and confined compressive strength of lightweight aggregates.
prEN 1367-z, Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates – Part Z : Determination of resistance
to disintegration of lightweight aggregates.
EN 932-1, Tests for general properties of aggregates — Part 1: Methods for sampling.
EN 932-2, Tests for general properties of aggregates — Part 2: Methods for reducing laboratory samples.
EN 932-5, Tests for general properties of aggregates — Part 5: Common equipment and calibration.
EN 933-1, Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates — Part 1: Determination of particle size distribution —
Sieving method.
EN 933-2, Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates — Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution —
Test sieves, nominal size of apertures.
EN 933-5, Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates — Part 5: Determination of percentage of crushed and
broken surfaces in coarse aggregate particles.
EN 933-10, Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates — Part 10: Assessment of fines – Grading of filler
aggregates (air jet sieving).
EN 1097-1, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 1: Determination of the
resistance to wear (micro-Deval)
EN 1097-2, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 2: Methods for the
determination of resistance to fragmentation
EN 1097-3, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 3: Determination of loose bulk
density and voids.
EN 1097-4, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 4: Determination of the voids of
dry compacted filler.
EN 1097-5, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 5: Determination of the water
content by drying in a ventilated oven.
EN 1097-6:2011, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 6: Determination of
particle density and water absorption.
EN 1097-8, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 8: Determination of the
polished stone value.
EN 1097-9, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 9: Determination of the
resistance to wear by abrasion from studded tyres — Nordic test.
EN 1097-10, Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates — Part 10: Determination of water
suction height.
EN 1367-5, Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates — Part 5: Determination of resistance
to thermal shock.
EN 1744-1:2009, Tests for chemical properties of aggregates — Part 1: Chemical analysis.

EN 1744-3, Tests for chemical properties of aggregates — Part 3: Preparation of eluates by leaching of
EN 12664, Thermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of thermal resistance by
means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - Dry and moist products of medium and low
thermal resistance.
EN 12667, Thermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of thermal resistance by
means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - Products of high and medium thermal resistance.
EN 12697-11, Bituminous mixtures - Test methods for hot mix asphalt - Part 11: Determination of the affinity
between aggregate and bitumen.
EN 13179-1, Tests for filler aggregate used in bituminous mixtures - Part 1: Delta ring and ball test.
EN 13286-7, Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures - Part 7: Cyclic load triaxial test for unbound mixtures.
EN ISO 10456, Building materials and products – Hygrothermal properties - Tabulated design values and
procedures for determining declared and design thermal values.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply
granular material used in construction. Aggregate can be natural, manufactured, by-product or recycled
lightweight aggregate
3 3
aggregate of mineral origin having a particle density not exceeding 2000 kg/m (2,000 Mg/m ) or a loose bulk
3 3
density not exceeding 1200 kg/m (1,200 Mg/m )
natural aggregate
aggregate from mineral sources which has been subjected to nothing more than mechanical processing
manufactured aggregate
aggregate of mineral origin resulting from an industrial process involving thermal or other modification
by-product aggregate
aggregate o

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