Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 6: Stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast reinforced products

1.1   This document is intended to be used together with EN 12629-1 "Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 1: Common requirements", which specifies general requirements of machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate.
This document specifies the additional requirements to and/or the deviations from EN 12629-1 specific for the stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast reinforced products as defined in clause 3.
This document applies to these machines also when used for the manufacture of non-reinforced moulded products.
1.2   This document applies to the modules comprising production machines (with or without turnover demoulding) for the manufacturing of reinforced moulded products as shown below and illustrated in informative Annexes A and B.
NOTE 1   This machinery can consist of three modules and they are generally designed to obtain a large moulding capacity (middle length of the products from 3 to 4 meters), with a limit height of demoulding of 1 m and a maximum width of 1,50 m.
Module A:   Manufacturing machines by vibration or compression and floating, with or without turnover.
Module B:   Stocking/hardening unit.
Module C:   Assembly for palletising/packaging of the concrete products. This module also permits the inspection of the products.
These machines are designed to perform the following cyclic operations:
¾   manufacturing by vibration and even compression (oiling, mould feeding - concrete + reinforcement -, vibration, floating, interlocking, turnover, removing from mould);
¾   storage of moulds and pallet boards for concrete hardening;
¾   products destacking and packaging;
¾   moulds and pallet boards return to the manufacturing module.
Any of these operations may be manual, semi-automatic or automatic.

Maschinen für die Herstellung von Bauprodukten aus Beton und Kalksandsteinmassen - Sicherheit - Teil 6: Stationäre und fahrbare Einrichtungen für die Herstellung von bewehrten Fertigteilen

1.1   Dieses Dokument soll zusammen mit EN 12629-1:2000 "Maschinen für die Herstellung von Bauprodukten aus Beton und Kalksandsteinmassen - Sicherheit - Teil 1: Gemeinsame Anforderungen" angewendet werden, die allgemeine Anforderungen für Maschinen für die Herstellung von Bauprodukten aus Beton und Kalksandsteinmassen spezifiziert.
Dieses Dokument spezifiziert die zusätzlichen Anforderungen zu und/oder die Ausnahmen von EN 12629 1:2000, die für stationäre und fahrbare Einrichtungen für die Herstellung von bewehrten Fertigteilen bestimmt sind, wie in Abschnitt 3 definiert.
Dieses Dokument gilt auch für diese Maschinen, wenn sie zur Herstellung von unbewehrten geformten Fertigteilen genutzt werden.
1.2   Dieses Dokument gilt für Module, die Maschinen (mit und ohne Drehtisch) für die Herstellung von bewehrten geformten Fertigteilen beinhalten, wie unten und in den informativen Anhängen A und B dargestellt.
ANMERKUNG    Diese Maschinen können aus drei Modulen bestehen, und sie werden so konstruiert, dass eine große Formungsfähigkeit (mittlere Länge der Produkte von 3 bis 4 Metern) von über 1 m Höhe der Ausformung und einer maximalen Breite von 1,5 m erreicht wird.
Modul A:   Herstellung durch Vibration oder gleichmäßige Verdichtung und Glätten, mit oder ohne Drehtisch.
Modul B:   Lagerung/Härtung.
Modul C:   Palettieren/Konditionierung der Betonprodukte. Dieses Modul erlaubt auch die Prüfung der Produkte.
Diese Maschinen werden so konstruiert, dass sie die folgenden zyklischen Arbeitsweisen ausführen können:
   Herstellung durch Einrütteln einer gleichmäßigen Verdichtung (Schmieren, Beschickung der Formen - Beton und Härtemittel, Vibration, Glätten, Verriegeln, Drehen, Formentnahme);
   Lagerung von Formen und Paletten zur Härtung des Betons;
   Entstapeln und Konditionierung der Produkte;
   Rückholung der Formen und Paletten zum Herstellungsmodul.
Die Herstellungsverfahren können manuell, halbautomatisch oder automatisch erfolgen.
Dieses Dokument behandelt automatische und

Machnines pour la fabrication de produits de construction en béton et silico-calcaire - Sécurité - Partie 6: Equipements fixes et mobiles pour la fabrication de composants en béton armé

1.1   La présente norme doit être utilisée conjointement à l'EN 12629-1 " Machines pour la fabrication de produits de construction en béton et silico-calcaire - Sécurité - Partie 1 : Exigences communes " qui spécifie des prescriptions générales aux machines pour la fabrication de produits de construction en béton et silico-calcaire.
La présente norme spécifie les prescriptions de sécurité complémentaires et/ou les écarts par rapport à l'EN 12629-1 applicables aux machines fixes et mobiles pour la fabrication de produits en béton armé, telles que définies à l'Article 3.
Le présent document s'applique également aux machines utilisées pour la fabrication de produits moulés non armés.
1.2   Le présent document s'applique aux modules comprenant les machines de production (avec ou sans retournement) pour la fabrication de produits moulés armés telles que montrées et illustrées en Annexes informatives A et B.
NOTE   Ces machines peuvent se composer de trois modules et sont en général conçues pour obtenir une grande capacité de moulage (longueur moyenne des produits entre 3 et 4 m), avec une hauteur limite de démoulage de 1 m et une profondeur maximale de 1,5 m.

Stroji za izdelavo gradbenih proizvodov iz betona in apnenega peščenca – Varnost – 6. del: Nepremična in premična oprema za izdelavo elementov iz armiranega betona

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EN 12629-6:2004
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Standards Content (Sample)

Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-
silicate - Safety - Part 6: Stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast
reinforced products
Maschinen für die Herstellung von Bauprodukten aus Beton und Kalksandsteinmassen -
Sicherheit - Teil 6: Stationäre und fahrbare Einrichtungen für die Herstellung von
bewehrten Fertigteilen
Machnines pour la fabrication de produits de construction en béton et silico-calcaire -
Sécurité - Partie 6: Equipements fixes et mobiles pour la fabrication de composants en
béton armé
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 12629-6:2004
91.220 Gradbena oprema Construction equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 12629-6
August 2004
ICS 91.220
English version
Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from
concrete and calcium-silicate - Safety - Part 6: Stationary and
mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast reinforced
Machnines pour la fabrication de produits de construction Maschinen für die Herstellung von Bauprodukten aus Beton
en béton et silico-calcaire - Sécurité - Partie 6: und Kalksandsteinmassen - Sicherheit - Teil 6: Stationäre
Equipements fixes et mobiles pour la fabrication de und fahrbare Einrichtungen für die Herstellung von
composants en béton armé bewehrten Fertigteilen
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 30 April 2004.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 12629-6:2004: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Introduction .4
1 Scope.5
2 Normative references.6
3 Terms and definitions .7
4 List of significant hazards .10
5 Safety requirements and/or measures .18
5.1 Introduction.18
5.2 General.18
5.3 Control stations (see 3.7.8 of EN ISO 12100-2:2003 and 5.3.4, 5.3.5 of EN 12629-1:2000).18
5.4 Emergency stops.19
5.5 Operating mode.19
5.6 Module A: Manufacturing.19
5.7 Module B: storage-hardening.20
5.8 Module C: Palletising and packaging of final products and defective products disposal station
(see also 5.2 of EN 12629-1:2000) .21
5.9 Noise.21
5.10 Summary of the safety measures given in relation to the significant hazards listed in Clause 4 .22
6 Verification of safety requirements and/or measures.26
7 Information for use .27
7.1 General.27
7.2 Instruction handbook.27
7.3 Marking.28
Annex A (informative) Manufacturing process on machines with or without turnover.29
Annex B (informative) Terminology and hazard zones relative to the various types of machines .30
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements
of EU Directive Machinery Directive 98/37/EC amended by 98/79/EC.34
Bibliography .35

This document (EN 12629-6:2004) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 151 “Construction
equipment and building material machines — Safety”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by February 2005, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest
by February 2005.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European
Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
The series "Machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate — Safety"
consists of following parts:
Part 1: Common requirements
Part 2: Block making machines
Part 3: Slide and turntable machines
Part 4: Concrete roof tile making machines
Part 5: Pipe making machines
Part 6: Stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast reinforced products
Part 7: Stationary and mobile equipment for long line manufacture of prestressed products
Part 8: Machines and equipment for the manufacture of constructional products from calcium silicate (and
This document is complementary to part 1 and is intended to be used in combination with that part.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

This document is a Type C-standard as stated in EN 1070.
The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situation and events are covered are
indicated in the scope of this document.
When provisions of this type C document are different from those, which are stated in type A or B documents, the
provisions of this type C document take precedence over the provisions of the other documents, for machines that
have been designed and built according to the provisions of this type C document.
This document specifies the additional requirements to and/or the deviations from EN 12629-1:2000 specific for the
stationary and mobile equipment for long-line manufacture of pre-stressed products as defined in Clause 3.
With the aim of clarifying the intentions of the document it should be noticed that the following assumptions were
made when producing it:
 specific conditions of use or environmental conditions out of the scope of the document shall be the subject of
negotiations between the manufacturer and the user/owner
 the equipment will only be used by competent and designated persons
 the place of use/installation is adequately lit
 All operations are carried out by specially trained operators
1 Scope
1.1 This document is intended to be used together with EN 12629-1 “Machines for the manufacture of
constructional products from concrete and calcium-silicate — Safety — Part 1: Common requirements", which
specifies general requirements of machines for the manufacture of constructional products from concrete and
This document specifies the additional requirements to and/or the deviations from EN 12629-1 specific for the
stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast reinforced products as defined in Clause 3.
This document applies to these machines also when used for the manufacture of non-reinforced moulded products.
1.2 This document applies to the modules comprising production machines (with or without turnover demoulding)
for the manufacturing of reinforced moulded products as shown below and illustrated in informative Annexes A and
NOTE This machinery can consist of three modules and they are generally designed to obtain a large moulding capacity
(middle length of the products from 3 to 4 meters), with a limit height of demoulding of 1 m and a maximum width of 1,50 m.
Module A: Manufacturing machines by vibration or compression and floating, with or without turnover.
Module B: Stocking/hardening unit.
Module C: Assembly for palletising/packaging of the concrete products. This module also permits the inspection
of the products.
These machines are designed to perform the following cyclic operations:
 manufacturing by vibration and even compression (oiling, mould feeding – concrete + reinforcement –,
vibration, floating, interlocking, turnover, removing from mould);
 storage of moulds and pallet boards for concrete hardening;
 products destacking and packaging;
 moulds and pallet boards return to the manufacturing module.
Any of these operations may be manual, semi-automatic or automatic.
This document deals with automatic and semi-automatic operations of modules A and C and with automatic
operations of module B.
There are two main types of stationary and mobile equipment for manufacture of precast reinforced products:
 equipment with instant removing from mould on pallet boards or on the floor;
 equipment with delayed removing from mould (collection of moulds: the concrete products are hardened in the
This standard does not deal with the machines for:
 mixing of concrete;
 manufacturing of the reinforcing steel;
 evacuation of the products to the stockyard;
 manufacturing of products (e. g. slabs or blocks) covered by other parts of EN 12629.
Annex A shows the most common types of units as well as their variations: immediate demoulding unit and delayed
demoulding unit.
1.3 This document is limited to the units comprising a fixed or movable manufacturing module with or without
rolling over of the mould, a module or storage area for storing/hardening of the products and a products
palletising/packaging module. It deals with the significant hazards pertinent to these machines, when used as
intended under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer (see Clause 4), except noise hazards, which are partly
dealt with.
NOTE An amendment is under preparation to deal with noise, in particular for measures to reduce noise at source and a
noise test code including noise declaration.
This document specifies the appropriate technical measures to eliminate or reduce risks arising from the significant
hazards, particularly:
 following a malfunction during the automatic mode of operation;
 during manual or semi-automatic manufacturing processes;
 during end-of-shift cleaning procedures, adjustment and maintenance.
This document deals with the significant hazards generated by handling equipment for palletising and
stacking/destacking that are gantries. Complementary safety measures can be necessary if other type of handling
equipment is used.
1.4 This document is not applicable to stationary and mobile equipment for the manufacture of precast products,
which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.
2 Normative references

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