Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed or screened and jacketed - Part 010: Silver plated copper - Operating temperatures, between - 65 °C and 150 °C - Dual extruded wall for open applications, with jacket and screen (braid) - UV laser printable - Product standard

This document specifies the characteristics of UV laser printable jacket, silver plated copper conductor, electrical cables Crosslinked Ethylene Tetra Fluoro Ethylene co-polymer (XLETFE) family for use in the on-board electrical systems of aircraft operating at temperatures between  65 °C and 150 °C, operating at voltages not exceeding 600 V rms at sea level and frequencies not exceeding 2 000 Hz. This insulation system has been used in aerospace applications using 115 V (phase-to-neutral) 400 Hz ac and 28 Vdc. Verification of the suitability of cables for use in other electrical systems is the responsibility of the user.
These cables are suitable for airframe use without additional protection. In case of conflict between this standard and other referenced documents the requirements of this standard shall take precedence.

Luft- und Raumfahrt - Ein- und mehradrige elektrische Leitungen zur allgemeinen Verwendung - XLETFE-Familie - ummantelt oder geschirmt und ummantelt - Teil 010: Kupfer versilbert - Betriebstemperaturen zwischen -65 °C und 150 °C - doppelt extrudierte Isolierung für offene Anwendungen, ummantelt und geschirmt (Geflecht) - UV-Laser bedruckbar - Produktnorm

Dieses Dokument legt die Eigenschaften von elektrischen Leitungen mit UV Laser-bedruckbarem Mantel, versilbertem Kupferleiter, aus der XLETFE Familie (quervernetztes Ethylen Tetrafluorethylen Co Polymer) zur Verwendung in elektrischen Bordnetzen von Luftfahrzeugen für Betriebstemperaturen zwischen −65 °C und 150 °C, Betriebsspannungen bis 600 V (Effektivwert) auf Meereshöhe und Frequenzen bis 2 000 Hz fest. Dieses Isoliersystem wurde bei Luft  und Raumfahrtanwendungen mit 115 V (Phase gegen Neutral), 400 Hz Wechselspannung und 28 V Gleichspannung angewendet. Der Anwender ist für den Nachweis der Eignung von Leitungen zur Anwendung in anderen elektrischen Systemen verantwortlich.
Diese Leitungen sind für die Verlegung in Luftfahrzeugzellen ohne Zusatzschutz geeignet. Bei Widersprü-chen zwischen dieser Norm und anderen zitierten Dokumenten gelten die Anforderungen dieser Norm.

Série aérospatiale - Câbles, électriques, d'usage général, mono et multiconducteurs - Famille XLETFE - Gainés ou blindés et gainés - Partie 010 : Cuivre argenté - Températures de fonctionnement comprises entre - 65 °C et 150 °C - Fil double isolé pour applications externes, gainé et blindé (tressé) - Marquable au laser UV - Norme de produit

Le présent document spécifie les caractéristiques des câbles électriques conducteurs en cuivre argenté gainés, marquables au laser UV, de la famille des copolymères d'éthylène tétra-fluoro éthylène réticulés (XLETFE), utilisés dans les systèmes électriques de bord des aéronefs à une température de fonctionnement comprise entre - 65 °C et 150 °C, à des tensions n’excédant pas 600 V rms au niveau de la mer et des fréquences ne dépassant pas 2 000 Hz. Ce système isolant est employé dans les applications aérospatiales utilisant une tension simple de 115 V (phase-neutre) 400 Hz ca et 28 V cc. Il est de la responsabilité de l'utilisateur de vérifier si les câbles sont utilisables dans d'autres systèmes électriques.
Ces câbles sont utilisables en cellule sans protection supplémentaire. En cas de conflit entre cette norme et d'autres documents de référence, les exigences de la présente norme doivent prévaloir.

Aeronavtika - Kabli, električni, za splošne namene, eno- in večžilni - Družina XLETFE - Oplaščeni ali zaslonjeni in oplaščeni - 010. del: Posrebreni baker - Obratovalne temperature med –65 °C in 150 °C - Dvojno ekstrudirana izolacija za zunanjo uporabo, s plaščem in zaslonom (pletenica) - Potiskljiva z UV-laserjem - Standard za proizvod

Ta dokument določa lastnosti električnih oplaščenih kablov, potiskljivih z UV-laserjem, z vodnikom iz posrebrenega bakra iz družine kopolimerov, pridobljenih z mrežno polimerizacijo etilena in tetrafluoroetilena (XLETFE), za uporabo v električnih sistemih na krovu letal pri obratovalnih temperaturah med –65 in 150 °C, obratovalnih napetostih, ki ne presegajo 600 V RMS na morski gladini, ter frekvencah, ki ne presegajo 2000 Hz. Ta izolacijski sistem se je uporabljal v aeronavtiki pri izmenični napetosti 115 V (za fazno napetost) pri 400 Hz in 28 V pri enosmerni napetosti. Za preverjanje ustreznosti kablov za uporabo v drugih električnih sistemih je odgovoren uporabnik. Ti kabli so primerni za uporabo na ogrodjih letal brez dodatne zaščite. V primeru neskladja med tem standardom in drugimi navedenimi dokumenti imajo prednost določila tega standarda.

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 4612-010:2011
Aeronavtika - Kabli, električni, za splošne namene, eno- in večžilni - Družina
XLETFE - Oplaščeni ali zaslonjeni in oplaščeni - 010. del: Posrebreni baker -
Obratovalne temperature med –65 °C in 150 °C - Dvojno ekstrudirana izolacija za
zunanjo uporabo, s plaščem in zaslonom (pletenica) - Potiskljiva z UV-laserjem -
Standard za proizvod
Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, for general purpose, single and multicore
assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed or screened and jacketed - Part 010: Silver plated
copper - Operating temperatures, between -65 °C and 150 °C - Dual extruded wall for
open applications, with jacket and screen (braid) - UV laser printable - Product standard
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Ein- und mehradrige elektrische Leitungen für allgemeine
Verwendung - XLETFE Familie - mit Mantel oder geschirmt und Mantel - Teil 010: Kupfer
versilbert - Betriebstemperaturen zwischen -65 °C und 150 °C - Doppelt extrudierte
Isolierung für externe Verwendung, mit Mantel und Schirm (Geflecht) - UV-Laser
bedruckbar - Produktnorm
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 4612-010:2019
29.060.20 Kabli Cables
49.060 Letalska in vesoljska Aerospace electric
električna oprema in sistemi equipment and systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 4612-010
August 2019
ICS 49.060 Supersedes EN 4612-010:2011
English Version
Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, for general purpose,
single and multicore assembly - XLETFE Family - Jacketed
or screened and jacketed - Part 010: Silver plated copper -
Operating temperatures, between - 65 °C and 150 °C - Dual
extruded wall for open applications, with jacket and screen
(braid) - UV laser printable - Product standard
Série aérospatiale - Câbles, électriques, d'usage Luft- und Raumfahrt - Ein- und mehradrige elektrische
général, mono et multiconducteurs - Famille XLETFE - Leitungen zur allgemeinen Verwendung - XLETFE-
Gainés ou blindés et gainés - Partie 010 : Cuivre Familie - ummantelt oder geschirmt und ummantelt -
argenté - Températures de fonctionnement comprises Teil 010: Kupfer versilbert - Betriebstemperaturen
entre - 65 °C et 150 °C - Fil double isolé pour zwischen -65 °C und 150 °C - doppelt extrudierte
applications externes, gainé et blindé (tressé) - Isolierung für offene Anwendungen, ummantelt und
Marquable au laser UV - Norme de produit geschirmt (Geflecht) - UV-Laser bedruckbar -
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 5 May 2019.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references
concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 4612-010:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms, definitions and symbols . 4
4 Materials and construction . 5
5 Required characteristics . 7
6 Quality assurance . 10
7 Designation . 11
8 Identification and marking . 11
9 Packaging, labelling and delivery lengths . 11
10 Technical specification . 11
Annex A (normative) Formulae for calculating braid details . 12

European foreword
This document (EN 4612-010:2019) has been prepared by the Aerospace and Defence Industries
Association of Europe - Standardization (ASD-STAN).
After enquiries and votes carried out in accordance with the rules of this Association, this Standard has
received the approval of the National Associations and the Official Services of the member countries of
ASD, prior to its presentation to CEN.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by February 2020, and conflicting national standards shall
be withdrawn at the latest by February 2020.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 4612-010:2011.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
1 Scope
This document specifies the characteristics of UV laser printable jacket, silver plated copper conductor,
electrical cables Crosslinked Ethylene Tetra Fluoro Ethylene co-polymer (XLETFE) family for use in the
on-board electrical systems of aircraft operating at temperatures between − 65 °C and 150 °C, operating
at voltages not exceeding 600 V rms at sea level and frequencies not exceeding 2 000 Hz. This insulation
system has been used in aerospace applications using 115 V (phase-to-neutral) 400 Hz ac and 28 Vdc.
Verification of the suitability of cables for use in other electrical systems is the responsibility of the user.
These cables are suitable for airframe use without additional protection. In case of conflict between this
standard and other referenced documents the requirements of this standard shall take precedence.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited

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