Optical fibre cables - Part 4-30: Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines - Family specification for optical phase conductor (OPPC) optical cables

This part of IEC 60794, which is a family specification, specifies the optical fibre, cable elements, cable construction requirements, main requirements for installation and operating conditions, cable design characteristics and test for OPPC (optical phase conductor), used for carrying current as well as communication and data transmission. The corresponding environmental declaration can be built according to IEC TR 62839-1. The OPPC is a substitute for a conventional phase bare conductor containing optical fibres. Usually, the fibres are embedded loosely in protective buffer tubes. To fulfil mechanical and electrical requirements, an armouring of one or more layers with aluminium, aluminium alloy, and aluminium clad steel, galvanized steel or a mixture of them is helically stranded.

Lichtwellenleiterkabel - Teil 4-30: Lichtwellenleiter-Luftkabel entlang Starkstrom-Freileitungen - Familienspezifikation für OPPC-Kabel (LWL-Phasenseil)

Câbles à fibres optiques - Partie 4-30: Câbles optiques aériens le long des lignes électriques de puissance - Spécification de famille pour les conducteurs de phase à fibres optiques (OPPC)

IEC 60794-4-30:2021 spécifie les fibres optiques, les éléments de câble, les exigences de construction des câbles, les principales exigences sur les conditions d'installation et de fonctionnement, les caractéristiques de conception des câbles et les essais sur les conducteurs de phase à fibres optiques (OPPC - optical phase conductor), utilisés pour transporter du courant, mais aussi pour les communications et la transmission de données. La déclaration environnementale correspondante peut être établie conformément à l'IEC TR 62839-1. Un conducteur de phase à fibres optiques (OPPC) peut remplacer un conducteur nu de phase conventionnel contenant des fibres optiques. Habituellement, les fibres sont enfermées librement dans des tubes de protection. Pour satisfaire aux exigences mécaniques et électriques, une armure constituée d'une ou plusieurs couches d'aluminium, d'un alliage d'aluminium, d'acier plaqué aluminium, d'acier galvanisé ou d'un mélange de ceux-ci est toronnée de manière hélicoïdale.

Optični kabli - 4-30. del: Nadzemni optični kabli vzdolž elektroenergetskih vodov - Skupinska specifikacija za optični fazni vodnik (OPPC) (IEC 60794-4-30:2021)

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Optični kabli - 4-30. del: Nadzemni optični kabli vzdolž elektroenergetskih vodov -
Skupinska specifikacija za optični fazni vodnik (OPPC) (IEC 60794-4-30:2021)
Optical fibre cables - Part 4-30: Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines - Family
specification for optical phase conductor (OPPC) optical cables (IEC 60794-4-30:2021)
Lichtwellenleiterkabel - Teil 4-30: Lichtwellenleiter-Luftkabel entlang Starkstrom-
Freileitungen - Familienspezifikation für OPPC-Kabel (LWL-Phasenseil) (IEC 60794-4-
Câbles à fibres optiques - Partie 4-30: Câbles optiques aériens le long des lignes
électriques de puissance - Spécification de famille pour les conducteurs de phase à
fibres optiques (OPPC) (IEC 60794-4-30:2021)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN IEC 60794-4-30:2021
33.180.10 (Optična) vlakna in kabli Fibres and cables
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


May 2021
ICS 33.180.10
English Version
Optical fibre cables - Part 4-30: Aerial optical cables along
electrical power lines - Family specification for optical phase
conductor (OPPC) optical cables
(IEC 60794-4-30:2021)
Câbles à fibres optiques - Partie 4-30: Câbles optiques Lichtwellenleiterkabel - Teil 4-30: Lichtwellenleiter-Luftkabel
aériens le long des lignes électriques de puissance - entlang Starkstrom-Freileitungen - Familienspezifikation für
Spécification de famille pour les conducteurs de phase à OPPC-Kabel (LWL-Phasenseil)
fibres optiques (OPPC) (IEC 60794-4-30:2021)
(IEC 60794-4-30:2021)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2021-05-12. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2021 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN IEC 60794-4-30:2021 E

European foreword
The text of document 86A/2079/FDIS, future edition 1 of IEC 60794-4-30, prepared by SC 86A "Fibres
and cables" of IEC/TC 86 "Fibre optics" was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and
approved by CENELEC as EN IEC 60794-4-30:2021.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which the document has to be implemented at national (dop) 2022-02-12
level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the (dow) 2024-05-12
document have to be withdrawn
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 60794-4-30:2021 was approved by CENELEC as a
European Standard without any modification.
In the official version, for Bibliography, the following notes have to be added for the standards
IEC 60793-1-44 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60793-1-44
IEC 60793-1-48 NOTE Harmonized as EN 60793-1-48
IEC 60794-1-2 NOTE Harmonized as EN IEC 60794-1-2
IEC 60794-1-23 NOTE Harmonized as EN IEC 60794-1-23
IEC 60794-4 (series) NOTE Harmonized as EN IEC 60794-4 (series)
ISO 9001 NOTE Harmonized as EN ISO 9001
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
NOTE 1 Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod),
the relevant EN/HD applies.
NOTE 2 Up-to-date information on the latest versions of the European Standards listed in this annex is
available here: www.cenelec.eu.
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 60104 - Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wire for - -
overhead line conductors
IEC 60468 - Method of measurement of resistivity of metallic - -
IEC 60793-1-40 - Optical fibres - Part 1-40: Attenuation EN IEC 60793-1-40 -
measurement methods
IEC 60793-2-50 - Optical fibres - Part 2-50: Product specifications - EN IEC 60793-2-50 -
Sectional specification for class B single-mode
IEC 60794-1-1 - Optical fibre cables - Part 1-1: Generic EN 60794-1-1 -
specification - General
IEC 60794-1-21 - Optical fibre cables - Part 1-21: Generic EN 60794-1-21 -
specification - Basic optical cable test procedures -
Mechanical tests methods
IEC 60794-1-22 - Optical fibre cables - Part 1-22: Generic EN IEC 60794-1-22 -
specification - Basic optical cable test procedures -
Environmental test methods
IEC 60794-1-24 - Optical fibre cables - Part 1-24: Generic EN 60794-1-24 -
specification - Basic optical cable test procedures -
Electrical test methods
IEC 60794-1-219 - Optical fibre cables - Part 1-219: Generic EN IEC 60794-1-219 -
specification - Basic optical cable test procedures -
Material compatibility test, Method F19
IEC 60794-4 - Optical fibre cables - Part 4: Sectional EN IEC 60794-4 -
specification - Aerial optical cables along electrical
power lines
IEC 60888 - Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductors - -

Under preparation. Stage at time of publication: prEN IEC 60794-1-219.
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 60889 - Hard-drawn aluminium wire for overhead line EN 60889 -
IEC 61089 - Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical - -
stranded conductors
IEC 61232 - Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes EN 61232 -
IEC 61394 - Overhead lines - Requirements for greases for EN 61394 -
aluminium, aluminium alloy and steel bare
IEC 61395 - Overhead electrical conductors - Creep test EN 61395 -
procedures for stranded conductors
IEC 62219 - Overhead electrical conductors - Formed wire, EN 62219 -
concentric lay, stranded conductors

IEC 60794-4-30 ®
Edition 1.0 2021-04
Optical fibre cables –
Part 4-30: Aerial optical cables along electrical power lines – Family

specification for optical phase conductor (OPPC) optical cables

Câbles à fibres optiques –
Partie 4-30: Câbles optiques aériens le long des lignes électriques de

puissance – Spécification de famille pour les conducteurs de phase à fibres

optiques (OPPC)
ICS 33.180.10 ISBN 978-2-8322-9594-6

– 2 – IEC 60794-4-30:2021 © IEC 2021
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 8
5 Optical fibre . 8
6 Cable elements . 8
7 Cable construction . 8
7.1 General . 8
7.2 Anti-corrosion . 9
8 Main installation requirements . 9
8.1 General . 9
8.2 Installation methods and conditions of OPPC . 9
8.3 Installation methods and conditions of the fittings . 10
8.4 Anti-twist . 10
8.5 Installation methods and conditions of the closure . 10
9 Cable design characteristics . 10
10 Cable tests . 11
10.1 General . 11
10.2 Classification of tests . 12
10.2.1 Type test . 12
10.2.2 Factory acceptance tests . 12
10.2.3 Routine tests . 12
10.3 Tensile performance . 12
10.4 Aeolian vibration . 13
10.5 Creep. 13
10.6 Sheave test . 13
10.7 Stress-strain test . 14
10.8 Breaking strength . 14
10.9 Twist . 14
10.9.1 General . 14
10.9.2 Set up . 14
10.9.3 Procedure . 15
10.10 Temperature cycling . 15
10.11 Water penetration (applicable to optical unit only) . 15
10.12 Compound flow (drip) (applicable to optical unit only) . 15
10.13 Fibre coating compatibility . 15
10.14 Salt spray corrosion test . 16
10.15 DC resistance test . 16
10.16 Short-circuit . 16
10.17 Lightning test . 17
10.18 Current-temperature test . 17
10.19 Fitting compatibility . 17
11 Packaging and marking . 18
12 Quality assurance . 18
Annex A (info

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