Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Infrastructure; Hypervisor Domain


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ETSI GS NFV-INF 004 V1.1.1 (2015-01) - Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Infrastructure; Hypervisor Domain
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ETSI GS NFV-INF 004 V1.1.1 (2015-01)

Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV);
Hypervisor Domain
This document has been produced and approved by the Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) ETSI Industry Specification
Group (ISG) and represents the views of those members who participated in this ISG.
It does not necessarily represent the views of the entire ETSI membership.

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2 ETSI GS NFV-INF 004 V1.1.1 (2015-01)

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3 ETSI GS NFV-INF 004 V1.1.1 (2015-01)
Intellectual Property Rights . 5
Foreword . 5
Modal verbs terminology . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 References . 6
2.1 Normative references . 6
2.2 Informative references . 6
3 Definitions and abbreviations . 7
3.1 Definitions . 7
3.2 Abbreviations . 7
4 Domain Overview . 9
5 External Interfaces of the Domain . 14
5.1 Overview . 15
5.2 Hypervisor to VIM (Nf-Vi-H) Interface . 16
5.2.1 Nature of the Interface . 16 Example of MIB information . 16
5.2.2 Specifications in Current Widespread Issue . 19 Metrics for VNF performance characteristics . 19
5.2.3 Achieving Interoperability . 20
5.2.4 Recommendations . 20
6 Architecture and Functional Blocks of the Hypervisor Domain . 20
7 Requirements for the Hypervisor Domain . 22
7.1 General . 22
7.2 Portability . 22
7.3 Elasticity/Scaling . 24
7.4 Resiliency . 25
7.5 Security . 26
7.6 Service Continuity . 27
7.7 Operational and Management requirements . 28
7.8 Energy Efficiency requirements . 29
7.9 Guest RunTime Environment . 30
7.10 Coexistence with existing networks - Migration . 31
8 Service Models . 31
8.1 General . 31
8.2 Deployment models . 31
8.3 Service models . 32
Annex A (informative): Informative Reference: VIM Categories . 34
A.1 Logging for SLA, debugging . 35
A.2 Host & VM configuration /Lifecycle for a VM from a VIM perspective . 35
A.3 Resources & VM inventory Management . 37
A.4 Events, Alarms & Automated Actions (Data Provided by the INF to the VIM). 37
A.5 Utilities (Data is either provided by INF hypervisor or queried from the VIM via the Nf-Vi) . 38
A.6 CPU, Memory Data . 38
A.7 NETWORK/Connectivity . 43
Annex B (informative): Informative reference . 45

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B.1 Future direction . 46
B.1.1 Improving vSwitch Performance . 46
B.1.2 Addressing Limitations of SR-IOV . 46
Annex C (informative): Authors & contributors . 48
History . 49


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5 ETSI GS NFV-INF 004 V1.1.1 (2015-01)
Intellectual Property Rights
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server) which are, or may be, or may become, essential to the present document.
This Group Specification (GS) has been produced by ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG) Network Functions
Virtualisation (NFV).
Infrastructure Architecture Documents Document #
Overview GS NFV INF 001
Architecture of Compute Domain GS NFV INF 003
Architecture of Hypervisor Domain GS NFV INF 004
Architecture of Infrastructure Network Domain GS NFV INF 005
Scalability GS NFV INF 006
Interfaces and Abstraction GS NFV INF 007
Test Access GS NFV INF 009

Modal verbs terminology
In the present document "shall", "shall not", "should", "should not", "may", "may not", "need", "need not", "will",
"will not", "can" and "cannot" are to be interpreted as described in clause 3.2 of the ETSI Drafting Rules (Verbal forms
for the expression of provisions).
"must" and "must not" are NOT allowed in ETSI deliverables except when used in direct citation.

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6 ETSI GS NFV-INF 004 V1.1.1 (2015-01)
1 Scope
The present document presents the architecture of the Hypervisor Domain of the NFV Infrastructure which supports
deployment and execution of virtual appliances. The present document will primarily focus on the use of hypervisor for
virtualisation, due to time and resource constraints, However, the hypervisor requirements are similar if not the same for
implementing linux containers or other methods for virtualisation.
NOTE: From WikiArch: "Linux Containers (LXC) are an operating system-level virtualisation method for
running multiple isolated server installs (containers) on a single control host. LXC does not provide a
virtual machine, but rather provides a virtual environment that has its own process and network space. It
is similar to a chroot, but offers much more isolation".
There needs to be further research w.r.t to Linux Containers, including developing the ecosystem.
As well as presenting a general overview description of the NFV Infrastructure, the present document sets the NFV
infrastructure and all the documents which describe it in the context of all the documents of the NFV. It also describes
how the documents which describe the NFV infrastructure relate to each other.
The present document does not provide any detailed specification but makes reference to specifications developed by
other bodies and to potential specifications, which, in the opinion of the NFV ISG could be usefully developed by an
appropriate Standards Developing Organisation (SDO).
2 References
2.1 Normative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
Referenced documents which are not found to be publicly available in the expected location might be found at
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are necessary for the application of the present document.
[1] ETSI GS NFV-INF 001 (V1.1.1): "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Infrastructure
2.2 Informative references
References are either specific (identified by date of publication and/or edition number or version number) or
non-specific. For specific references, only the cited version applies. For non-specific references, the latest version of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
NOTE: While any hyperlinks included in this clause were valid at the time of publication, ETSI cannot guarantee
their long term validity.
The following referenced documents are not necessary for the application of the present document but they assist the
user with regard to a particular subject area.
[i.1] ETSI GS NFV 004: "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Virtualisation Requirements".
[i.2] IETF RFC 4133: "Entity MIB (Version 3)".
[i.3] IEEE 802.1D : "IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks -- Media access
control (MAC) Bridges".

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7 ETSI GS NFV-INF 004 V1.1.1 (2015-01)
[i.4] IEEE 802.1Q MIB: "IEEE Standard for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks, Management
Information Base".
[i.5] IETF draft-ietf-opsawg-vmm-mib-00: "Management Information Base for Virtual Machines
Controlled by a Hypervisor".
NOTE: Available at
[i.6] IEEE 1588 : "Standard for a Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked
Measurement and Control Systems".
[i.7] IEEE 802.11 : "Wireless LANS IEEE Standard for Information technology -
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area
networks - Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN".
[i.8] IEEE 802.3ad : "Link Aggregation".
[i.9] IEEE 802.3 MIB: "Link Aggregation, Management Information Base".
[i.10] Hotlink:
[i.11] Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware (SMASH).
NOTE: Available at
[i.12] NFVINF(13)VM_019_Data_plane_performance.
[i.16] ETSI GS NFV-INF 010: "Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV); Service Quality Metrics".
3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:
application VMs: VM not utilizing an OS
hypervisor: virtualisation environment running on a host
NOTE: The virtualisation environment includes the tools, BIOS, firmware, Operating Systems (OS) and drivers.
portability: See ETSI GS NFV-INF 001 [1].
standard: is de-jure, de-facto or open standard that fulfils the requirement
NOTE: This assumption should be applied to all requirements through the entire document.
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
API Application Programming Interface
BIOS Basic Input Output System

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8 ETSI GS NFV-INF 004 V1.1.1 (2015-01)
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution
CIM Centralized Interference Mitigation
CLI Comand Line Interface
CMS Call Management System
CPU Compute Processing Unit
DMA Direct Memory Access
Dpdk Data plane development kit
EE Electrical Engineering
FFS For Further Specification
GUI Graphical User Interface
HA High Availability
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
INF Infrastructure
IO Input Output
IP Internet Protocol
IPMI Intelligent Platform Interface
JVM Java Virtual Machine
KVM Kernel Virtual Machine
LAN Local Area Networks
LLC Lower Level Cache
LLDP Link Layer Discovery Protocol
LXC Linux Containers
MAC Media Access Controller
MANO Management and Orchastration
MIB Management Information Base
NF Network Function
NFVi Network Function Virtualisation Infrastructure
NFVINF Network Function Virtualisation Infrastructure
NIC Network Interface Card
NOC Network Operator Council
NUMA Non Uniform Memory Access
OAM Operations and Maintenance
OS Operating System
OSS Operations Systems and Software
OVF Open Virtual Framework
PAE Physical Address Extension
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
RAM Random Access Memory
RAS Row Address Strobe
RELAV Reliability and Resiliency Work Group
RFC Request For Comment
SCSI Small Computer System Interface
SDO Standards Development Organizations
SEC Security Working Group
SLA Service Level Agreement
SNMP Signalling Network Management Protocol
SR-IOV Single Root I/O Virtualisation
SWA Software Architecture Work group
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TLB Translation Lookaside Buffer
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UUID Universally Unique Identifier
VIM Virtualisation Infrastructure Manager
VM Virtual Machine
VN Virtual network
VNF Virtual Network Function
VNFC Virtual Network Function Component
VNFI Virtual Network Function Interface
VSCSI Virtual Small Computer System Interface
vSwitch virtual Switch
VT Virtualisation

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WG Working Group
XAPI eXtended Application Programming Interface
4 Domain Overview
Popek and Goldberg paper 'Formal Requirements for Third Generation Architectures': set the definition of hypervisors
in 1974.
• Equivalence: the hypervisor provides an environment for programs which is essentially identical to the original
• Resource control: the hypervisor is in complete control of system resources.
• Efficiency: programs run on this (virtualised) environment show at worst only minor decreases in speed.
The environment provided by a hypervisor is functionally equivalent to the original machine environment. This implies
that the same operating systems, tools and application software can be used in the virtual environment. This does not
preclude para-virtualisation and other optimization techniques which may require operating systems, tools and
application changes.
Resource Control
The hypervisor domain mediates the resources of the computer domain to the virtual machines of the software
appliances. Hypervisors as developed for public and enterprise cloud requirements place great value on the abstraction
they provide from the actual hardware such that they can achieve very high levels of portability of virtual machines.
In essence, the hypervisor can emulate every piece of the hardware platform even in some cases, completely emulating
a CPU instruction set such that the VM believes it is running on a completely different CPU architecture from the actual
CPU on which it is running. Such emulation, however, has a significant performance cost. The number of actual CPU
cycles needed to emulate virtual CPU cycle can be large.
Even when not emulating a complete hardware architecture, there can still be aspects of emulation which cause a
significant performance hit. Typically, computer architectures provide means to offload these aspects to hardware, as so
called virtualisation extensions, the set of operations that are offloaded and how they are offloaded varies between
different hardware architectures and hypervisors as innovation improves virtualisation performance.
EXAMPLE: Intel VT and ARM virtualisation extensions minimise the performance impact of virtualisation by
offloading to hardware certain frequently performed operations.
There can be many virtual machines running on the same host machine. The VMs on the same host may want to
communicate between each other and there will be a need to switch between the VMs.
Infrastructure Domains
Figure 1 illustrates the four domains of the NFV architecture, their relationship with each other and their relationship to
other domains outside the infrastructure. The figure also sets out the primary interfaces. Hypervisor for the present
document entails tools, kernel, host.

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A. INF WG Domains
NFV Management and
OSS/BSS Orchestrator
Service, VNF and Infrastructure
EMS 1 EMS 2 EMS 3 Ve-Vnfm
VNF 1 VNF 2 VNF 3 Or-Vi
Vn-Nf Vi-Vnfm
Virtual Virtual Virtual
Computing Storage Network
Virtualisation Layer
Hardware resources
Computing Storage Network
Hardware Hardware Hardware
Execution reference points Main NFV reference points
Other reference points
Infrastructure Networking Domain

Figure 1: General Domain Architecture and Associated Interfaces
The NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) architecture is primarily concerned with describing the Compute, Hypervisor and
Infrastructure domains, and their associated interfaces.
The present document is primarily focused on describing the hypervisor domain, which comprise the hypervisor which:
• provides sufficient abstract of the hardware to provide portability of software appliances;
• allocates the compute domain resources to the software appliance virtual machines;
• provides a management interface to the orchestration and management system which allows for the loading
andmonitoring of virtual machines.

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Figure 2 depicts the NFV reference architectural framework. Table 1 gives description and definition to the interfaces.

Figure 2: NFV Reference Architectural Framework

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Table 1
Description and Comment
External Vn-Nf [Vn-Nf]/VM Execution This reference point is the virtual machine (VM) container interface
Environment which is the execution environment of a single VNFC instance.
 [Vn-Nf]/VN Execution This reference point is the virtual network (VN) container interface (eg
Environment an E-Line or E-LAN) which carrying communication between VNFC
instances. Note that a single VN can support communication between
more than a single pairing of VNFC instances (eg an E-LAN VN).
Nf-Vi [Nf-Vi]/N Management, This is the reference point between the management and
and orchestration agents in the infrastructure network domain and the
Orchestration management and orchestration functions in the virtual infrastructure
Interface management (VIM). It is the part of the Nf-Vi interface relevant to the
infrastructure network domain.
 [Nf-Vi]/H Management, This is the reference point between the management and
and orchestration agents in hypervisor domain and the management and
Orchestration orchestration functions in the virtual infrastructure management (VIM).
Interface It is the part of the Nf-Vi interface relevant to the hypervisor domain.
 [Nf-Vi]/C Management, This is the reference point between the management and
and orchestration agents in compute domain and the management and
Orchestration orchestration functions in the virtual infrastructure management (VIM).
Interface It is the part of the Nf-Vi interface relevant to the compute domain.
Vi- Management, This is the reference point that allows the VNF Manager to request
Vnfm Interface and/or for the VIM to report the characteristics, availability, and status
of infrastructure resources.
Or-Vi Orchestration This is the reference point that allows the Orchestrator to request
Interface resources and VNF instantiations and for the VIM to report the
characteristics, availability, and status of infrastructure resources.
 Ex-Nf Traffic This is the reference point between the infrastructure network domain
Interface and any existing and/or non-virtualised network. This reference point
also carries an implicit reference point between VNFs and any existing
and/or non-virtualised network.
Internal Vl-Ha [Vl-Ha]/CSr Execution The framework architecture (see figure 2, NFV Reference
Environment Architectural Framework) shows a general reference point between
the infrastructure 'hardware' and the virtualisation layer. This reference
point is the aspect of this framework reference point presented to
hypervisors by the servers and storage of the compute domain. It is
the execution environment of the server/storage.
 [Vl-Ha]/Nr Execution The framework architecture (see figure 2, NFV Reference
Environment Architectural Framework) shows a general reference point between
the infrastructure 'hardware' and the virtualisation layer. While the
infrastructure network has 'hardware', it is often the case that networks
are already layered (and therefore virtualised) and that the exact
choice of network layering may vary without a direct impact on NFV.
The infrastructure architecture treats this aspect of the Vi-Ha reference
point as internal to the infrastructure network domain.
 Ha/CSr- Traffic This is the reference point between the infrastructure network domain
Ha/Nr Interface and the servers/storage of the compute domain.

The present document focuses on the hypervisor domain. Figures 3 to 5 will depict how the hypervisor domain inter
works within the Infrastructure (INF).
INF Context
NFV Framework
Reference Point
INF Reference Point
Reference Point Type

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The general architecture of a cloud hypervisor is shown in figure 3.
Sequential thread Sequential thread
Virtual Machine
emulation emulation
Management and API
Instruction, Policing Instruction, Policing
Virtual Switch (vSwitch)
mapping and mapping and
emulation emulation
Compute Node
NIC core core

Figure 3
And the architecture of the Hypervisor Domain is shown below.
The hypervisor Domain itself is a software environment which abstracts hardware and implements services, such as
starting a VM, terminating a VM, acting on policies, scaling, live migration, and high availability. These services are
not instigated without the Virtualisation Infrastructure Manager (VIM) knowing or instructing the hypervisor
domainPrimary interfaces of the hypervisor domain:
The NF-Vi interface is the interface to the VIM. This is where the request for hypervisor services occur. Only the VIM
or MANO shall interact with the VIM through these interfaces. Hypervisors shall not implement services autonomously
unless within the context of the VIM applied policy.
The Vi-Ha interface is the interface that the hypervisor pulls hardware information from and creates virtual hardware
components which the Virtual machine utilizes.
The Vn-NF is the VM to VNF logical interface. A VNF is created essentially via one or more Virtual Machines. A
virtual machine is in essence software running a function, algorithm, application

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