Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-108: Circular connectors - Detail specification for glass to metal seal style M12 connectors with screw-locking intended to mate with connectors conforming to IEC 61076-2-101

IEC/PAS 61076-2-108:2009(E) describes circular connectors M12 typically used for industrial process measurement and control. These connectors consist of fixed glass to metal sealed styles with rewireable male contacts. Female connectors have round contacts of diameter 0,6 mm, 0,76 mm, 0,8 mm and 1,0 mm. This PAS complements IEC 61076-2-101 Ed.2 by adding glass to metal seal styles and the required testing.

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IEC PAS 61076-2-108:2009 - Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 2-108: Circular connectors - Detail specification for glass to metal seal style M12 connectors with screw-locking intended to mate with connectors conforming to IEC 61076-2-101 Released:6/10/2009
English language
18 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC/PAS 61076-2-108
Edition 1.0 2009-06

Connectors for electronic equipment – Product requirements –
Part 2-108: Circular connectors – Detail specification for glass to metal seal
style M12 connectors with screw-locking intended to mate with connectors
conforming to IEC 61076-2-101

IEC/PAS 61076-2-108:2009(E)

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---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
IEC/PAS 61076-2-108
Edition 1.0 2009-06

Connectors for electronic equipment – Product requirements –
Part 2-108: Circular connectors – Detail specification for glass to metal seal
style M12 connectors with screw-locking intended to mate with connectors
conforming to IEC 61076-2-101

ICS 31.220.10 ISBN 978-2-88910-791-9
® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission

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– 2 – PAS 61076-2-108 © IEC:2009(E)


1 General information.6
1.1 Scope.6
1.2 Recommended method of termination .6
1.3 Ratings and characteristics .6
1.4 Normative references .6
1.5 Marking .7
1.6 IEC Type designation .7
1.7 Ordering information.8
1.8 Safety aspects.8
2 Technical information .8
2.1 Definitions .8
2.2 Survey of styles and variants.8
3 Dimensions .11
3.1 General .11
3.2 Interface dimensions .11
3.3 Engagement (mating) information.12
4 Characteristics .14
4.1 Climatic category.14
4.2 Electrical .14
4.3 Mechanical.14
5 Test schedule.15
5.1 General .15
5.2 Test schedule.15
Figure 1 – Fixed connector, glass to metal seal, square flange, front mounting, male
Figure 2 – Fixed connector, glass to metal seal, single hole, rear mounting M14 × 1,5,
male contacts. .10
Figure 3 – Fixed connector, glass to metal seal, jam nut, rear mounting, male contacts .10
Figure 4 – Fixed connector, glass to metal seal, through flange mounting, male
Figure 5 – Engagement (mating) information .12

Table 1 – Styles of fixed connectors .9
Table 2 – Connectors dimensions in mated and locked position.13
Table 3 – Test group P .15
Table 4 – Test group AP .15
Table 5 – Test group BP .16
Table 6 – Test group CP .16

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PAS 61076-2-108 © IEC:2009(E) – 3 –



Part 2-108: Circular connectors – Detail specification for
glass to metal seal style M12 connectors with screw-locking
intended to mate with connectors conforming to IEC 61076-2-101

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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A PAS is a technical specification not fulfilling the requirements for a standard, but made
available to the public.
IEC-PAS 61076-2-108 has been prepared by subcommittee 48B: Connectors, of technical
committee 48: Electromechanical components and mechanical structures for electronic
The text of this PAS is based on the This PAS was approved for
following document: publication by the P-members of the
committee concerned as indicated in
the following document
Draft PAS Report on voting
48B/1975/PAS 48B/2037/RVD
Following publication of this PAS, which is a pre-standard publication, the technical committee
or subcommittee concerned may transform it into an International Standard.

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– 4 – PAS 61076-2-108 © IEC:2009(E)

This PAS shall remain valid for an initial maximum period of 3 years starting from the
publication date. The validity may be extended for a single 3-year period, following which it
shall be revised to become another type of normative document, or shall be withdrawn.
This PAS complements IEC 61076-2-101 Ed.2 by adding glass to metal seal styles and the
required testing. The following notable additions have been made:
– the introduction of glass to metal seal fixed connector styles WM, XM, YM and ZM;
– the glass to metal styles are intermateable with free connector styles in
IEC 61076-2-101 Ed.2;
– pressure differential test has been added to the test groups;
– additional contact termination types added:
• eyelet – the termination end is flattened and pierced with a hole to provide both
mechanical retention of the wire as well as solder attachment,
• rounded – terminal post with rounded (domed) end,
• PCB – termination spills suitable for insertion into printed circuits.

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PAS 61076-2-108 © IEC:2009(E) – 5 –


Part 2-108: Circular connectors – Detail specification for
glass to metal seal style M12 connectors with screw-locking
intended to mate with connectors conforming to IEC 61076-2-101

IEC SC 48B – Connectors IEC/PAS 61076-2-108 Ed.1

Specification available from:

IEC General secretariat or from the addresses shown on the
inside cover.
Page 5 of 17

DETAIL SPECIFICATION in accordance with IEC 61076-1

Circular connectors

M12 2 to 12 way

Male contacts

Female connectors


Fixed connectors with glass to metal


Flange mounting

Single hole mounting

Pin contacts only

Fixed connector with glass to metal seal
Free connector shown is representative only and shall conform
to IEC 61076-2-101

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1 General information
Throughout this standard dimensions are in mm.
1.1 Scope
This PAS describes circular connectors M12 typically used for industrial process
measurement and control. T

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