IEC TS 62903:2023
(Main)Ultrasonics - Measurements of electroacoustical parameters and acoustic output power of spherically curved transducers using the self-reciprocity method
Ultrasonics - Measurements of electroacoustical parameters and acoustic output power of spherically curved transducers using the self-reciprocity method
IEC TS 62903:2023 is available as IEC TS 62903:2023 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC TS 62903:2023:
a ) establishes the free-field convergent spherical wave self-reciprocity method for ultrasonic transducer calibration,
b) establishes the measurement conditions and experimental procedure required to determine the transducer's electroacoustic parameters and acoustic output power using the self-reciprocity method,
c) establishes the criteria for checking the reciprocity of these transducers and the linear range of the focused field, and
d) provides guiding information for the assessment of the overall measurement uncertainties for radiation conductance.
This document is applicable to:
1) circular spherically curved concave focusing transducers without a centric hole working in the linear amplitude range,
2) measurements in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 15 MHz, and
3) acoustic pressure amplitudes in the focused field within the linear amplitude range.
Characterization and sensitivity calibration of hydrophones using the reciprocity method are not addressed in this document but covered in IEC 62127-2 and IEC 60565-1.
IEC TS 62903:2023 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Several quantities are recognized as complex-valued quantities in the definitions and in the main text.
b) Annex I was added to provide typical measurement ranges and to provide example calibration results.
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IEC TS 62903 ®
Edition 2.0 2023-06
Ultrasonics – Measurements of electroacoustical parameters and acoustic
output power of spherically curved transducers using the self-reciprocity
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IEC TS 62903 ®
Edition 2.0 2023-06
Ultrasonics – Measurements of electroacoustical parameters and acoustic
output power of spherically curved transducers using the self-reciprocity
ICS 17.140.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-7107-0
– 2 – IEC TS 62903:2023 IEC 2023
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Symbols . 13
5 General . 14
6 Requirements of the measurement system . 15
6.1 Apparatus configuration . 15
6.2 Measurement water tank . 15
6.3 Fixing, positioning and orientation systems . 15
6.4 Reflector . 15
6.5 Current monitor (probe) . 15
6.6 Oscilloscope . 16
6.7 Measurement hydrophone . 16
7 Measurement of the effective half-aperture of the spherically curved transducer . 16
7.1 Setup . 16
7.2 Alignment and positioning of the hydrophone in the field . 16
7.3 Measurements of the beamwidth and the effective half-aperture . 16
7.4 Calculations of the focus half-angle and the effective area . 17
8 Measurements of the electroacoustical parameters and the acoustic output power . 17
8.1 Self-reciprocity method for transducer calibration . 17
8.1.1 Experimental procedures . 17
8.1.2 Criterion for checking the linearity of the focused field . 17
8.1.3 Criterion for checking the reciprocity of the transducer . 18
8.2 Calculations of the transmitting response to current (voltage) and voltage
sensitivity . 18
8.3 Calculations of the transmitting response at geometric focus to current
(voltage) . 18
8.4 Calculation of the pulse-echo sensitivity level . 19
8.5 Measurements of the radiation conductance and the mechanical quality
factor Q . 19
8.5.1 Calculations of the acoustic output power and the radiation
conductance . 19
8.5.2 Measurement of the frequency response of the radiation conductance . 19
8.6 Measurement of the electroacoustic efficiency . 19
8.6.1 Calculation of the electric input power . 19
8.6.2 Calculation of the electroacoustic efficiency . 20
8.7 Measurement of the electric impedance (admittance) . 20
9 Measurement uncertainty . 20
Annex A (informative) Relation of the average amplitude reflection coefficient on a
plane interface of water-stainless steel and the focus half-angle for a normally
incident beam of a circular spherically curved transducer [6],[7] . 21
Annex B (informative) Diffraction correction coefficient G in the free-field self-
reciprocity calibration method for circular spherically curved transducers in water
neglecting attenuation [7],[8],[9] . 25
Annex C (informative) Calculation of the diffraction correction coefficient G (R/λ,β) in
the free-field self-reciprocity calibration in a non-attenuating medium for a circular
spherically curved transducer [7],[8],[9],[10] . 27
Annex D (informative) Speed of sound and attenuation in water. 30
D.1 General . 30
D.2 Speed of sound for propagation in water [14] . 30
D.3 Acoustic attenuation coefficient for propagation in water . 30
Annex E (informative) Principle of reciprocity calibration for spherically curved
transducers [7],[8],[9],[16],[17],[18],[19] . 32
E.1 Principle of reciprocity calibration for an ideal spherically focused field of a
transducer . 32
E.2 Principle of reciprocity calibration of a real spherically focused field of a
transducer . 33
E.3 Self-reciprocity calibration of a spherically curved transducer . 33
Annex F (informative) Experimental arrangements . 38
F.1 Experimental arrangement for determining the effective radius of a
transducer [7],[8],[9],[24] . 38
F.2 Experimental arrangement of the self-reciprocity calibration method for a
spherically curved transducer [8],[9],[24],[25] . 38
Annex G (informative) Relationships between the electroacoustical parameters used
in this application [24] . 40
G.1 Relationship between the free-field transmitting response to voltage
(current) and the voltage sensitivity with the radiation conductance . 40
G.2 Relationship between the radiation conductance and the electroacoustic
efficiency . 41
G.3 Relationship between the transmitting response and voltage and acoustic
output power . 41
G.4 Relationship between the pulse echo sensitivity and the radiation
conductance . 41
Annex H (informative) Evaluation and expression of uncertainty in the measurements
of the radiation conductance . 42
H.1 Executive standard . 42
H.2 Evaluation of uncertainty in the measurement of the radiation conductance . 42
H.2.1 Mathematical expression . 42
H.2.2 Type A evaluation of standard uncertainty . 42
H.2.3 Type B evaluation of standard uncertainty . 43
H.2.4 Evaluation of the combined standard uncertainty for the radiation
conductance . 45
Annex I (informative) Measurement range for power and pressure and examples of
electroacoustical parameters obtained . 49
I.1 Measurement range of acoustic pressure and power . 49
I.1.1 Lower limit of acoustic power . 49
I.1.2 Upper limit of pressure [27] . 49
I.2 Calibrated example of electroacoustical parameters . 50
I.2.1 1 MHz focusing transducer with air backing of diameter 80 mm and
focal length 200 mm . 50
I.2.2 5 MHz focusing transducer with air backing of diameter 20 mm and
focal length 20 mm . 51
Bibliography . 52
– 4 – IEC TS 62903:2023 IEC 2023
Figure A.1 – Relation curve of the amplitude reflection coefficient r(θ ) on the interface
of water-stainless steel for a plane wave with the incident angle θ . 23
Figure A.2 – Average amplitude reflection coefficient r (β) on the plane interface of
water-stainless steel in the geometric focal plane of a spherically curved transducer
plotted against the focus half-angle β . 24
Figure C.1 – Geometry of the concave radiating surface A of a spherically curved
transducer and its virtual image surface A′ for their symmetry of mirror-images about
the geometric focal plane (x,y,0) . 27
Figure E.1 – Spherical coordinates . 34
Figure E.2 – Function G (kasinθ), diffraction pattern F (kasinθ) and F (kasinθ) in the
a 0 0
geometric focal plane [10] . 35
Figure F.1 – Sch
IEC TS 62903 ®
Edition 2.0 2023-06
Ultrasonics – Measurements of electroacoustical parameters and acoustic
output power of spherically curved transducers using the self-reciprocity
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IEC Secretariat Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
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IEC TS 62903 ®
Edition 2.0 2023-06
Ultrasonics – Measurements of electroacoustical parameters and acoustic
output power of spherically curved transducers using the self-reciprocity
ICS 17.140.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-7137-7
– 2 – IEC TS 62903:2023 RLV IEC 2023
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Symbols . 13
5 General . 15
6 Requirements of the measurement system . 15
6.1 Apparatus configuration . 15
6.2 Measurement water tank . 15
6.3 Fixturing Fixing, positioning and orientation systems. 16
6.4 Reflector . 16
6.5 Current monitor (probe) . 16
6.6 Oscilloscope . 16
6.7 Measurement hydrophone . 16
7 Measurement of the effective half-aperture of the spherically curved transducer . 17
7.1 Setup . 17
7.2 Alignment and positioning of the hydrophone in the field . 17
7.3 Measurements of the beamwidth and the effective half-aperture . 17
7.4 Calculations of the focus half-angle and the effective area . 17
8 Measurements of the electroacoustical parameters and the acoustic output power . 18
8.1 Self-reciprocity method for transducer calibration . 18
8.1.1 Experimental procedures . 18
8.1.2 Criterion for checking the linearity of the focused field . 18
8.1.3 Criterion for checking the reciprocity of the transducer . 18
8.2 Calculations of the transmitting response to current (voltage) and voltage
sensitivity . 18
8.3 Calculations of the transmitting response at geometric focus to current
(voltage) . 19
8.4 Calculation of the pulse-echo sensitivity level . 20
8.5 Measurements of the radiation conductance and the mechanical quality
factor Q . 20
8.5.1 Calculations of the acoustic output power and the radiation
conductance . 20
8.5.2 Measurement of the frequency response of the radiation conductance . 20
8.6 Measurement of the electroacoustic efficiency . 21
8.6.1 Calculation of the electric input power . 21
8.6.2 Calculation of the electroacoustic efficiency . 21
8.7 Measurement of the electric impedance (admittance) . 21
9 Measurement uncertainty . 21
Annex A (informative) Relation of the average amplitude reflection coefficient on a
plane interface of water-stainless steel and the focus half-angle for a normally incident
beam of a circular spherically curved transducer [6],[7] . 22
Annex B (informative) Diffraction correction coefficient G in the free-field self-
reciprocity calibration method for circular spherically curved transducers in water
neglecting attenuation [7],[8],[9] . 27
Annex C (informative) Calculation of the diffraction correction coefficient G (R/λ,β) in
the free-field self-reciprocity calibration in a non-attenuating medium for a circular
spherically curved transducer [7],[8],[9],[10] . 29
Annex D (informative) Speed of sound and attenuation in water. 32
D.1 General . 32
D.2 Speed of sound for propagation in water [14] . 32
D.3 Acoustic attenuation coefficient for propagation in water . 33
Annex E (informative) Principle of reciprocity calibration for spherically curved
transducers [7],[8],[9],[16],[17],[18],[19] . 34
E.1 Principle of reciprocity calibration for an ideal spherically focused field of a
transducer . 34
E.2 Principle of reciprocity calibration of a real spherically focused field of a
transducer . 35
E.3 Self-reciprocity calibration of a spherically curved transducer . 35
Annex F (informative) Experimental arrangements . 41
F.1 Experimental arrangement for determining the effective radius of a
transducer [7],[8],[9],[24] . 41
F.2 Experimental arrangement of the self-reciprocity calibration method for a
spherically curved transducer [8],[9],[24],[25] . 41
Annex G (informative) Relationships between the electroacoustical parameters used
in this application [24] . 43
G.1 Relationship between the free-field transmitting response to voltage
(current) and the voltage sensitivity with the radiation conductance . 43
G.2 Relationship between the radiation conductance and the electroacoustic
efficiency . 44
G.3 Relationship between the transmitting response and voltage and acoustic
output power . 44
G.4 Relationship between the pulse echo sensitivity and the radiation
conductance . 44
Annex H (informative) Evaluation and expression of uncertainty in the measurements
of the radiation conductance . 45
H.1 Executive standard . 45
H.2 Evaluation of uncertainty in the measurement of the radiation conductance . 45
H.2.1 Mathematical expression . 45
H.2.2 Type A evaluation of standard uncertainty . 45
H.2.3 Type B evaluation of standard uncertainty . 46
H.2.4 Evaluation of the combined standard uncertainty for the radiation
conductance . 49
Annex I (informative) Measurement range for power and pressure and examples of
electroacoustical parameters obtained . 52
I.1 Measurement range of acoustic pressure and power . 52
I.1.1 Lower limit of acoustic power . 52
I.1.2 Upper limit of pressure [27] . 52
I.2 Calibrated example of electroacoustical parameters . 53
I.2.1 1 MHz focusing transducer with air backing of diameter 80 mm and
focal length 200 mm . 53
I.2.2 5 MHz focusing transducer with air backing of diameter 20 mm and
focal length 20 mm . 54
Bibliography . 55
– 4 – IEC TS 62903:2023 RLV IEC 2023
Figure A.1 – Relation curve of the amplitude reflection coefficient r(θ ) on the interface
of water-stainless steel for a plane wave with the incident angle θ . 24
Figure A.2 – Average amplitude reflection coefficient r (β) on the plane interface of
water-stainless steel in the geometric focal plane of a spherically curved transducer
vs. plotted against the focus half-angle β . 26
Figure C.1 – Geometry of the concave radiating surface A of a spherically curved
transducer and its virtual image surface A′ for their symmetry of mirror-images about
the geometric focal plane (x,y,0) . 29
Figure E.1 – Spherical coordinates . 37
Figure E.2 – Function G (kasinθ), diffraction pattern F (kasinθ) and F (kasinθ) in the
a 0 0
geometric focal plane [10] . 38
Figure F.1 – Scheme of the measurement apparat
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