ISO/IEC 15444-1:2024
(Main)Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system — Part 1: Core coding system
Information technology — JPEG 2000 image coding system — Part 1: Core coding system
This Recommendation | International Standard defines a set of lossless (bit-preserving) and lossy compression methods for coding bi-level, continuous-tone grey-scale, palletized colour, or continuous-tone colour digital still images. This Recommendation | International Standard: ? specifies decoding processes for converting compressed image data to reconstructed image data; ? specifies a codestream syntax containing information for interpreting the compressed image data; ? specifies a file format; ? provides guidance on encoding processes for converting source image data to compressed image data; ? provides guidance on how to implement these processes in practice. NOTE ? As this specification was first published as common text only after ISO/IEC JTC1 had approved the first edition in 2000, edition numbers in the ITU and ISO/IEC versions are offset by one. This is the third edition of ITU-T T.800 and the fourth edition of ISO/IEC 15444-1.
Technologies de l'information — Système de codage d'images JPEG 2000 — Partie 1: Système de codage de noyau
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/IEC 15444-1
Fifth edition
Information technology — JPEG
2000 image coding system —
Part 1:
Core coding system
Technologies de l'information — Système de codage d'images
JPEG 2000 —
Partie 1: Système de codage de noyau
Reference number
© ISO/IEC 2024
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ISO and IEC draw attention to the possibility that the implementation of this document may involve the use of (a)
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This document was prepared by ITU-T (as ITU-T T.800) and drafted in accordance with its editorial rules, in
collaboration with Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding
of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition (ISO/IEC 15444-1:2019), which has been technically
The main changes are as follows:
— addition of Annex N, which lists a registration request for media type image/j2c
— specify that the Mastering Display Metadata Box of Annex M is optional and has no defaults, reflecting industry
— remove obsolete and erroneous reference to IETF RFC 2279
— clarify semantics of CEpoc
— update reference to ISO/CIE 11664-1, Rec. ITU-R BT.601 and Rec. ITU-R BT.709
— remove unused JPEG Utilities Registration Authority (JURA) term
— specify the value of Rsiz when extended capabilities are present but no profile is signalled.
A list of all parts in the ISO/IEC 15444 series can be found on the ISO and IEC websites.
© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete
listing of these bodies can be found at and
© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
Information technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system
This Recommendation | International Standard defines a set of lossless (bit-preserving) and lossy compression methods
for coding bi-level, continuous-tone grey-scale, palletized colour, or continuous-tone colour digital still images.
This Recommendation | International Standard:
– specifies decoding processes for converting compressed image data to reconstructed image data;
– specifies a codestream syntax containing information for interpreting the compressed image data;
– specifies a file format;
– provides guidance on encoding processes for converting source image data to compressed image data;
– provides guidance on how to implement these processes in practice.
This edition includes the following changes relative to the previous edition:
– addition of Annex N, which lists a registration request for media type image/j2c
– specify that the Mastering Display Metadata Box of Annex M is optional and has no defaults, reflecting
industry practice
– remove obsolete and erroneous reference to IETF RFC 2279
– clarify semantics of CEpoc
– update reference to ISO/CIE 11664-1, Rec. ITU-R BT.601 and Rec. ITU-R BT.709
– remove unused JPEG Utilities Registration Authority (JURA) term
– specify the value of Rsiz when extended capabilities are present but no profile is signalled
NOTE – As this specification was first published as common text only after ISO/IEC JTC1 had approved the first edition in 2000,
edition numbers in the ITU and ISO/IEC versions are offset by one. This is the fourth edition of ITU-T T.800 and the fifth edition
of ISO/IEC 15444-1.
Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID
1.0 ITU-T T.800 2002-08-29 16 11.1002/1000/5281
1.1 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Amd. 1 2005-09-13 16 11.1002/1000/8576
1.2 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Cor. 1 2007-01-13 16 11.1002/1000/9048
1.3 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Cor. 2 2007-08-29 16 11.1002/1000/9231
1.4 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Amd. 2 2009-03-16 16 11.1002/1000/9719
1.5 2010-06-22 16
ITU-T T.800 (2002) Amd. 3 11.1002/1000/11002
1.6 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Amd. 4 2011-05-14 16 11.1002/1000/11313
1.7 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Amd. 5 2012-01-13 16 11.1002/1000/11469
1.8 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Amd. 6 2013-03-16 16 11.1002/1000/11882
1.9 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Cor. 3 2014-10-14 16 11.1002/1000/12301
1.10 ITU-T T.800 (2002) Cor. 4 2014-10-14 16 11.1002/1000/12302
1.11 2014-10-14 16
ITU-T T.800 (2002) Amd. 7 11.1002/1000/12300
2.0 ITU-T T.800 2015-11-29 16 11.1002/1000/12682
3.0 ITU-T T.800 (V3) 2019-06-13 16 11.1002/1000/13911
4.0 ITU-T T.800 (V4) 2024-07-14 16 11.1002/1000/15939
To access the Recommendation, type the URL in the address field of your web
browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID.
© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved Rec. ITU-T T.800 (V4) (07/2024)
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As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had received notice of intellectual property, protected
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ITU 2024
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior
written permission of ITU.
Rec. ITU-T T.800 (V4) (07/2024) © ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
1 Scope . 1
2 References . 1
2.1 Identical Recommendations | International Standards . 1
2.2 Additional references . 1
3 Definitions . 2
4 Abbreviations and symbols . 6
4.1 Abbreviations . 6
4.2 Symbols. 7
5 General description . 8
5.1 Purpose . 8
5.2 Codestream . 8
5.3 Coding principles . 8
6 Encoder requirements . 10
7 Decoder requirements. 10
7.1 Codestream syntax requirements . 10
7.2 Optional file format requirements . 11
8 Implementation requirements . 11
Annex A Codestream syntax . 12
A.1 Markers, marker segments and headers . 12
A.1.1 Types of markers and marker segments . 12
A.1.2 Syntax similarity with Rec. ITU-T T.81 | ISO/IEC 10918-1 . 12
A.1.3 Marker and marker segment and codestream rules . 13
A.1.4 Key to graphical descriptions (informative) . 13
A.2 Information in the marker segments . 14
A.3 Construction of the codestream . 15
A.4 Delimiting markers and marker segments . 19
A.4.1 Start of codestream (SOC) . 19
A.4.2 Start of tile-part (SOT) . 19
A.4.3 Start of data (SOD) . 20
A.4.4 End of codestream (EOC) .
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