Information technology — Relayed multicast protocol: Specification for simplex group applications — Part 2:

ISO/IEC 16512-2:2016 specifies the relayed multicast protocol part 2 (RMCP-2), an application‑layer protocol that constructs a multicast tree for data delivery from one sender to multiple receivers over an IP-based network, where IP multicast is not fully deployed. RMCP-2 defines relayed multicast data transport capabilities over IP‑based networks for simplex group applications. This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the following: a) descriptions of the entities, control and data delivery models of RMCP-2; b) description of the functions and procedures of multicast agents (MAs) to construct a one-to-many relayed data path and to relay data for simplex communication; c) description of the security features of the basic RMCP-2; and d) definitions of messages and parameters of the basic RMCP-2 and secure RMCP-2. Annex A defines a membership authentication procedure for use with the secure RMCP-2. Annex B provides a method for sharing information among session managers (SMs) when multiple SMs are used. Annexes C‑G provide informative material related to RMCP-2. Annex H contains an informative bibliography.

Technologies de l'information — Protocole de multidiffusion relayé: Spécification relative aux applications de groupe simplex — Partie 2:

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ISO/IEC 16512-2:2016 - Information technology -- Relayed multicast protocol: Specification for simplex group applications
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STANDARD 16512-2
Third edition
Information technology — Relayed
multicast protocol: Specification for
simplex group applications
Technologies de l'information — Protocole de multidiffusion relayé:
Spécification relative aux applications de groupe simplex

Reference number
ISO/IEC 2016
©  ISO/IEC 2016
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ii © ISO/IEC 2016 – All rights reserved

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see the following URL: Foreword — Supplementary information.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 16512-2:2011), which has been
technically revised.
ISO/IEC 16512-2 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, in
collaboration with ITU-T. The identical text is published as ITU-T X.603.1 (03/2012).
ISO/IEC 16512 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Relayed
multicast protocol:
 Part 1: Framework
 Part 2: Specification for simplex group applications
© ISO/IEC 2016 – All rights reserved ii-1

1 Scope . 1
2 References . 1
2.1 Identical Recommendations | International Standards . 1
2.2 Additional references . 1
3 Definitions . 2
3.1 Terms defined elsewhere . 2
3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation . 2
4 Abbreviations and acronyms . 3
5 Conventions . 4
6 Overview . 5
6.1 Overview of basic RMCP-2 . 5
6.2 Overview of secure RMCP-2 . 9
6.3 Types of RMCP-2 messages . 12
7 Protocol operation for basic RMCP-2 . 13
7.1 Session manager's operation . 13
7.2 Multicast agent's operation . 16
8 Protocol operation for secure RMCP-2 . 31
8.1 Session manager's operation . 31
8.2 Multicast agent's operation . 35
9 RMCP-2 message format . 40
9.1 Common format of RMCP-2 message . 41
9.2 Control data format . 41
9.3 RMCP-2 messages . 42
9.4 RMCP-2 controls . 64
10 Parameters . 84
10.1 Identifications used in RMCP-2 . 85
10.2 Code values used in RMCP-2 . 85
10.3 Code values for sub-control types . 87
10.4 Code values used in control . 89
10.5 Code values related to the security policy for a secure RMCP-2 . 90
10.6 Timer related parameters . 91
10.7 Data profile used in RMCP-2 . 93
Annex A – Membership authentication mechanism . 95
A.1 Overview . 95
A.2 Authentication procedure . 95
Annex B – Method for sharing session information among multiple SM domains . 97
B.1 Overview . 97
B.2 Session information sharing between SMs. 97
B.3 Supporting session subscription in RMCP-2 between multiple SMs . 98
B.4 Supporting a session leave in RMCP-2 between multiple SMs . 99
B.5 Other operations of the RMA in RMCP-2 between multiple SMs . 100
B.6 RMCP-2 messages for sharing session information between SMs . 100
Annex C – Tree configuration rules. 102
C.1 Bootstrapping rule . 102
C.2 HMA selection rule . 102
C.3 CMA acceptance rule . 103
C.4 Parent decision rule . 103
C.5 Tree improvement rule . 104
C.6 PMA's expulsion rule . 104
Annex D – Real-time data delivery scheme . 105
Rec. ITU-T X.603.1 (08/2012) iii

D.1 Overview . 105
D.2 Data delivery scheme using IP-IP tunnel mechanism . 105
D.3 Data delivery scheme using a non-encapsulation scheme . 106
Annex E – Reliable data delivery scheme . 108
E.1 Overview . 108
E.2 Issues for a reliable data delivery scheme . 108
E.3 Operation . 109
E.4 Service data unit (SDU) format . 111
E.5 Data profile. 111
Annex F – RMCP-2 API . 113
F.1 Overview . 113
F.2 RMCP-2 API functions . 114
Annex G – RMCP-2 service scenario . 117
Annex H – Bibliography . 119

iv Rec. ITU-T X.603.1 (08/2012)

This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the relayed multicast protocol part 2 (RMCP-2), which is an
application-layer relayed multicast protocol for simplex group applications. RMCP-2 can construct an optimized and
robust one-to-many relayed multicast delivery path over IP-based networks. Along the relayed multicast delivery path,
several types of data delivery channels can be constructed according to the requirements of the application services.

Rec. ITU-T X.603.1 (08/2012) v

Information technology – Relayed multicast protocol:
Specification for simplex group applications
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the relayed multicast protocol part 2 (RMCP-2), an
application-layer protocol that constructs a multicast tree for data delivery from one sender to multiple receivers over an
IP-based network, where IP multicast is not fully deployed. RMCP-2 defines relayed multicast data transport
capabilities over IP-based networks for simplex group applications.
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the following:
a) descriptions of the entities, control and data delivery models of RMCP-2;
b) description of the functions and procedures of

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